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  • in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34348

      Sure, Punj, we are fans, and fan is short for fanatic :D

      We are sitting on the curb in front of the same candy store, it opens in februari!

      And by the way, I'm not only looking forward to a great new album (or ep , haha) but also hope for a Trust Us box (like they did with the first 4 classic albums) coming in 2019! Now that would be quite the bag of liquorice allsorts to chew on!!!Cheers!

      in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34346

        Of course I'm curious about The Crucible like we all are, but I don't like the contemporary culture of song-snippets, sound-bites and titbits. It just shows there isn't the attention span anymore for a whole piece of music in the 21st century shizoid man of our time; like these 20 seconds?-buy the album. Hey, this is not your hitsingle teenybopperband here. And a piece of music by MP asks and deserves my full attention and time to make it into that special experience of the wonder we call music. So I'll wait, agree with Kid A here.

        in reply to: trondheim – 2018-12-14 #34713

          Snah has big strong arms, probably a byproduct of 30 years being his own roadie ?but to raise the doubleneck up in the air during STG would be serious weightlifting, haha!

          in reply to: trondheim – 2018-12-14 #34699

            X-mas-Time, it's xmas time, HOHOHO it's x-mas time… 8)

            in reply to: What song is better on record than live? #34661

              For me, that must be Manmower. It was the very first impression I ever got way back on late night MTV, with that strange animation videoclip, and I was mesmerized and immediately moved by the emotional musical content of it. That melody on the mellotron!..what is this band, how come I did not notice until then…next day, to the record store, bought Timothy's Monster, and there started my journey through MPworld! The studio version has kept for me that strange melancholic intimacy, and still after all these years the mellotron at the end can bring tears to my eyes. It will forever stay impossibly beautiful, play this at my funeral, etc. Live renditions though, to me just bring it down to "another song", with sometimes a jam expansion that ruins it's compactness, it's like this little pearl of a world of it's own becomes something ordinary, even if ordinary at a MPgig is still great. Same with the other Holy song in my MPbook: Sungravy. Don't know if it even has been performed live ever? Guys covering it on the net…just don't do it, don't touch it! These two recordings are so perfect, nothing can improve on them. :MPD:

              in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2019 #33829

                Hurrah! 19-05-2019 Tivoli, Utrecht, Holland announced. :P

                in reply to: Doornroosje NL 8 dec 2018 #34619

                  Another totally great MP experience, feel totally elevated, smiling the whole damn stormy drive home! The spaced out middle section of Starhammer! Wiggin'out on Hogwash! Pacific Sonata, very beautiful and sensitive again! And;…I have seen (heard) THE LUX !!!

                  in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2018 #32397

                    Yeah, got the Doornroosje newsletter about that cancellation, anyway, so many promising bands will be there, so no stress at all, it's gonna be great! MP was announced originally to bring a fourth man; curious about who it will be?, I liked the contributions of Lars at the Rune-gig a lot, that would be nice. If they decide to play as a powertrio I'd be a happy man as well, 'çause that would be my first. To everyone going: have a great night! :STG:

                    in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2019 #33806

                      @Punj Lizard; MP is of course welcome anywhere anytime anyplace in Holland next tour, but the old Paradiso venue, the church, isn't the main concert location anymore. I suspect they would be programmed at Paradiso Noord, which is an okay modern concert hall, but it hasn't the magical charm of the original venue…

                      Amsterdam would be cool, though. Being a lucky Dutchnaut I've been to Mp in Alkmaar, Maastricht and Nijmegen (coming up) all in one year, so I've become very addicted to the experience, like you! :MPD: :cheers:

                      in reply to: 2018-11-30 Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo w/ Maja Ratkje #34597

                        Thank you Bernie, you've become invaluable for this site already, videonautic-psycho-emperor of the decade, three cheers for you and your dedication & work! :-) :o :D

                        in reply to: 2018-11-30 Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo w/ Maja Ratkje #34591

                          It's saturday 9.00 am, household cores need to be done, the doorbell rings, the windshield of the car needs fixing, but I'm hypnotised and can not leave this great MP stream. One big epiphany again, and now there is not only ONE rockband in the world and that is MP, but there may be only one jazzrockband in the world as well which is…you know!

                          Very much enjoyed the contributions of Lars, so nice to have a real flute playing in Dreamhome, and very good keyboarding in Taifun. The ocean of sound part near the end of Taifun gave me that strange experience to be out in a timeless zone, all clocks melting into eternity, weird you can get that feeling, as music happens within time. Wow! And…have I said this before?-how come these guys get even better every time?!!!

                          Preparing to rock my socks off in Nijmegen next week!!! Greetings to all psychonauts, who are the lucky earthlings to witness this rising of MP into beyondValhallaness ! :cheers:

                          in reply to: The Crucible (Feb 15, 2019) #34311

                            We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

                            Feb 15 is a lot of time after christmas, but it will certainly feel like a newborn coming from the gods! :MPD:

                            in reply to: Lux Aeterna #34291

                              "Well, Henry, what do you know…", to quote David Lynch (Eraserhead). Looking for clues, but the beauty of a mystery is often spoiled by an explanation. To me it's all clear now, listened to the Another Ugly EP and 'Summertime is here' came along…of course! It's Larry! Larry LUX, remember?

                              Meanwhile looking forward to Nijmegen gig 8/12, awaiting the hours and counting the days!

                              in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2018 #32368

                                Recieved an answer to my mail from Doornroosje, MP will play 2,5 hours !!! Hurrah und Juba Juba!

                                in reply to: your inevitable earworm #34150

                                  For me there isn't a day without "Saihaihail on, psychonaut, dream your dream for me..etc" Also "…hands held high, dive into the sky, I'm in fact getting closer to the target…etc". It seems that for me, blackholewhitecanvas, although I don't play it too often, has some typical earworm-hitsingle melodies that keep happily running around my brain!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 216 total)

                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994