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  • in reply to: Begynnelser at Nationaltheatret #30125

    @otherdemon et al.

    Your concern in this matter is totally understandable, my friend. I guess the Swede will do whatever pleases him. Playing the Gamelan or maybe a finely tuned Djembe while driving a flaming bicycle wheel thru a pyramid of wild boars or something similarly exciting and hip being just one of those things, I predict.

    And just wait until they unleash (the Kraken) the new material. Gone are the boring melodies and KK's worryingly tendencies of using his percussional skills towards the mundane or riff-o-centric. Now we finally will have our very own Bill Bruford available (when and if he bothers to show his pretty face, mind). Too bad it is the Bruford of today that has grown ever weary of lightweight stuff like Yes, Genesis and that most asenine of popbands, Prince Crimson.

    Ah, how I long for that Bent and Snah-free 67 minute short percussion solo!

    in reply to: ZU on tour #30103

    Hallo? Testing, testing… Anybody out there?

    While my two first posts on this fine board MIGHT have contained slight traces of irony (remember that?) they also put the finger on a couple of issues that often occure when everybody gets too friendly. In that most typical Norwegian way: if you do not agree, you are against us and should shut up. Blowing a raspberry straight attcha, @supernaut :P

    There is no problem in understanding that working musicians needs to put salt on their food and clothes on their back. noone in their right mind would want to take Järnmyrs wages away from him. that was never even remotely my point. I just do not get this overly excitable fanboy-attitude towards this new guy. So far, he hasn't proved anything besides not being too familiar or even remotely interested in the band. Is that really something that we all have to applaud without any apprehension? Maybe my grasp of your fine language isn't what it should be after close to 20 years up here in the North.

    But still: from what I can gather from that article in Adressa (?), the guy do not really seem to be that into it. Hopefully all you by now rightiously enraged cousins of Bent and Hans Magnus are in the right and what is coming next is truly the golden age of MP. You'd be both simple minded and way more arrogant than what you are accusing this ol' dog of to think that I do not also hope for that to be the case.

    But then again. What if I'm right? what will be happening next? Do we need a drummer that is not there? Who does not care about the needs of the band? Like it or not they are a legacy act now. Yes, they do continue to push forward and hopefully upwards. Good drummers are hard to find. Everybody that understand even the slightest thing about music knows that. But what does it help if somebody is the best drummer in the history of the world if he is not ever available? It is possible to be a fan and still question the wisdom of choices our 'heroes' make, guys. That is called being a grown up (irony alert, no need to get too triggered by that last remark).

    P.S. Let us not talk about the abortion that is the latest Spidergawd single, @manbitecat. There is already too many Foo Fighters in this world. "There was no drama in Bent leaving and the band will be even better without him".

    in reply to: ZU on tour #30100

    @manbitecat: finally someone that actually cares about the band instead of kissing the new guys butt. Kudos!

    You were the one that started the other thread in which I replied, if I'm not mistaken. Where I was accused of being a douche for caring more about the band being a working unit and less about some Swedish dude and his percussion skills or summat.

    You Sir are the rarest thing around here: an actual fan.

    in reply to: ZU on tour #30098

    Yup, he is really gonna have a lot of spare time to practice with our pals, eh. What utter stroke of luck that they found someone that has a lot of spare time on his hands, in addition to really caring so much about their needs and the importance of Motorpsycho being a band…

    Wait, wasn't that one of the things that was a problem with KK? That he spread himself too thin? :D

    P.S. No drama.

    in reply to: New drummer on board #29914

    Ah, I see. No dissidents allowed.

    Asking questions and being a bit realistic or cautious about a major change is frowned up. Everybody agrees that the new drummer is the best thing that has ever happened, fare thee well to Kenneth (we never liked you anyway) and the next all percussive afro beat album is of course already declared album of the year all across the site, eh. On vinyl that will be sent out a few weeks after release date (still waiting for my AADAP thing on that subject).

    Then again maybe you guys know the band personally and do not want any sour grapes (or memberberries) to spoil that relation. Totally understandable. A bit weak maybe, but that is modern life for ya. Have a nice one.

    in reply to: New drummer on board #29913

    First time poster here.

    I really do not understand the optimism toward this situation. Maybe you are in denial or your faith is stronger than mine. My two cents would be cautiously optimistical or slightly pessimistic.

    I agree that the future is not found by goimg backwards and either getting Geb back (as if…) or replacing Kenneth by a soundalike (if there was such a thing). But when a band has this long a history and so many different eras of excellence to live up to, I do not think that adding a musician that is not available all the time and really seems to have a bit of an attitude problem toward all of this already (judging by what I can understand from that Addresse Avisa-cutting) is a good solution. He answers ever question by saying what he wants to do, how it should be and that he has to do his own thing.

    Hopefully I am wrong and you guys are right. But what if I'm not? Remember BH/BC days, boyos?

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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994