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Readers' comments on Trust Us
Date: 98-3-6
I love Vortex Syrfer. (and tests)
Email: Vegard
Date: 98-3-6
I trust you...
Email: Lon
Date: 98-3-6
"Trust Us". Yes, i do. I've always trusted them
but it's been a while since they delivered such a
magnificent work. Even if both "Blissard" & "Angels
and Daemons at play" are exquisite offerings, it's
my personal opinion that this record is perhaps
the most fulfilled album since "Timothy's Monster".
Favorite track so far: "Radiance Freq." and "Vortex
"into the void we have to travel"...and ve love it!
Email: Mats Johansen
Date: 98-3-6
I think Trust Us is one of mpsycho´s best albums.
Vortex Surfer is: BRILLIANT!
Coventry Boy: Beautiful!
The rest: genius!
Email: Terje J. Vullum
Date: 98-3-6
Favoritter så langt, det er kanskje poppis å ha med her?
Vel - Evernine, Hey, Jane, og - SELVFØLGELIG -
Vortex Surfer (uhh - frysninger på ryggen,nja, stort sett i hele kroppen)
Email: Andreas
Date: 98-3-6
It's a fantastic albu. My favourites so fare are 577, Mantric and Hey Jane.
Email: Thomas Tronstad
Date: 98-3-6
This is really scary Having listened trough 'Trust Us'
just two times yet, I already like it better than both AADAP and Blissard.
Could 'Vortex Surfer' be their best piece of music since TGC ?
Email: Hans Almåsbakk
Date: 98-3-6
OK! Having listened to and trusted Motorpsycho for several years I had as always great expectations for the
the new double album. And what is there to say? I think it's quite evident that "Trust Us" takes Motorpsycho
a few steps forward with a small step backwards. Do not misunderstand me. I don't mean this in a negative way. The
album seems to be much more focused and thoughtful than AADAP ever was or could be. The songs on this album are
more dynamic and multi-layered than most of their work. Which is quite brilliant. Each time I listen to it I
discover new sounds and variations around the often quite monotonous melodies. In such a context I feel that
AADAP is sort of a sidetrack, although a quite nice one, in MP's brilliant discography. So, that was about the
step forward. The backward-step I feel is that they tend to write a type of songs which I associate with albums
like "Timothy's" or "Demon Box". Vortex Surfer is of course somewhat of a new TGC, while I feel that many of the songs
contain a certain feel that puts my mind back to the days of "Demon Box".
Is it their best effort to date? Well, I think it's far to early to say...... for my part I don't think I will rate it
above "the Monster", but then again that's just a personal preference.
Any favourites??? Well, they're all great, but right now would say Psychonaut, V. Surfer, 577 and Superstooge....
Well. Enjoy the tour and "hear without fear"!!!!!
Email: Espen
Date: 98-3-6
Infernalskt bra.
`You gotta hear without fear` vettu :)
Space is place........
Email: Lars Hovik
Date: 98-3-6
Date: 98-3-6
The best songs here are (in my mind, at this
point): the ocean in her eye, vortex surfer,
evernine, radiance freq. and taifun.
It's more or less like a long orgasm.
Thank you once again Motorpsycho, (will you ever
disappoint me?)
Email: Eirik
Date: 98-3-6
Incredible! Fantastic!
Motorpsycho, thanks...
Email: Øyvind
Date: 98-3-6
Stor fan av skiva. Alle låter briljante. Bortsett fra Ozone og kutt for guds skyld ut putsen som spællær hønn. Hvem trenger hønna mest, vi eller dyra? Trudde ikke dere var lik eterær.
Email: The asbjørn
Date: 98-3-6
Stor fan av skiva. Alle låter briljante. Bortsett fra Ozone og kutt for guds skyld ut putsen som spællær hønn. Hvem trenger hønna mest, vi eller dyra? Trudde ikke dere var lik eterær.
Email: The asbjørn
Date: 98-3-6
Email: Råger Milla alias The Great Åge
Date: 98-3-6
Actionfilm Inc.
Email: Kevin
Date: 98-3-6
it's not fair you know... the record is not avalible in sweden yet... not fair!!! blah! if you're a friendly soul, go out buy the damn record and send it to me... i'll pay u of course... send me an e-mail if you're interested :) and i'll be forever happy :) klem!
Email: Lina
Date: 98-3-6
The only thing which is dissapointing about Trust us
is that they don`t count all the way up to 577,
that could have been great. Bent said before AADAP that
Angels summend up every aspect of Motorpsycho so far,
but I think this one does a better job. It reminds me
of Timothy, Demon Box and a bit of Soothe. Great work,
and if The skies are full of ...wine? had been on the
album it would have been perfect.Hey, Jane should be
released as a single NOW!!
Email: Sjur
Date: 98-3-6
Noe sprøtt cover, men det er jo show, ellers fantastisk bra.
Date: 98-3-6
Er det bare meg som tenker på musikken til Brødrene Løvehjerte
når jeg hører slutten på The Ocean In Her Eye? Hm... jeg tror
jaggu dette er den beste plata MP har laget til nå! Og endelig
en sang om the Sky Blues! Nydelig! Tusen takk, Snah! Mantric
Muffin Stomp og Radiance Freq. er ren nytelse, for ikke å snakke
om Hey Jane, 577, Evernine, Ozone og...eh, OK, hele plata!
Date: 98-3-7
Trust us er noe av det beste Motorpsycho har gitt ut til dags dato, og det sier ikke lite! Det som er det spesielle med Trust us, og som kjennetegner et bra album, er at stort sett alle sangene holder et enormt høyt nivå. Vortex Surfer er bare helt fantastisk, det samme kan sies om 577, Hey Jane, Mantric og Taifin osv. Det eneste som kan trekke litt ned, er at det til tider blir litt for rolig. Motorpsycho er best når de spiller "Dundrende rock"!! Men for all del, Trust Us er en sann nytelse!!
Email: Timothy
Date: 98-3-7
the best so far.
hey jane is the best
Email: kai lyche
Date: 98-3-7
I love Trust Us like probably every other
motorpsycho fan should do. Vortex Surfer
is probably their best track next to The Golden Core
ofcourse, the best song I ever heard.. let's
hope they continue with lots of great albums
in the years to come. Can't wait to hear them
Email: Runar Mykletun
Date: 98-3-7
Email: Morten Alver
Date: 98-3-7
Trust Us is grat. Especially on vinyl. Right now I
think it's their best record ever, but I don't know
if I feel the same in a couple of weeks.
Favorite songs: the ocean in her eye, vortex surfer,
577, evernine, coventry boy and hey jane
You gotta hear without fear
Email: Haakon
Date: 98-3-7
I like it a *lot*.
Email: Kalle
Date: 98-3-7
What can I say? It's just awesome! ALL songs are great; they're NOT too calm, and "Ozone" is NOT bad! Pure happiness listening to them... (And a bit of feeling like ripping your heart out 'cause it hurts so much, but who cares?) And, actually, the end of "The Ocean In Her Eye" reminds me of "Brødrene Løvehjerte" too...
Email: Rannveig
Date: 98-3-8
You too, Rannveig? I knew it. The guys must be
huge fans of Bröderna Lejonhjärta! :-)
Email: Krisern
Date: 98-3-9
Very good album, couldave drooped ever nine though.
Saw the concert at samfundet, very nice, but I missed
stuff from demon box and tim
hang on foolks
Email: Wanach
Date: 98-3-9
I think its awsome...maybe their best piece of music since Timothys Monster.. Hey, Jane and Vortex surfer are so wonderful that it hurts!!
Email: Jørgen B....
Date: 98-3-9
The best so far. Forgive me for having doubts after hearing the ozone single. Concerts at Samfundet and Veita last weekend were mind-expanding. Taifun! Moog Taurus! STG-intro at Samfundet had me sobbing. Vortex too. thanxalot!
Email: torgeir eikeland
Date: 98-3-9
Blind trust and a religious belive in the guys !!!
Email: Bente E. Lilleøkseth
Date: 98-3-9
Hey hey!
Brilliant record. Every song is the best but, of course,
like everybody I love Vortex Surfer and Taifun is
unbelivable too!
I know only one person who doesn't like it and
that person is Atle Larsen. Email him at
Atle.Larsen@oks.stud.his.no to tell him that trust us is a great record.
Email: okib
Date: 98-3-9
Overraskende bra!
Det er bra å komme seg såpass etter Angels....
Kult cover (ingen bombe, akkurat)
"Trust Us" kommer som en god nummer to på lista
over de beste Motorplatene. (Timothy's er jo den beste)
Gleder meg til neste utgivelse.......
Hilsen meg
Email: Lars Høvik
Date: 98-3-9
Premium record!
Gnarly wrapping (it's to much work to get to the CD's)
Email: Tor R. Ulvund
Date: 98-3-9
Motorpsycho har fått ett nytt fan. Meget bra!
Email: Jan Eyolf Bjørnsen
Date: 98-3-9
io sono un povero italiano che per ascoltare le
usite dei motorpsycho deve aspetteare più di un mese.Come cazzo è?Anche io voglio ascoltare nei tempi dovuti (ovvero il 3 di Marzo)Trust us.Sono sicuro della grandiosità di questo album,ma vorrei anche ascoltarlo .. beati voi che lo avete già fatto.Di inglese conosco pochissimo perchiò chiedo venia a tutti per quello che scriverò: BENT,SNAH,GEB DO YOU REMEMBER THE GIG IN ROME OF THE LAST YEAR & THE BOYS GIVE YOU THE SETLIST? WE TRUST IN YOU FOR ANOTHER SHOW IN ROME. BYE
Date: 98-3-9
io sono un povero italiano che per ascoltare le
usite dei motorpsycho deve aspetteare più di un mese.Come cazzo è?Anche io voglio ascoltare nei tempi dovuti (ovvero il 3 di Marzo)Trust us.Sono sicuro della grandiosità di questo album,ma vorrei anche ascoltarlo .. beati voi che lo avete già fatto.Di inglese conosco pochissimo perchiò chiedo venia a tutti per quello che scriverò: BENT,SNAH,GEB DO YOU REMEMBER THE GIG IN ROME OF THE LAST YEAR & THE BOYS GIVE YOU THE SETLIST? WE TRUST IN YOU FOR ANOTHER SHOW IN ROME. BYE
Date: 98-3-9
Trust us Trust us Trust us
All work and no play, makes Jac a dull boy
(repeat - 2000)
Fantastisk album, men låtene er for korte...
Akkurat når det holder på å gå for meg stopper moroa,
dere "trekker meg ut".
Også live, (Studentersamf, Tr,heim.) var det slik, men det hadde
kanskje noe med den høye idiotfaktoren blant publikum???
-Eller hva sier Dere til lightere i været på Un Chien d éspace?
Veita Scene var derimot MOTORFANTASTISK.
c.a. 124 timer til Oslo (Rockefeller), -More boogie.
Keep on Truckin´!
Email: Happytripboy & mariGOOs (without magic jackets)
Date: 98-3-9
Trust us Trust us Trust us
All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy
(repeat - 2000)
Fantastisk album, men låtene er for korte...
Akkurat når det holder på å gå for meg stopper moroa,
dere "trekker meg ut".
Også live, (Studentersamf, Tr,heim.) var det slik, men det hadde
kanskje noe med den høye idiotfaktoren blant publikum???
-Eller hva sier Dere til lightere i været på Un Chien d éspace?
Veita Scene var derimot MOTORFANTASTISK.
c.a. 124 timer til Oslo (Rockefeller), -More boogie.
Keep on Truckin´!
Email: Happytripboy & mariGOOs (without magic jackets)
Date: 98-3-9
Trust us is great!
It`s great to hear them finaly making a album that`s
so great that it makes absolutely all other music sound
like rubbish!!
The splitsingle with alice cooper is available here in
Bergen , Norway for a 100kr. at kippers
the vinyl is blue, my number is 13 and im as happy
as i can be cos now my collection is complete (almost)
Email: Ronny Olsen
Date: 98-3-9
Awesome record... The songs are really good, especiallay Hey Jane, almost as good as it was live at Sinus in Bodø. Well, guys continiue to make ock 'n roll history, you're the BEST fuckers I've seen!!!
Email: The Furu
Date: 98-3-9
mmm mm = m
mm mm mm
mm mm mm
mm mm
mm mm
Email: mantric
Date: 98-3-9
When are these guys - sorry: GODS - gonna make a BAD release????? I'm simply on knees!
Email: Frode Den Store
Date: 98-3-9
After even more listening i think this may be the
best mpsycho album ever??
I'm so sorry that i cannot go to any of their concerts
yet. But i trust them to play another oslo gig
in the end of october this year, that's when i finally
turn eighteen.
But back to the record. Yep, it's good, yep it's great,
yep it's the best...??
Email: Eirik
Date: 98-3-9
I love this album; hey, jane, radiance freq. & vortex surfer are the best!
Email: elck
Date: 98-3-10
first time music made me cry...and I`m not a
homosexual if that`s what you think!!
Email: mac
Date: 98-3-10
Dette må være det beste jeg har hørt siden timothy! Alt klaffer. Hør bare på Rad.Freq. når Bent trakter bassen mot slutten. Gode gamle toner!!!
Jeg må si at mine forhåpninger til Vortex Surfer fremdeles ikke lever opp til mine drømmer etter konsertene. Den virker umixet de første minuttene. Men hva gjør det når det endelig kom en skive som tuppet bliss og angels rett i kaviar-stjerna?
Til lørdag innfinner jeg meg på Rockefeller med rockefoten klar.
Ser dere der
Email: Saracuucha
Date: 98-3-10
The album is great, but it could have been a little bit darker.
But when the guitars enter in The ocean in her eye I just ....
I hope MP makes more great records, and I hope I can come to the concert
on Friday.
Email: Psychonaut
Date: 98-3-10
You lucky Norwegian bastards!
OK, we'll wait, and wait and wait.............
Email: Roel
Date: 98-3-10
Those who don't TRUST Motorpsycho, trusts no one. The new album is great. It's like it's not
Motorpsycho and at the same time it is. And that is the strength of Motorpsycho.
It's not as good as Demon Box or Timothy's Monster, but those albums are nearly impossible to outshine. Definitively better than AADAP, a little more uncertain about Blissard.
Favourite tracks: Vortex Surfer, The Ocean In Her Eye, Hey Jane, 577.
Email: Tarjei N. Skrede
Date: 98-3-10
Dette overgjekk alle mine forventningar!
Email: Erlend
Date: 98-3-10
dette er det beste albume siden Demon Box
(eller kanskje veldig mye bedre,faktisk)
Er det noe jeg vil ambefale å høre for de som
ikke har hørt albume,så er det SUPERSTOOGE
bare kjøp hele albume!!!
Email: BØRGE verdal
Date: 98-3-10
Gitarronking og endeløse landskap?
Email: Johan fra Setså
Date: 98-3-10
Email: Johan G. Støver
Date: 98-3-10
i think most of the songs are cool,but my personal favorite
Email: ShineR
are superstooge...most of all because of the bassline,but i think
snah got a great voice...thats all folks..
Date: 98-3-10
To all you Psychonauts (and everyone behind..): We are lucky having Motorpsycho, they are <big>THE</big> best!
Email: Homepage
Date: 98-3-10
Email: Haakon
This is serious!
Date: 98-3-11
"Trust us" is the best album ever. I love MOTORPSYCHO
Email: Bendos
over any bands in the world.
Is there someone who have some tabs from "Trust us"???
Date: 98-3-11
holy shit, i'm speechless. i'm listening to vortex right now, and oh my god i get the chills
Email: lars
Date: 98-3-11
Faen! Må jeg være første til å si at stemmen til Snah suger?
Email: Good God
Gutten kan ikke synge, og jeg har tro på at han selv er første til å innrømme det!
Bare hør på Coventry Boy. Det er en rolig of nogså bra sang. Musikalsk. Men når Snah synger pungteres hele låta.
Det høres ut som han skal pisse i buksa når som helst! På Superstooge synger han faktisk bra, men det er jaggu den eneste!
Det er ikke for å disse Snah at jeg skriver dette, men det er fordi ingen tørr å nevne det. Og jeg NEKTER å tro at jeg er alene i denne troen.
Ellers takker jeg for en jævlig bra skive med deilig avbrekk fra Angels fiaskoen
Hilsen gammal Tim/Demon fan
Date: 98-3-11
Email: kjell tring
Date: 98-3-11
Endelig noe som kan måle seg med timothys monster
Email: Mia
(Eh er jeg eneste jenta her??)
Date: 98-3-11
Magical Mystery Dance
Smoke the green leaves that make you happy, and listen to Motorpsycho!!!
This works.
Date: 98-3-11
I trust you Motorpsycho !!!
Email: Eirik Jørgensen
Awesome album. Vortex Surfer,Taifun & Radiance freq. RULES !!!
But, Blizzard is still the greatest album on earth (or space) ever.
Date: 98-3-11
What can I say, that hasn't been said on this page already?
Email: Morten Flaten
Nothing. It's brilliant and breathtaking.
Radiance Freq (Radiator Freak) Rules!
So does the rest of the album!
Date: 98-3-11
Jeg synes Trust Us er helt fantastisk. Av MP´s andre album er det bare Demon Box som kan måle seg.Vortex Surfer er enorm og ekstremt tøff på konsert. Det eneste teite med albumet er det stygge coveret.
Email: Bård
Date: 98-3-11
Email: elck
Date: 98-3-11
En veldig, veldig fin plate, tusen takk.
Email: Karl Erik
Date: 98-3-11
Sinnsykt bra plate! Kan ikke måle seg med Blissard,
Email: MartinØ
men 557, Vortex Surfer, Mantric og Hey, Jane trekker
skikkelig opp. Er også enig i at Snah ikke kan synge,
men jeg kan ikke skjønne at endel plateandmeldere mener
at "Motorpsycho ville vært et fantastisk bra band,
hadde det ikke vært for Bent's vokal"???
Skjønner dere?
Date: 98-3-12
Et lite innspill til deg, MartinØ(og andre);
Email: Good God
Da Demon Box ble lansert var det mange av kritikerene som hadde en negativ innstilling til Bents någet sære stemme. Herr Sæther var jo ikke alltid i tone med vokalen selv, men lærte seg teknikken gradvis.
De fleste kritikere er jo egentlig folk man ikke burde stole på da de gjør opp sin egen mening, og lar det være en fasit for hva "folket" synes.
Men det var jo stemmen til Bent som gjorde musikken. Og dette visste og vet de som var tilhengere så tidlig. Vi lot oss ikke rokke p.g.a en sur DJ som spilte New Kids On The Block istedet fordi de var femi gutter som ikke hadde kommet i stemmeskifte.
Og resultatet av at MP ikke forandret konseptet er jo det vi hører og skriver om nå: Nemlig Trust Us.
Ved hjelp av tid har Bents stemme blitt bedre og bedre, og han har blitt mer kreativ innenfor vokalbruken en det han var i 1993.
Konklusjon: Det var flere år siden kritikerene slo ned på stemmen til Sæther. Siden Timothys kom ut har de måttet holde kjeft, fordi det faktisk ikke var noe å klage på.
I disse dager har musikken til MP fått øynene til å gå opp for mange med tidligere negativ innstilling. De har plutselig skjønt det!
Desverre(må jeg si)er det at disse "nye" innenfor MP varmen, kun liker Trust Us og AADAP. Jeg hadde aldri likt Trust Us hvis ikke jeg hadde hørt på Golden Core, Giftland,
Plan#1 og Hogwash i flere år før. Disse sangene er milepæler for meg, og er grunnlag for mange gode minner og følelser.
Håper noen deler mitt syn, jeg ser gjerne noen kommentarer til dette.
Thanx for the good old days!
Date: 98-3-12
Email: Remi Hoven
Truly the best CD ever made by Geb, Snah and Bent.
Give us more of this art. Go on Motorpsycho, you are the best.
Date: 98-3-12
I don't know - yet I do, in a way. The tape Kalle is going to send me, as a surrogate for the time being (I can't get my hands on MP in Kalmar, the Swedish town where I live right now, and I won't be home i Groningen, Holland, for the next three weeks...) will indeed be a jewel. And I am afraid that Trust Us will become my "burial record" - first it was The Pixies' "Bossa Nova" that I wanted on my burial...
Email: Jeroen
Thanks in advance, guys.
Date: 98-3-12
Email: sbg
vortex surfer rules
(hvilken skrull har skrevet brave kaptain istedet
for taifun på audioclips. unnskyld munnbruken)
Date: 98-3-12
Email: Kalle
> (hvilken skrull har skrevet brave kaptain istedet
> for taifun på audioclips. unnskyld munnbruken)
Hei du sbg
De kalte låta Brave Captain på høstens turne. Bent er skrullen du sikter til.
Hilsen Kalle
Date: 98-3-12
I'll first of all say that Trust Us is a great album, sometimes genius, and sometimes rockin' the hell out of most other bands out there. Motorpsycho is great no doubt, and they've prooved it again. But there is something that troubles me. When reading all the comments on this page, and after discussing the album with friends around, it seems like everyone says the same; it is the greatest since "Timmie", and Vortex Surfer is one of their best ever. And of course everyone compares it to The Golden Core. Meself I fully agree with this, and all this makes me kinda feeling a bit sorry for the guys in mp. Their supersonicscientists fans really actually wants them to repeat Demon Box and Timmie all over, making such brilliant songs as Plan #1, Golden Core, Kill Some Day, and so on, instead of just continue progress and explore new landscapes of music. It must feel a bit hard when everybody tells you that "you've made great music the last years, but it has really been a blindtrack, so we're glad to see you've returned back to what you're good at." Cause that what most people really feel. And I agree. This is put a little to the top of things, but, there is some truth in it. And Thinkin about the mp spirit, about being kinda open to new things, I think that however great this album is, it is a step backwards. But sometimes it can be wise to listen to the past. Either way, I love the album, thank you motorpsycho.
Email: Arvid Falch
Date: 98-3-12
Plata er nesten like topp som blissard og angels & daemons tilsammen!!!!!
Email: Jim Juliussen
Date: 98-3-12
Jeg må si meg ufattelig enig i hva Arvid Falck skriver.
Email: Good God
Godt at du nevner det!!
Date: 98-3-12
Vil ikke si at Trust Us er et steg tilbake til Timothy.
Email: Kalle
Musikken peker fremover. Det er bare at TU, som Timothy,
har den ubeskrivelig x-faktoren som gjør den så voldsomt bra.
Date: 98-3-12
Trust Us is much better than AADAP. I really enjoy it. I listen to it very often and new things are coming to my mind. I love 577, radiance freq, taifun etc... Well let say that I`m not to found of Ozone and Evernine.
Email: petter
I`m really looking forward to hear the songs live to Sat.
Date: 98-3-12
Først og fremst maa jeg si tusen takk til GOOD GOD
Email: Wanach
og Arvid Falch. Det dere skriver er absolutt helt
korrekt. Det er alltid slik med alt og ett, det skal
sammenlignes i hytt og pine. Hvorfor kan ikke vi
mennesker laere oss å se på alt det nye som det det
for faen er. En annen ting er at vi kan drite hva
slags MP plate de forskjellige maaler da naa TU
opp mot. Om det er blissard eller Demon Box kan vel
for faen en drite i. TU er ei veldig bra plate, paa
sin maate, DB Og AADAP var gode paa sine maater.
Det finnes ingen fasit paa hvordan en MP-fan skal
vaere, noen soeke etter helheten, andre noeyer
seg med aa lytte til deres meget interessante
Keep searching after void or whatever we search for.
Best Regards too all the superscientists all around
planet earth!!!!
Date: 98-3-12
Nydelig, genialt.....alt man trenger å si om dette....
Email: øystein aase
Date: 98-3-12
En liten kommentar til Good Boy.
Email: MartinØ
Bent ble i et Rock Furore-intervju i 93 konfrontert
med sin såkalt "fantasiløse" vokal. Da svarte han som du sa
at stemmen hans var en del av MP-soundet og sånn kom det til
å være i framtida. Dette var rett etter releasen av Demon Box.
Jeg er også enig at vokalen til Bent er blitt mye bedre, spesielt
på Blissard.
Men det jeg ikke skjønner er at Natt&Dag's skiveredaktør Audun Vinger
gir Trust Us en tilsvarende terningkast fire mye p.g.a. det han
mener er MP's "obligatorisk dårlige vokal"??!!!
På de fire siste skivene til MP er Bent's stemme av høyeste kvalitet.
Bare hør på "Pills and Powdwers and Passions Play" på AADAP!
Den nye plata er dritbra, men jeg må likevel si at jeg savner TM og Blissard -
lydbildet veldig.
Date: 98-3-12
dette er som å bli drept og nyte det i lange drag.
Email: mac
en ubeskrivelig følelse trur je.
på lørdag 14/3-98 blir je drept på ny. TAKK !!
Date: 98-3-13
Jeg skjønner meg ikke på dem som sier at Bent synger dårlig!! Han er jo topp!!!
Email: Jim Juliussen
Den Nye "trust us" er også noe av det beste MP hat prestert til dags dato. Etter å ha hørt igjennom plata ca. 40 ganger, står jeg igjen med 2 dårlige låter, og det er "siddhardtino" og
"Dolphyn". Resten er bare topp!!!!!!
De aller beste låtene er: "Hey, Jane, Psychonaut, VORTEX SURFER, superstooge,
og radiance freq. AKA radiator freak.
Date: 98-3-13
Reply MartinØ
Email: Good God
Det er bare å konstantere at Audun Vinger ikke helt har skjønt det.
Takk for en fin diskusjon, ser frem til videre debatter.
TIL ALLE: Sorry for å ha brukt litt plass, men vi prøver bare å understreke hvor viktig MP er for vår hverdag.
Husk at det ALLTID er DU som bestemmer hva du liker og hvorfor!!!
Takk til MP for fantastisk utvikling, og lykke til med fremtidige prosjekter
Date: 98-3-13
Demonsk og Jævlig. Pulseranes og farlig. Sårt og vakkert. Episk voksanes.
Email: John Are Larsen
Date: 98-3-13
nydelig !!
Date: 98-3-13
Brave Captian was a better title than Taifun.
Email: Vegard
Date: 98-3-13
Da da da daa dada da da da da da da
Email: Lina
I'm happy!
Thank you Rannveig!
Date: 98-3-13
Jeg brukte å være ateist, men hvordan i helvete kan man da forklare Motorpsycho?
Email: Espen Andreassen
Takk Snah, Benr og Geb! Takk Gud! Takk!!!!!!!
Date: 98-3-13
Email: motor
Date: 98-3-13
I really like Trust Us, but in my opinion it is a
Email: øystein winsnes
bit slow sometimes. Some of the songs seem to be
kind of "similar", like vortex, taifun and ocean.
Is it just me that think so? I actually miss a bit
of those killer-songs like nothing t.s., feedtime,
like always, STG ........
But hey, this is a great album and I don't care
about if the Snah sings out of tune or not. I like
his singing anyway, it's the way it's supposed to
sound. And I can't agree with those saying that
AADAP is weaker. Remember Ya lied, Like Always,
Un chien +++++++
Thanks again Psychos.
Date: 98-3-13
a travel in space.
Email: lars.
a spaceorgasm.
space is the place.
Date: 98-3-13
Cosmic at its best!
Email: Boris Werblow
D E L U X E !
Date: 98-3-13
I think it's the most experimental album since Timothys Monster or even Demon Box.
Email: Haakon Olav Thunestvedt
Some Great tunes, plus some genres they haven't played until now. Snah sang better on Angels and Demons at Play than this one, but does a good job here too.
I haven't quite made up my mind yet (which is a good sign when it's Motorpsycho), but it seems to get better for each time so I'll give it "Great"
Date: 98-3-14
Just like the other Motorpsycho records, it`s the best ever (among their other records,of course). I`m not a happy owner yet, but I`m going to be one!!!!!! MOTORPSYCHO FOREVER!!!!!!!!!
Email: Marianne Hansen
Date: 98-3-15
Never have song touched me like vortex surfer.
Email: Bjørn Chr. Bergli
This is medicine for the heart and soul!
Date: 98-3-15
jeg vil bare si at MPs plater er dritbra på vær sin måte Det er helt umulig å sammenligne dem, de har helt forskjellige lydkonsepter og utgangpunkter
Date: 98-3-16
I just love "Trust Us"!! It's the best Motorpsycho album I've
Email: Rolf Klausen
heard (unfortunately I haven't heard much from Demon Box and Timothys monster...)
I love all the songs! They're so great! Vortex Surfer and Coventry Boy and Mantrick
Muffin Stomp and the ocean in her eye and psychonaut and aaarrgh they're all so great!!
Space is the place!!!
Date: 98-3-16
Date: 98-3-16
Liker plata, men synes det er på tide Mpsycho
Email: anders bortne
lager en VANLIG plate med et VANLIG antall
sanger med VANLIG spilletid. Kan bli litt travelt
med denne greia at de skal dra hvert eneste tema
ut i 13 minutter.Lag noe sånt som Blissard!
Date: 98-3-17
Ahhhh dette er deilig å høre på!
Date: 98-3-17
Dette er den mest komplette plata jeg har hørt.
Email: Gard Sæther
Jeg har tenkt meg på konsert i Bergen nå til helga
og det gleder jeg meg vanvittig til.
Dere får gi meg og alle andre valuta for pengene, og det vet jeg dere gjør.
Date: 98-3-17
Email: Good God
I was at Rockefeller on Saturday and God Damn if the drunk bastards around me didn`t fuck it all up.
Loads of faggots standing around wiggeling hips and screaming for a cutie"
The sound was`nt any good, but it picked up at the end
Bye the way, did anyone ask for the play-list?
Well I`m the one who got it! Its bearly readable
Live on supersonic scientists!!!!!
Date: 98-3-17
They are MINDBLOWING........I`ve tried and tried..but I still cant find one BAD song on the album.....The concert at Steinkjer was incredible......SUPERSONIC!!!!
Email: Jørgen Brønseth
Date: 98-3-17
You lucky bastards! You've beaten us in sports before<br>
Email: Jonas
but now you beat us in music as well...<br>
Would someone in Norway please buy the record for me and<br>
send it over to me in Gothenburg. They're playing here on <br>
the 27th of march and I have to hear the new stuff before <br>
the concert! Mail me, I'll pay you!
Date: 98-3-17
Oggi è il 17 di marzo e non ho ancora ascoltato
Date: 98-3-18
What to say..?
Email: Bo
For once, I'm speechless!
(Or, to tell the truth, I've been speechless before..
Whe 8 soothing was released, Demon Box, Mountain EP,
Another ugly EP, Timothys Monster, Blissard, AADAP...
And so on)
Just the usual Greatness Of Gods (tm)...
Date: 98-3-18
Like always, a new MP album means hours and hours
of pure musical enjoyment. And like always I think t
this is the best they've ever done, which, in my
case, means it's one of the best albums i've ever
heard. But this is the way MP's music touch me. I
can't possibly give an objective rating of "trust
us" after several months of listening, but i got
to admit, this sounds very, very, strong. First
of all there are plenty of strong pop-tunes, as
always, with a twist. Second, it seems like MP are
trying to recreate the golden moments of CD2 of
TM, which in my book anyway, is great. "Vortex
Surfer" could be the new "The Golden Core", it's
just plain beatiful, and it works very well in a
live set too. (They're closing the shows with it)
To sum it up short- TU shows us we got all reasons
to trust MP in the future as well. Lets hope the
guys continues to put out albums like this to
please the fans
Date: 98-3-18
there's a lot Led Zep in the new album, yes?
Email: Ekulf
Date: 98-3-19
Trust Us is kinda.... HUGE!!!
Email: Shub Niggurath
It hasn't really gotten to me yet, in a couple months I guess I'll
start to get a grip on it.
Faves so far:
Hey, J
The Ocean
The surfer
in that order...
Actually: I'm trying NOT to listen to the surfer, since I've been liking
that song for... I dunno... LONG.
AND: I think Taifun is 10 minutes too short.
The ocean too.
Date: 98-3-19
Ich hätte ja nicht gedacht dass ich die CD heute schon bekomme.Egal ! Ich finde es ist das best produzierte und am genialsten arangierte Album
Email: Volker
von Motorpsycho. Allerdings fehlt mir irgendwie
der Trash und die Depressionen auf Trust Us.Ich hätte mir ein klein wenig mehr Nostalgie ge-wünscht. Schön finde ich, dass Brave Captain drauf
ist, zwar unter anderem Namen, aber vielleicht paßt der Titel Taifun auch besser.
Ansonsten klingt Motorpsycho `98 so als wollten sie endlich berühmt werden und ein wenig mehr Kohle verdienen.
Ich freu mich schon auf den 26.5 in Bremen. Dann
werde ich mir Motorpsycho auf L.S.D anschauen!
Trust me, Dragonflies !
Date: 98-3-19
A pity that we people in holland have to wait sooooo
Email: Hans Rutten
long to hear the new one.... :( But tommorow me
and my brother will buy it!!! I cannot wait!
'Ik kan wel jankuh!!!'
This is the best band around, a perfect mixture of
keep up the cewl work!
And.... next double CD around Sept. 1998??? ;)
Date: 98-3-20
Good God. This is the best. It's a gem. When I first listened to it, I rewinded to what I thought was the A-side - but Kalle had reversed the sides (by accident?). So I started with Evernine - and immediately got gooseskin...
Email: jeroen
My favourites for now are "Vortex", "Rad Freq" ,"577", "Mantrick Muffin Stomp" and "Coventry Boy"... Though each song is a masterpiece.
Damn, the record even itches my nose and eyes...
Date: 98-3-20
"trust us" is great.
Email: Marco
By chance i got a tape a week ago, and i think i´ve already heard it moreoften than "aadap" ever.
Alle Freaks im Raum OWL / BI, die es gar nicht mehr aushalten, können am Samstag, 21/3 in den
Falkendom, BI kommen. Ich arbeite da als DJ und werde von ca. 20-22 Uhr die Songs von "trust us"
Date: 98-3-20
Email: LUNA
Etter å ha hørt på Trust Us en fredags natt med kameraten min, var konklusjonen som følger; en av de mest intense musikk opplevelsene jeg har opplevd. Musikken er så fyldig, svevende, kraftig, intens, facinerende, hypnotiserende og flytende. Et mesterverk av en plate!
-og konserten var god..
Vi er alle vårt eget univers..
Hopp og sprett fra LUNA
Date: 98-3-20
Sinnsykt gøy å lese alle kommentarene til den
Email: E.Leinonen
nye platen, som jeg skal reise med denne
helgen. Jeg er litt redd for at de skal skuffe
meg, men når slike tanker når meg, blir jeg
litt flau(?) En vågal påstand, men likevel:
Et ønske:Kom til Alta og hold konsert!
Jeg bærer dere gjerne på ryggen hit!
Helsning E.Leinonen.
Date: 98-3-20
til anders bortne(eller noe sånt:
Email: hillfred albertsen
fuck you, Blissard er klart det dårligste
motorpsycho-albumet, og grunnen til det er at det
er så normalt. alle de beste motorpsycho sangene
er lange: The wheel, the golden core,
vortex surfer, Demon box, giftland, Un chien
d`espace og taifun(som forresten er altfor kort)
Date: 98-3-20
Kanoniserte Verker:
Email: hawol
"Plan #1" (Opus 1) ,
"The Golden Core" ("Opus 2) ,
" Vortex Surfer" (Opus 3),
Date: 98-3-21
"Trust us" is a fine piece of work...Like all the other Motorpsycho records....
Email: TageManFromPolarLand
Date: 98-3-21
It's getting better............Now it's great!
Email: Anders Aakre
<A HREF="http://www.radata.no/anders">Visit my homepage</A>
Date: 98-3-21
Trust us - the best Motorpsycho album so far.
Email: PomFree
They are all great, but Trust Us is the very best.
Date: 98-3-22
Bought it yesterday, listened to it for 5 or 6 times. It's coming, it's coming. Still not the best and not the worst. Keep on like that
Email: Harald
Date: 98-3-22
Selvfølgelig er dette et nytt genialt album, men mp burde gi låtene noe mer tid til å bygge seg opp, eller kutte ut de tåpelige små lydsporene slik at alt fikk plass på en cd. Ellers er helheten på plata (som ellers) glimrende.
Email: em
Date: 98-3-23
Email: HJ
Date: 98-3-24
Ok. So its not Timothys monster, but they are damned close!
Email: Robin Rengård
Date: 98-3-24
Well I have not stopped listening yet......
Email: Baba Phillip
Date: 98-3-23
har nye motorpsycho fans bare hørt de to siste utgivelsene eller er det bare en følelse jeg har?
Email: junior
for meg er motorpsycho:demonbox,timothys monster,soothing songs,og ugly ep.
det ville vært fint om også dere bad mongos hadde oppfattet dette.
med tiden tror jeg også at trust us(til tross for et litt små harry navn) for sin plass på ovenfor nevnte liste.
vortex surfer har golden core potensiale!
Date: 98-3-23
I bought it this morning. Great album! I think it's their best since timothy's monster. Ocean in her eye, vortex surfer and hey,jane are fantastic! the whole album indeed is pure genius. I find it also easier to listen than angels and deamons. Get your own now!
Email: Riccardo
Date: 98-3-24
Starten på 577 kan ligne litte granne på don`t speak
Email: :-)
Albumet er like bra som alle de andre MP platene.
Det vil si sinnsykt bra.
Date: 98-3-24
The two cd's are excellent. Talked with them about the layout of the cover, and they said it was Kim's idea. Kim turned in the design on a format which, apparently, hasn't been used since WW2. That's why they had to postpone the release, so that the printing company could fix it to today's standards. According to Snah, they actually wanted to make a different thing. It was supposed be even wierder, and more bulky, so it wouldn't fit into any cd collection, but the printing was too expensive.
Email: eeh
Fucking luve Vortex Surfer. Didn't ask them about 557, though, since I talked with them 3 days before the release and the Studentersamfunn had just gotten the cd in plastic cover. We actually listened to it for the first time when they came in. They were all over the cover, since they hadn't seen it before.
Other than that, I guess all I have to say is that the concert we organised with them was beautiful.
Date: 98-3-24
Plata virket lovende frem til jeg var på Rockefeller der mp presenterte et mildt sagt elendig sett, jeg har aldri sett bandet slappere, og dette var den niende konserten jeg har vært på.
Email: christian
Etter konserten synes jeg plata stinker!!! Utvilsomt mp svakeste album!!!
Date: 98-3-24
Enig med Christian. "Psychonaut" var kjedelig da de spilte
Email: Kyrre Kylling
på Lillehammer, så nå hater jeg alle platene Motorpsycho har
gitt ut noen gang. Det er jo som kjent enkeltkonserter som
avgjør hvor bra en plate er. ;-)
Christian, din tjoms!
Date: 98-3-24
Email: austin
the great thing about trust us is the lengh of each song. They are very long and filled wth incredible sounds, probably his album sunds much closer to mpsycho live than anyof the last two or three albums. Bu i have neverseen them play live. hopefully they will make it to the US sometime.
As far as those who think the album goes a step backards and is not as weird and experimental as past albums (AADAP): i am not so sure.
I think that trust us moves and takes the listener to new places. The album condenses many phases of mpsycho, on many istances these different mpsycho "phases" are condensed on the same track! yeah, ok it's an 8 min. track!
The fun of trust us is that you fall in love with it immediately: you recognize bits andsounds of the "old" mpsychos, the ones you like or liked best( DB,Blissad,TM, etc.) There is a little for everyone,and for those eager for something different and new, this is new music; fresh, acid, dynamic, alive, and mind blowing!
thanks guys!
Date: 98-3-25
I just saw motorpsycho live in bergen the 20th. of march, and i have to say that this is one of the best concerts i have been to, perhaps the best one! It was like a two hours long musical orgasm, and the guys gave it all! Motorpsycho have already made the album of the year i think, and i hope to see them at roskilde this summer!
Email: Erik Wie Bøe
Date: 98-3-25
Selvfølgelig er det en viss turbulens på den første plata
Email: Lars Lybern
på "trust us", men den andre plata tar på alle mulige måter
igjen for det.Der vi svinner hen til og langt borte til gladprog og psykedeli.
Date: 98-3-25
"trust us" er ikke et dårlig ordspill.Man kan stole på Motorpsycho.
Email: Guro Ramsøy- Halle
Kult at "young man blues" var på ozone singelen.
Date: 98-3-25
Hei Hildegunn!
Email: Guro Psychonaut R-H
Motorpsycho i våre hjerter!
Date: 98-3-25
Til Christian.
Email: Thomas
Var du på Rockefeller 14 Mars? Jeg var å så MP for niende gang den kvelden, akkurat som deg, og jeg må si med en gang at den konserten var glimrende. De spilte et fantastisk sett, og spesielt de nye sangene fra Trust Us fungerte meget bra. Og på slutten da de klinte til med Drug Thing (min yndlingslåt fra Blissard) tok det helt av. Jeg skjønner ikke helt din argumentasjon med at denne konserten var så dårlig, og at de spilte et så dårlig sett. Du var vel på forhånd klar over at det var omtrent de låtene de kom til å spille? Jeg har vært på andre MP konserter som kanskje har vært hakket bedre, men konserten var overhodet ikke dårlig.
Date: 98-3-25
Yeah, right! Motorpsycho`s blown my mind away. I don`t know what i could say about a such a brilliant monument like this.
Email: Nils Petersen
Motorpsycho`s made it`s best of all theit No. 1 albums. Thanks alot for those unbelievable emotions.
Greetings to Niels P. and Franzi!
Date: 98-3-25
Den nye plata er både lang og usannsynlig bra. Personlig mener jeg TM er den beste, men denne ligger ikke langt bak på rangstigen.
Email: P.V.M
Date: 98-3-25
Mot en kanonisering av drone-verkene:
Email: hawol
Plan #1 (1993)
Kill Some Day (1994)
Giftland (1994)
The Golden Core (1994)
Greener (1996)
Vortex Surfer (1998)
Date: 98-3-25
The best works in no order:
Email: Kalle
Un Chien D'Espace
Golden Core
Vortex Surfer
Rad Frequency
Plan #1
Date: 98-3-25
til Kyrre Kylling og Thomas.
Email: christian
At alle mp platene ble dårlige etter Rockefeller 14.03 har jeg aldri sagt, men konserten fikk meg til å innse hvor sinnsykt dårlige de nye låtene fungerer i forhold til de gamle (med unntak av superstooge og Vortex Surfer) Det jeg mener med at mp leverte et dårlig sett har intet med låtvalget å gjøre, met med det faktum at mp virket trette og uinspirerte. Hadde de vært i godt gammelt slag kunne de sikkert ha forledet meg til å tro at de nye låtene var like bra som de gamle, men det klarte de ikke så nå ser jeg på plata med nye øyne og den STINKER!!!
Date: 98-3-25
they've done it again......they've made me have supersonic orgasm while feeling scared shitless.......
Email: espen
it's like having a full frontal lobotomy without anasthesia while being kissed and caressed by the love of your life.....
my humble thank you's go out to the masters of the universe.......
Date: 98-3-26
Favorite songs: Vortex Surfer (of course),
Email: PsYChO
Radiance Freq and Hey Jane. You gotta love it
Space IS The Place...
Date: 98-3-26
So *smile*...yr all wrong...1 day after release here in Holland I, as a musical expert...hehe...can say that hey, Jane and 577 are the absolute toppers on the record...anyway...the whole record is an absolute peak...
Email: Rob
Date: 98-3-26
Hi, motorpsycho's new album, has got to be most
Email: kevin by
timeless album they ever made. After the first
listen, i wasn't too excited, but now, i can't
put the album away.
My favourite track's are mantrick muffin stomp,
taifun & ofcourse vortex surfer!!!
Date: 98-3-26
Whye is`n these unofficial Motorpsycho
Email: Thomas Pedersen
site on norwegian language too. I`t may be
some norwegians ho might be interested.
Date: 98-3-26
Jeg kan ikke si annet enn at jeg føler meg ydmyk.
Email: Blasphemerus
Takk for et utrolig bra album, Motorpsyco!
Dere får meg til å oppdage nye sider ved meg selv,
man blir aldri den samme etter å ha hørt foreks.
Vortex Surfer :)
Date: 98-3-26
Great, great, great... "Trust Us" is one of the best Motorpsycho CD´s ever recorded. I got it today and listen to it nearly the whole day. It´s brilliant.
Email: Marcus Melchert
Date: 98-3-27
Jeg synes Motorsyko burde spoerre om ikke
Email: Theo Buhara
Vidar Loenn Arnesen kan legge paa vokalsporet
paa neste plate.
Date: 98-3-27
Email: Bo Koffzki
Dufte dufte dufte
Hauke sagt, sie ist schön, sehr schön.
Fredl sagt, sie sei super, wenn auch noch nicht so recht überzeugend, aber er hat es eben relativiert und das gegenteil behauptet.
ganz große platte!
Hauke, Fredl, Bo,
Date: 98-3-27
TRUST US in not available in Italy.
Email: Riccardo
Is better than "timothy's" ?
Send me your impressions !
Date: 98-3-28
Snart er den bedre enn Nick Drakes "Pink Moon"...
Email: stoop
Date: 98-3-28
<------ grazie ------->
Email: G.Luca
Date: 98-3-28
den e jævlig bra syns æ
Email: drrrcato
Date: 98-3-30
***** T r u s t u s ******
Email: Timmy
Jeg skjønner ikke hvordan enkelte synes plata er dårlig????
Hva liker dere da???? Finn Kalvik???
<Trust us> er mye bedre enn AADAP, men ikke bedre enn <Timothy's>
Gleder meg som et barn på lille juleaften til neste konsert
------> True Motorpsycho fan <-------
Date: 98-3-31
Email: Toffen
Takk for at dere finnes!!!!!Siste konserten:Knakandes bra! Ellers takk for det signerte bildet jeg fikk av dere! Det var verdt ventingen. Send gjerne mere!!
Date: 98-3-31
to ord:
Email: Gorgon Vaktmester
Veldig bra !!!
Date: 98-3-31
Well....what is there to say. Trust Us is bloody brilliant.
Email: Pjalle Nut
I should anyway remind u, tho', that the Ozone single is
excellent as well. Take Young Man's Blues.......
I love it.
Date: 98-3-31
If you can't trust Motorpsycho, who can you trust?
Email: GIO
Another brilliant record from these guys.
It's fantastic.....
Date: 98-4-1
Email: Flo
This is the best
Date: 98-4-1
husverten min liker ikke platen.
Email: Bjørn Amundlien
han hoster og brekker seg.
Date: 98-4-2
motorpsycho's siste plate er fin (hilsen min mor)
Email: Moren til Kjell-Vegard Anfinsen
Date: 98-4-2
I heard vortex surfer the first time on a gig somewhere in october. It left me depressed, frustrated and down because I didn't knew the song. that's all over know. Every motorpsycho album leaves me satisfied. Not as big as Timothy's monster but this is my first impression. T.M. is the top. Looking forward to see the guys.
Email: alexander
Date: 98-4-2
italy's calling...we're here just to say:WE LOVE YOU MOTORPSYCHO!!!!!!!!
Email: Ælisa & Angela
..desperately waiting to see ya on may 17th in rimini...we love TRUST US!!great work guys!!!
we knew it'll be a magnificent album.
Date: 98-4-3
Email: Snell
Velvet underground?
Love it!
Date: 98-4-3
I love it!
Email: Trond Thorbjørnsen
Especially "577" goes right into my heart, but the hole CD is filled with just songs i love!
And the cover! Well - they got a norwegian award for the "Timothy's monster" cover, so this cover should give them many international awards.
Date: 98-4-3
koslig cd
Email: jacob
Date: 98-4-4
Ich finde das Album wirklich NUR GEIL, wenn ich
Email: Benjamin
auch, genau wie Volker, etwas die Depression der anderen Alben vermisse.Aber das Album ist zweifellos ein musikalischer Meilenstein!!!
Timothy rules!! schmeißt mehr Pappen!!!
(Trust them)
Date: 98-4-5
Dear spice girls i relly like your band i'am getting a spice girl doll.L
Email: leah samuels
Date: 98-4-5
This is the best MP album.
Email: Marco
-Motor +Psycho!
Date: 98-4-5
Isn't it scary who good these guys are?
Love it!
Date: 98-4-5
No words for this album.
Email: Human
VORTEX SURFER is way beyond words too...
Waiting to catch the guys live in Italy:)
Date: 98-4-6
allright,so maybe i dream it all...
Email: m.
Date: 98-4-7
Må bare si som de fleste andre her: Suveren plate.
Email: Ivar E. Jørgensen
Date: 98-4-7
the best after timothy!But what about Dr. Hoffman?
Email: One of the hannover guys
Date: 98-4-7
Ever since I witnessed `Vortex Surfer' live one year
Email: Titus
ago (and lucky enough taped it) in Vera Club Groningen,
I was hoping that song would be on an official recording.
So what can I say, even if that was the only song on the
album, it was a great record.. Guess who's standing in
front of the stage the 28th in Vera?
regards to Kalle and good luck with this awesome
Date: 98-4-7
He who writes music like MOTORPSYCHO will never die!
Email: Christian Peter Reincke
Another damn lucky strike by the best band on this sad planet!
Date: 98-4-7
It rules, like the other albums of motorpsycho.
Email: Geert Knaapen
The more i listen to it the more i hear. As if it releases the music in little tiny bits one at a time.
All the diffrent layers of music, it gives me goosebumps.
One critical note though.. The songs on the album very often seem to be inspired by earlier songs (e.g. the wheel). But that's o.k. it doesn't matter anyway!!
Date: 98-4-7
Very cool! Much better than AADAP I think! That meaqns not that AADAP is bad, but "trust us" is a better album! I trust them!!!
Email: Incu_car
Date: 98-4-7
The first scratch on the bass of 'Superstooge' makes me scream!
Email: remco
Date: 98-4-9
Best since Deamon Box...
Email: Sylvester Conspiralez
Date: 98-4-11
Now I'm pretty sure:
Email: Kalle
This is the best album so far! Had an out-of-my-body experience
earlier today listening to OCEAN IN HER EYES, VORTEX SURFER,
Date: 98-4-13
Their best ever.
Email: Knut
Date: 98-4-13
There seem to be some excuses made on this page about getting
Email: Robbin
emotional while listening to the new Motorpsycho album.
Afraid of being called 'a faggot'. Well, I am a faggot, not
afraid to admit it, and I get the chills everytime I listen to it.
This has nothing to do with sexual preference, only with the fact
that Motorpsycho simply is the best f****** band ever!!!!!!
Can't stop listening. Play it loud, then go through all the
other CD's again, and again, and again, and again,..........
Date: 98-4-13
mmm...i think it is a great album. Kinda difficult to put in yer cd-coll. but i will survive:) I cant remember who wrote it, but i must agree in the impression that the new mp-listeners have only heard the 2-3 latest album(too bad) I find it kinda strange that "thimothy`s" never became any commercial succes(cause that album rules) And to those out there who thinks Bent and Snah sings real bad....try to sing what they sing...its real hard.Btw...listen to "plan #1" and then to "the golden core", the theme is just the same isnt it. And yes there is alot of LEd Zep on the new album: I think it was snah that said that evernine turned out sounding a little bit like kasmihr, but he didnt think that was a bad thing.
Email: Arne
Date: 98-4-14
Great! Important as works like "Sgs. Peppers ...", "Led Zeppelin IV" and a few others.
Email: Max
Date: 98-4-15
Date: 98-4-15
I find this record unbelieveable. Simply
the best motorpsycho so far, although I
like some single tracks of other records
more but as a complete record I find it's
their best offerting yet. (I was lucky enough
to receive back in 1992 a nice gatefoold
sleeved 'Lobotomizer' and loved them ever
Date: 98-4-15
Jævlig bra skive!! Men på cd coveret har de dretet
Email: Kleopatra
seg ut. Det er veldig upraktisk. Men det har ikke
så mye å si. God musikk skal man lete lenge etter
for tiden og da er det bra at Motorpsycho gjør
jobben lettere. Det som er dumt, er at de spiller
for sjeldent i Trondheim, for det er mange fans
her og konsertene trekker fulle hus.
Jeg synes at Motorpsycho er Norges mest spennende
rockeband, og gleder meg til neste konsert.
I mellomtiden skal jeg kooose meg med "Trust Us".
Date: 98-4-16
Motorpsycho er et satans bra band!!!
Email: Christer
Date: 98-4-20
Email: bik
Date: 98-4-24
vortex surfer is best!!!
Email: Chömi
Date: 98-4-24
Great. Monolithic. Epic. An _excellent_ album, that's what I'd call it! Vortex Surfer is truly ingenious...
Email: Stefan
Date: 98-4-26
Trust Us er den beste norske plate noensinne.
Email: Glenn Fagervik
Knuser både Demon Box og Timothy`s Monster.
Den inneholder ingen ny Mountain ,men 577 og
Superstooge er enorme så det holder.
Date: 98-4-27
I'm breathless. Motorpsycho makes me happy to be alive. Trust us is adrenalyn, it makes me experience the deepest feelings. One last thing: I adore the slo' ones but please, may MP write hundred more songs like Ozone, Psychonaut and Superstooge, they let me cry the whole rage inside my body!
Email: Jack da Roma
Thanx for all, come back in Rome soon.
Jack fra Italia
Date: 98-4-28
First of all, this is an a-ok-album!! With some
Email: Hans Rutten
excellent songs on it, like 'The ocean...' and
'taifun'. But why the 'Led-Zep' influences??
They had an unique style... Some songs are not
that big as on 'Timothy', or 'Blissard', or even
'AADAP' (wich is very underestimated!!). It was
better to make 1 CD, and put the best of both CD's
on 1 CD... Maybe I expected too much.... :(
But... this is still one of the best
band on this planet. Keep up the good work!