New album: Out 21 February 2025

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    Krist Rampage

      That’s weird. I wonder if all black lps have that with side d.


        Does the cd has a booklet with the lyrics?


          Yes, the CD has a booklet with lyrics.



            ah ok. Oh well… patience patience… order is still only confirmed as “confirmed” but not as “shipped”.


              Still no sign of my CD to the UK, however I shall stay positive.

              Punj Lizard

                I just received notice from Bandcamp that my CD is on its way.

                – I’m in the UK. Hopefully yours will be on its way soon, too.

                Guybrush Threepwood

                  My post seems to have disappeared. Therefore once again.

                  Visions 03/2025 (Germany):
                  Veränderungen gehören bei Motorpsycho längst zur Routine. Die minimalistische Besetzung der Band tut dem Maximalismus ihrer jüngsten Stilcollage nicht den geringsten Abbruch. Das siebte Album in sieben Jahren, elf Songs, 80 Minuten – bei Motorpsycho scheint alles in gewohnten Bahnen zu verlaufen. Doch was ist schon normal bei einer Band, die Progressivität seit jeher wörtlich nimmt?
                  Von rohem Heavy Rock mit Grunge-Einflüssen über jazzigen Freistil bis zu psychedelischen Langformaten: In über drei Jahrzehnten Bandgeschichte haben Motorpsycho kaum eine Entwicklung ausgelassen. Auf die Abkehr von Stickman, dem eigens zu Vertriebs- und Promotionzwecken der Band gegründeten Label, folgte 2023 mit der Trennung von Schlagzeuger Tomas Järmyr die einstweilige Verschlankung zum Duo. Eine verlässliche Konstante bleibt neben der Veränderung selbst nur die stilistische Bandbreite, die auf Motorpsycho das krautige Lucifer, Bringer Of Light mit dem sonnigen Alternative Rock von Stanley (Tonight’s The Night) und Core Memory Corrupt zusammenbringt oder in Laird Of Heimly gar den streunenden Hippiesound eines Robert Plant oder Cat Stevens in sich aufnimmt.
                  Längst nicht nur der selbstreferentielle Titel zeugt auf diesem 25. Album von großen Ambitionen. Doch es ist gerade dieser unbedingte Weltoptimismus, der Motorpsycho so unerwartet zugänglich macht – und zum perfekten Ausgangspunkt für alle, die sich bisher noch nicht näher mit der Band beschäftigt haben.

                  Wertung: 9/12
                  Im Soundcheck durch 9 Redakteure: 7,1/12

                  Changes have long been part of Motorpsycho’s routine. The band’s minimalist line-up does not detract in the slightest from the maximalism of their latest stylistic collage. The seventh album in seven years, eleven songs, 80 minutes – with Motorpsycho, everything seems to run along familiar lines. But what is normal for a band that has always taken progressiveness literally?
                  From raw heavy rock with grunge influences to jazzy freestyle and psychedelic long-form songs: In over three decades of band history, Motorpsycho have hardly missed out on any development. The departure from Stickman, the label founded specifically for the band’s distribution and promotion purposes, was followed in 2023 by the separation from drummer Tomas Järmyr and the temporary streamlining to a duo. Apart from the change itself, the only reliable constant remains the stylistic range, which on Motorpsycho brings together the herbaceous Lucifer, Bringer Of Light with the sunny alternative rock of Stanley (Tonight’s The Night) and Core Memory Corrupt or even incorporates the stray hippie sound of Robert Plant or Cat Stevens in Laird Of Heimly.
                  The self-referential title is by no means the only sign of great ambition on this 25th album. But it is precisely this unconditional optimism about the world that makes Motorpsycho so unexpectedly accessible – and the perfect starting point for anyone who has not yet taken a closer look at the band.

                  Rating: 9/12
                  Average rating in the sound check by 9 editors: 7.1/12


                    Thank You, Guybrush!


                      Does anyone have an idea who might be the subject of ‘Balthazaar’? I am guessing it is not one of the three Wise Men who came to worship the Christ Child. It would seem that it is someone who passed away – perhaps recently. Well, maybe it is none of our business.

                      That mystery aside, it goes without saying that this track is one of the album’s high points.


                        Indeed it is! No idea about the subject. Tbh, I tend to listen to songs a LOT of times before I really pay any attention to the lyrics. Lots of interesting stuff going on here, though! Not least the lyrics to Neotzar. And what does «E-I-O, Sab, E-O» etc. mean anyway? Is it some kind of occult mantra, merely jibberish or something completely different?

                        Punj Lizard


                          Someone posted this on one of the MP fan pages on Farcebook.


                          Emily Grimes

                            Check out the animated series of Balthazar on YouTube! It is the most trippy children’s tv show that all of Bent and Snahs generation grew up on. I have been playing the tv-show all week while listening to Motorpsycho-it goes togheter REALLY well!:) And my guess is that one episode probably will be used for the visuals on the upcoming tour ( if there are no problems with copyrights etc..) Would be really cool. If you listen to the crazy Balthazar song in the show you will also recognize some of the music in the Motorpsycho song!:) Its their thank you for making my childhood a little better and crazier…


                              Thanks for that. I had seen a link made with the television show before but the lyrics seem to be about someone gone and deeply missed. Still, maybe it is about the show and only about the show. I suppose it could all be understood in that context.

                              General BeeFart

                                I was thanking it was about Tomas .

                                General BeeFart

                                  I keep asking around; Why could not Melvins take out Motosaiko on a US – t(ou)rip?!
                                  I’d fly over for that. I mean. . Isn’t Melvins and Mororpsycho bonded via the love for KiZZ?!
                                  DO IT. Europe wantt it. Need it :cheers:

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