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  • #21359

      Focus online review.


      "This album makes King Crimson appear like dwarves."

      Without King Crimson, this record wouldn't even exist.

      Settle down, Beavis! :wink:

      grtz, T


        Standing on the shoulders of dwarves…

        Vegard B. Havdal



            "This album makes King Crimson appear like dwarves" is a bit over euphoric (blasphemic even ) by the author I think,

            That is exactly the eclipsed problem. They are often too euphoric. It's still more a prog fanszine than a magazine.


              he I like this part from the Eclipsed interview:

              Q: "what can we expect from the Unicorn live?"

              Bent: "It'll be hard as nails. Like King Crimson in their hardest phase. These gigs will be special and unforgettable. I'm this arrogant to announce that!"



                There's nothing that can make King Crimson look like dwarves, but I would propose that, at times, Unicorn has KC in the rear-view mirror.


                  Darn, I hoped I'd never have to listen to such music again.


                  for those of you with geeky inclinations (which would seem to me to be most of you…) I found the little wikipedia journey following the greek mythology items on the album very interesting: lethe>hypnos>hypnogogic. The stuff on Proteus is pretty interesting too, especially the mentions of its use in literature and psychology.

                  and you know what my favorite part about all this is: I don't know if any of it is done in seriousness, or if it's all tongue-in-cheek…and the best part: I'm loving it!

                  Lastly, I'll second Hovmod: it is truly a privilege to follow a band that is progressive in the word's truest meaning.




                  Fucking brilliant record. NOthing more to say. Speechless. Can't wait to see it live.

                  Love the discussions. Like with the latest Opeth. Narrow minded metalheads hated Heritage. I love it.


                    I love The Unicorn more and more. Just in case anybody wanted to know ;)

                    Really really nice record.


                      Tweet from Stickfrau:

                      The Death Defying Unicorn enters the German charts at #87 this week!


                        10 days after my first comments, and I stand by every word. In fact, I don't think I went far enough…this album is a small miracle! For a band to hit a peak like this 22 years into their career should not really be possible. It's a masterpiece, and as a unified piece of music it stands above anything else they've done. I'm not saying it's a better record than Trust Us, Timothy's, Blissard or any of their other "best" records, but it is actually on a par with those records IMO. That's pretty high praise from me – I *love* those mid-late 90s records to bits, and they will probably always come out on top.

                        But this album brings back some elements I've been missing for a good while: a sense of urgency, passion, like they made this album because their lives depended on it and they just *had* to get this music out to people. Every single moment on the album is inspired, driven, the themes are elaborate but not elaborated upon unnecessarily. As nice as the other Kapstad-era albums have been, I've felt the songs were frequently drawn out way beyond their potential. Not so here – concise and to the point, yet elaborate and interesting.

                        Oh, and Bent's singing is soooo much better here than in ages! What happened??

                        This album will stand the test of time, mark my words. A true masterpiece.


                        after a few years of silence, it's time for me to re-enter this forum – and if it is only to express my enthusiasm for the new album of MP/Stale Storlokken (to be true i was a more or less regular posting person and after the forum changed the ''entrance'' i.e. you need to be registered I took this occasion and ''retired''. but i was never away: i always read.)

                        since years i was not really satisfied with the albums MP released. that does not mean that i don't like their latest releases, but sometimes i missed that special MP feeling. a feeling of delightment and the notes that hit my heart and soul.

                        the Death Defying Unicorn has all that. you named it in several postings. and just look at the amount of posting, this means anything!. yes, it's a prog rock thing. and maybe this is one reason i like this album (i was a teenager in the seventies and beside several other preferences at that time(for example ''westcoast'', krautrock and zappa) prog-rock was an important part of my life. after that phase punk and postpunk reigned. and then the refinement started. and this refinement still continues.).

                        when i entered the MP cosmos they had released a bunch of albums which a lot of the members of that forum count as their masterpieces. I like all that albums too, but LTEC, Barracuda, Phano, IALC were my starting period. A period not much loved by a lot of MP-fans. But i like all this albums because it was the time where they strenghten their ''reputation'' as an ''eclectic'' band (but and the most important with their own-handwriting in my humble opinion).

                        TDDU is an amalgan of some of the music that i like. if it is Zappa, Yes, King Crimson (now at the moment while i listening to this milestone I can hear Rick Wakeman playing keys – for example-) or whatever else you all (or i) can hear by listening the record, in the end it is MP resp. the MP-feeling which wasn't omnipresent within the last few years.

                        he, what i am doing here? shakti said it all!!!



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