ship of fools
Lars Hundtveth
dream of flute
hammer of stars
plan #1
might be out of order/something missing
good stuff!
Correct setlist:
The Cuckoo
Ship of Fools
A Pacific Sonata
In Every Dream Home
Un Chien d'Espace
Tristano >
Plan #1
Amazing gig. 2 hours & 45 minutes. Main set was 2,5 hours. Lots of jamming. Lots of space-outs. During the spacey Hogwash jam Bent pretended to be stargazing. "Short" Un Chien (20-25 min?), but incredibly good. Lars Horntvedt played flute on Dream Home.
Personal highlights: K9, Plan #1, Taifun
I didn't tape this one, but I know at least one person did, so hopefully that recording will be shared.
(edited because I confirmed it was indeed Tristano they played before Hogwash)
[img]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4893/45405705965_04c1000373_k.jpg?fit=400%500[/img]X Time was listed as a second encore, but not played.
Superb Setlist – looks like a pure Jamfest, only Plan#1 closing the set being "straight". Having a tape would be great
Un chien og Hogwash, næmmen, da!
2xShip of Fools in two weeks, I'm good!
What's "X Time"? Or rather, what would it have been, if it would have been played?
I would expect X Time to be Lux Aeterna.
X-mas-Time, it's xmas time, HOHOHO it's x-mas time…
Tristano > Hogwash… WOOOOOW!
@JERO – You are right. I found Snah's setlist in another picture, and that setlist has written X-Mas at the end.
But they didn't play that one either :lol:
Hm, what is X-time referring to?
X-MasTime is Here?
Was Hogwash structually comparable to the one they did in Amsterdam 2002(RW3)?
Our own ffbernie came and said hello in the middle of the concert, so I expect we are in for some treats :MPD:
In the meantime there are some more pictures over here – thoregilphoto.com
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