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    A couple of things are going on with MP that probably haven’t escaped most people’s radars. First of all, whereas Bent — if I’m not mistaken — used to be the main singer, Snah now seems to have been promoted to his equal, meaning that Snah sings as many, if not more, songs than Bent at a usual gig. This may be all good, if you like Snah as a singer, which I do. What it seems to mean, though, and the downside is that Snah’s songs (those in which he sings) seem to get favored on stage. Chances are pretty good of hearing “Greener” or “Upstairs & Downstairs” or “Serpentine,” then, but many of Bent’ s songs seem unlikely to get played or out of the question. So are we talking about more predictability in the song selections? Also, I’m under the impression that they impro less than they used to. The songs from LLM are impressively orchestrated and all, but they’re being played live almost the same as on record, so what happened to the element of surprise and the impros that take you out of familiar territory? This, after all, was one of the main reasons to go and see them. The fact of the matter, in any case, is that they’re still a great live act, but I wonder if they’re not more predictable.


    well, OK…i’ve heard about some from my friend. it was like Bent wanted to Snah sing much more. and now he is. and Snah himself was afraid to sing before, you can read about those somewhere also, but when i met him and told about that last time i went to see em play and he was like “at last”. it means that Snah enjoy singing now, and he never afraid to do it anymore. Also he said that he’s actually a guy who play the guitar, “to sing” was totally different thing to him before. that’s the reason why… i guess about old situation.

    and sessions…i guess maybe songs from LLM are like that maybe but you know real SUPERhogwash and some others lately? i guess they need much more time to expand them or will show us something different, if we can waiting for. some songs has some versions on live stage and it seems those are still going on.

    Krist Rampage

      Good posts Vedius & Madsunship. I an see your point Vedius but the first song that comes in my mind is Heartattack Mac, which clocked in to about 15 mins last time i saw the boys. Man, it is too early for this….i have to wake up now.


        Bent stated years ago that he’s quite happy singing less on stage. Takes away some “working pressure” and he can play about more.

        btw I disagree with the impro thing as the main reason to go see them. First of all they’re great composers and I love to hear their songs with that extra live wooomph. I can do without too much endless impro noodling. Their trademark build-ups-and-releases are always nice, though.


          Listening to the Forum gig right now. From October 2008. And it’s pretty spacy stuff. So i must disagree with your statement about them skipping the psychedelics. Plus the LLM tracks are pretty spacy as they are on record, so i would imagine it’d be kind of hard to space them out further. As for Snah singing more, i think this is nice. He’s gotten much better with the years, and now sings best of the two of them (in my opinion)

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