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      The voters have spoken, and the votes have been counted. The album that will be played @ Øya is: Timothy’s Monster




      Greatness, this will be an epic evening for sure!

      Red Mosquito

        Oh… all in all maybe “the” best album!


        Wow, I wonder how Bent will handle the vocals on Grindstone, will he be able to sing the Golden Core after that, and will Anneli Drecker join in?


        I think this is the longest album ? (96:49 min), will certainly be longer live, 2 hours + …?

        It would have been kind of a bummer if they played 8 Soothing Songs for Rut or Barracuda…


        ..and who will be on stage?

        Personnel om TM:

        Bent Sæther: Vocals, bass, guitars, mellotron, drums, percussion, piano, sitar, synth bass

        Hans Magnus Ryan: Guitars, vocals, piano, percussion

        HÃ¥kon Gebhardt: Drums, banjo, percussion

        Lars Lien: Piano, wurlitzer, hammong organ, vocals

        Helge Sten (Deathprod): Theremin, mellotron, samples, synthesizer


        Øyvind Enger: cello on “Sungravy”

        Lars Mølna: viola on “Sungravy”

        Øyvind Brandtsegg: String arrangement on “Sungravy”, vibraphone on “The Golden Core”

        Anneli Drecker: back. vocals on “The Golden Core”


          Well, they have 5 months to figure out if they need additional guests or whatever :lol:

          My guess is that Snah will probably have more vocal duties than just On My Pillow. And he did sing Grindstone earlier (Roadwork 2 and the So What Oslo Bootleg DVD)

          Anyway, good news to start off this week. And this Friday they’re starting their tour with Supersilent in Drammen!


            Woop de do, this is going to be awesome! :D

              I think this is the longest album ? (96:49 min), will certainly be longer live, 2 hours + …?

              It would have been kind of a bummer if they played 8 Soothing Songs for Rut or Barracuda…

              I’m not so sure it will be that much longer live. CD1 doesn’t really allow THAT much room for jamming, so that one will probably be by the book. CD2 on the other hand might be stretched out a bit… Just under 2 hours live, maybe? But in a festival context, that is very long!

              The Other Anders

                Taken into account the current band, and the musical state they are in, having them play Timothy’s Monster feels kind of like many opportunities lost.

                I always saw Timothy’s Monster as a collection of good songs, rather than an epic masterpiece tending towards a concept album, which is how I see Demon Box and Angels And Daemons At Play, and to a certain extent Trust Us.

                This is a great opportunity lost to finally perform Mountain live again, and to revisit the old metal songs together with an out-of-this-world metal drummer. Both vocalists being in the best form of their lives, I think Bent would totally have pulled off Sheer Profundity and Feedtime. Snah could also sing them, he proved that already when Loaded was in the setlist in 2004.

                This was also a great opportunity to perform ALL of Angels And Daemons, and finally tag Have Spacesuit, Will Travel to the end of Un Chien, where it has been missing all these years.

                Trust Us has already been revisited a lot by the new lineup, so it was maybe the least essential of my three choices. But through the last three years together with Kenneth we have also seen some of the strongest performances of Trust Us songs such as Superstooge, Psychonaut, 577 and Vortex Surfer, and the bands new musical direction seems to own a lot to this part of their musical past.

                All three records have a huge chunck of the progressive, heavy and jam elements which fits so well with the Motorpsycho of today, and which I do not see so much in the majority of the songs on Timothy’s Monster.

                I am afraid that the first hour of the concert is gonna be a nice stroll down memory lane with many good, little, five minutes songs, rather than a wild ride of awesome jams and rejuvenited masterpieces.

                Being the old, travelling geezer I am, it is of course the songs not performed in a long time which are attached to the biggest excitement: Leave It Like That, A Shrug & A Fistful, Beautiful Sister and Wearing Yr Smell.

                That said, Grindstone is for sure going to be the most exciting song to me at Øya, together with The Wheel. Luckilly, these songs have got all of the elements above: They are progressive and heavy, and the band can jam it out if they choose to. In fact, when the concert finally reaches sides four and five of the LP I will probably think I am in heaven anyway.


                  Not very suprised by the result, but very pleased :D


                  WOW!! Fantastic choice!! Great!!


                    i wish i could be there….but please release this as a new roadwork, please!


                      @The Other Anders: This isn’t the last gig ever, they still have a good many years to climb the Mountain and travel with the Space Dog. That said, I voted Demon Box #1 just to hear Mountain live :)

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