Veita 1.oct 1998

Just came in from Veita. Really good gig. 

The songs I recall:

The Wheel (with Superstooge as intro, sort of.)
(new one)
Rad. Freq.
Manmower (quiet, with snah on el-piano)
Feel (just as quiet)
Black to come
You lied
Cherry red rose
Vortex Surfer

(Fill me in...) 

Bent wore a skeleton suit, like Jahn Teigen.
The amps were covered in thin, white material.
Bent used a Stratocaster guitar, upside down of course, on one song, and
Snah also had one _left handed_ which he had to use upside down. 
Video clips, the warp-sequence from 2001 among other things. 

Good night. 

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