
This is as of sept 2001 replaced by the forums.
Date: 2001-9-10
I`m searching for some MP mercandise, like t-
shirts posters videos and other freaky stuff.
If you can help me please mail me or give me a
call(my phone:26149210)
P.S. I`m from Denmark
Have FUN!
Email: Mads F.H.Christensen
Date: 2001-9-10
I'm looking for these shows:
- May 12, 1994
- May 14, 1994
Please mail me if you have any of these two
shows. Have other live shows to trade with.
Email: Sigmund
Date: 2001-9-7
Rosendal, Rosendal!
Email: Siver
Date: 2001-9-7
Må ha fire eller fem billetter til motorpsycho-
konserten på Rosenlund i tr.heim! (den med fri
aldersgrense) Betaler dobbelte av utsalgspris. MÅ
MÅ! Hun som skulle skaffe for oss klarte å vente
lenge nok til at de ble utsolgt. Si fra hvis du
bare har en eller to også, kanskje vi kan skrape
sammen nok! Redd ett vennskap, mail eller ring
eller skriv:
97 12 10 31
Email: Siver
Date: 2001-9-7
Fikk noen av dere tatt opp Hal 9000 med Harald
are Lund, torsdag 6 sept. P3???? Intervju med
Vil gjerne ha opptaket komplett. Mitt er brudt
like etter Going to California
Har video opptak jeg kan bytte med.
Email: thomas
Date: 2001-9-5
I have a barrel.
Email: Desmond
Date: 2001-9-5
I got a second show from Berlin (trust us tour)
27.05.98. to trade
see the covers at
at the bootleg trading page
see you
Email: Dave
Date: 2001-8-31
Looking for some Motorpsycho live shows. I have
mostly Smashing pumpkins shows to trade, please
take a look at my bootlist:
No mp3 sourced stuff!
Email: Maarten
Date: 2001-8-30
I don't know whether it's recorded , but I would
really really like to have a recording of the
april 2000 show in Nighttown (Rotterdam,
Holland). I'm afraid I haven't got anything to
trade but I am willing to pay for it.
Email: Knut
Date: 2001-8-28
Søker en BASSIST i Oslo-området til seriøst,
etablert band, noe ala motopsycho!!
Ingen ulempe om du spiller like grisefett som
Bent!! Bør også kunne synge/kore..
Ta kontakt for mere info/mp3-filer etc.
Email: ronny
Date: 2001-8-27
Looking to Buy a CD-R\MD\Etc.. of a good show...
Im not looking for commercial botlegs or
anything.... but i do hope for good sound quality
(taped from the radio?)
e-mail me if it sound good...
Email: Gutless
Date: 2001-8-27
I'm searching for a live-version of "Golden Core"
in excellent quality - probably the whole
RockefellerShow from 1997 on CDr - got a lot live-
CDR from other bands (like phillip boa, die
ärzte, nick cave) to trade. Or i will pay for the
copies. & need to have Rockefeler 1996!
Also newer recordings welcome, contact me!
Email: Daniel
Date: 2001-8-22
I got the show from Berlin 27.05.97. to trade.
Excellent sound, 2 discs with sleeves.
A picture will be added on the DTG Records site
and maybe on the volker's collection.
See ya.
Email: crunch
Date: 2001-8-21
Searchin for a older show of MP------->27.06.99 in
It's really important for me. Thanx.
Does maybe anyone enjoy the
future Stickman-Supershow in october 2001 in
Please contact me.
Email: basti
Date: 2001-8-15
I'm currently looking for good shows (with good
recordings of course...) of the 2000 tour.
It seems I've got nothing to trade exept my own
recordings or bootlegs that you can find at:
Email: Dave
Date: 2001-8-15
I'm desperatly looking for the 20/10/2000
rockefeller concert. I could pay, or trade.
Reidar, Norway.
Email: Reidar
Date: 2001-8-14
In mint condition I offer U my Promotor1.
In return I want promos of other artists.
Or you can send me a bid. Or.....uh...Tell you
what, go to QXL.no, type Motorpsycho in the
search area. You will find my ad, and a few other
psycho ads.
Email: Pablo el Diablo
Date: 2001-8-14
searching some stuff !!
1. the video 'this is motorpsycho'
2. the old records on vinyl!! especially
8 soothing songs
demon box
3. also 7", which are released in different
countries and different songs.
please contact me, maybe i pay you, or we change
records or whatever !!
Email: Nicholas Ganz
Date: 2001-8-9
Noen som selger motorpsycho genser eller truse?
Mail meg
Email: fan
Date: 2001-8-6
I looking for the live recording of the
20/10/2000 rockefeller concert, the one that
opened with stained glass, and with sola skinner
in the ending. Preferably with printed covers (
http://www.matomic.de/coverarchive/gallery2.html )
but not nescesserily.
Email: Siver Todal
Date: 2001-8-5
3 songs for rut 7"(1992 voices of wonder 028) for
the 7" has never been played and is in mint
bids from sunday12.8.01 are welcome
thanx, mich
Email: mich
Date: 2001-8-4
I'm selling the following items:
Demon Box 2xLP
Wearing Yr Smell CDEP
The Tussler CD
The Tussler 2x10"
Every other single and EP on CD...
Email me!!!
Email: Erik
Date: 2001-7-31
need the non-stickman records on LP any offers to
me, please...
Email: kai
Date: 2001-7-30
We now have reggae T-shirt for sale, we are
currently working on some more design. Oh
yes... we will be having a baby girl in
December, Ama will be her name. So we are
working hard, we only need one large order
request of our design reggae t-shirts. Maybe
you can, maybe you know someone that can
help make our dream into reality.
Thanks for your time.
Ank J. SteadySpear
T-shirts link http://www.iota.tv/t-shirt
other links
http://www.iota.tv online art magazine
http://www.dankunlimited.com Creative
Portfolios and Recent online book
Email: Ank Steady
Date: 2001-7-26
I have the Demon Box 2xLP. It happens to be the
edition with side 1&4 on the one record, and 2&3
on the other(one of the 500 first copies!). It is
also signed by Matt Burt. As much as it hurts to
say this, I am willing to get rid of it.But, i
will not(!) sell it. If anyone has any Red House
Painters records out there, i might be interested
in a trade. The album I'm most interested in is
the 1993 "rollercoaster" LP. But I'm also
interested in other albums.
Email: Espen
Date: 2001-7-24
Black hooded sweater,XL,no sipper, little logo on
back, MP + logo on front.Prints in very good
shape :---)
Greenpeace cd, MP doing '' Nature's way''
Email: thomas
Date: 2001-7-22
I`m desperate to buy a copy a live recording:
Oslo 20/10-00. The best concert I`ve ever been at.
Email: ragz
Date: 2001-7-22
Blissard (vinyl only!!)
will pay good!!!
Email: Phanerothyme
Date: 2001-7-19
I've got a copy of Motorpsycho's cassette-demo
from 1990 called "Maiden Voyage". I'm not sure,
but I think it's their first demo, and only
printed in 100x. I'm thinkin about selling it.
How much is it worth these days?
Email: Håvard Holten
Date: 2001-7-17
Roskilde 2001 recordings wanted!
Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, Neil Young, Cato Salsa,
Bobbyhughes Experience.
Email: audun
Date: 2001-7-13
WANTED: Recordings from Roskilde 2001, especially
TOOL, BECK, THE CURE, but others also interesting!
Have dozens of MP-recordings to trade with...
Email: Sjur
Date: 2001-7-11
Have Wearing yr Smell EP, Another Ugly EP and
Mountain EP, all CDs, would like to swap for
Trust Us or Roadworks CD and/or merchandise.
Email: Jim Turner
Date: 2001-7-11
I`m looking for "Soothe" on vinyl.
Email: Wilma
Date: 2001-7-11
I need a huge MotorPsycho sticker for back window
of my car. Will pay in cash.
Email: DJ Psycho
Date: 2001-7-8
Do one of you have that grey cap with embroidered
MP logo on the forehead? Would like to buy,or
trade with ''Angel and Daemons tour t-shirt, RED,
PS: if not cap, trade with other stuff could be
Email: thomas
Date: 2001-7-5
im looking for a sticker to...huge one...
Email: exorcist66@hotmail.com
Date: 2001-7-5
i'm looking for a huge banner sticker
for my rear window. can you help me?
Email: dr. hoffmann
Date: 2001-7-4
Email: Dot
Date: 2001-7-4
yeh dot, send me a mail too..
Email: blissard
Date: 2001-7-4
Hey DOT!
You're e-mail aint working
Email: Bored
Date: 2001-7-3
selling: Blissard, LP (w/T-shirt + button)
Mad Sun, 7" (yellow, sawbl.shaped,)
Lovelight, EP-cd
(and maybe..)Promotor 1
Email: Dot
Date: 2001-6-29
Vil ha tussler. vræl
Email: Lars Espeseth
Date: 2001-6-22
I want The Tussler!
Email: J.
Date: 2001-6-22
MP-live recordings.
Email: asbekken@yahoo.com
Date: 2001-6-17
Er schijnt een opname te bestaan van het concert
dat motorpsycho op 6 Juni '97 in de Effenaar (in
Eindhoven) gaf. Mocht iemand daar iets meer van
weten of -beter nog- de opname hebben, neem dan
ajb contact met mij op. Heb veeeeel ruilspul
Email: Menno
Date: 2001-6-13
i wana buy car Bmw
Email: basiri
Date: 2001-6-13
this is motorpsycho
Email: rumba
Date: 2001-6-12
WANTED!!:maiden voyage
tape/lobotomizer;soothe;3songs for rut;8soothing
songs for rut;another ugly ep;mountain ep (only
Email: uwe haase
Date: 2001-6-12
I wanna buy The Tussler, CD or LP. Not at any
cost, but almost....
Has anyone seen the movie?
Email: Marius Kambestad
Date: 2001-6-6
I am looking for these releases. I know It’s
nearly impossible to get some of these, but I’ll
be happy with copies as well!
Other releases might be still available. Please
help me with info on where to buy these (for
instance “Trist historie” and “Syk”).
For trade I can offer copies of all the other
stuff, not mentioned below (including “This is
I can also offer money.
- Motorpsycho - Maiden Voyage, Tape,
Knallsyndikatet KS 044 1990
- Various - Knall, The Album vol 4, MC,
Knallsyndikatet KS 042, 1990
Motorpsycho: Memory. Not-like-Tussler-version.
- Various - Hulen fra A til Å, Het Vinyl 1000,
Motorpsycho: Junior (Bigmuff version)
- Various - Rock Furore #3
Motorpsycho: Sheer Proufoundity (Death To False
Metal Mix)
- Various - Voices Of Wonder, A Compilation, VOW
036, 1994
Motorpsycho: Nothing To Say, Some Real Mindfuck,
Home Of The Brave (live)
- Various - Gamle Moder Jord - (p+c
Greenpeace/Sony Music GPCD 1) 1996
Motorpsycho: Natures Way (R. California)
- Various - Ellediller og krokofanter - en
hyllest til Knutsen og Ludvigsen,
Progress (pro0259), 1996
Motorpsycho w/Winnefried Ryan: Syk (Knutsen &
- Various - Jeg gleder meg til år 2000, 1999.
Motorpsycho – Trist Historie (Wannskrækk)
!!!!!! - Cake compilation 1- 6 !!!!!!!!!
Email: erik
Date: 2001-5-19
the bids are closing 1. June:
Demon Box
Timothys Monster
Wearin’ yr smell
Hey Jane
3 songs for Ruth
mad sun
sinful, windborne
tussler (signed)
Email: mudhoney
Date: 2001-5-18
The Tussler - cd or vinyl originals
if not possible then a copy on cdr og minidisc
Email: Kasper
Date: 2001-5-17
for those who are still loking for the VIVA show
on tapre, contact me.......over 3 hours of mp on
one tape
Email: sloop john b
Date: 2001-5-9
12" "Self indulgent mono-minds - A tribute to
Motorpsycho" Triple LP
12" Soothe, steel-cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7" 3 Songs For Rut
CD The Tussler
CD Angels and Daemons at Play (box)
7" Motorpsycho/Hedge Hog - Splitsingle
7" Motorpsycho/Alice Cooper (yellow)
7" Motorpsycho/Alice Cooper (blue)
7" Jorg mager trio
Selling it all!!!!!!! Send your bid
to ertersuppe@hotmail.com
Deadline is Friday 18 May!!!!!
Email: ertersuppe
Date: 2001-5-9
I'm selling mp on vinyl:
- Lobotomizer
- Soothe
- Demon Box (2 lp)
- Timothys monster
- Angels And Daemons At Play
- The Tussler
- several EP's and singels.
Email: mudhoney
Date: 2001-5-6
thiswaydesign is making a motorpsycho webstore,
that will be up some time in june/july.
Email: blissard
Date: 2001-5-6
will the merchandicethingy on this page ever be
or anyone who knows of anywhere else to get
official mp stuff (shirts'n stuff??)
let me know..
Email: martin
Date: 2001-5-2
My mail is working! But the shortcut seems to be
rather useless. So type the following e-mail
address to reach me: espena@stud.alu.hist.no
Email: Espen
Date: 2001-5-2
Ja Espen...Mailen din fungerer ikke...
Mail meg angående Angels og Tussler....
eller ring 57824149 eller 41698171
Email: Bård
Date: 2001-5-2
MP-live recordings.
Email: asbekken@yahoo.com
Date: 2001-5-1
samme her. mail meg.
Email: blissard
Date: 2001-5-1
Maila mig eller ring om "Soothe"
tel: 22332225 (dag)
675 49 774 (kvæll)
Email: wilma
Date: 2001-4-30
Want some?
Angels And Deamons At Play(3 cd box)
The Tussler(CD with orange plastic)
And i might consider to let my Soothe LP leave my
collection for a good price.
Email: Espen
Date: 2001-4-28
Forgot to say a couple things:
I really, really like knowing source information:
recording equipment, mics, deck, etc.
I'm also looking for live recordings of Norsk punk
bands from the 80's (and maybe early 90's), such
as Within Range, Life...but how to live it,
Stengte Dorer, etc.
Email: Olaf
Date: 2001-4-28
Looking for live MP, especially older shows. My
main criteria are sound quality and heaviness. To
give an idea of what I mean by heavy, some of my
favorite MP songs include "Mountain," "Motorhead
Mama" and "Demon Box". I also like the
combination of rockers on the fifth disc of the
Cake compilation.
I have about ten MP shows on CDR and many hundreds
of other bands for trade on CDR and DAT. I
never sell live music--only trade. I'm in the US.
Send my your list and I'll send you mine.
Email: Olaf
Date: 2001-4-27
Ær det nån som har "Soothe" på vinyl å selge ?
Email: Wilma
Date: 2001-4-27
And -oh yeh- could you norwegian guys please sent
adds in english. No offence but it always gives
my heartbeats when I see the words 'Demon box
vinyl' in yr adds.
thank you
Email: The tussler
Date: 2001-4-27
Hey, please don't sell or buy any live
Email: TheTussler
Date: 2001-4-25
Demon Box 2lp til salgs + alle 10"
Email: Big Dipper Records
Date: 2001-4-25
This is Motorpyscho! -video byttes i noe gøy.
Send meg en mail med forslag...
Email: mjoff
Date: 2001-4-22
trenger desperat penger til onsdag, selger
derfor signert gul tussler-cd til høystbydende
innen onsdag.
Email: bigG
Date: 2001-4-22
i am selling\trading burnt copies of The Tussler
and copies of the VIVA show ++ more on video.
mail me if you`re interested!
Email: "Let`s Tussle"
Date: 2001-4-21
wanting to buy this is motorpsycho video or other
motorpsycho stuff on video.
Email: rod
Date: 2001-4-20
Case Closed,? Hüsker Dü tribute (New Day Rising)
Subraum 7" (7th Dream)
This Is Motorpsycho video
Kim Hiorthøy - Torture Happiness 7"
selges på www.qxl.no uten minstepris.
Ellers kjøper jeg gjerne en blå Mad Sun hvis noen
har en til overs. :)
Email: 000.000
Date: 2001-4-17
vurderer å selge min signerte "gebhardt plays
with himself" 7". signert på bildet på coveret.
- lars fromasj
Email: lars hasj
Date: 2001-4-15
noen som har en motorpsycho-genser å selge, eller
veit om et sted å få tak i det?
Email: ann-sofie
Date: 2001-4-14
Desperately seeking: Mot riving EP !!
Email: Baby Jonas
Date: 2001-4-13
Looking for:
_Sinful, wind-borne 7"
_The nerve tatto mcd
_Promotor 1 &2
_mad sun 7"
to trade with Live recordings (I have many many
Email: Ricky(nibi)Scotti
Date: 2001-4-11
Promotor 2 for sale or
trade against other rareties.
Email: Thomas
Date: 2001-4-9
Noen interessert i å selge meg vinyl av de gamle
gode sakene?
mail meg...! khsaus@hotmail.com
have fun....
Email: khsaus
Date: 2001-4-7
I noticed I'm not the only one, but I'm looking
for a copy of The Tussler. If you've got it on
vinyl, that would be great! The cd-version is
welcome as well.
Please send me an e-mail if you want to get rid
of the aforementioned item (although it's kind of
hard for me to imagine why)!
Email: Jelger
Date: 2001-4-6
Hei er d noen som har et opptak fra psycho
konserten som jeg dessverre gikk glipp av som de
sende 1 april i rocksrevyen på p3??
mail meg så hvis du har en kopi.
Email: Rune Laugen
Date: 2001-4-4
Promotor1 EMI 1994
Stickman Promotor 2
Wearing Yr Smell ("Psychobabble")
The Nerve Tattoo, Columbia
Have Spacesuit Will Travel
Boksen med de tre sistnevnte
Email: martin
Date: 2001-4-4
Er interressert i følgende:
The Tussler
Angels & Daemons at Play (3 cd Box)
+ alt av gode live opptak
Email: Bored
Date: 2001-4-3
Vil kvitte meg med det aller siste jeg har av
"Familienangelegenheien #2" Tysk samler med bla
Motorpsycho. Gjør Star Dancer Vs. Car Cancer. 50,-
"Inhale Fig 1" Canadisk samler med bla.
Motorpsycho. Gjør Nerve Tattoo. 50,-
"Fra Svartlamoen With Love" Samler med bla.
Motorpsycho. Gjør Polka With The Devil. 50,-
"Sonicheaventure III" Italiensk samler med bla.
Motorpsycho. Gjør Mad Sun akkustisk. 50,-
"Effenaar 25 Jaar" Nederlandsk samler med bla.
Motorpsyhci, Bettie Serveert og Jesus Lizard. Gjør
Seethe. 100,-
"Party Terror Vol. II" Med bla. Israelvis, Hedge
Hog og Motorpsycho. 80,-
Email: Rune Olsen
Date: 2001-4-2
wanted: Soundtrack of our lives recordigs from
the current tour, or others. have LOTS and lots
of motorpsycho and some tsool cd-r to trade. also
wanted: sigur ros and mogwai live. no MP trades
wanted at the moment!
Email: Paul
Date: 2001-4-2
lots of good stuff...
Email: asbekken@yahoo.com
Date: 2001-3-27
I`m interested in every Motorpsycho product you
can`t get over the counter.
Email: pedro
Date: 2001-3-26
i'd like to buy:
- Gamle Moder Jord (Motorpsycho: Natures Way)
- Jeg gleder meg til år 2000 (Motorpsycho:Syk
- Ellediller og krokofanter (Motorpsycho:Syk)
- Subbacultcha! (Motorpsycho: Some Real Mindfuck)
Email: erik
Date: 2001-3-26
Kan skaffe:
"Alle you ever wanted, all you ever needed", 3
cd bootleg med alle b-sider! Helt sinnsyk!!
Er bare interessert i byttehandel!!
Email: stein
Date: 2001-3-24
Vil ha rød Mad sun
Email: Martin
Date: 2001-3-21
Ok guys..... I would like to trade: live and
ev'ry Motor rarities u got.
My list is:
- Maiden Voyage
- Cake Compilation
- Rockefeller 97 / 99 (2cds)
- Bergen 91 !!
- Dresden 95
- Rome 97 (2cds)
And some rare songs taken by Veita Scene
Trondheim 1/3/96 and som others from many
different concerts. Contact me!
Email: Raf!
Date: 2001-3-21
HI !
I want to trade MP live cds...
email me for a list, have plenty to trade!!!
Email: Barry
Date: 2001-3-21
I am interested in buying any vinyl releases by
Motorpsycho, especially "Demon Box"
and "Blissard". I live in the UK, so anyone from
there willing to sell some stuff- Please get in
Email: Tor Meldal
Date: 2001-3-21
I'm looking for the COMPLETE Rockefeller 14/03-97
gig (inc. Hogwash). Anyone who's got it ??
Please tell me. Have live stuff to trade with.
Email: Siggy Saggy
Date: 2001-3-20
Selger Tussler på qxl.no URL:
Email: R
Date: 2001-3-19
Want to trade live motorpsycho recordings (also
My list:
Hulen (Bergen, Norway) 24.10.91 – ONE CD
Roskilde Festival (Roskilde, Denmark) 01.07.93 -
Jugendzentrum Bockenheim (Frankfurt, Germany)
01.09.93 – ONE CD
Metropool (Hengelo, Holland) 18.09.93 – TWO CDS
Sentrum Scene (Oslo, Norway) 11.03.94 – ONE CD
Faro (Roma, Italy) 26.05.1994 – ONE CD
Cafe Glocksee (Hannover, Germany) 14.03.95 – TWO
Star Club (Dresden, Germany) 01.04.95
Down On The Farm Festival (Halden, Norway)
02.06.95 – ONE CD
Rockefeller (Oslo, Norway) 09.03.96 – TWO CDS
Quart Festival (Kristiansand, Norway) 05.07.96 –
Waterpop festival (Wateringen, Holland) 17.08.96 –
Rockefeller (Oslo, Norway) 14.03.97 – TWO CDS
Folken (Stavanger, Norway) 21.03.98 – TWO CDS
Fritz Corner (Stockholm, Sweden) 25.03.98 – ONE CD
Prime club (Köln, Germany) 10.05.98 – ONE CD
(Also know as ”Viva special”)
Vera (Groningen, Holland) 28.05.98 – ONE CD
Patronaat (Harlem, Holland) 31.05.98 – ONE CD
Veita Scene (Trondheim, Norway) 01.10.98 – TWO CDS
Rockefeller (Oslo, Norway) 03.10.98 – TWO CDS
Union Scene (Drammen, Norway) 14.04.99 – TWO CDS
Blue Stage Roskilde Festival (Roskilde, Denmark)
04.07.99 – ONE CD
Rockefeller, Oslo (NOR) 15.10.99
Veita (Trondheim, Norway) 18.03.2000 – TWO CDS
Studentsamfunnet (Halden, Norway) 28.03.2000 –
Schlachthof (Bremen, Germany) 31.03.2000 – TWO CDS
Effenaar (Eindhoven, Holland) 21.04.2000 – TWO CDS
Capitol (Hannover, Germany) 23.08.2000 – TWO CDS
Hans-Sachs-Haus (Gelsenkirchen, Germany)
24.08.2000 – TWO CDS
Rockefeller (Oslo, Norway) 20.10.2000 – TWO CDS
Blæst (Trondheim, Norway) desember 2000 – TWO CDS
(Int. Tussler Society)
(3 CD Bootleg with original 3 cdbox cover)
Demos: ”Maiden Voyage” (Politician/ Queen chinee/
How was I to know/ Blueberry daydream)
+ ”Lobotomizer demo” (Grinder/ Hogwash/ Home of
the brave/ Frances/ Wasted/ TFC) – ONE CD
Motorpstycho Videos
*Motorpsycho - Various takes – ONE VHS TAPE (4
include: Live from Samfundet Trondheim (Norway)
30.09.1994 (privat tape), ”Trust us” (Trondheim,
Norway) 1997/8 (from lokal tv – Trondheim)
and ”Ein abend mit Motorpsycho” (GTV – German TV)
Køln 10.05.98.
Email: Rob
Date: 2001-3-17
Kjøper følgende:
-Psycobabble EP
-Lovelight EP
-Manmover EP
-Have spacesuit will travel
-Det meste på vinyl
Ring 99 79 74 14
eller send meg en mail....
Stein Are
Email: Stein Are Dahl
Date: 2001-3-17
hallo tenkte å fullføre sammlinga.
lurte på om noen hadde
waring yr smell ep
manmower ep
nerve tatoo ep
kanskje det er noen der ute med AADAP boksen
Have spacesuit will travel
Lovelight. er lov å håpe) hvis noen vil selge
send meg en mail
hilsen magnus
Email: magnus rauan
Date: 2001-3-16
trading mp live shit? got some old tapes lying
drop me a line, please! :)
Email: alex
Date: 2001-3-16
I'm selling these.
Motorpsycho - Timothy's Monster 1CD version
Various - Party Terror 2CD (Motorpsycho - Space
Cadet Boogie) - 100 NOK
Various - Effenaar 25 Jaar (Motorpsycho -
Seethe) - 100 NOK
Various - Sonic Avventure III (Motorpsycho - Mad
Sun acoustic version) - 100
Various - Fra Svartlamoen With Love (Motorpsycho -
Polka With The Devil) 80
Various - Voices Of Wonder A Compilation
(Motorpsycho: Nothing To Say, Some
Real Mindfunk, Home Of The Brave live) 150 NOK
Various - Stickin It To You (Motorpsycho: Hey
Jane, Mad Sun acoustic
version) 50 NOK
Various - Inhale Fig. 1 (Motorpsycho - The Nerve
Tattoo) 100 NOK
Various - Familienangelegenheitehn #2
(Motorpsycho - Star Dancer vs Car
Cancer) 100 NOK
I'm also selling my copy of Tussler on cd (orange
disc). Bid!
Email: Rune olsen
Date: 2001-3-16
I´m from germany and I´d like to look for some
Do you send them to Flensburg(germ.)?
Email: Meike
Date: 2001-3-14
help me!!
Date: 2001-3-8
I`m interested in every Motorpsycho product you
can`t get over the counter.
Email: pedro
Date: 2001-3-8
Er det noen som føler for å selge the tussler???
Den vil jeg gjerne ha!!!
Email: Simen H. Pedersen
Date: 2001-3-7
Wanna trade live recordings
My list:
Dresden 95 (04/01) (1 cd)
Rockefeller 96 (09/03)
Waterpop, Wateringen 96 (17/08) (1 cd)
Rockefeller 97 (14/03)
Stavanger 98 (21/03)
Patronaat, Harlem 98 (31/05) (1 cd)
Rockefeller 2000 (20/10)
Veita 2000 (18/03)
Skien 2000 (26/03)
Berlin 2000 (27/04)
Blæst 2000 (14/12)
Email: kmk
Date: 2001-3-6
I'm looking for the Timothy's Monster lp box
someone can help me thank you anyway.
Email: Aldo
Date: 2001-3-2
What does the police-man says to the man with the
three heads?
Looking for:
- Demon Box
- Timothys Monster
- Angeks and Deamons at Play
- Blissard
only Vinyl
onyi lnVly
nlVy nloyi
Email: Christian
Date: 2001-3-1
Jeg ønsker å kjøpe MP cdèr, vinyl mm.
Alt av interesse.
Email: Øyvind
Date: 2001-2-26
i'd like to buy:
- soothe, vinyl
- 3 songs for ruth, 7"
- lobotomizer, vinyl
i can't trade rare mp-stuff but i will pay well!
[o ja, i can 'trade', i've got a recording of the
vpro '96 show (containing the wheel as on tnt-cd,
feel acoustic and an interview) ]
Email: erik
Date: 2001-2-25
If anyone has live Sanderfinger recordings - drop
me a line.
Email: Jonas J
Date: 2001-2-25
some things to trade...
timothy's monster, stickman vinyl (no. 001000)
promotor 1
into the sun, cd
voices of wonder - a compilation
party terror vol.2
subraum 7"
beat up bosnia
visions all areas vol.12
roadwork 1+2 vinyl
trust us vinyl
furthermore, i wanna get rid of some obscure
norwegian stuff:
kraftrock, trondheim sampler,lp, hrlp 802
7000 riff, trondheim sampler,lp, arc 8654(incl.
sjolmord, holocaust, 7", mai 58
kjott, 7 track 12", fesk 102 (incl.4 papers)
boastein, urgata/hurgata,lp, vvs-003
boastein, jeg har min egen luke,lp, vvs-001
(2.opplag 1978;including two handwritten letters
by el scob)
all those items appear in beautiful condition...
...i am in need of
promotor 2
soothe metal box
maiden voyage
the innersleeve and poster of lobotomizer
demon box 1/4 2/3
tussler in orange
italian blissard cd
and various tracks on compilations...
Email: robert
Date: 2001-2-22
motorpsycho på festspillene i bergen!!!!23mai-
03.juni...be there!wear yr trip...
Email: vOiDfill
Date: 2001-2-22
Hey !
I wanna trade live MP...
DAO and non mp3 sources please !
I have got:
Hengelo, Holland, 18.09.1993
Oslo, Norway 11.03.1994
Tussler, Uffa, Trondheim, Norway, 22.04.1994 (tao)
Tussler, Down On The Farm Festival 02.06.1995 (tao)
Waterpop Festival,Holland, 14.08.1996
Rome, Italy, 20.05.1997
Lowlands Festival, Holland, 23.08.1997
Stavanger, Norway, 1998, 21.03.1998 (tao)
Haarlem, Holland, 31.05.1998
Drammen, Norway, 14.04.99 (tao)
Utrecht, Holland, 05.05.1999
Eindhoven, Holland, 07.05.1999
London, UK, 12.05-1999
Roskilde Festival, Denmark, 04.07.1999
Tussler, Blæst, Trondheim, Norway, 14.12.2000
Berlin, Germany, 24.04.2000
Trondheim, Norway, 18.03.2000
Oslo, Norway, 20.10.00
and more to come soon....
I wanna collect as many gigs as possible...
I wanna have the disks I have in tao in dao
version aswell... so if you have it and wanna
trade, email me !
Email: barry
Date: 2001-2-21
I'm still looking for older vinyl of MP like:
- Lobotomizer
- 8 Soothing Songs For Rut
- Demon Box
- Blissard
- Angels And Daemons At Play
- The Tussler and other EP's.
Also 3 CD's (Nerve Tattoo, Manmower and Wearing Yr
Email: Tom
Date: 2001-2-21
i want to have the 3 first albums of motorpsycho
Email: Diana
Date: 2001-2-21
hallo tenkte å fullføre sammlinga.
lurte på om noen hadde
waring yr smell ep
manmower ep
nerve tatoo ep
kanskje det er noen der ute med AADAP boksen
Have spacesuit will travel
Lovelight. er lov å håpe) hvis noen vil selge
send meg en mail
hilsen magnus
Email: magnus
Date: 2001-2-21
After years I finally got hold on Promotor 1, now
I'm looking for Promotor 2.
All I can offer is cash or an interview I made
with Geb and Snah from the autumn tour in 1998
(before their concert at Aas, MD approx. 12 min,
Norwegian). I also have the Dispomaniacs
Subterfuge EP and the Jukebox EP (Dipso ++) if
anyone is interested?
Email: Greiff
Date: 2001-2-20
Anyone who's got the Tussler for trade/sale.
Have a good deal of live recordings if that's
Email: jørgen
Date: 2001-2-19
Manmower EP CD
The Nerve Tattoo EP CD
For sale or trade against liverecordings
Email: Thomas
Date: 2001-2-19
Vurderer å selge 2 CD-EP:
Another Ugly EP (VOW 038CD)
Starmelt EP (Sony)
Coverne er strøkne, platene har små
skjønnhetsfeil, men er i god stand (garanti mot
hakk :)
Gi bud!
Email: Haans
Date: 2001-2-17
I'm not going to exclude international buyers, so
here's one in English as well. :o) For sale:
Have spacesuit will travel
EPs released separately in 1997, before the AADAP
album. Only 500 copies made of each. All in
excellent condition!
Deathprod: Imaginary songs from Tristan da Cunha
From 1996, I believe. Numbered inlay in cardboard
sleeve. Only 500 copies made of this one as well.
Track 5 is live from Rockefeller, March 9th 1996.
Great! Some minor scratches on CD, nothing that
affects playing.
Trust Us double LP. Cheapo.
Email: Kountry Kris
Date: 2001-2-15
Hey !
I wanna trade live MP...
DAO and non mp3 sources please !
I have got:
Hengelo, Holland, 18.09.1993
Tussler, Uffa, Trondheim, Norway, 22.04.1994 (tao)
Tussler, Down On The Farm Festival 02.06.1995 (tao)
Waterpop Festival,Holland, 14.08.1996
Rome, Italy, 20.05.1997
Lowlands Festival, Holland, 23.08.1997
Stavanger, Norway, 1998, 21.03.1998 (tao)
Haarlem, Holland, 31.05.1998
Drammen, Norway, 14.04.99 (tao)
Utrecht, Holland, 05.05.1999
Eindhoven, Holland, 07.05.1999
Roskilde Festival, Denmark, 04.07.1999
Tussler, Blæst, Trondheim, Norway, 14.12.2000
Cake Compilation Spring tour 2000
Berlin, Germany, 24.04.2000
I wanna collect as many gigs as possible...
I wanna have the disks I have in tao in dao
version aswell... so if you have it and wanna
trade, email me !
Email: barry
Date: 2001-2-14
Ønsker å kjøpe følgende:
- Maiden Voyage (KS)
- Soothe (helst steelbox)
- 3 Songs for Rut
- Starmelt EP (10")
- Promotor 1
- Stickman Promotor 2
- Wearing Yr Smell MCD
Kan, hvis ønskelig, bytte i liveopptak.
Email: Lars
Date: 2001-2-14
Trenger penger til studietur, derfor selger jeg
følgende titler:
Babyscooter (av opplag på 500 ex, blablabla)
Have spacesuit will travel (ditto)
Lovelight (det gjelder også denne)
Alle tre i VELDIG pen tilstand!
Deathprod: Imaginary songs from Tristan da Cunha
Denne er det noen riper på, men den spiller helt
utmerket. Nummerert, igjen en av 500 ex. Spor 5
er live fra Rockefeller 9. mars 96, jævlig bra!!
Trust Us dobbel-LP. Billigere enn i butikken. :o)
Jeg har ikke satt noen priser, jeg får heller se
an responsen. Trenger raske svar, for jeg reiser
om tre uker. OK? OK!
Email: Køntri Kris
Date: 2001-2-12
I would like 2 have da E-mail adress to
H."Deathprod" S.
N-y-1 who's got it?
Email: The Nightwatch
Date: 2001-2-10
hey you wanna trade live motorpsycho live.... I am
always interested !
email me for my list, i have like 20+ disks to
trade... and hopefully ppls wana trade to help
eachothers lists grow !
Email: barry
Date: 2001-2-9
Hi, I´m looking for a vinyl edition of Timothy´s
Monster and Demon Box. Don´t have any hope to get
Email: Feyx
Date: 2001-2-9
I'm looking for Motorpsycho's videos, someone can
help me?
Email: Michele
Date: 2001-2-8
Jeg har noen singler som jeg tror kan være
innteresante for enhver MP tilhenger. Disse er:
Baby Scooter, Lovelight og Have spacesuit will
travel. Selges som et sett med alle singlene. De
ligger ikke i noen boks, men i orginale
pappcover. Uspilt. Hvis det er noen som er
innteresert, så bare ta kontakt.
Email: Even Brændeland
Date: 2001-2-7
Eg veit ikkje om folk blir sinte av dette: Men eg
har enno ikkje sett filmen This is MP og har
ikkje råd til å kjøpe dei svindyre originalane.
Vil nokon selge meg ein kopi? Eg meiner, sidan
det er omogleg å få tak i filmen på "lovlig" vis.
Email: TomasB
Date: 2001-2-6
do have a Dbut compilation cd from 92. deathprod,
with his ''fordervelsen'' is among the songlist
here. + lot's of others , like When,
Biosphere,Ole Henrik Moe(OHM)+++
Want to trade it with MP stuff. Promotor 1, Hulen
fra A til Å, split with Hedge Hog, etc etc
trade only, not selling
Email: rock thomas
Date: 2001-2-4
Hi Folx !!!
I'm looking for most of the Motorpsycho stuff !!
I prefer vinyl editions of the LP's and EP's.
The EP'S complete and the LP's up to the album
"Trust Us" !!
Thanx, Tom
Email: Tom
Date: 2001-2-2
Har The tussler på 2x10". GI meg et godt tilbud.
Email: Øyvind
Date: 2001-2-2
i will give my first born (read: dozens & dozens
of motorpsycho concert recordings) for a copy of
the brugge, belgium 1998 recording!
no matter how incomplete or bad-sounding it is.
please contact me if you have it or know someone
who has it!
any help is greatly appreciated and will be
rewarded! :-)
thank you!
Email: alex
Date: 2001-1-31
The following items are considered sold. Serious
offers only please.
Maiden Voyage (Knallsyndikatet KS 044, m/PS og
no. 92/100)
Soothe MLP (VOW 1992)
Demon Box (VOW m/side 1+4 & 2+3 1st ed.)
3 songs for Rut 7"
Into the sun/HEDGE HOG 7" split
Mad Sun/A.Cooper (Yellow vinyl saw blade)
The Tussler CD (dBut 1994)
Also have the general heap of CDS and LP's if
it's something more common Motorpsycho your
looking for
Email: Thomas
Date: 2001-1-31
I do have a extra cd, with the Greenpeace thing,
and Motorpsycho is covering Spirit's ''Nature's
way'' with Snah on vocals
Do any of you want to trade for that sampler that
Voices of wonder did release, with Junior on it??
Or that sampler cd ''Hulen fra A til Å''??
Anything else can also be of interest:)
Email: thomas
Date: 2001-1-30
hey, i'm a belgian mp-listener, and i don't
know anybody-else who also likes this music,
so, if you are from belgium and you know a bit
about the band, records, concerts,...please
write a letter to: floris vanhoof
rollekens 75
2400 mol thank you a lot
Email: floris
Date: 2001-1-30
I wanna trade live MP,
I have:
17.08.96: 1CD Waterpop festival, Wateringen (NL)
21.03.98: 2CD Stavanger,(NOR)
31.05.98: 1CD Patronaat, Harlem (NL)
05.05.99: 2CD Tivoli,Utrecht (NL)
14-12-00: 2CD Blæst, Trondheim, Tussler gig,NOR)
mail me if you wanna trade....
Email: barry
Date: 2001-1-30
I`ll still probly be sellin`:
Mot riving(CD w/tre små kinesere)
Blizzard (double LP)
Trust us (double LP)
Demon Box (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (regular CD)
Angels and demons at play (triple CD box)
Timothys monster (LP box)
Ozone EP (vinyl )
Timothys monster (double CD)
Ozone EP (CD)
Starmelt EP (vinyl )
Starmelt EP (CD)
The tussler soundtrack (double vinyl)
Roadwork vol.1 (CD)
Hey jane EP (CD)
Mountain EP (CD)
Psychobabble EP (CD)
Manmower EP (CD)
The nerve tattoo EP (CD)
This is motorpsycho (video)
Another ugly EP (CD)
Mad sun/ +Alice Cooper "nobody likes me" (yellow
sawblade 7" vinyl)
Matt burt "grumpy groovy" (CD)
Div. (:motorpsycho, kim hiorthøy, deathprod, matt
burt, israelvis m.m.)"fra svartlamon with love"
Origami arktika/ deathprod "3logy pt 3- lat att
grinda" (CD limited to 500 x)
I`ve also got the video: "THIS IS MOTORPSYCHO"
Foo fighters "for all the cows" (limited blue 7"
The flaming lips "providing needles for your
balloons..." (CD)
Lee Ranaldo "broken circle"/"spiral hill" (7"
Sonic Youth/ Mudhoney "Touch me i`m
sick"/"Hallowen" (12" vinyl) - subpop
Butthole surfers "pepper" (limited red 7" vinyl)
Faith no more "king for a day... fool for a
lifetime" (limited 7" vinyl box set)
Kåre & the cavemen "the mood"/"inspector
`71"/"tension"/"point of no return" (7" vinyl)
Beck "steve threw up"/"mutherfuker" (7" vinyl)
Noodle "welcome to the house of joy" (CD) -
apartment records
Dipsomaniacs "Subterfuge EP" (7" vinyl) -
apartment records
Del/ Green monkey "Satan is boring"/"Inhuman" (7"
vinyl) - apartment records
Tabata "Hardcore space" (7" vinyl) - apartment
Kelner "Original motion fiction" (7" vinyl) -
apartment records
Slowburn/ Echo troopers -split- (7" vinyl) -
apartment records
Mail me!!! All is in perfect condition! Wouldnt
really wanna sell it, but i need the money. Give
me bids! Most of the vinyls have never been
played and the cd`s are all fine too(-almost as
new..). Hurry up! I allready have a potential
buyer who wants all these items, no kidding.Give
me some nice prices, and it`ll be yours!I`ve
allready gotten almost 100 emails with bids
and questions, and i will be looking through and
answering them really soon. And I do know that
many o these releases are worth a lotta money, so
please give me serieous bids!! I live in norway
Email: HT Steinstad
Date: 2001-1-30
hi my name is Jeppe...
I'm going to write an paper about Motorpsycho..I
need all the information I can get... I am going
to analyze vortex surfer and plan no. 1 so if
there is a genius with some usefull
information..please mail me....
How the band started up and so on...
Email: Jeppe Stephansen
Date: 2001-1-30
Vil kjøpe rød sagblad 7"
Email: martin
Date: 2001-1-29
Still looking for:
_Sinful,wind borne 7"
_Mad sun 7"
_The nerve tattoo MCD
_Wearing yr' smell MCD
have a good number of concerts for trade
mail me for the list
Email: Ricky(nibi)Scotti
Date: 2001-1-28
Probably the wrong place to say this, but here it
goes.. wouldn't there be nice to have a
discussionboard/bbs on this site? Like an
alternative to the g-35?
Email: dag
Date: 2001-1-27
Here you go
Email: The One that know his way around tihs site
Date: 2001-1-26
an someone please help me to get hold of
Motorpsycho lyrics?
Give me an internet-adress!
(It bugs me that I can`t hear what they are
singing when I KNOW it must be brilliant!)
Email: Schtif
Date: 2001-1-25
How much is the "Blissard"-LP (Unopened w/t-
shirt&button), + Mpsycho/Cooper (yellow, sawblade-
shaped 7") worth..approx??
Email: j.
Date: 2001-1-25
I have a copy of the video "This is Motorpsycho" -
that I want to sell.
Mail me
Email: Rob
Date: 2001-1-23
hi there,
i absolutely need the followings (i know it's
very hard to find them on cd...)
-the nerve tattoo ep
-the tussler
-have spacesuit, will travel ep
if someone is so nice to copy some of them on
tapes it would be enough... otherwise the cds are
always obviously well accepted!
thank you
Email: kappa
Date: 2001-1-18
I wanna trade live MP,
I have:
17.08.96: 1CD Waterpop festival, Wateringen (NL)
31.05.98: 1CD Patronaat, Harlem (NL)
14-12-00: 2CD Blæst, Trondheim, Tussler gig,NOR)
I am really interested in recordings from het
paard in holland....
but everything else I don't have is cool aswell !
Email: Barry Sprokkereef
Date: 2001-1-17
How much is the "Motorpsycho/Hedge Hog -
Splitsingle, Helter Skelter Records HS93CDS31"
worth? (the contition is fine)
Is 400NOK too much?
Email: fool with working email
Date: 2001-1-17
How much is the "Motorpsycho/Hedge Hog -
Splitsingle, Helter Skelter Records HS93CDS31"
worth? (the contition is fine)
Is 400NOK too much?
Email: fool
Date: 2001-1-17
I`ve got some Motorpsycho live recordings I want
to trade in other MP live recordings.
I`ve got:
- Live Roskilde 93 (1 cd)
- Live Roskilde 99 (1 cd)
- Live at Rockefeller 03.10.98 (2 cd)
- Live at Rockefeller 14.03.97 (2 cd)
- Live in Stavanger 1998 (2 cd)
- Live at Union, Drammen 14.04.99 (2 cd)
- Live Faro, Roma 26.05.94 (1 cd)
- Live at Fritz Corner, Stockholm 97 (1 cd)
+ some video recordings
Hope to hear from you.
Email: Robert
Date: 2001-1-16
For trade:
Mad Sun 7". an uncut misprint. on yellow vinyl,
not cut [i.e. not sawblade-shaped]. 20 copies in
existence, according to official discography.
pictures of this item:
absolute mint condition, unplayed.
Email: Paul
Date: 2001-1-16
For sale:
Mad Sun 7". an uncut misprint. on yellow vinyl,
not cut [i.e. not sawblade-shaped]. 20 copies in
existence, according to official discography.
pictures of this item:
absolute mint condition, unplayed.
Email: Paul
Date: 2001-1-15
I`ll probly be sellin`:
Mot riving(CD w/tre små kinesere)
Blizzard (double LP)
Trust us (double LP)
Demon Box (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (regular CD)
Angels and demons at play (triple CD box)
Timothys monster (LP box)
Ozone EP (vinyl )
Timothys monster (double CD)
Ozone EP (CD)
Starmelt EP (vinyl )
Starmelt EP (CD)
The tussler soundtrack (double vinyl)
Roadwork vol.1 (CD)
Hey jane EP (CD)
Mountain EP (CD)
Psychobabble EP (CD)
Manmower EP (CD)
The nerve tattoo EP (CD)
This is motorpsycho (video)
Another ugly EP (CD)
Mad sun/ +Alice Cooper "nobody likes me" (yellow
tagg-edged 7" vinyl)
Matt burt "grumpy groovy" (CD)
Div. (:motorpsycho, kim hiorthøy, deathprod, matt
burt, israelvis m.m.)"fra svartlamon with love"
Origami arktika/ deathprod "3logy pt 3- lat att
grinda" (CD limited to 500 x)
I`ve also got the video: "THIS IS MOTORPSYCHO"
Foo fighters "for all the cows" (limited blue 7"
The flaming lips "providing needles for your
balloons..." (CD)
Lee Ranaldo "broken circle"/"spiral hill" (7"
Sonic Youth/ Mudhoney "Touch me i`m
sick"/"Hallowen" (12" vinyl) - subpop
Butthole surfers "pepper" (limited red 7" vinyl)
Faith no more "king for a day... fool for a
lifetime" (limited 7" vinyl box set)
Kåre & the cavemen "the mood"/"inspector
`71"/"tension"/"point of no return" (7" vinyl)
Beck "steve threw up"/"mutherfuker" (7" vinyl)
Noodle "welcome to the house of joy" (CD) -
apartment records
Dipsomaniacs "Subterfuge EP" (7" vinyl) -
apartment records
Del/ Green monkey "Satan is boring"/"Inhuman" (7"
vinyl) - apartment records
Tabata "Hardcore space" (7" vinyl) - apartment
Kelner "Original motion fiction" (7" vinyl) -
apartment records
Slowburn/ Echo troopers -split- (7" vinyl) -
apartment records
Mail me!!! All is in perfect condition! Wouldnt
really wanna sell it, but i need the money. Give
me bids! Most of the vinyls have never been
played. Hurry up! I allready have a potential
buyer who wants all these items, no kidding.Give
me some nice prices, and it`ll be yours!I`ve
allready gotten more than 30 emails witch bids
and questions, and i will be looking through and
answering them soon. And I do know that many o
these releases are worth a lotta money, so please
give me serieous bids!! I live in norway
Email: HT Steinstad
Date: 2001-1-15
Still looking for mp-nuts to trade with. have
dozens of..
Email: Menno
Date: 2001-1-15
Still looking for mp-nuts to trade with. have
dozens of..
Email: Menno
Date: 2001-1-15
Still looking for mp-nuts to trade with. Have
dozens of..
Email: menno
Date: 2001-1-15
Still looking for mp-nuts to trade with. Have
dozens of..
Email: MENNO
Date: 2001-1-14
noen som vet når den siden på denne siden der jeg
kan kjøpe mp stuff blir åpnet??
Email: joddleren
Date: 2001-1-14
I want to trade bootlegs, I have Roskilde`93 and
Email: stensen
Date: 2001-1-14
Hi there,
I'm looking for the 3 cd box of A&DAP, the
Tussler, Wearing yr smell, babyscooter,...
Some live reordings for trade or cash.
Space is the place
Email: Büx
Date: 2001-1-13
Email: aaLFRED
Date: 2001-1-13
TLF: 92611519
Email: Henrik Steen
Date: 2001-1-13
RING MEG PÅ MOB: 92611519
Email: Henrik Steen
Date: 2001-1-11
Have a few MP live recordings, want to trade.
Please send me your list.
Email: sam
Date: 2001-1-11
Hey there,
My name is Eliot and I live in the US (Seattle to
be exact). Ever since my dearest friend Terje
Mikkelsen gave me my first Motorpsycho album I
have been in love. I have also been trying to
complete my collection. I have 17 commercial
releases and the video "This is Motorpsycho",
however it is very difficult to get their music
over here. Here is what I am looking for:
3 Songs For Rut
The Tussler
Wearing Yr Smell
Angels and demons at play (triple CD box)
The nerve tattoo
Have Spacesuit Will Travel
With these albums my collection would be almost
complete. I would like to have everything on CD
if they exist on CD. I know some don't. I would
also be one happy camper if I could get a hold of
some live recordings. I was able to see the Oct.
1999 show at the Garage in Bergen, Norway. They
played the night before I came back home.
Thanks to all!
Email: Eliot Leiren
Date: 2001-1-10
in order to complete my 1998 collection i am
looking to trade for following shows:
1) trondheim, samfundet, 6-3-1998, tv & audience
2) mezzago, bloom, 14-5-1998
3) reggio emilia, 15-5-1998
4) brugge, 3-6-1998 (!!!)
as well as *any other* uncirculated recording.
CD-Rs prefered. but will likely consider MDs too.
drop me a line & i'll mail over my list!
thanks! :)
Email: alex
Date: 2001-1-9
looking for Oslo 30/4-00 Rockefeller gig, got
other boots to trade.
Email: Sjur
Date: 2001-1-8
er ikke på 10 låter, men 6.
Og ja det gikk litt fort igår, når jeg skrev at
Soothe er en ''5-track'' LP.DESSUTEN HETER DEN
IKKE ''shoothe''
til dere andre, sorry for denne meningsløse, og
sløsing av plass.
Email: rock thomas
Date: 2001-1-8
8 shoothing songs for ruth finnes ikke på lp.
på lp`n shoothe er alle sngene som er på 8
sho......... + 2 till...........
Email: ....
Date: 2001-1-8
DANIEL: there is no such thing as ''8 soothing
songs for rut'' on vinyl.Soothe on vinyl is only
a 5-track, and i guess you mean ''3 songs for rut
Email: thomas
Date: 2001-1-7
Jag letar efter "SOOTHE" på vinyl.
Kan någon hjælpa mej?
Email: johan gadler
Date: 2001-1-7
im looking for:
-lobotomizer on vinyl
-8 shootings songs for the rut on vinyl
-soothe on vinyl
i want to pay very good
Email: daniel
Date: 2001-1-6
Hi Psychos!
I would like to complete my Motorpsycho
Collection. Please send me "The Tussler" album or
more informations about it! I´m still waiting for!
Thank you,
bye Dan...
Email: Dan Klinger
Date: 2001-1-6
Jeg er seriøst interisert i filmen This is
Motorpsycho, har prøvd å skaffe meg den i laang
tid. Kan noen hjelpe meg? Betaler GOOD!
Email: Anders Mork
Date: 2001-1-4
Might be selling:
Blizzard (double LP)
Trust us (double LP)
Demon Box (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (regular CD)
Angels and demons at play (triple CD box)
Timothys monster (LP box)
Ozone EP (vinyl )
Timothys monster (double CD)
Ozone EP (CD)
Starmelt EP (vinyl )
Starmelt EP (CD)
The tussler soundtrack (double vinyl)
Roadwork vol.1 (CD)
Hey jane EP (CD)
Mountain EP (CD)
Psychobabble EP (CD)
Manmower EP (CD)
The nerve tattoo EP (CD)
This is motorpsycho (video)
Another ugly EP (CD)
Mad sun/ +Alice Cooper "nobody likes me" (yellow
tagg-edged 7" vinyl)
Matt burt "grumpy groovy" (CD)
Div. (:motorpsycho, kim hiorthøy, deathprod, matt
burt, israelvis m.m.)"fra svartlamon with love"
Origami arktika/ deathprod "3logy pt 3- lat att
grinda" (CD limited to 500 x)
Har også orginalfilmen "THIS IS MOTORPSYCHO"
Mail me!!! All is in perfect condition! Wouldnt
really wanna sell it, but i need the money. Give
me bids! Most of the vinyls have never been
played. Hurry up! I allready have a potential
buyer who wants all these items, no kidding.Give
me some nice prices, and it`ll be yours!
Email: HT Steinstad
Date: 2001-1-4
Vurderer å selge følgende:
Blizzard (double LP)
Trust us (double LP)
Demon Box (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (double LP)
Angels and demons at play (regular CD)
Angels and demons at play (triple CD box)
Timothys monster (LP box)
Ozone EP (vinyl )
Timothys monster (double CD)
Ozone EP (CD)
Starmelt EP (vinyl )
Starmelt EP (CD)
The tussler soundtrack (double vinyl)
Roadwork vol.1 (CD)
Hey jane EP (CD)
Mountain EP (CD)
Psychobabble EP (CD)
Manmower EP (CD)
The nerve tattoo EP (CD)
This is motorpsycho (video)
Another ugly EP (CD)
Mad sun/ +Alice Cooper "nobody likes me" (yellow
tagg-edged 7" vinyl)
Matt burt "grumpy groovy" (CD)
Div. (:motorpsycho, kim hiorthøy, deathprod, matt
burt, israelvis m.m.)"fra svartlamon with love"
Origami arktika/ deathprod "3logy pt 3- lat att
grinda" (CD limited to 500 x)
Har også orginalfilmen "THIS IS MOTORPSYCHO"
Mail meg!!! Alt er strøkent! Har ikke ekstremt
lyst til å selge, men trenger penger! Gi BUD!
Mange av vinylene er aldri avspilt før. Vær raske
alle sammen. Jeg har allerede en kjøper som er
villig til å kjøpe alt sammen - jeg tuller ikke!
Email: HT Steinstad
Date: 2001-1-3
Hi psychonauts,
i'm looking for the followings:
-nerve tattoo ep
-have spacesuit, will travel ep
-the tussler
-live recordings of '95-'96-'97 gigs
Email: kappa
Date: 2000-12-29
Timothy's Monster finner du bl.a. på compact-
Email: Dag
Date: 2000-12-25
jammen for fan i helvete kankje nåken skaffe meg
thimoty's monster da?!
Email: Roy Johansen
Date: 2000-12-23
I would like to buy a copy of the TV program VIVA
Motorpsycho Special. If anyone has one, please
contact me. I'm also interested in acoustic
recordings by Motorpsycho, preferable on CD. I
live in Norway.
Email: Tron
Date: 2000-12-18
WANTED: Old versions of Starmelt, Wearing yr
smell and Manmower.
Email: Grillkaka
Date: 2000-12-16
I'm looking for this one:
Angel And Daemons At Play - 3 CD version
Please HELP ME!!!!!
Email: Marconaut
Date: 2000-12-13
Come on...
Somebody must have a Sanderfinger t-shirt.
I can give you a VERY good price.
Email: Jonas Jonsson
Date: 2000-12-10
I need some motorpsycho stuff (shirt, posters,
everything of motorpsycho) if you have anything
you want to seel call me: 99554898
Email: Sander Fimland
Date: 2000-12-9
The Tussler vinyl 2x10"
for sale or trade
Email: h
Date: 2000-12-9
The Tussler vinyl 2x10"
for sale or trade
Email: h
Date: 2000-12-8
Let them eat cake w/ misprint inner sleeve (black)
500 copies only -for trade!
ex: into the sun/ tussler / promotor...
Email: Roy Johansen
Date: 2000-12-8
Does anybody know the "current" value of the
Tussler CD and Vinyl edition.
please mail me.
Email: kv
Date: 2000-12-7
Hey all you Psychonauts!!!!!
Roadworks 1 LP
Angels and Daemons at play Lp
Blissard LP
.............ehhh...and Demon Box LP if anyone
wants to sell it:-)
Drop me a line if you have it...and want to sell
Email: Psycho-collector
Date: 2000-12-7
The Tussler (cd-versjon) og / eller
spesialversjon av Soothe ønskes kjøpt. (Det er
lov å håpe)
Email: Sivert
Date: 2000-12-6
Have sinful-wind borne 7" for trade!!
Email: Rock
Date: 2000-12-6
The tussler 10"x2
for sale.
Email: hj
Date: 2000-12-5
Motorpsycho er semi-heavy.
Email: Apollo Papp
Date: 2000-12-5
Would like to buy concert recordings of MP-gigs
made in The Netherlands, but in general please
contact me if you have any concerts on cd. Not
interested in boots made by manual recording,
only recordings directly from the mixer...
I live in Norway btw...
Thank you
Email: Alexander
Date: 2000-12-1
Merchandise for sale.(or trade)
Angel and Daemons tour;
Green t-shirt,with compressor on front. Xl
Trust us tour:
Yellow t-shirt,with M on front. L
Green hooded sweater,tattoo+MP on front,Ozone car
on back. XL
All prints in good shape
no ''shark'' prices
all for now
Rock 2-mas
Email: Thomas Martinsen
Date: 2000-11-30
Jeg er super interisert i This is motorpsycho
filmen....ring meg på 90646854 eller mail
meg...trykk på navnet mitt!!
men jeg kjøper bare visst jeg får den under 250
kr..har fått et tilbud på 250 cash!!fort dere som
vil selge meg filmen for en billi penge
Email: sindre breidablik
Date: 2000-11-30
I'm looking for good Motorpsycho bootlegs. I have
a few Motorpsycho, Jimi Hendrix, King Black Acid,
Pixies, Nick Cave, Spiritualized, ... bootlegs to
Space is the place.
Email: Spaceman
Date: 2000-11-29
We're desperately looking for a video tape..
We couldn't find it in any shop.
Anyone can help us?
Email: Ambra & Matthias
Date: 2000-11-24
Dette er Magnus (se annonse under!!).
En eller annen JÆVEL har lagt inn annonse på mitt
navn og nummer. Dette skal være en UTROLIG dårlig
spøk, siden prisen på denne "pakken" er helt på
jordet. Drit i å ring!!!!!!!!
på forhånd takk!
(Webmaster: Kan du fjærne den nevnte annonsen?)
Email: Magnus
Date: 2000-11-24
The ad below is some kind of sick joke that this
Magnus didn't even know about, so please don't
call him!
Email: Kyrre Kylling
Date: 2000-11-24
For sale!
demon box 2LP
Blissard 2LP
3 songs for rut seven"
The nerve tattoo CDS
Tussler CD
To be sold as a package, as fast as possible!
700 NOK
Sorry guys, I need the money!
Call me at: 004797114881
Email: Magnus
Date: 2000-11-24
Byttes bort eller selges:
Timothys Monster 3xLP box
Timothys Monster 1xCD edition
Sinful/Windborne 7"
Trust Us 2xLP
Gi bud eller kom med forslag til bytte.
Email: Andreas
Date: 2000-11-23
yo all of you motorpsycho fans!!!
Jeg er en poike som søker etter noen som har
filmen om motorpsycho - This is motorpsycho.
visst noen der ute har den så pliiiz kontakt
meg..vil kjøpe den!!gir max 1500 kroner!!!!!
mitt nummer:90646854
Email: sindre breidablik
Date: 2000-11-22
The Tussler 2x10" selges på qxl.
Item: 282750
Email: Erlend
Date: 2000-11-22
For sale:
Mad sun 7" yellow sawblade vinyl
Into the sun 7"
3 songs for Rut 7"
Sen your bid to..
Email: Pettson
Date: 2000-11-21
Looking to buy those bootlegs! Anything of
interest. Please drop me a note.
Email: Magnus
Date: 2000-11-20
Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe forsjellige motorpsycho ting.
Mail meg hvs du har noe for salg
Email: Henrik Steen
Date: 2000-11-20
Looking for Oslo and Darmstadt 2000
Email: Wassernoise
Date: 2000-11-16
I looking for anything with Tre Små Kinesere.
Specialy Vaer Saer and 365 Fri. Please send me a
line! It's urgent.
Also looking for Sanderfinger-stuff.
Email: Magnus
Date: 2000-11-15
Have to trade: the Sinful wind-borne 7", various
MP-compilations/recordings(ask me), MP-matches and
poster in exchange for Timothys Monster or
Blissard on Vinyl. For the Bliss with the "dog
T-shirt" intact you can have it all.
Email: K.
Date: 2000-11-13
Anyone want the original soothe box?
Well I ain't got it, so ask someone else.
Email: Drygjævelsomsyngerpåhverkonsert
Date: 2000-11-10
Items for trade:
Australian edition of Angels And Daemons At Play
with Blissard as a bonus cd (Green Balloon
Records GB 008) for trade against other MP
rareties. This double cd is, I belive, limited to
500 copies.
Also have:
Promotor 1
Timothy's Monster 1cd edition
Email: Thomas
Date: 2000-11-6
Anyone who's got a recording from the Texas gig
Motorpsycho did back in march 1999 ??
Got other live stuff to trade with.
Email: Sigmund
Date: 2000-11-6
Still looking for people to trade live-mp with.
Have about 30 gigs, some video's & a lot of loose
ends. If you have a collection like that & still
willing to trade, don't hesitate. Please don't
bother asking me to sell or give you anything.
thank u
Email: menno
Date: 2000-11-2
I'm keen on any(GOOD) recordings from the last
norwegian tour, preferably Rockefeller 20.10.00.
Email: erling
Date: 2000-11-2
I want to trade Bootlegs..
I want any bootleg i don't have.
Email: Jonas Lien
Date: 2000-11-2
WTD: DRESDEN 1999. a recording is said to exist.
can trade with dozens & dozens of mp shows.
Email: kisshermind
Date: 2000-11-1
Email: steffen
Date: 2000-11-1
Email: steffen
Date: 2000-11-1
For sale:
Demon Box Lp
Lobotomizer Lp (with poster, from its release)
3 songs for Rut 7"
Daemons and Angels at play Lp
---''----- 3 cd box
Comin' down fast ...compilation w MP contribution
"SOOTHE" silver poster
All are in very good condition, hardly played,
(but always beloved.) and are 1st press.
Contact me!)
Email: astree
Date: 2000-11-1
I'm very interested in buying the Sanderfinger-
shirts that where printed for 'Camping'.
If you have one for sale - drop me a line.
Email: Jonas Jonsson
Date: 2000-11-1
Due to the huge succes of my last auction, here
are some more goodies, all in absolute mint
Promotor 1 CDS
Promotor 2 CDS
Sinful, Wind-borne 7" (italy, runt records)
The Tussler non-colour jewel case CD
Into the Sun 7"
Into the Sun CDS
bidding closes december 13.
Have a good one...
Email: racervinga
Date: 2000-10-30
wall LP + IRON MAIDEN piece of mind lp MOT EN
Date: 2000-10-29
my excuses to anyone who wants to make some fast
money with the thing, BUT:
sinful, wind-borne 7" (runt)
is still for sale in the U.K. !!
i bought a copy this summer.
check out "distribution in foreign countries" on
this very site. (cdzone!)
Email: nillekees
Date: 2000-10-27
selling: absolute mint-condition, unplayed sinful
wind-borne 7" (runt26). beautiful kim hiorth%y
artwork. serious bids only ,-)
Email: Paul
Date: 2000-10-27
trading: absolute mint-condition, unplayed sinful
wind-borne 7" (runt26). beautiful kim hiorth%y
Email: Paul
Date: 2000-10-27
GARANTER!!!! CALL ME!!! MOB:97570759
Email: steffen solberg
Date: 2000-10-27
hei jeg er en gal motorpsycho fan!!!! jeg er ute
etter følgende.... the tussler, jeg kan gi opp
til 1000kr++++vinyl eller cd......(vi blir
garantert enige..) har du noen cd`er eller lp`er
som du vill bli kvitt.. kontakt meg... PLEASE.
CALLLLL MEEEE!!!! 97570759 is my number....
Email: steffen solberg
Date: 2000-10-26
I'm looking for vinyl copies, in at least decent
condition, of these titles...
Angels & Daemons at Play
Ozone EP
Starmelt EP
The Other Fool EP
Please send me an e-mail if you have any of these
and wants to sell.
Email: Kjetil
Date: 2000-10-26
Anyone who has a recording of Motorpsycho at
Rockefeller last friday (20 oct) ?
Email: Sigmund
Date: 2000-10-24
for sale:
angels&deamons at play ...3cd version,never played
Email: don
Date: 2000-10-23
motorpsycho ting og tang. skjorter, genser og
masse anna
Email: Sander Fimland
Date: 2000-10-23
Hallo! Noen som har opptak fra Roxrevyen, opptak
fra Rockefeller og andre steder som har gått på
P3. Tok opp en i Mai -96 men da streiket kassett-
spilleren. Noen som har den? Andre opptak er
selvfølgig interessante. Jon P.
Email: Jon Pøhner
Date: 2000-10-21
Hey Psycho fans,
I am looking (too) for a CD-ROM copy of the
Tussler. Is there anyone so friendly to make a
copy for me? Of course I'll pay all costs!
Email: Antoine Kemperman
Date: 2000-10-20
he folks i'm can somebody help me i want the
tussler a copy is also good it's for my boyfriend
i want to surprise him because i love hi so much.
thanx to him i know motorpsycho
Email: marieke
Date: 2000-10-17
For my friend, who has a rare collection, I am
putting for sale:
hardly played
and so
as good as new:
LOBOTOMIZER (LP with poster)
BLISSARD (with the never-used T-shirt and button)
+ D.& Angels..,.3 CD SINGLES BOX SET
....and a
with the song "Into the Sun" (label HelterSkelter)
.....and a shaped split single, (vinyl that is,)
"Comin' down fast", (10",)
a Charles Manson tribute with Motorpsycho
Also, he has a number of posters from their early
period that he is willing to pass on.
The seller is in bitter need of some cash, I have
to warn you. -Please bear his cruelty.
Email: Astrid Midtbø
Date: 2000-10-17
Kjøper Blissard og Demon Box på vinyl
Email: larv
Date: 2000-10-16
Hey there.
I wish to have a complete MP collection, but I`m
missing just a few items
Promotor 2
Sinful Windborne 7"
Maiden Voyage tape
Soothe lp (I know that I probably never will own
a soothe steel box, since It`ll cost me an arm
and a leg, but It`s frustrating to know that some
folks out there have it, and just want to make as
much money on it as they can, I dont think that
MP had that in mind when they pressed the
I have offcourse a Huge MP collection that I`m
NOT willing to sell.(I`m been a fan for a loong
time, and do not want to loose some good memories)
But if U are willing to trade for other rare lp`s
cd`s 7&10" and promos with bands like Dinosaur jr
Smashing Pumkins, Mudhoney, Nirvana,Metalica,
Slayer, Operation Ivy, Sebadoh & Lou and lots of
other 70,80,90 rock,punk metal indy please mail
Date: 2000-10-14
still wanna get rid of:
lp:lobotomizer with rare,green poster
> lobotomizer signed cd
> >timothy cdsinglepromo(rare emi,harvest) >
> another ugly ep cd
> >signed 8 soothing songs for rut cd
> >angels and daemons..3 cd edition
> >timothy 2xcd
Email: don
Date: 2000-10-9
If anyone out there wish to sell decent vinyl
copies of the following titles for a reasonable
Roadwork vol.1
Angels & Daemons at Play
...then please let me know
Email: Kjetil
Date: 2000-10-6
Hello !
Anyone who has recordings from Veita and
Samfundet 2000 on cd?
Have live recordings to trade with.
Email: Sigmund
Date: 2000-10-5
recordings... MC or CDR. have lots and lots and
lots of MP for trade.
Email: Pal
Date: 2000-10-5
always interested in trading (= not buying) live
Email: menno
Date: 2000-10-5
still wanna get rid of this:
blissard 2xlp
> >lobotomizer lp w.poster(rare)>
>lobotomizer signed cd
> >timothy cdsinglepromo(rare emi,harvest) >
> another ugly ep cd
> >signed 8 soothing songs for rut cd
> >angels and daemons..3 cd edition
> >timothy 2xcd
Email: ron
Date: 2000-10-4
do anyone out there know where i can still buy
the "this is motorpsycho"-videotape.
it`s very important, because i destroyed the one
a friend borrowed me, and he gonna kil me, if i
don`t get him a new one.
if you own the video and you can make good-
quality-video-copies, maybe i can send you the
original tape and you just copy it for me.
this would be very helpfull for me!!!
thanx you out there.
ps. and watch out for MP-roadwork2
Email: ralf
Date: 2000-9-30
interested in a recording from the latest tour.. I would be interested in recordings where they play some of their new songs(the 3rd, shalala) and also the new and better versions of the other other fool, the witch.. And the new cover, shakin all over. Have about 10 gigs to trade you with. E-mail me for a list!
Email: Anders
Date: 2000-9-27
Does anyone have a recording of the concert
Motorpsycho did with L7 back in 1994 ?
please mail me!
Email: Sigmund
Date: 2000-9-26
dont you want these items?!
demon box 2lp/blissard 2lp/timothy promo cd
poster/signed lobotomizer& 8soothing songs for
rut cds.....another ugly ep..angels and
daemons ...3 cd ed.timothy lp box(early number)&
cd...for sale
Email: don
Date: 2000-9-25
demon box 2lp/timothy promo cd single/lobotomizer
poster/signed lobotomizer& 8soothing songs for
rut cds.....another ugly ep..angels and
daemons ...3 cd ed.timothy lp box(early number)&
cd...for sale
Email: don
Date: 2000-9-22
øvingslokale i Trondheim søkes???
Email: hj
Date: 2000-9-22
øvingslokale i Trondheim søkes???
Email: hj
Date: 2000-9-21
Hi,desperatly looking for Mezzago 97 video or cd
or tape or setlist!
Also Mezzago 98(video), Mezzago 99(video or audio)
Have live shows and rare songs to trade
Email: Ricky(nibi)Scotti
Date: 2000-9-20
Looking for Roskilde 93.
Have live and rare stuff to trade.
Email: Ricky(nibi)Scotti
Date: 2000-9-17
got another 'sinful, wind-born' 7", rundt
records, to spare - to be traded or sold.
perfect condition.
deathprod - '...tristan da cunha'
mp vinyl before 'blissard'.
or other stuff related to motorpsycho
old posters - davis, coltrane, mc5, grand funk,
allman brothers, nick drake etc...
and new ones; jaga jazzist, supersilent,
deathprod. .
if trade doesn't match i can put
money "inbetween".
Email: alex
Date: 2000-9-17
I'm still desperately seeking the Jörg Mager
7"... please, someone?
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 2000-9-14
got some more motorpsycho and deathprod stuff for
sale at www.qxl.no ...
Email: erik
Date: 2000-9-12
I got interested in Motorpsycho through their
concert at the Lowlands festval in 1997. So now I
was wondering if somebody has a recording of this
gig and would like to trade it with me. I haven't
got that much in exchange, though. I have the
usual Motorpsycho studio-recordings, but not the
rare releases (Tussler, Wearing Yr. Smile, etc.).
I do have an incomplete recording of a concert
from 1998 in Vera, Groningen though. And I have
some bootlegs from other bands (radiohead,
smashing pumpkins, nine inch nails, godspeed you
black emperor, mogwai).
Email: Herman
Date: 2000-9-12
Who is able to make a copy (+color sleeve) of his
tussler cd (1994).
Have live recordings & more in trade.
Email: menno
Date: 2000-9-12
Who is able to make a copy (+color sleeve) of his
tussler cd (1994).
Have live recordings & more in trade.
Email: menno
Date: 2000-9-10
er det noen som vil selge mp musikk videoer?,
eller hvet hvor man kan få tak i det???
come on!, tell me!!!
Email: ole jørgen
Date: 2000-9-8
After seeing Motorpsycho live on the Lowlands
festival in Holland, i am very interested in live
recordings from this band. Is there anyone who
can help me on this? I am interested in live cd's
as well as radio recordings.
Thanks in advance!
Email: Pieter Hans Withaar
Date: 2000-9-7
Hallo !!
I have some CD-R's with Supersilent
(Deathprod.Vespestad.Storløkken.Henriksen) Live
from "Blå" i Oslo this spring...So if you want a
copy and have something nice too trade. Let me
Email: Cjacob
Date: 2000-9-6
Still got a lot of rare MP stuff(cd og vinyl),
that I wanna trade NOT against money but against a
Super8 (preferable kvartz), 16 or 32 mm camera
Email: Guru
Date: 2000-9-6
Hvor kan jeg få tak i The Tussler?
Takknemlig for svar.
How can I get The Tussler?
Anwers appreciated.
Email: Andreas
Date: 2000-9-5
Trading(or selling) Pearl jam vinyl singles
(promos) for money or preferably MP-
vinyl/merchandize and etc.
Email: Sjur
Date: 2000-9-1
Hello, I want to compleet the my CD collection! I
am only missing the Tussler! on CD! If Somebody
has it and wants to trade or just money! Let me
Thx, For reading!
Email: Sergios
Date: 2000-8-30
where to get mp merchandise's like shirts and
sleeves and stuff?..the merchandise page has been
down quite a while now...anyway..if u know where
to get a shirt or a sleeve or posters or
whatever..or if u have something to sell...drop
me a line..
Email: martin
Date: 2000-8-29
Har det meste av MP (cd og vinyl). Bytter bort noe
mot et Super8 kamera (kvartz eller liknende) med
xtra-utstyr/fremviser. Eventuelt mot 16 eller 32
mm kamera.
Email: Guru
Date: 2000-8-29
I'm still looking for the following item's on cd:
-Wearing yer smell (001)
-The nerve tattoo (004)
-Manmower (005)
Buy or trade (=vinyl versions of above 3 titles,
live recordings, video's, etc.
Email: Menno
Date: 2000-8-29
I'm an eindhovian motorpsycho-nut looking for
'The Tussler' on cd (D-but records, 1994).
Buy or trade(= live recordings,video's, etc.
Email: Menno
Date: 2000-8-20
Original setlist for the _first_ concert with the
International Tussler Soc. at cafe 3B in
Trondheim. Can't remember when the gig was..
Believe it was written by Gebhart.
Will trade for something nice.. Trade only!
Email: Tomas Bertelsen
Date: 2000-8-19
hey folx!!
im looking for motorpsycho music videos!!
if there's anybody out there with a video and are
selling og trading it, pliiz e-mail me !!
Email: sindre (ZYCHONAUT ' ET)
Date: 2000-8-18
Email: Babo
Date: 2000-8-17
HEY! I´d love to give you my hard earned money for
- ANY mp-T-Shirt
- ANY mp-Sweat-Shirt
- ANY other mp-thing that I can wear (NO not your
Thanx Allot!
Email: Mario
Date: 2000-8-16
Selger følgende MP utgivelser:
Lobotomizer LP
Into The Sun 7"
Tussler 2X10"
Coming Down Fast 10" pic. disc
Email: Svein
Date: 2000-8-14
trading motorpsycho live?
please drop me a line i am always interested in
got a great many "cake" shows and more...
Email: alex
Date: 2000-8-9
got an extra Blissard double LP to trade or
the LP is in great condition, and has got a
silver button with the mp-tattoo on it to go
along. it was some sort of limited edition thing.
(another one came with a Blissard t-shirt).
Lobotomizer LP
Soothe LP
3 songs for rut
Timothy´s Monster 3LP Box set
Tussler CD/2*10"
got a great deal of live rec.´s and video to
put "in between" if the trade doesn´t match.
maybe money too.
Email: alex
Date: 2000-8-9
I'm looking desperately for the following items:
- the tussler CD
- wearing yr smell CD
- the nerve tattoo CD
- manmower CD
Please contact if you are interested in selling
one of these things.
Email: Mirco
Date: 2000-8-6
I want to buy MP vinyl!
Interested in most things at a reasonable price.
Please mail me if you want to sell!
Email: Eirik
Date: 2000-8-5
I am looking for:
Mad Sun red sawblade 7"
Promotor 2
Demon Box LP (with sides 1/4 and 2/3)
All kinds of testpressings/promos
For trade I have:
Tussler 2X10"
Demon Box 1. release of cd with picure from vinyl
in insert
Coming Down Fast compilation 10" picture disc
The Nerve Tattoo cdep
Promotor 1
Timothy's Monster 1cd edition
Sinful, Windborne 7"
Some compilation albums
Email: Thomas
Date: 2000-8-4
Need to buy Demon Box LP/Soothe LP/Lobotomizer LP
(Can trade first edition of Paranoid LP,Maybe)
Email: Jesus Allès
Date: 2000-8-3
Interessert i aa kjoepe nyere live-ting
Email: Art Vandelay
Date: 2000-8-3
Ineressert i aa kjoepe nyere live-ting
Email: Art Vandelay
Date: 2000-8-2
Is there anyone interested in the Milano video
2000 and in other (maybe) interesting stuff?
Traders, PLEASE, contact me!!!
Thanx - a lot -
Email: marco
Date: 2000-7-31
I'm looking for any live recordings from 93 - 94
on cd. I do have some live recordings to trade
(only 96 - 98 though).
Email: Sigmund
Date: 2000-7-29
I'm looking for mp-vinyl (especially pre-"Trust
And also for mp-live-recordings
If you can help me, please mail me!
Email: Murze
Date: 2000-7-19
trading mp (live) stuff?
drop me a line, pls!
Email: alex
Date: 2000-7-13
Hi !
I am interested in all kinds of Sanderfinger-
stuff. If you have something you might wanna
sell - just e-mail me.
Email: Jonas Jonsson
Date: 2000-7-11
Hi, guys!!!
Anyone interested in trading MP's live recordings?
I have some stuff that might be really
interesting, including videos and cds!!!(also
from the last tour)
Please, contact me!!!
Email: marco
Date: 2000-7-10
Got a black hooded sweater/jacket with the M up
front left (no print!).
The thing is in L and I would like to trade for
Of course the same would be fantastic, but if you
got another nice one (except the light brown
Email: nillekääs
Date: 2000-7-5
yeah yeah
best one copy of "blissard" double vinyl for sale
price:40$+10$ postal expenses
don't trade .................buy!!!
Ave PsychoNauti
Email: Be_Ba
Date: 2000-7-4
i need a shirt with the mp-logo
on it!!!
i know this exists,
so please help me!
Email: genen
Date: 2000-6-29
can´t see what i´ve done wrong, but anyway -
here´s my adress
if someone has been trying to mail me, try again,
since i haven´t recieved anything for this ad.
Email: alex
Date: 2000-6-29
This is insane you people!
I`ve been reading ads here and these prices!? are
you people rich?
I don`t think the band is!
At least give away the live tapes cause it`s not
yours in the first place make the people that
want this stuff able to get it and still beeing
able to buy some food!!!!????
It`s a matter of attitude folks!!!
Origami Sympat6ika says:
Love + light
Email: b9
Date: 2000-6-29
Your e-mail seems to be out of
Email: trude
Date: 2000-6-28
looking for vinyl:
demon box
timothy´s monster
also manmower-CD
ain´t got much to trade, so i guess i´ll have to
buy the stuff (at more or less reasinable price-
check it out)
Email: nillekääs
Date: 2000-6-27
You might want to know there's a Lobotomizer LP on
auction at www.qxl.no - bidding ends on Saturday.
Email: 000.000
Date: 2000-6-27
got an extra Blissard double LP to trade or
the LP is in great condition, and has got a
silver button with the mp-tattoo on it. it was
some sort of limited edition thing. (another one
came with a Blissard t-shirt) .
Lobotomizer LP
Soothe LP
3 songs for rut 7"
Timothy´s Monster 3LP Box set
Tussler CD / 2x10"
got a great deal of live rec.´s and video to
put "in between" if the trade doesn´t match.
will also take pure money bids.
Email: alex
Date: 2000-6-27
got an extra Blissard double LP to trade or
the LP is in great condition, and has got a
silver button with the mp-tattoo on it. it was
some sort of limited edition thing. (another one
came with a Blissard t-shirt) .
Lobotomizer LP
Soothe LP
3 songs for rut
Timothy´s Monster 3LP Box set
got a great deal of live rec.´s and video to
put "in between" if the trade doesn´t match.
will also take pure money bids.
Email: alex
Date: 2000-6-25
I want to trade "nerve tatoo ep" lp-version, for
the cd-version, or perhaps Epinastic movements
lp : "block songs", or just about anything else
that's remotely interesting.
Email: Julian Falck
Date: 2000-6-23
Har 20 kiss plater. Bytter de gjerne bort mot
ryggmerker, buttons, flagg etc. av Blue Oyster
Cult. Er noen hypp?
Email: Leiv Vidar
Date: 2000-6-23
Har en demo-tape fra første bandet gebhardt var
med i, lenge før motorpsycho. Interessert?
Email: trond
Date: 2000-6-23
Does anybody know where I can buy Trust Us and
Let them eat cake, both on cd? I pay very good. I
can also trade, f.ex. demon box/ lobotomizer
(vinyl). Please help me out!!!
Email: otto
Date: 2000-6-20
"blonde redhead/blonde redhead"a cd signed by
Bent and Snah on April 2000 at CIAK(san Frediano-
Pisa IT)after 3,15h of concert.......I'LL SELL TO
THE BEST OFFERER(except Alexhander,Be-Ba and
super Bizio)start today until July 20.
BASE:45$(USA dollar)
Email: The New Tragic Bolsoj
Date: 2000-6-20
I forgot, that i would also love to have The
Tussler on CD.
Email: Flo
Date: 2000-6-20
Hello everybody.
Is there anyone out there willing to trade some
live recordings.
Unfortunately i don´t have MP recordings, but
many others (mostly Pearl Jam).
Thanks Flo
Email: Flo
Date: 2000-6-20
The Tussler 2x10" for sale!
I'm selling it to the highest bidder at the
auctionsite www.qxl.no. The bidding starts on 250
Email: Erik
Date: 2000-6-19
Is there anybody out there, selling some
radiorecordings or other live-stuff?
Here in the little north of germany there's no
way to get something like that.
Thanx for answeres.
Email: Hartmut Helweg
Date: 2000-6-17
Is there anybody out there?
I need the Tussler(cd/lp), that's it!
Email: Fferry
Date: 2000-6-13
For sale to highest bidder:
One very thoroughly used sock from Gebhardt,
discovered in the Stickman limousine. Fresh, only
found yesterday. Well travelled, somewhat smelly,
very lonely (partner's whereabouts currently
Email: Sockman Records
Date: 2000-6-13
Ciao motorbroked.Nobody is interested about,but
i'm going to sell the double lp "Blissard".State
of the art:very well;motivation:I need money to
buy a little island in the Mediterraneo.If you
want to phone me please call in Italy
Email: Marco Marchioli
Date: 2000-6-12
I've got some trouble with my e-mail these days,
so those interested in the Lobotomizer LP (see my
last ad) can also try krisern@hotmail.com
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 2000-6-12
I'm looking for Deathprod Stuff...Live thing.
Posters...That "Lat Att Grinda" Cd..And Origami
Cd's with Deathprod Performing..Early KZ's
On Kom Kol Rec..And most of all.. That Kz
Deathprod Released before the Treetop cd...With
that cardboard box/Postcards...
Please someone....And Motorpsycho Bootlegs with
Deathprod Performings.....Have stuff to trade...
Thats all!!!
Psychonaut Jacob
Email: Cjacob
Date: 2000-6-11
For sale:
Lobotomizer LP, first edition with lyrics on the
innersleeve (w/out the poster, though). I'm
really broke, which means I have to be an asshole
and sell the record to the person with the highest
I've also got a Manmower CD single and a Party
Terror vol. 2 double CD (with Motorpsycho's VERY
cool Space Cadet Boogie) in case someone has
something interesting to trade!
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 2000-6-11
Din jævla idiot.
Email: P
Date: 2000-6-11
Selger : - The nerve tatto LP (250)
- Wearing yr`smell LP (250)
Email: Kinau
Date: 2000-6-9
- Wearing yr`smell (ep) LP ----->250 kr.
Email: kinau
Date: 2000-6-7
Letar efter "Soothe" på vinyl
Email: johan
Date: 2000-6-6
35g001 - Selfindulgent Mono-minds, A Motorpsycho
Tribute, 3xLP test pressing.
Email: Rune Olsen
Date: 2000-6-2
Nerve Tattoo lp for trade...
Email: Watersound
Date: 2000-6-1
Er det noen som har en svart hettejakke med
motorpsycho i rødt bak på ryggen som de kunne
tenke seg å selge, eller eventuelt veit hvor man
kan få tak i en???
Betaler bra!
Email: ole jørgen
Date: 2000-6-1
Hi there!!
Do some of you want hoddedsweater and t-shirts,
well here is some.
Red t-shirt with daemon on back and logo on front
Dark green t-shirt with compressor on front and
motorpsycho on the back(bottom).Size:XL
Yellow t-shirt with big M on front and
motorpsycho on the back(bottom).Size.L
Green hoddedsweater with MP and logo on front and
with ozonecar on the back.Size:XL
This merchandises are way to big for me, i want
And if you happen to sit on a promotor 1 or split
with Hedge Hog, please let me a know!!!
Also got a nice timothy tour t-shirt, but you
better have something good to offer me.
hug from 2-mas
Email: 2-mas
Date: 2000-5-31
Vurderes solgt:
Demon Box CD, Voices of Wonder VOW 030c, 1993
1. utgaven med "utbrett bilde fra vinylen".
Bud mottas.
Email: Thomas
Date: 2000-5-30
bud ønskes på følgende:
-soothe stålbox no.84/100, uspilt
-demon box 2LP (side 1+2,3+4), strøken
-timothy's monster 3LP no.1086/2000, uspilt
-the tussler, dBut CD, orange, strøken
mail sjekkes om 1-2 uker. besvarer kun
interessante bud.
Email: onkel
Date: 2000-5-30
-Ønsker å kjøpe Timothy Monster,Demon Box og
Blissard på vinyl.
Email: larv
Date: 2000-5-28
The original cassette w/7" cover & insert on
for sale.
Only serious offers please.
Email: thomas
Date: 2000-5-23
I am looking for the following items:
- manmower cds
- wearing yr smell cds
- all rare vinyl editions
- tussler cd/2*10"
- into the sun cds/7"
- and all live recordings and video takes
betaler godt
Email: ratzer
Date: 2000-5-20
urgently looking for dutch and italien recordings
of the "cake" tour!
have all (circulating) recordings of this tour as
well as many other recordings to trade.
Email: alex
Date: 2000-5-18
I'd like to trade some of this:
Pixies live in Vienna
live in Chicago
John Peel sessions (that aren't on the
official release)
doolittle demo's
King Black Acid live
for some good Motorpsycho live recordings.
(or if you don't like that, I might agree with
blank tapes/cd's or even money)
Email: maarten
Date: 2000-5-18
Want to buy Psychobabble nr 001 Wearing yr smell
and it's got a song called "president block" on
it. This list is too long to search so please
give me a happy mail someone.......
Email: smael
Date: 2000-5-12
still nobody around who wants to trade his
promotor 2 or 3 songs for rut
for my promotor 1?
anybody who wants to trade his soothe metal box
for my NWW - drunk with the old man of the
mountains (also just 100 copies)?
Email: robert
Date: 2000-5-6
jeg vil ha en liste
MP utgivelser.
Email: MP5
Date: 2000-5-6
hi everbody
i'd like to apologize to all the people that i
owe live tapes! all of you will get what you
deserve as soon as i move back to holland.
Email: paul
Date: 2000-5-3
For sale/trade: Hüsker Dü tribute album: Case
Closed? Compilation album featuring among others
New Day Rising by Motorpsycho. Both 2 LP red
vinyl and cd.
Looking for red sawblade Mad Sun, Demon Box with
sides 1/4 and 2/3, Promotor 2 and Wearin Yr Smell
(Stickman edition).
Email: Thomas
Date: 2000-5-1
Need the oslo gig as well...
The nerve tattoo lp for trade(nerve cd wanded)
Email: Watersound
Date: 2000-4-30
looking for "tussler" on either vinyl or CD.
prefer trading -- have lots of live stuff.
mail for list!
Email: alex
Date: 2000-4-29
hello everybody,
i am an motorpsycho devotee fromm germany who is
desperately looking for the "this is motorpsycho"
video. i hope anybody could do a copy for me. i
got things to trade, like a self-made b-sides
compilation, or i would pay.so i hope anybody
would do me the favour. holle
Email: holger kruse
Date: 2000-4-29
Berlin 27/4 2000 wanted/needed...
(for trade of course)
Email: Watersound
Date: 2000-4-28
Never mind my last comment - the MP merchandise
is of course a lot slower than Martin, so well,
buying the CDs from him might be worth it after
all... :o)
Email: Captain Brain
Date: 2000-4-28
To Martin: 120 NOK is what I offer for those
three EPs, 'cause that's what they cost
altogether at the MP merchandise...
Email: Captain Brain
Date: 2000-4-27
I'm looking for these cd's:
The tussler
Wearin yr' smell EP
If you have them, and want to sell
please write me a mail.
Email: Jacob Medin Mortensen
Date: 2000-4-27
got an extra 'sinful, wind-born' 7" to trade.
everything is interresting, but especially 'Into
the sun' 7", and old vinyl. is willing to pay in-
between, if trade doesn't match directly.
also lots of live-material to trade - in-between
or otherwise for other live-recordings.
make me an offer!
Email: alex
Date: 2000-4-27
Anybody interested in buying
Babyscooter,Lovelight and Have spacesuit will
travel? Make an offer at this side with your E-
mail and I will contact you.
Email: Nouseforaname
Date: 2000-4-27
I need a shirt with a motorpsycho-logo
or motorpsycho-anything on it.
it should be very tiny (i wanna look sexy)
and the colour doesn`t really matter, but no
grey, red or pink.
Email: Jeannine Schweizer
Date: 2000-4-26
Hvis noen der ute sitter på en kopi eller opptak
av "Maiden Voyage". kjøpes den her. CD,MD eller
Email: MV720
Date: 2000-4-26
Nerve Tatoo EP kjøpes
Email: starsprangler
Date: 2000-4-25
Demon Box on vinyl wanted. Have lots of stuff for
trade, e.g signed Tussler cd
Email: g
Date: 2000-4-22
do not buy MP live recordings!
trade them or get them for blanks and postage
from me!
i'm always interested in trading -- drop me a
Email: alex
Date: 2000-4-22
Want to buy or trade live recordings from the
recent europe tour.
ps: don`t got much to trade though...
Email: Wasteland
Date: 2000-4-21
i have for sale:
starmelt ep on vinyl
angels and daemons on vinyl
ozone ep on vinyl
blizzard on vinyl
the tussler on vinyl and cd
trust us on vinyl
this is..the movie
plus some live cd`s
Email: erik
Date: 2000-4-21
Give me a notice if you want to sell MP related
Email: Nils
Date: 2000-4-18
For sale:
3lp box T.Monster
7" sinful wind-borne
7"+subraum magazine. 7": MP plays 7`th dream
cd another ugly ep
cd mountain
10" ozone
Alt er nytt og strøkent.
Email: Lars Christian
Date: 2000-4-18
Offering you my soul and more (you can get my
mother if you want !!!!) for:
Lobotomizer LP
Soothe LP
Songs for ruth 7"
Demon Box 2xLp
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Email: andree
Date: 2000-4-18
wanna trade following mp-items:
timothy's monster, stickman vinyl (no. 001000)
promotor 1
into the sun, cd-split-single
voices of wonder,a compilation, cd
party terror vol.2, dubble-cd
furthermore, i wanna get rid of some obscure
norwegian stuff:
kraftrock, trondheim sampler,lp, hrlp 802
7000 riff, trondheim sampler,lp, arc 8654(incl.
sjolmord, holocaust, 7", mai 58
kjott, 7 track 12", fesk 102 (incl.4 papers)
boastein, urgata/hurgata,lp, vvs-003
boastein, jeg har min egen luke,lp, vvs-001
(2.opplag 1978;including two handwritten letters
by el scob)
all those items appear in beautiful condition
i want:
promotor 2
3 songs for rut
soothe metal box (impossible?)
mot riving
lobotomizer 1.press
demon box 1.press
and other pretty stuff
thanks, robert
Email: roberto
Date: 2000-4-17
Okay, since the marketplace has been down for a
long while, that auction I did a while ago is now
open again. CLOSING DATE IS APRIL 20!
Email: P
Date: 2000-4-16
Have Bergen, Stavanger, Skien, Halden & Hamburg
from the current tour plus a lot of earlier shows
on cdr. Wants to trade for live MP recordings. I
prefere cdr, but mc and md is ok. Send your list.
Email: Anders Hustveit
[Note: The entries below are old entries. New entries turn up on top
of the page.]
Date: 99-1-3
Email: ERIK
Date: 99-1-4
Unnskylder meg dypt. Her setter jeg inn en annonse
om at jeg selger Motorpsycho vinyl, så glemmer jeg å sjekke e-mailen min for svar.Beklager!
Vinylene som selges
Lobotomizer (900 kr)
Soothe (950 kr)
Demon Box (høystbydende)
Email: Lise
Date: 99-1-8
I would love to buy "nerve tattoo" with the original "mad sun"!
Email: Veslemøy
Date: 99-1-11
Selger min ubrukte MP arbeidskjorte.
Den er svart med "Motorpsycho" brodert på brystet.
Størrelse XL.
Email: BF
Date: 99-1-13
Eg er interesert i live opptak, helst på cd. Eg har ikkje mykje mp ting, men har ein del anna
Email: Askil Geithus Laastad
Date: 99-1-13
I want to buy Mp!
demon Box on Vinyl!
pay lots for it!
Please reply anyone with a heart!!!!!
Email: OleBole
Date: 99-1-14
I accidentally purchased a copy of Promotor 2 the other day. Could someone tell me about how mucht that thing is worth, if anything. And yes, I will most likely want to get rid of it, if anyone's got anything interesting to offer. And that would not at all necessarily have to be Motorpsycho related. Okay, thanks.
Email: Erlend
Date: 99-1-16
Kjøper mp vinyl
er på utkikk etter noe av det gamle (før Timothys)
Har du noen til salgs
Betaler godt
Email: junnikunni
Date: 99-1-16
Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe
Wearing Yr Smell CDsingelen
Email: Espen
Date: 99-1-16
Prøver igjen å få tak i :Husker du: lp;en.
Er også gira på Mad sun på blå og rød vinyl.
pluss live opptak på vinyl eller cd-r.
Betaler skremende bra.(kan muligens bytte noe).
TLF. 330 53799.
Email: jaqupp
Date: 99-1-17
Ønsker å kjøpe
"Mot Riving"
Email: Espen
Date: 99-1-22
Er interessert i:
Into the Sun 7"
Sinful/Wind-borne 7"
MP/AC split 7" (rød)
Soothe Steelbox
Wearing Yr Smell EP
Stickman Promotor 1
Email: Lars
Date: 99-1-25
Signert Tussler cd med orange underside selges. Gi bud!
Email: Stein Overland
Date: 99-1-27
Har noen et råd om hvor
jeg kan få tak i
Selfindulgent Mono Minds?
Hjelp meg!!
Email: guro
Date: 99-1-27
jeg er interessert i demonbox cden !!
siden jeg bor i spania har jeg vanskeligheter
med å få tak i den
Email: andre
Date: 99-1-29
Looking for T-Shirt with the "daisey" illustration on front or with the supersonic scientist!
Size: X-Large
Email: Richard Elpers
Date: 99-2-1
Hei jeg ønsker LIVE-CD'er med MP. Nesten alt av
interesse. Har noe på kassett, men vil ha CD's
Email: Ole
Date: 99-2-2
I know that Kim Hiorthoy at one time created a book. I would really love to buy that, or at least get more information on it. Can anyone help me?
I would trade, but I don't have anything really exclusive (the 7 albums and also:
nerve tattoo, manmower, starmelt, ozone & hey jane
all on CD).
So I'm hoping that someone will sell it.
Email: erik
Date: 99-2-2
Need Promotor 1. NOW! Can trade for live-recordings. Write for list.
Email: SuperKnooge
Date: 99-2-3
Er det noen som vil selge "3 Songs For Rut"?
Email: Confused sister
Date: 99-2-3
Motorpsycho vinyl ønskes kjøpt.
Email: Lars Erik Sparby
Date: 99-2-4
I Wish to buy Demon Box on Vinyl
Pay lots!
Email: tennner
Date: 99-2-5
one copy of the "Sinful windborne" 7" for sale....
Email: Anders
Date: 99-2-9
-alle lp-utgivelser er interresante-
-send e-mail hvis du har noe du vil selge-
Email: truls ertsås
Date: 99-2-9
Kunne tenke meg å kjøpe Wearing yer smell singelen.
Er det noen som vet hvor jeg kan få tak i denne?
evt noen som har lyst til å selge den.
Email: Bjørn Erik Hagen
Date: 99-2-11
Date: 99-2-13
Date: 99-2-15
at the store (not even used!), you can buy the SINFUL 7" anywhere for less than 50 NOK, tussler 10" for 160, this is MP for 120, trust us 12" for 160, and you can get boot cds for a whole lot more reasonable price from other ppl.
Email: Paul
Date: 99-2-16
Hallo jeg ser etter disse tingene:
- This is Motorpsycho (video)
- Into the sun (cd)
- Wearing Yer Smell (cd)
- The Tussler (cd)
- Mot Riving (cd)
- The Nerve Tattoo (cd)
- Angels and Demons at Play (cd box)
- Alt av live recordings
Hadde vært fint om dere hadde lagt med et prisforslag!
Email: tommye
Date: 99-2-18
Kippers in Stavanger now sells Trust Us for only 140 kr!
Date: 99-2-18
DEMON DAVE: Dra til helvete med sakene dine!
Email: UML
Date: 99-2-18
Selger ANGELS AND DAEMONS AT PLAY cd- bare NOK 999999!
Email: Paul
Date: 99-2-20
Hvor mange utgaver er det egentlig av AADAP -trippel- boksen? (bør jeg være stolt av å ha en?)
Email: Aragorn
Date: 99-2-21
Jeg er en snill gutt på utkikk etter Selfindulgent Mono-minds. Vil du selge den til meg? Vet du om noen andre som vil? Da kan du ringe eller maile meg. Telefonnummeret mitt er 95244962, og e-mail adressen får du hvis du trykker på navnet mitt med blå skrift under her. Jeg er også interessert i en sånn hettegenser som det står "does this text annoy?" på. På forhånd takk.
Email: Henrik Larsen
Date: 99-2-21
In english: I'm looking for Selfindulgent Mono-minds, and a hooded sweater with the text "does this text annoy?"
You gotta hear without fear..........
Email: Henrik Larsen
Date: 99-2-21
now remember: we're there to help you.
Date: 99-2-23
Want to buy Tussler!
Email: Ragnar
Date: 99-2-23
Still want to buy Tussler
Email: Ragnar
Date: 99-2-24
har en god del godbiter som promotor tingen,
Email: aslak
Date: 99-3-3
Kan noen ordne en kopi av Maiden Voyage til meg?
Kassett, Cd-R?
Email: Espen
Date: 99-3-4
Jeg ser etter disse tingene og er villig til å betale ganske bra.
- Another ugly tour movie (film)
- This is Motorpsycho (film)
- Wearing yr smell (CDs)
- The nerve tattoo (CDs)
- The Tussler (CDs)
- Into the sun (CDs)
Kan muligens bytte Mot Riving og AADAP (CD box)
(helt nytt).
Email: psycho
Date: 99-3-5
Kan noen der ute være så
snille at de vil selge meg, eller si hvor jeg
kan få tak i Angels And Daemons At Play cd boxen?
Email: Espen
Date: 99-3-7
I am searching for the 3lp-box TimothyMonster and Demon Box on LP
Email: L. D.
Date: 99-3-9
Hey, seeing how fanatic you´re about the splendid rock group motorpsycho and how you love all these rarities I´m willing to trade my fairly decent Demon Box LP (voices 1/4 2/3 version) signed by MATT BURT himself for a copy on cd, as I´m only into the music so that you can have the collectables. Enjoy!
Email: tore
Date: 99-3-9
Agree with Jeanette of Stickman, all boots should be free/exchange only. Send your cash to the boys benhind the music. Send me a nice clean MP T-shirt (xl) and receive the babyscooter/lovelight/have spacesuit cd-singles (not box) in return. Support the MP attitude!
(free music)
Email: tore
Date: 99-3-9
Aslak du har ingen mail adresse
Kontakt mail adressa under for jeg er hypp på
stålbox`en din.
Email: Thomas
Date: 99-3-9
Tore, you are the man!
Date: 99-3-10
I'm looking for deathprod's cds or mds.
Give me your offers!
Thanks Pilon
Email: pilon
Date: 99-3-10
I'm interested in buying:
Into the Sun & Promotor 1.
Email: Anders
Date: 99-3-13
hei Aslak!!!!!!!
mail meg. Er interesert i Stål-boksen,,
betaler bra!!!!!
Email: Heine Jensvold
Date: 99-3-13
Any one who can get me this one:
'Imaginary Songs From Tristan da Cunha'
I'm mainly interested in the music so a
copy will hold, but of course if u hate
the record and wantv to get rid of it
i am the man
Have got a lot of bootlegs i can trade with,
but i don't want anyone others now who want
to pay for them...u just fuck of..give the
money to charity instead damit!!!
Email: kw
Date: 99-3-16
Hi, there !
Been searching for the songs "Timothy In The Magic City", those Demon-Box-Vinyl-Non-CD-Tracks
and other rarities (Masons Children, etc.) for a long time - no success !
Maybe someone can help me ?!
A simple tape recording would do it !!!
I´m also searching for the Viva - Motorpsycho-Special from 1998.
If you´ve got anything of those above,
please let me know !!!
(E-Mail-Adress is:
Email: Peter Fernholz
Date: 99-3-17
i'm searching for the "Tussler" movie.
jeg soge efter "Tussler" movie.
fra tyskland
from germany
Date: 99-3-19
Mail me if u know...
Email: sivert
Date: 99-3-19
trenger også filmen "this is motorpsycho"
mail meg hvis du kan hjelpe
Email: -sivert-
Date: 99-3-30
3LP box T. monster
2x10" Tussler
CD T. monster (not 2cd)
CD Mountain (EP)
CD Another ugly EP
2CD Live at Rockefeller 1997
video This is motorpsycho
Date: 99-3-30
3LP box T. monster (incl. poster)
2x10" Tussler
CD T. monster (not 2cd)
CD Mountain (EP)
CD Another ugly EP
2CD Live at Rockefeller 1997
video This is motorpsycho
7"+mag. Subraum magazine #6 1996
Email: christian
Date: 99-3-30
Er interessert i alt av Motorpsycho-stoff,
hovedvekt på innspillinger og videoer!!!!
Email: Heine
Date: 99-4-3
Interested in Timothy's Monster on vinyl.
Email: Lars
Date: 99-4-4
Lobotomizer vinyl (excellent cond.)
Soothe vinyl (excellent cond.)
Gi bud!
Email: afo
Date: 99-4-5
Yeah, it's gonna be a LONG and BEAUTIFUL summer: http://vbh.idb.hist.no/mpsycho/tapersection.htm Need recordings from the ongoing tour. Have TONS to trade with.
Email: SuperKnooge
Date: 99-4-6
Wearing yr smell ep (psychobabel 001) for sale.
Email: Bjørnar
Date: 99-4-6
New! improved! personal motorpscho trade page
gi faen
Email: Paul
Date: 99-4-6
I´m searching for a copy of the "Maiden voyage" - Tape! can anyone tape it for me?!
Email: Benni
Date: 99-4-8
if you are intersted in MP stuff, you can send an IRC to RHythm, 105 Sedgwick street, cambridge CB1
3AL, england
they have aadap LP/CD/3CD SET 12/12/13.75
blissard, manmower, siful 7" 4.10, nerve taatoo, tussler d10" 12.95, this is MP video 14.95, tim.mo.
All prices in £, and postage per item, they also have lots of other cool bands like spoon,pavement, modest mouse,built to spill,palace,make up +++
I hope these prices are more reasonible than some of the ads in the marketplace
Date: 99-4-9
Hei..er hypp på en kopi av maiden voyage på tape eller cd-R kan DU prøve å skaffe meg det.
pris opp til 150 kr
ellers selger jeg disse tinga:
promotor 001 kr 300
mad sun 7"(splitt m alice cooper) kr 250
3 songs for rut (strøken) 7" kr ? (kan diskuteres)
soothe ( stålboxxen) gi bud
Email: tomerik
Date: 99-4-16
I'm looking for "theTussler". If you're interested, i have the "live at the Folken", and two other one. Everything on mc or md versions..
thanks for answering
Email: pilon
Date: 99-4-17
Har noen Viva tv opptaket.
Som jeg muligens kan bytte eller noe.
Det hadde vært behagelig.
Ta kontakt.
Email: 2+2+2=2+2+2=2+2+2
Date: 99-4-19
Hi folks
if you're sick of being ripped off for collector's items, go here (just like heaven mailorder)
http://meloni.com/jlh/comp-ol/main-src.htm , fill in "motorpsycho" and find demon box/timothy vinyl, and loads of other stuff for reasonable prices...
they're cool people (italians are the best!).
Email: paul
Date: 99-4-21
well, maybe you shouldn't get yr hopes up too hi for that one actually....
Email: paul
Date: 99-4-21
If anyone's looking for the ~unofficial-recordings-page~, it's right here:
Email: Paul
Date: 99-4-22
I'm looking for the vinyl-edition of The Tussler
Email: Maurice
Date: 99-4-24
er det noen som har The Tussler filmen?
Kor kan man få tak i den
Email: heine
Date: 99-4-28
i´m looking for the vinyl edtion of timothy´s monster
Email: heinrich
Date: 99-4-29
For Sale:
Motorpsycho - Sinful, Wind-Borne 7" single, Runt 26, 1996 (Italy)
1.Sinful, Wind-Borne
2.Working For MCA
Excellent status, bids waiting
Email: Enrico De Coccio
Date: 99-4-29
Jeg kunne tenke meg å få kjøpt "Sinful wind-born" på singel/ep. Noen som vil selge eller vet hvor jeg kan få tak i den, så kontakt meg.
Kunne også tenke meg Tussler på cd. ( har vinylen)
Email: Bjørn Erik
Date: 99-4-29
3 Songs For Rut 7" (mint condition) for sale
Send your bids to:
Date: 99-4-29
3 Songs For Rut (mint cond) for sale.
Send your bids to: pgalaen@ub.ntnu.no
Email: pg
Date: 99-4-29
Do not offer any bids for the sinful 7".
it's still for sale in europe, for faen!
Email: The P
Date: 99-5-2
into the sun split 7" w/ hedge hog apparantly available for $3.00 here:
Email: Paul
Date: 99-5-3
Selger Demon Box(2 lp) på vinyl for 700
Email: jr.
Date: 99-5-7
Is there more than two VOW versions of "Demon Box" on vinyl?
What price does Promotor 1 usually sell for?
Email: ehs
Date: 99-5-8
Date: 99-5-12
please DON'T beg for MP-stuff from my trade-pages if you have nothing in return for me!!!
Email: Paul
Date: 99-5-13
AADAP 3 cd ep box selges
200 spenn
Email: jr.
Date: 99-5-13
Also enjoyed the spring '99 tour ?
Well, I did. I recorded them on the 5th of May at Tivoli, Utrecht (NL). Soon I've got those recordings on (2)cd('s).
So, if you're interested...
Email: Joost
Date: 99-5-14
2xLP første opplaget (den med side 1/4 og 2/3) mint utgave selges! gi bud.
Email: Lasse Marhaug
Date: 99-5-18
Email: te
Date: 99-5-19
Lobotomizer LP - 1st edition (1000 copies made) with lyrics on inner sleeve. Excellent condition!
I am looking for rare/collectible Motorpsycho items, so let me know what you have!
Email: Martian Art
Date: 99-5-20
Hi everyone,
im lookin for Matt Burt CDs..
Somebody can help me??
I can trade with MP stuff or others...
Email: Marcello
Date: 99-5-22
Vurderer å selge;
Self-indulgent mono minds 2lp+10" (tributeplate) kun utgitt på 500 eks.
Email: HJ
Date: 99-6-2
selger "Hey Jane 10" og "Starmelt 10" ubrukt.
Email: Morten
Date: 99-6-4
Complete recording of Quart 96 wanted, preferably on CD. I'm also very keen on having that VIVA Special video. Can probably trade for a copy of the This Is Motorpsycho video. Or something else. I do have some live recordings.
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-6-9
Selling or trade:
Self-indulgent mono minds 2LP+10". TRIBUTE TO MOTORPSYCHO
very rare!
Email: ED
Date: 99-6-9
not *that* rare.
Email: P
Date: 99-6-11
P for Paulice? ;-)
I want the promotor 2! Buy or preferably trade.
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-6-14
vil ha det meste Som er mulig å få tak i....
I`ll Take it all.!!!
Have nothing to trade.!!
Email: Arne.....
Date: 99-6-17
...and still VERY wanted: the Jörg Mager Trio 7". Buy or trade!
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-6-18
Hello there!!
I'm interested in the following items at *reasonable* prices!!
- Soothe (Steel box)
- Lobotomizer (LP - first pressing w/lyric/poster)
- Sawblade/Chainsaw/Sagblad (7" - RED ONE ONLY!!)
- Other VERY VERY RARE ITEMS, Memorabillia, Promo's, CD-Single promo's etc.!!
Everything is of interest!!
Thomas Martinsen
Email: Thomas Martinsen
Date: 99-6-23
Selger AADAP boxen (3xcd) til høystbydende.
Boxen er i strøken stand.
Email: Espen
Date: 99-6-24
I know this is kind of stupid, and that the chances of finding these items for a "good" price is small. But still, anyone who wants to sell :
- The nerve tatto EP
- Manmover EP
- The Tussler (CD)
- Promotor 1& 2
Anybody ???? I might even be able to pay you lots of money. Just have to get them first......
I got MP live from Rockefeller 97 to trade, maybe..
And I got Self indulgent mono-minds too.
Email: TimothyM
Date: 99-7-4
Tussler cd (orange-edition, dBUT 015) for sale. NOK 200,- First one to contact me gets it. K
Email: SuperKnooge
Date: 99-7-6
I whant some Italian concerts on VHS or tape or cd
can someone help me??
Email: Ricky
Date: 99-7-8
Hello! I've got a Babyscooter EP that I would
like to trade with MP live recordings or MP videos.
Please have a look at my live-stuff at http://unix1.hials.no/~shu/3/mp_trading.html
Mail me if you want to trade!!
Email: Sverre
Date: 99-7-10
SE HER!!!!
Eg vil kjøpe det meste av MOTORPSYCHO, fortrinnvis "RARE" og sjeldne innspillinger, kan også bytte..
selvsagt til fornuftige priser
Want to buy everything with motorpsycho....
contact me
Email: Hj
Date: 99-7-15
Anyone interested in Svartlamon video I recorded in October ?
It's only 15 minutes but it has a good sound and it's well-recorded.
I can trade it for MP bootlegs and livetapes/CD
Email: marco
Date: 99-7-19
anybody who want to trade or sell
Sinful 7"
Email: kis
Date: 99-7-20
-Soothe steel-box
-Timothys Monster Harvest CD ed./ Stickman vinyl ed.
-Tim.... US CD ed.
-3 Songs For Ruth
-Mad Sun split 7" -red/blue
-Sinful Winborne
-Wearing Y'r Smell -Stickman CD ed.
-The Tussler CD ed.
I would be more than happy if anyone could sell me these items.
Email: Gunleik
Date: 99-7-21
For sale:
Lobotomizer (Vinyl)
Soothe (Vinyl)
Both in perfect shape.
Mail bids to thomasstjerne@get2net.dk
Email: Thomas S. Jeppesen
Date: 99-7-25
Jeg vet at det er nesten umulig å få tak i Tussler cd`n til en overkommelig pris men jag er veldig interessert.
Email: KMK
Date: 99-7-26
er det noen som vil selge the nerve tatoo ep og demon box på vinyl og starmelt på 10"
Email: david
Date: 99-7-26
er det noen som kunne selge meg the nerve tatoo ep,demon box på vinyl og soothe i stålboks??????
Email: david jønsson
Date: 99-7-26
to all foreign fans!
willing to trade 30 min. norwegian tv show.
you get to see MP choose their favorite videos
exellent item for foreigners
Email: dj
Date: 99-7-27
i would love you if you would make me a copy of the video this is motorpsycho. i´ll pay for the vhs and postprice..
get in touch.
Email: johannes
Date: 99-7-29
Trust Us på vinyl selges, billig!!!!
wont to sell Trust Us on vinyl!!!
Email: R
Date: 99-7-29
I'm interested in the following items:
MOTORPSYCHO: Maiden Voyage
MC, Knallsyndikatet, 1990
Mini-LP, Voices of Wonder VOW 027, 1992
- Limited edition steel cover version only! Still dreaming...
2LP, Voices of Wonder VOW 030, 1993
- Version with sides 1/4 and 2/3 only!
CD, Voices of Wonder VOW 030c, 1993
- 1st edition with picture inside booklet only!
CD, Stickman Records, 1994
CD - German edition only!
VARIOUS: Knall The Album vol 3
MC, Knallsyndikatet KS 042, 1990
VARIOUS: Subbacultcha!
CD, Progress PRO 007, 1992
VARIOUS: Case Closed Compilation
- Hard-to-get Hüsker Dü tribute album.
Email: H
Date: 99-7-30
Er det noen som vet hvor jeg kan få tak i Psycobabble (Wearin´ yr smell EP´en) ?
Jeg betaler svært godt...
Email: Martin Henriksen
Date: 99-7-30
anybody interested in THE TUSSLER on cd????
contact me!
Email: dj
Date: 99-7-31
can somebody plese sell some motorpsycho stuff
pay much can also trade
Email: dj
Date: 99-8-3
Releases wanted:
"Have Spacesuit, Will Travel" ep CD
"Wearin' Yr Smell" ep CD
"The Tussler" CD
"This Is Motorpsycho" Video
Pay or trade, whatever!
Email: Thomas J.
Date: 99-8-3
I want to buy MP records,especially Demon Box ,Timothy`s Monster & Blissard on vinyl in mint condition.
Email: A K9
Date: 99-8-4
I'm interested in the following items:
Mini-LP, Voices of Wonder VOW 027, 1992
- Limited edition steel cover version only! Still dreaming...
2LP, Voices of Wonder VOW 030, 1993
- Version with sides 1/4 and 2/3 only!
CD, Voices of Wonder VOW 030c, 1993
- 1st edition with picture inside booklet only!
CD, Stickman Records, 1994
CD - German edition only!
VARIOUS: Knall The Album vol 3
MC, Knallsyndikatet KS 042, 1990
VARIOUS: Subbacultcha!
CD, Progress PRO 007, 1992
VARIOUS: Case Closed Compilation
- Hard-to-get Hüsker Dü tribute album.
Email: hj
Date: 99-8-6
I wa wondering if anyone could help me expand my collection. The one bloody thing I still have not got my hands on are the tussler cd... Have a doubble promo Trust us album from sony (very, very rare) that I might trada ya....
Only serious people please (Iguess u all are, but had to write it anyway)
Email: Espen
Date: 99-8-10
CD, Stickman Records, 1994
Email: desperate
Date: 99-8-16
desperat after AADAP 3xcd box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trade or sell me one please!!!!!!!!!
Email: david
Date: 99-8-18
Er interessert i aadat boxen så Tommy Eggen: ta kontakt...
Email: Bak Banken
Date: 99-8-19
Date: 99-8-19
Hei...lurer på om det er noen som vet hvor man kan få tak i Motorpsycho hette-genser.....
Noen steder i trheim som selger de??????
Email: Markus
Date: 99-8-20
Are interested in mp ithems, everything.
Have aadap 3xcd box + misc. mp vinyl for trades.
Email: Ohm
Date: 99-8-24
Har Into the sun på 7" og er villig til å bytte mot andre motorting
Email: larv
Date: 99-8-28
hei.. jeg vil gjerne kjøpe motorpsycho- vidio`n "this is motorpsycho" jeg kjøper den ganske dyrt hvis jeg må.... men ikke alt for dyrt.....(det er en grense)
hilsen ottar & det sinnsyke kakemonsteret uten kake-spade..............mail meg...
Email: Big MuFF
Date: 99-8-28
er det noen der ute som har noe MP på LP?
jeg er interessert i alt, men bare økonomi til noe.
hjelp meg noen
Email: akkar-omil
Date: 99-8-30
Hi I'm looking for a tape of Mezzago 97
Email: Ricky (nibi) Scotti
Date: 99-8-31
Need a minidisc to record concerts :-)
Email: p
Date: 99-8-31
Want something?
Maybe I can help you...
See yea!
Email: remialek@stud.ntnu.no
Date: 99-8-31
hello all you MP fans!
i desperatly need these items:
nerve tatoo cd
the tussler 2x 10 "
promotor 1
promotor 2
into the sun 7" or cd
sinful win-borne 7"
angels and daemons at play 3xcd box
please help me out!
i can pay good and trade some!!!!
Email: david
Date: 99-9-3
i just got tan extra copy of nerve tatoo!!
does anyone want the extra copy???
Email: jønsson
Date: 99-9-6
demon box on vinyl wanted - rare items in exchange for (s)he who give me a good price
Email: zaron
Date: 99-9-9
Can anyone get me the ra files that were posted here a long time ago??!
they were about 30 or so and I had them all, but when Chernobill stroke, i lost them for good
and now they're not available anymore... well, only a few of them, but even those I can't get them, due to technical problems in my pc...
i don't have many stuff to trade with, but it doesn't hurt for you to ask...
help me out here, please!!
Email: Miguel
Date: 99-9-12
I have two great MP-shows for trade on cdr:
Oslo, Rockefeller 03.10.98, good/very good sound
Drammen, Union Scene 14.04.99, very good sound
I'm interrested in all MP live recordings.
Email: Anders Hustveit
Date: 99-9-14
Jeg prøver nok en gang:
Jeg er veldig intressert i disse tingene.
the nerve tattoo cds
manmower cds
wearing yr smell cds
alle lp'ne (helst de norske versjonene)
the tussler cd og lp
split alice cooper lp
into the sun lp og cd
har noe som muligens kan byttes, men er også villig til å betale godt for disse tingene.
Email: dbc
Date: 99-9-14
sammen med det ovenfor vil jeg selvfølgelig også gi mye for PROMOTOR 1 og 2
Email: dbc
Date: 99-9-15
hey people - help me out!
i am (of course) interested in trading live recordings.
but, the problem is that I have only got 1
recording (Folken, March 98), it was broadcast
on norwegian radio, so many people have that one.
but is there anyone who would trade that one for something?
i want some more live recordings so that I can trade
more and more and more... i don't wanna pay for
such recordings, cause I dont like it and MP don't like it..
so... anyone? ? ?
Email: Rolf Klausen
Date: 99-9-18
I am in search for these live recordings:
1998-12-13 : Cafe 3B , Trondheim
1998-10-03 : Rockefeller, Oslo
1998-06-01 : Haarlem
Tivoli, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Saturday May 30 1998
1998-05-28 : VERA, Groningen, Netherlands
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1997-05-30
Studentersamfundet, Bodø, 28.02.97
Studentersamfundet, Bodø, 28.02.96
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 3. may 1995
Studentersamfundet, Trondheim, 30. sept 1994
1993-09-18 (don't know where, see setlists at vbh.idb.hist.no/mpsycho for info)
Jugendzentrum, Bockenheim, Germany, 1993-09-01
i have a coupple of live recordings to trade with (Folken, Stavanger, 21 march 1998 & Drammen 14. april 1999) .
i am also willing to trade other things for these or make a deal where I buy the tapes/CDRs and sends them to whoever wants to help me and he/she makes a copy for me ...
and as everyone else I am of course interested in buying rarities etc. but for now these live recordings are what I want the most.
"you say you love me and you stole my clothes..."
- from "hot burrito"
Email: Rolf Klausen
Date: 99-9-20
Uspilt Sinful/Windborne 7" byttes bort.
Email: Andreas
Date: 99-9-20
i'am a psychonaut
and I never going to sell my lp's
Email: naut
Date: 99-9-22
i have a trust us vinyl.
do you want to trade for something else???
Email: david
Date: 99-9-23
For trade:
Trust Us 2LP
Wearin`Yr Smell 10"
Hey Jane 10"
This is Motorpsycho video
Email: Frode
Date: 99-9-24
Trade pages updated
More,more more! I need more!!!
Email: Paul
Date: 99-9-27
hello i`m desperat after these items:
promotor 1
sinful win-borne 7"
tussler 10" og cd
into the sun cd
blissard 2xlp
angles and damons at play 2xcd w\blissard
please help me! hav nerve tatoo and into the sun 7" to trade
Email: david
Date: 99-10-1
Promotor 1 for sale.
What will you give me?
Email: Eys
Date: 99-10-5
Email: P
Date: 99-10-7
Can someone please tell me how rare the CD edition of The Tussler is? Say, if it's got a normal jewel-cover and says dbut15 on the sleeve. E-mail me at below address with any info you'd care to share. Cheers.
Email: Erlend
Date: 99-10-7
I want to buy EVERYTHING!!!!
Email: Nils Øygarden
Date: 99-10-7
Will also buy everything
Email: Ohm
Date: 99-10-9
Can any German please tell me where I can get a Motopsycho T-Shirt...
Email: David Rico
Date: 99-10-10
Hello Folks!
I need cash, so I'm going to sell my Motorpsycho collection! I'm unsure of how much these items are really worth so I will conduct the sale as an "auction". Don't hesitate about placing a bid or getting in touch for more info or whatever. I'll do my best to keep you informed and make this as fair as possible!! The deadline for the auction will be about the end of october. Anyway, here's a list of the items, all of which are in excellent condition unless otherwise noted:
--- "This is Motorpsycho" Video
--- "Psychobabble 001" (a.k.a. "wearing yr smell") CD single/EP
--- "The nerve tattoo" CD single/ep (the cardboard sleeve has some minor marks)
--- "Manmower" CD single/EP
---"Starmelt ep" CD single/EP
---"Ozone" CD single/EP
---"Montain ep" Mini CD/EP
---"Another ugly ep" Mini CD/EP
---"The tussler original motion picture soundtrack" CD (dBUT 015, orange version)
---"Into the sun" 7" single
---"3 songs for Rut" 7" single
---"Mad sun" 7" single (sawtooth shape, yellow version)
---"Sinful, windborne" 7" single (runt records)
---"lobotomizer" LP (gatefold cover)
---"Soothe" Mini-LP (the vinyl has minor surface wear; the sleeve is excellent)
Email: Anders
Date: 99-10-11
I'm interested in the following items:
---"This is Motorpsycho" Video
---"The tussler original motion picture soundtrack" CD (dBUT 015, orangev ersion).
---"lobotomizer" LP (gatefold cover)
---"Maiden Voyage, Tape, Knallsyndikatet (Knall/KS 044)
Let me know if you have any of these items to sellI'm interested in the following items:
---"This is Motorpsycho" Video
---"The tussler original motion picture soundtrack" CD (dBUT 015, orangev ersion).
---"lobotomizer" LP (gatefold cover)
---"Maiden Voyage, Tape, Knallsyndikatet (Knall/KS 044)
Let me know if you have any of these items to sell.
Email: Thomas
Date: 99-10-13
I need the Motorpsycho-Cd: Mad Sun!
Who can help me? (I'm from Germany)
Email: Andreas Kloskowski
Date: 99-10-14
-Starmelt 10" for those who are interested !
Date: 99-10-14
one Nerve Tattoo CD single for trade for any good live
recording I haven't got. Again: for trade, not for sale.
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-10-15
Soothe vinyl for sale.
Allmost new, only used aprox. 10 times !!
Prize : will sell it to best offer, over 900 NOk.
Mail please
Email: Peter Bruun
Date: 99-10-18
Kjøper alt fra 1-3 billetter til konserten på Veita på onsdag.Skal til asia om 14 dager, blir borte i 7 mnd, og trenger VIRKELIG denne konserten!!!
Email: smæl
Date: 99-10-20
Anyone selling the
Timothy´s Monster 3 LP Box ?
Email: Peter
Date: 99-11-9
i have a nerve tatoo cd for trade!
give me y`r bids
Email: david
Date: 99-11-9
Would like to buy/trade anything MP-related.
To trade I´ve got:
The Nerve Tattoo - 10"
Wearing Yr Smell (Psychobabble 001) - 10"
Starmelt EP
Ozone - 10"
Hey Jane - 10"
Angels & Deamons at Play - 2LP
Raodwork... - 2LP
Trust Us - 2LP
anything, and i mean anything is interesting.
Other vinyl releases, "the early years", are what
I want the most, but also the video and live
recordings are preferable.
please mail.
Email: alexander buchmann
Date: 99-11-11
Anyone with an extra Blissaard LP?
willing to pay good, or trade in other MP-items.
Email: alex
Date: 99-11-11
Considered sold for reasonable prices. Offers I can't refuse secures great items! All offers in UK £ or NOK
All items EX/M,unless still sealed (SS)
MAIDEN VOYAGE - cass #038/100, Knallsyndikatet KS 044, complete & MINT
LOBOTOMIZER (LP), 1. issue w/lyric innersleeve AND poster (300 ONLY) + Invitation for release party at UFFA! UNPLAYED!!, VOW 026
SOOTHE (LP) - steelcover edition (100 only), complete & UNPLAYED!, VOW 027
SOOTHE (LP) - 1. edition (1000++),VOW027, MINT
3 SONGS FOR RUT - 7"PS with insert,VOW 028 MINT
INTO THE SUN - 7"PS split with HEDGEHOG,Helter Skelter, MINT
MOUNTAIN EP - 5 track CD, VOW031
ANOTHER UGLY EP - 5 track CD, VOW038
PROMOTOR 1, 3 track PROMO CD, Emi
TIMOTHY'S MONSTER(3LP), #0548/2000, box, poster, side 6 etched, Emi Harvest, MINT
THE TUSSLER - CD, "orange" edition (977 copies), dBUT 015
THE TUSSLER - 2x10", Stickman Psychobabble 006, UNPLAYED!
WEARING YR SMELL ("Psychobabble")- 5 track CD, Stickman
THE NERVE TATTOO - 5 track CD, Columbia
BLISSARD (LP) - Columbia, incl. button, UNPLAYED!
BLISSARD (LP) - Columbia, with T-shirt & Button, STILL SEALED!!
MANMOWER - 5 track CD, Columbia
STARMELT - 10"PS, Stickman
STARMELT - 5 track CD, Columbia
OZONE - 5 track CD, Columbia
TRUST US (2LP) - Stickman, MINT
TRUST US - 2CD, Columbia
HEY JANE - 5 track, Columbia
Email: The vulture
Date: 99-11-12
To all you friendly people who already have answered my ad, or intend to do so: leave your PERSONAL E-mail adress/signature. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. And please, don't make requests about MY asking-price; read the ad!
Email: The vulture
Date: 99-11-12
anyone wondering who this Sun Ra person is, so very frequent mentioned whenever Bent talks about his influences?
I´ve got a rare live recording on vinyl, recorded in London in 1993, to sell to whoever who wanna trie.
It`s out there, even psycho-fans will think so....
only serious bidders, when this is a rare recording, and impossible to get in any store at the moment.
Email: alex
Date: 99-11-15
Ok, Motorpsycho-friends! Thanks for all your bids and questions; so many I can hardly cope to reply. From now on, PLEASE just leave your offers and I'll get back to you with an update. Very last chance for your offers:
Tuesday Nov. 16th (midnight)
Email: The vulture
Date: 99-11-17
I would like to buy live Motorpsycho recordings on cd-r. I have two concerts on cd-r, so if you rather wanna trade, I can do that.
Email: Sigmund Nordland
Date: 99-11-18
Er utrolig intressert i disse tingene, og jeg
er villig til å betale MYE for å få tak i de....
- the nerve tattoo cds
- manmower cds
- wearing yr smell cds
- into the sun cds/lp
- spil alice cooper lp
- tussler cd/lp
- alle andre lp'er
- alt av live recordings
kan muligens bytte noe.....
Email: ratze
Date: 99-11-19
jeg har nerve tatoo
jeg skriver her fordi det ikke gikk å send email til deg!!
Email: sun ra
Date: 99-11-25
For sale/trade:
The Nerve Tattoo EP CD (Psychobabble 004)
Various: Coming Down Fast 10" Helter Skelter Records with MPs Manson's Children
Various: Soccour 2CD with MPs The Nerve Tattoo
Various: Subraum Magazine 7" with MPs 7th Dream
!!Looking for 1.pressing of Demon Box and red sawblade Mad Sun 7"
Email: Thomas
Date: 99-12-1
all video footage of Motorpsycho, interviews, concerts, music videos etc. All of it, except This Is Motorpsycho and Viva Special, which I've already got.
Can trade with live tapes and/or rare tracks.
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-12-2
hello!I´m 19 years old boy in finland.I wanna buy
cd trust us.I don´t never before heard your music
but now it´s the time fixed that.Keep rolling!
My address is:Mikko Ijäs
Saviniementie 10
46800 Anjalankoski 80
Email: Mikko Ijäs
Date: 99-12-2
Anyone have the latest Olso(15. or 16/10)
or Bergen(23/10) or Trondheim(20/10)gigs for sale?
Email: KMK
Date: 99-12-3
i simply want "This is Motorpsycho"...
mail me and suggest a price
coz i really want this one
Email: timothy
Date: 99-12-3
i`m searching for the deamon box
and lobotomizer on vinyl
pay good
am besten aus BRD
Email: schnuddel
Date: 99-12-3
i`m searching for the deamon box
and lobotomizer on vinyl
pay good
am besten aus BRD
Email: schnuddel
Date: 99-12-3
Anyone have the latest Olso(15. or 16/10)
or Bergen(23/10) or Trondheim(20/10)gigs for sale?
Email: KMK
Date: 99-12-8
Vurderer å selge følgende:
For sale:
3 songs for Rut
Promotor 1
Seriøse tilbud tas imot på
Tlf.73535718,Bjørn.Helst ikke mail.
Email: Bjørn
Date: 99-12-9
hi all....
got nerve tattoo cds for trade.
interrested in all old vinyl, and is maybe wiiling to pay between. also got other items for trade.
please mail
Email: alex
Date: 99-12-9
got the following items for trade:
Blissard - 2LP
Trust us - 2LP
Roadwork - 2LP
Wearing Yr Smell - 10"
Starmelt EP - 10"
Ozone - 10"
Hey, Jane - 10"
The Nerve Tattoo - 10"
Mad Sun - 7" blue sawblade, Split w/ Alice Cooper
The nerve tattoo - CDS
All three CDS from AADAP
Introducing vol 10 w/ pre-realease of "my best friend"
Mot Riving - CDS (MP and Tre små kinesere)
Selfindulgent mono-minds - 2LP (Tribute to MP)
Sun Ra, Live in London 1990 - 10"
please mail. i´m interrested in the early years vinyl releases, demon box, timothy´s, soothe, 3 songs... and Lobotomizer....
Email: alex
Date: 99-12-9
-Starmelt 10"
...for trade!
interested ? ...interested ?
Email: panda
Date: 99-12-11
Email: Stan
Date: 99-12-12
want tussler cd
got selfindulgent monominds double cd
you decide.
Email: armani-armored silver-stallion
Date: 99-12-12
oh, and if u got EARLY live recordings (-97)
i'll pay for the cd-r + shipping + a carrot for your work.
Email: aass
Date: 99-12-12
I'm intersted in this:
CD, Stickman Records, 1994
I've got an Ibanez Phase Tone from the 70's. will sell for the right price...
Email: Petter
Date: 99-12-12
I need THE TUSSLER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Email: Tarik Belsan
Date: 99-12-13
i am trading cd-r copies of The Tussler for other cd-r`s,live or rare tracks....
Email: ....but i`m working on it......
Date: 99-12-14
I'm looking for "Promotor 2" on Stickman
I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
Email: Daniel
Date: 99-12-14
Items for trade:
Sinful/Windborne 7"
Starmelt EP 10"
Trust Us 2x12"
Roadworks 2x12"
Ozone CDs
Email: Andreas
Date: 99-12-14
- 3 Songs for Rut,strøken med inlegg , 600,- kr.
- Timothys Monster - 3 LP box , 500,- kr.
- Promotor I , 600,-kr.
Ring meg på tlf. 73 53 57 18
Email: Bjørn
Date: 99-12-14
-"Maiden Voyage" (Tape #30/100. Knallsyndikatet, ks 044)
-"Lobotomizer" (LP, with poster. Voices Of Wonder, vow 026)
-"Soothe" (Mini LP #44/100, in steelbox. Includes certificate of athenticication, signed by all three bandmembers. Voices Of Wonder, vow 027)
-"Promotor 1" (Promo cd. EMI/Harvest)
-"Promotor 2" (Promo cd. Stickman)
This is a "blind-bidding" auction. It closes at 12 pm on the 24th of December, 1999. The highest bid on the various items that has reached my mailbox at that moment wins (if I find them good enough....). No bids beyond that moment will be considered. Please note also that WINNERS ONLY will be notified! That means that there is no use mailing me asking how your bid is doing. However, you may of course feel free to send in several bids....All bids in Norwegian Kroner please. Currency converter to be found here: http://www.xe.net/ucc/
Email: SuperKnooge
Date: 99-12-15
1 stk. Tussler CD selges kr 800,- Cd'en er i glimrende tilstand!!
Email: Anders
Date: 99-12-16
Ønsker å kjøpe/bytte Demon Box,Timothy og Blissard på vinyl
Email: larv
Date: 99-12-17
Are very interested in live recordings of motorpsycho.
Also interested in the tussler CD(A bit optimistic maybe!!), Nerve tattoo CD.
Have nothing to trade, but are willing to spend some money on it!
Email: Anders
Date: 99-12-19
Hallo Folks!!!!
I'am looking for Motorpsycho Posters....
So if you have. Demon Box,Blizzard.AADAP.Trust Us Poster..Or Tour Posters. Let me now and i pay you good for it...
Thats all!!!!!
Email: Ole-Jacob-Solberg
Date: 99-12-19
i want to buy vinyls of: -lobotomizer
-3 songs for ruth
-timothys monster
+ all ep`s and rear stuff of mp. mail me or call to me tlf. +047 75028408
ps. i`ll pay good!!
Email: Kenneth Hieronimus Saus
Date: 99-12-21
Want to buy ;
-Demon Box,
-Soothe &
-Blissard ,VINYL!
Email: ...sheena....
Date: 99-12-22
Rock Furore #3/93 med stort Demon Box-artikkel/intervju med Bent og anmeldelse av plata (disse finnes ikke på nettet ennå), pluss tilhørende CD med Sheer Profoundity (Death To False Metal Mix), BYTTES BORT. F.eks. mot et kult live-opptak, hehe. :o)
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-12-22
Nevnte jeg at både bladet og CDen er i mint condition? Nei, det gjorde jeg visst ikke. Ulest og uspilt!
Email: Kristoffer
Date: 99-12-29
hello i search the demon box on lp
lobotomizer on lp and timothys monster on lp!!!
i come from germany please send me anything
Email: daniel
Date: 99-12-30
Want to buy vinyls of mp + other rear stuff!!
Call +047 75028408 or e-mail me!!
Email: want mp stuff!!!
Date: 100-1-4
I've got an offer.
The Soothe original in steelcover-version
for sale on auction.
Write me:)
Email: Trond
Date: 2000-1-4
Kjøper Timothy og Blissard på vinyl.
Email: Espen
Date: 2000-1-12
Email: Ola Svinsås
Date: 2000-1-12
"Into the Sun" CDsingle for sale!
Also got a copy of the "Psychobabbel"
(if that was the name...?) CDsingle (500 copies
only) for sale...
Email: Aftermath Music
Date: 2000-1-15
Email: KMK
Date: 2000-1-16
Really really want to buy the oslo gigs from october
Email: KMK
Date: 2000-1-16
I`m selling the "Love is for suckers" - 12".
Only serious bids!
Email: Dee Snider
Date: 2000-1-18
Psychobabble 002B -Timothys Monster 1 cd version for sale/ trade.
Email: GAF
Date: 2000-1-19
Again..If you have some Motorpsycho Posters for sale or trade. Please let me now..
MOST WANTED!!!!!!!!!!
That Motorpsycho/35007 German/Holland Tour poster..
With a screeming girl on it.. And the text.De Vloer..Vrijdag 14 april....
If you have that one. Please!!!!!
I have stuff to trade with you...Or i can give you lot's of dollar for it...
And Blizzard Posters..
And about the "Let them eat cake" tour...If some of you folks in the EU find some cool posters...please let me now...
And Magazins with Motorpsycho on the Cover(Not Norwegian)..I think i want that too.
Thats all !!!!!
Email: O-Jacob-S
Date: 2000-1-19
Hallo jeg må ha the tussler
Kjøper den for 600 kr
Kontakt meg snarest!
jeg har ingen E-mail
Email: Amund
Date: 2000-1-19
is it possible to get hold of the
"self indulgent mono minds" in some way?
Email: Sungravy
Date: 2000-1-21
Har alle psycho-LP`ene.
Vurderer å selge dem for en OK pris.
Ta kontakt....
Email: Øystein
Date: 2000-1-21
-"Lobotomizer" (LP, Voices Of Wonder, vow 026)
-"Soothe" (LP #29/100, in steelbox. Includes certificate of authenticity, signed by all three bandmembers. Voices Of Wonder, vow 027)
-"3 Songs for Rut" (7", Voices Of Wonder, vow 028)
-"Demon Box" (2LP, signed by all three bandmembers and Deathprod. Voices Of Wonder, vow 030)
-"Comin' Down Fast!" (10" #660/2000, Compilation album with song by MP ('Manson's Children'), HS931017)
-"The Del Trio: If You've Got To Fight... Fight Dirty!" (LP, project by ex-MP-drummer Kjell Runar Jenssen (Killer), Aparec009)
All records are in EX+ to M condition. Offers in Norwegian Kroner (NKR) please.
Email: Eirik
Date: 2000-1-22
MP-live for trade.
Email: asbekken@yahoo.com
Date: 2000-1-23
Is there someone out there who can help me??
I really would like to take a look at the Motorpsycho-Movie "This is Motorpsycho"...
Who can help me to get it or something?????
I would be very, very, very grateful!!
Email: Riemke Zijlstra
Date: 2000-1-25
Hi, I am looking for these items:
- weraring yr smell cds
- manmower cds
- into the sun cds
- split alice cooper cds/lp
- promo 1&2
- the tussler cd/lp
- all vinyl editions
- VHS copies of motorpsycho in TV shows
Contact me if you got anything...
Email: the-other-fool
Date: 2000-1-25
I'm desperatly seaching for a recording from Dresden, Germany, May 2, 1999.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Email: Alex
Date: 2000-1-25
Det er ingen vits å maile meg ang. psycho`LP`ene.Jeg har ingen flere å selge.
Email: Øystein
Date: 2000-1-27
I'm looking for anyone in Norway who can help me get Motorpsycho music.
So far all i have is Blissard, T.M., Trust us CDs.
Impossible for me to get anything else and i waited
for a long time (and payed a bunch) for what I do have.
Record stores in the states (and anything i've found online) are useless.
I need someone on the inside. I'm willing to make
trades...I get you something here in the states (did anyone
say obscure pavement stuff??) equal value to what you can send. I'd appreciate ever so much.
YEAH, NORWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Email: Chris
Date: 2000-1-31
Hei, jeg ønsker virkelig "The Tussler", uansett
format. Pris kan selvfølgelig diskuteres
Email: Erling
Date: 2000-1-31
look for:
into the sun single
lobotomizer vinyl
mountain ep vinyl
acoustic set (??!?!)
rare tracks (!?!?)
who can help me??
Email: Norman
Date: 2000-2-1
Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe soothe (stålboks)
three songs for Ruth
soothe (vinyl utg)
Betaler godt.....
Email: Grossist Sløse
Date: 2000-2-1
Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe soothe (stålboks)
three songs for Ruth
soothe (vinyl utg)
Betaler godt.....
Email: Grossist Sløse
Date: 2000-2-1
jeg vil gjerne kjøpe følgende:
three songs for ruth
soothe (stålboks)
soothe (vanlig)
mad sun (blå og rød)
betaler godt......
Email: thee other fool
Date: 2000-2-2
i´m looking for The Tussler on CD since I don´t have a turn table.
Any offers appreciated...
Email: Jörn
Date: 2000-2-2
Electronic auctioning, open until 26. february. Do not ask about the status of your bid, as only the highest bidder will be contacted. Do not bid after 26. february. *Send the highest bid that you're willing to give*. All currencies accepted. No trading. All items are in mint condition unless indicated.
- INTO THE SUN (split-single CD w/ HedgeHog)
- THE TUSSLER (dBut, non-coloured jewel case CD)
- PROMOTOR 2 (Stickman CD)
- WEARING YR SMELL (Stickman, out of print EP CD)
- TIMOTHY'S MONSTER (Stickman 002B, foreign 1-CD version)
- THE NERVE TATTOO (Stickman out of print EP CD)
- MANMOWER (Stickman out of print EP CD)
- MOT RIVING (out of print split EP CD with 3 Sma Kinesere)
- SINFUL, WIND-BORNE (limited 7" vinyl single)
- AADAP (promo CD with "wrong" track order and 5 seconds of extra material, in a plastic pouchette with a label sticker which is slightly worn off. most copies of this disc were destroyed.)
- TRUST US (Stickman CD, front cover signed by Snah and Geb - some minor dents)
- European setlist with a drawing of Geb, done by Snah (folded twice in the middle)
- Kim Hiorthøy large photograph from Starmelt video (signed by Bent, Snah and Geb)
- Large Motorpsycho poster (unique drawing of the band by Rolf Klausen, slightly damaged)
- Sony promo folder for Let them Eat Cake (including Bent's "notes from the bunker")
- German Motorpsycho satchel (black with tattoo logo in white)
- 1994 Motorpsycho "crew" t-shirt (XL, slightly worn)
- Five huge 30x20cm photographs (3 of Bent and 2 of Snah, on stage in Holland 1998 - not perfect but crystal clear)
- Matt Burt "Fatt Burp - Taxt" (signed 2-page photocopy of Burt's wonderful poem/text from KIT magazine - the copy is well-readable but not perfect)
- Supersilent 1-3 (cardboard box 3CD Deathprod experimental sound project. one of the pouchette sleeves is signed by Deathprod. box is slightly dented and chipped along the edges)
- A Tribute to Motorpsycho (2xLP, out of print)
- Sanderfinger, Camping (CD, disc signed by Frode S. Oien)
Email: Peter
Date: 2000-2-4
PROMOTOR I - CD-Singel ,Strøken
WEARING YR SMELL - CD-Singel ,Strøken
(Psychobabble 001)
Ønsker seriøse tilbud,kort frist.
Oppgi gjerne tlf.nr.for rask deal.
Email: Bjørn
Date: 2000-2-4
MP split with Hedgehog,this time on cd!
it was an italian promo by helter skelter,
i think...
no cover but the cd is not a fake.
i trade with vinyl version of SOOTHE.
or with the longsleeve t-shirt with the another
ugly DUCK, x-large.
i can also trade some live shows with others.
Email: francesco
Date: 2000-2-4
1 copy of Tussler CD for sale (dbut, but not yellow cover edition). Offers.
I will also trade for very obscure Spacemen 3 related stuff, but don't hold yer breath on that one.
Email: Erlend
Date: 2000-2-6
For sale:
Soothe LP (420,-)
Lobotomizer LP w/poster+inlay (560,-)
Promotor 1 CDsingle (320,-)
Into the Sun 7" (350,-)
All are on bids for now, most likely to end in 1-2
Email: Aftermath Music
Date: 2000-2-8
I want mp on vinyl. - pay good. plas mail me if you have anything....
Email: the one
Date: 2000-2-10
I`m searching for recordings of Motorpsycho
TV shows, videos etc.
I have some recordings for trade:
-Viva dokumentary (76 min.)
-Interview on student TV Trondheim - 99 (7-8 min.)
-Roskilde 99 w/Motorp., Bob Hund etc- student TV Trondheim
(30 min.)
-Interview + Big surprise performed live on NRK-Norway
-The Other Fool playback on TVN
-Motorpsycho picking videos on Pop-TV (30 min.)
-Interview, Ozone playback + Manmower video "U-musikk"
NRK-Norway (1998)
-Interview + Nothing To Say video - NRK-Norway (1994)
++ some few more
I`m specially looking for the interview on student-tv
Trondheim from 30/1-00, but everything is interesting
I`m also interested in trading these recordings in
live consert recordings on CD.
Email: Espen Hvidsten
Date: 2000-2-11
hello everybody
i'm searching for the "this is motorpsycho-video"
or at least a copy.
it would be great if anybody could contact me with good news
will pay
Email: holle
Date: 2000-2-13
Want Demon Box and Blizzard on vinyl. I have good things for trade and money
Email: mud
Date: 2000-2-14
Uh, that's Klaus Cornfield that designed the poster, not Rolf Klausen :-)
Email: PG-13
Date: 2000-2-14
Ønsker radioopptak på cd, har
- 03/09/96 Rockefeller
- 07/96 Quart
- 03/14/97 Rockefeller
- 03/21/98 Folken
for trade, ønsker flest mulig andre.
Har masse annet å trade med (bl.a. 100+ timer
Grateful Dead live :-) )
Email: KSD