Hey Akane,
Cool! I’ll look out for you. I’m going to Paradiso and Effenaar, so see you there!
Have a safe journey everyone & enjoy yourselves!
Damn. I hate sold out Vera shows.
That’s my mind made up for me! Was seriously considering losing sleep and rushing there and back on the same night. Oh well!
For a possible pre-meeting in Berlin I suggest the lovely Biergarten of Cassiopeia next to Astra (ca. 200m down the street) from 18:00 on or so. Doors in Berlin will open 20:00 and RotoR will go on at 21:00.
Here is a map of the area.
See you!!!
any pre-beer suggestions for amsterdam?
No idea if I’m gonna make it in time for a pre-beer other than in Paradiso (Weteringschans 6) itself, but close to there are such – admittedly: cliché – places like Hard Rock Café Amsterdam (Max Euweplein 61) and The Bulldog Palace (Leidseplein 15). There are so many places to booze in that area, it might be easiest to pick the ones easily spotted.
Anyone looking for CHEAP BED IN AMSTERDAM tomorrow? We’d have one left… feedback needed asap.
According to the website there’s still a few tickets at the presale adresses for the Vera gig. They have only a maximum number of reservations, all the other tickets go to the presale adresses.
Vondelpark! (just beyond the Paradiso)
It’s gorgeous weather here in the lowlands today, perfect for filling a picnic basket with a heavy metal fruit salad and frolicking in the park before the show…
Mrrr, sounds tempting! We could join with some little lucid drinks – leaving Germany in one good hour
hey thomas! hopefully we’ll meet each other! keep my eyes open for you!
Die Vorbereitungen für den Arbeitskampf seien angelaufen, sagte der Verhandlungsführer der Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Verdi, Michael Walther, dem rbb-Inforadio.
Mit ersten Streikaktionen sei aber erst nach den Feiertagen zu rechnen.
Die Verhandlungen zwischen den Arbeitgebern und der Gewerkschaft waren gescheitert. Verdi fordert für die Beschäftigten der Flughafengesellschaften einen einheitlichen Tarifvertrag und mehr Lohn. Zur Zeit werde das Bodenpersonal teilweise unter Hartz-IV-Niveau bezahlt, sagte Walther.
Berlin airport personnel to go on strike just after Whitsun???? Oh come on…
The Vondelpark: great idea! I hope I make it on time. The venue opens at 19.00 by the way, so enough time to yak it up there.
Un Chien & Little Lucid Me: see you there, I hope!
Just half an hour of work left. Sitting here – to paraphrase Hans Teeuwen – like a dog with ADHD that is not allowed to leave his spot.
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