the video is nice…the audio not really. Something I stay in tune with the ViKINGS…
all fine with a good audio recording (I got permission) but not with a rather crappy
sounding U-Tube video. Not my world and neither that of the band.
@ eddy_t: Yes, that was the weakest of the triple in 1975/1976. Meurgyls III is still
very fine, but I don't think Banton and SaxonJackson wanted to do "Reggae". So the band
split afterwards into "Peter Hammill's VdG". Still life/Godbluff are really fine albums,
maybe a bit too fast following each others…
AS from the recent past: Yes, of course I miss Mr. Jackson, but I think he doesn't like to
tour that much anymore instead of concentrating on his work with disabled children.
Peter Hammill: Saw him in last May twice in Dortmund. Nice, but helluva exhausting.