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@Devotional: As much as I love that Killer B’s set, 4 cover songs is way too many for a 50 minute hit single set
Lowest odds set is most likely, and I honestly wouldn’t mind it. But you have to take into consideration that Tons of Rock is a festival veering most into hard-rock/metal territory. So Go to California and The Other Fool might be way too soft in those circumstances.
It would be cool if they did something similar to the Quart ’96 gig where they ‘protested’ against being put on a metal stage by playing their heaviest tracks in then current repertoire. Or maybe they’ll protest by playing their absolute softest hits LOL
I honestly don’t have many expectations for this one. As long as I get some sing-along hits along with a couple obscure surprises, I’ll be more than happy
Info regarding Tons of Rock:
MP are playing from 14:35 – 15:25 that Wednesday.
Timeslot is LOL, but at least they’re not colliding
with anything worthwhile@Punj-Lizard: Thanks for the impression. So not as acoustically based as Yay! I guess.
I’ll have patience this time and just wait for Neigh! to hear the song in its proper context
So how is the new song? Does Psycholab sound like a continuation of Yay, or is it back to MP hard-prog-psychedelia?
Would love for them to cover this cult band. Sea Shanties is a forgotten, horribly underrated classic.
Looks like 2 releases today: California EP and the Hyena/Bonny Lee single. And reasonably priced (€5 and €2)
1 – Psychonaut
2 – ?berwagner or a Billion Bubbles in My Mind
3 – Hotel Daedalus
4 – Upstairs-Downstairs
5 – The Magpie
6 – The United Debased
7 – The Promise
8 – Pills, Powders & Passion Plays
9 – Hell, pt 1-3
10 – Year Zero (A Damage Report)
(+ secret track 11 – HogwashDisk 2
1 – Psycholab (unreleased)
2 – Un Chien d’Espace
3 – Feel
4 – Sinful, Wind-borne
5 – Sail On
6 – Psychotzar
7 – Lacuna/Sunrise
8 – The Bomb-Proof Roll and Beyond
9 – For Free
10 – The Tower
(+ secret track 11 – Rock Bottom from the recent sold out 7″)Source:
Of course there had to be 1 brand new song
Found an interesting piece of info over at Kulturdirektoratet’s homepage
I 2024 opnar Gulatingsfestivalen 2024 på Tusenårsstaden Gulatinget, en monumental park av skulptør Bård Breivik. Festivalen blir en tverrfagleg fag- og kulturfestival med fokus på juridiske og demokratiske problemstillingar. Vi inviterer bandet Motorpsycho, scenekunstkompaniet De Utvalgte og koreograf Kristin Helgebostad, til å utarbeide eit større bestillingsverk. Sammen vil de utarbeide et helhetskunstverk der det teatrale, filmatiske og musikalske inngår i en sømløs kunstnerisk helhet. Tema for festivalen vil vere folkestyre, tillit og fred. Festivalen vil belyse temaet med en rekke arrangement over 4 dager som kulminerer med denne forestillingen. Forestillingen vil kretse om de stemmeløses rettigheter i fortid, nåtid og fremtid.
They received a grant of 200.000 NOK for this commissioned piece, so looks like it’s on Festival takes place September next year.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by otherdemon.
I had a similar problem. I ordered it, and chose to physically collect at the store. A few days after release date, and still no notification of it being ready for pick-up. Got an e-mail saying it had been sent in the mail.
Nearly 2 weeks later got an e-mail saying it was ready for picking up at the store. Must’ve been laying in a dark dusty corner of the shop First time ever I had a delay with MP related orders, so it was probably due :P
Btw, it’s confirmed on Tons of Rock homepage that
MP plays Wednesday 26/6. Same day as Black Debbath and MetallicaBut do they count the songs that only had music videos, but no single releases?
If so, then songs like these are possible as well:
Have Fun
Nothing To Say
Sheer Profoundity
Another Ugly Tune
Now It’s Time To Skate
High Time
On A Plate
Hell Pt.7
W.C.AAnd Hyena, In Our Tree, The Same Old Rock, The Waning and Patterns are singles as well.
And if we really wanna get technical, all of the Motorpnakotic Manuscripts were singles as well
Looking at the list, it is possible for MP to cheat a bit (the 3 singles containing the entirety of AADAP come to mind )
But honestly, being one of the least nostalgic bands ever, I think they deserve to cash in on doing a “greatest hits” set. As long as they do it properly and don’t half-ass it.
In my mailbox too today.
Not exactly a big book (only approx. 140 pages), but it’ll probably be a nifty little read
Quote from the Alta Live homepage:
– For første gang har Motorpsycho bestemt seg for å skreddersy et karriereomfavnende festivalsett bestående utelukkende av låter som har vært utgitt som singler.
Something similar written on the Tons of Rock homepage.
So hits galore, it isDamn that looks like the most jam-heavy set of the tour so far. Except the acoustic set, nearly all 10min+ freakouts