Romaniac´s Monster online-version (https://radioromaniac.blogspot.com) is dead now
long live Romaniac´s Monster B-Seite printversion
R.I.P. online-Monster!
"Um die Menschheit vor weiterer, exponentiell zunehmender, Dummheit und damit einhergehender Selbstzerstörung zu bewahren, bleibt nichts anderes mehr übrig, als das Internet komplett herunterzufahren, entweder bis Normalität einkehrt, oder noch besser, endgültig, für immer, damit die Menschen sich daran erinnern, wie es ist, in der Realität zu leben. "
Perhaps you are right. Nevertheless: Keep on writing!
After the death of Romaniac´s Monster online version and Radio Romaniac online version, he read his own words in the printed versions of RM A-Side (coming soon) and RM B-Side (out now) changed his mind and went online back again.
The world ist still …. !!!, needs Romaniac´s Monster C-Side and D-Side
You can find the new stories and the (remixed) leftovers from A and B at the usual places. Like always written in German. Translate yourself and have fun.
https://romaniacsmonster.blogspot.com (C-Side)
https://radioromaniac.blogspot.com (D-Side)
the monstermaker
If you still enjoy reading books and are interested in a very nice print version of
Romaniac´s Monster A-Seite
Romaniac´s Monster B-Seite
"Erstauflage / Pandemie-Edition", written in German
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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994