Union scene, Drammen 14.10.22

Home Forums General Union scene, Drammen 14.10.22

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      @suntripper. Yes, I can confirm this clip is from Union Scene in Drammen. Great gig, good venue.


        Was this the last show with Thomas? I seem to remember his departure was announced right after..


            Tomas certainly was the most technically refined drummer in Motorpsycho…with Kenneth being on-par with his unique over-the-top style. They both created brilliant output, but they also altered the way … :stg: ….played, in favor of a more technical approach as well…so a shift from the belly towards the brain if you will (which was and is an exciting evolution after the poppier releases).
            So, Geb’s drumming certainly was simpler, but it was just so etremely on-the-spot intuitive and so in support of the melodies and harmonies. It’s not about finding a new Geb (let the past be the cherished past), but i hear a lot of that more immediate emotional approach in Ingvald’s drumming and i like it a lot!

            • This reply was modified 8 months ago by marc.

              MP finest moments is not due to technical brilliance.

              When listening to for example Golden Core, Vortex Surfer, 577, Giftland, Demon Box, Flick of the Wrist, Hogwash and My best friend, we are not blown away by the complex structure of the music, it’s rather the opposite: how rather simple and slow moving music speak direct to heart and soul, full of emotions.

              (Of course I can’t even play a single chord of this, but any trained musician should be able to, correct me if I am wrong)


                @ hogw: Though I do mostly agree, 577 is NOT simple at all. Let me tell you this as a bass player – the rhythmic complexity doesn’t necessarily surface, but it both drives and fascinates at the same time!


                  Certainly, tracks like Vortex Surfer and the not-so-simple 577 are among Motorpsycho’s finest moments and they are definitely moving. (Would it complicate matters to add to that list another Geb-era number – Fools’ Gold – but in its more recent, post-Geb, live incarnation?)

                  However, as reflections on the loss of two outstanding drummers became the subject, I would like to point to the climax of The Alchemyst and the heart of N.O.X. as a couple of examples of post-Geb finest moments that both showcase technical brilliance and hit you in the guts (rather than the brain, which is not to say that I don’t agree with much of what Marc says).

                  If he is just a little short of Kenneth’s and Tomas’ levels, Ingvald is sufficiently technically proficient, in my opinion, and, importantly, has the energy to drive things forward, but not having him, or anyone else up to the job, as the full-time, exclusively focussed, third leg has to be a disadvantage.

                  : Thanks!


                    With N.O.X. I’m not so certain – is it more electronics or real drumming in the climax piece? Probably both interchanging – but for me Tomas’ greatest moment on album is on the “Crucible” Title track, which he gives a Who-like start and drive throughout. And of course the latest RW live album…


                      Oh, I think Tomas is pretty busy on N.O.X.! Take a look at the live clips! The Crucible is also a great performance.

                      I picked N.O.X. for my little tuppenceworth above because that is the first Tomas-era track I thought of that has powerfully moved me rather than simply appealed on a brain or technical level. There are others, as there are examples other than The Alchemyst from the Kenneth era (although that is probably my favourite drumming on any Motorpsycho track – impressive but also exhiliarating – and Ingvald is not, sadly, going to be able to match that, based on his recent effort, although who knows what heights he could yet attain, given time with the band?).


                        Don’t judge Ingvald too early! He played a little cautious at the start of last year’s tour, but that’s only understandable, given that he had only a few days with the band to prepare after returning from another tour with Kanaan. But when I look at those recent Full Earth clips on youtube I’m very impressed and think he’s a full grown drummer in his own right and doesn’t have to fear comparisons with any other collegue.


                          Oh, I’m definitely a fan of Ingvald! I championed him on here – before anyone else, I believe – right from the moment he was identified as coming on board. I really like his drumming. Kenneth set a very hogh standard on tracks like The Alchemyst. I realise that Ingvald did not have long to prepare, which is why I speculate that he might reach great heights, given time. Right from the start I was convinced he was a good fit. Then I was a little disappointed with his fills on The Alchemyst, but I hoped it was simply a question of having insufficient time. Let’s see. Anyway, Kenneth is Kenneth. He is a one-off. Even Tomas, supremely gifted as he is, cannot quite do Kenneth. Ingvald will do Ingvald and I am sure that will work.


                            Yep, I am not worried for live gigs.

                            Let’s seen how he will influence recordings. I have feeling even Tomas’s contributions were much lighter on Kingdom Of O. than on the magic Gullvåg Trilogy where they really played as a trio and quartet.


                              Certainly the band magick is full on on the trilogy. If it is due to Tomas’ growing decision to leave that KoO has a little less of that it is really regrettable that he was leaving.

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