Tomas off?

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      Rumour has it that Martin Langlie is stepping in for the Nepal/India tour. He is former drummer for Gåte (99-05), and present drummer for the excellent Valkyrien Allstars!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by welcomehome.

        I’m sure the ship will keep sailing but damn that’s a bummer. I just wonder where any musician can find more challenges and different grounds to explore than in this band? But maybe due to Motorpsychintensity there was not enough space for projects outside of MP? Damn I loved him in the band, especially live. He channelled Geb and Kenneth and very much himself at the same time. All my best wishes to Tomas and the boys.


          google translate:


          Motorpsycho goes from three to two: – Maybe the best we’ve had

          In an Instagram post published on Sunday evening, Motorpsycho announces that they are parting ways with Tomas Järmyr after six years.

          In 2022, Motorpsycho released “Ancient Astronauts”. Now three becomes two.

          The Swede took over the drums after Kenneth Kapstad left the band in 2017. In addition to his time in Motorpsycho, he has played with Årabrot, Black Moon Circle and Yodok, among others. Together with Motorpsycho, he has six releases. The most recent of them, “Ancient Astronauts”, garnered good reviews when it was released last year

          – Good luck in future escapades
          The post, which is signed Bent Sæter and Hans Magnus Ryan, is a picture of Järmyr. Below, they thank drummer Tomas Järmyr for the collaboration.

          “We thank TJ for six years of service on board the mothership, and wish him the best of luck in his future escapades as everyone’s favorite freelance drummer. We wish you the best of luck, Tomas – hope you find more meaning, joy, creative fulfillment and happiness out there than we were able to offer.”

          Preparing for tour
          Bent Sæther says to Adresseavisen that Järmyr “is perhaps the best drummer we’ve had”.


          – Eventually it turned out that we were too different in method, interests, commitment and ambitions for us to continue together. We wish him the best of luck in the future and are sure that he will find lots of other things and many others that suit him better

          Who will eventually replace Järmyr is not yet known.

          – We are now on our way to India on a two-week tour and continue with our work, says Sæther.

          Tomas Järmyr currently does not wish to comment on the matter

          Punj Lizard

            This is really sad news. Tomas has been a a great drummer for the band and I’m really sorry to see him leave. I’m also sad to hear that there may have been uncomfortable disagreements – whether over money or other stuff. When I read the Insta post I immediately got a passive aggressive vibe – a kind of “if you think you can do better somewhere else, good luck” cynicism. I expect we’ll hear more about it in the days to come.

            The India tour is a bit of a surprise. Given my history with India (I lived there for some years, my wife is Indian, and we have a home there that we visit irregularly), I would love to have heard about this in advance. My hope is that this is something that is already part of or about to feed into new material and inspiration.


              I don’t think there’s a subtext of that sort in this goodbye statement. That was probably just to illustrate the reason behind TJs decision as simply as possible and the guys wish him luck in that.


                Tomas, really sad to see you go. Enjoyed your playing with MP. Thanks so much. I remember seeing you perform with Zu in DBs Utrecht. It was when you were about to join MP. The Swedish national soccer team were playing and in between Zu’s incredible wall of noise you asked the crowd what the halftime score was. 0-1 somebody said. You screamed shit and banged the hell out of the venue. Wishing you all the best, will be following you wherever you’re headed.


                  For MP I wonder if they would like to be a proper threesome again instead of 2 plus a session drummer (this label really struck me in the insta post, although it might just as well be about Tomas’ ambitions – don’t know).


                    @ Punj Lizard: I hadn’t wanted to read that into the statement but there might be something in what you say.

                    “… too different in…commitment”

                    What is that saying, I wonder?

                    I can well imagine Tomas’ frustration. If one is not a Christian Vander or a Neil Peart, where is a drummer to find his creative satisfaction – not to mention his status and reasonable financial rewards? Had Tomas wanted more creative input, perhaps it would not have been welcomed or encouraged. So there is a need then for him to pursue extra-curricular activities and maybe that doesn’t suit this band’s modus operandi. I’m tempted to say that Bent amd Snah want to have their cake and eat it, but, when the way things work has turned out so well for us aficianados, it would be churlish to question their approach. Maybe they will just have to burn their way through the Kenneths and Tomases of this world every few years. However, it’s difficult not to reflect that they have really lost a gem who will take some replacing.

                    I think they have to give the next guy a little more to get his teeth into. No matter how good the songwriting and all the other elements, the drummer can make or break this kind of band (yeah, I know it’s one of a kind) – especially live. When you get the right guy, you’ve got to keep him happy.

                    Given his own extra-curricular activities, I concede that it is unlikely that Torstein will occupy the stool. Maybe he is not quite the right fit for Motorpsycho as we have known them but I would love to see the Motorpsycho that would emerge from Bent and Snah working with him. Hey, he could even bring along his mates Ståle and Reine too!

                    The music of The Smiths is considerably less interesting and the demands on the drummer were relatively minimal but it was noteworthy how that all played out in court.

                    One band that splits everything equally and operates as a democracy is Killing Joke, even though drummer Big Paul writes half the lyrics and guitarist Geordie writes more than half the music. The result? The same line-up that set out in 1979 is live and kicking and just sold out the Royal Albert Hall in March.

                    One further reflection: this buggers up the film a bit, doesn’t it?

                    the conscience

                      Bye Tomas, thanx for all.

                      Krist Rampage

                        Bummer… I don’t know what to say really. I am suprised by some of the speculating here but also suddenly gigs om India no ome knew about? And who’s drumming? Again, mystery. I just saw a picture on Bents Instagram about being on his way to India with Snah. No word about the drummer situation. It all feels a bit weird to me. But, I love ‘em all and I am sure it will all work out.


                          the KJ comparison: they might have split everything but they haven’t been the same four guys for 40+ years. Even had the occasional session drummer. Just sayin’…


                            @kristrampage – as written earlier, i think Martin Langlie is doing the drums on this mini tour.

                            Krist Rampage

                              Yeah I read that. I still think it is kind of weird to fly to India with a new drummer without telling the fans who it is. Not a gigantic big deal but still. Weird.


                                Aha sorry, then I understand you. And also agree with you, probably as strange as stating your drummer has left the band one day before you leave for a tour.

                                Maybe we have a typical event of bringing the news at the right time. As in more ethicly correct to announce your new drummer a couple of days after your previous left..


                                  I had a feeling something was off during Kingdom of Oblivion.

                                  It’s an okish record, however it don’t have many outstanding drum parts except The Transmutation Of Cosmoctopus Lurker.

                                  The reason for this I have no idea, it’s to hard say if Tomas works too much or too litte with MP and if he wants to work more or less with the guys.

                                  Any way, both tomas and MP will be fine after this I am sure.

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