- This topic has 35 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago by
July 16, 2015 at 20:52 #8995Quote:These 15 tracks will also be featured in the book.
What exactly does this mean?
July 16, 2015 at 20:52 #28078First off all to you foreign psychonauts, this will be mostly in Norwegian. Its info about the upcoming project on New Jelly regarding the book that will be released in conjunction with the exhibition at Rockheim. There will also be a anthology dbl.lp/dbl.cd released on Rune Grammofon. 15 tracks on dbl.lp, the same 15 tracks (+2 bonus on the dbl. CD). These 15 tracks will also be featured in the book.
Quote:Falck Forlag AS slipper den 16. oktober ut den etterlengtede boka om Motorpsycho, hvorstorheter som Lars Ramslie, Johan Harstad, Audun Vinger, Anne Lise Frøkedal, Marius
Lien, Hedvig Mollestad og Nils Henrik Smith prøver å gå til bunns i dette myteomspunne
bandet og universet.
Motorpsycho har, siden demokassetten «Maiden Voyage» i 1990, gitt ut 21 studioalbum,
fire liveplater og drøssevis med EP-er, singler og enkeltspor. De har en enorm fanskare og
er kritikerrost over hele verden, men allikevel har de klart å verne om seg selv og bandets
indre liv. Hva vet man egentlig om Motorpsycho, utover at de slipper omtrent en fantastisk
plate i året i snitt?
I forbindelse med Rockheims Motorpsycho-utstilling, som åpner 16. oktober 2015, slippes
boka «Supersonic Scientists». En essaybok hvor 15 av landets største Motorpsycho-fans
og kjennere skal boltre seg i 15 låter fra 15 album.
Hele Motorpsycho-universet skal under lupen;
LÃ¥tene, katalogen, tekstene, plateinnspillingene, soundet, omslagene, fansen, konsertene,
den enorme driven, de stormannsgale konseptene, gitarspillet, referansene, arbeidsmoralen
og ikke minst; hvordan klarer de å beholde mystikken etter 25 år på veien?
Samtidig slipper Rune Grammofon antologien med samme navn på LP og CD, med de
samme 15 låtene. (CD-versjonen vil inneholde to bonusspor).
Førsteopplaget på bøkene skal selges via crowdfundingtjenesten NewJelly.com fra 18. juli,
hvor 500 av 1000 nummererte bøker legges ut for salg. De siste 500 selges kun på Rockheim
i forbindelse med utstillingen.
July 16, 2015 at 21:13 #28079Sad the book will be in Norwegian
But nevertheless, I'm gonna fund this!
July 16, 2015 at 22:09 #28080Never thought I'd see the day when MP releases an anthology! I hope the bonus tracks on the CD version aren't "previously unreleased" because that would force me to buy it… I personally don't really want or need an anthology of previously released songs (which I assume this is).
Anyway, very excited about the book!!!
July 17, 2015 at 07:20 #28081Samtidig slipper Rune Grammofon antologien med samme navn på dobbel LP og dobbel CD, med de samme 15 låtene. (CD-versjonen vil inneholde to bonusspor).
So 17 tracks on the CD-version. I predict those two bonus tracks will be previously unreleased :lol:
July 17, 2015 at 07:31 #28082July 17, 2015 at 08:41 #28083What I've understood is that the book will contain stories about 15 songs. The same songs will feature on the album.
July 17, 2015 at 08:43 #28084They seem to be getting attention from the Norwegian press today:
July 17, 2015 at 08:44 #28085Confirms that Gebhardt will appear at Slottsfjell.
July 17, 2015 at 09:48 #28086Even if Christer F takes it a little to far regarding the discography, but that's the ultimate goal
July 17, 2015 at 11:02 #28087And he has confirmed that there is talks about a English version of the book
July 17, 2015 at 11:13 #28088@kjellepelle, so if I fund this project, I will receive an English version of the book?
July 17, 2015 at 11:16 #28089not this fund-raiser I think. But I don't know any specifics.
July 17, 2015 at 11:21 #28090@kjellepelle hmm okay, then I'll wait a little bit.
Thanks for the info.
July 17, 2015 at 12:08 #28091From the VG article: Dobbelt-skiven har fått navnet «Supersonic Scientists: A young person’s guide to Motorpsycho».
– Det er en introduksjon for ungdommen. Vi har aldri hatt noe hits, så «Greatest hits» funker ikke. Om du spør 100 forskjellige fans om hva som er «Best of», vil du få 100 forskjellige svar på hva som er best, så det funker heller ikke, sier vokalist og bassist Bent Sæther til VG og forteller at de har jobbet mye med hvordan platen er løst.
English: "The double album is titled "Supersonic Scientists: A young person's guide to Motorpsycho".
– It's an introduction for young people. We've never had any hits, so "Greatest Hits" wouldn't work. If you ask 100 different fans what is our "Best of", you'd get 100 different answers, so that wouldn't work either, says Bent, and that they've worked hard on how to put together this anthology."
Makes sense to me, more sense than the "best of" I kinda pictured after seeing the press release. And a nod to King Crimson there ("a young person's guide to…")!
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