A Boxful of Demons

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      – why blu ray and not regular DVD?

      I hate to be that guy, but the Blu-ray format is more than 10 years old, and it has better video AND audio quality than DVD. At this point in time you can also get BD-players at any price point or even second hand.

      And before someone compares it to LP/CD; CD was never better than LP, just more convenient.


      Three books, 3 vinyls and CD’s/BlueRay/DVD for 165,-€ incl. shipping is a bargain. We got so spoiled with MP releases and concerts in the last 10 years. 5CD boxes for 25,-€, limited 7” editions, Tour LP, vinyl only album, Effenaar aniversary release, books, theatric soondtrack and much more….

      I can’t believe there is a discussion about the price of this amaizing box. Don’t wanna spent money on it; don’t buy it. I know that All the money gets back into the music anyway.



      where do you live? :wink:

      Maybe it really boils down to "privileged" and "underprivileged" psychonauts…

      But 165 is surely not the end. 145+30+19% customs is rather just above 200€.

      Alright, the creator cannot be help responsible for where I chose to live, but still: too much for me.

      And since the books are pamphlets I am really curious to see how relevant they are.

      Nice to have for sure and the whole Kesey-connotation is cool, but not worth the price for me.

      And before I say it another time I better quit.

      (I guess I say it that often just to assure myself I am actually skipping the release :? )


        Yep it seems expensive but it's 3 LP, 2 CD, a Bluray, books and shipping. And it's Demon Box! So take my money! :lol:

        I spent more cash on traveling to one show including accomodation and ramsacking the merch table. Bit bummed, though, that it's a bluray and no DVD…


          if only there was some magical home use software solution to convert bluray to dvd…


          OT: http://www.makemkv.com/

          Not converting to DVD as in: physical media. But you get a lossless file that you can play on your pc/mac.


            that's all i need. :-)


            I can't afford it. The vinyl edition and shipping it's almost half of my monthly paycheck.



              I know that All the money gets back into the music anyway.

              superb point!


              Yeah, vinyl, BlueRay and CD is all the same content and for non-norwegians the books won't be readable… About what should the book be? About demon box? The listeners all have their own stories about that album, why writing about it? But ok, maybe the author did a nice job, so it's worth releasing. Still won't buy it either, to get the audio from the DVD can be done with any freeware or just by giving a download code with the vinyl and sell it for maybe 1/2 the price…


                The books are about Motorpsycho, in the period before, during and after the recording of DB, with I suppose a lot of digressions and insights, judging from Ramslies great contribution in Supersonic Scientists. I'm sure they will be well worth reading, esp for us who enjoy those sorts of things. And the records speak for themselves. And the BOX looks great, with a lot of price-options so I don't see why this is a problem, look at what you will be getting! And I'm sure most people can find a way to play a Blue Ray. It's not like MP are out to hustle their fans, on the contrary, what a surprise, and what a gift. Also happy to read Bents thoughts on those concerts, and the magic of the Geb/Bent/Snah/Helge constellation, it really was a special time, and they were really in sync w the culture, and helped define it, whatever Bent might think;)


                I have supported the band since that day in the early 90s that I bought the Lobotomizer LP for 120kr at the local record store.

                Now I am in my 40s, have a job, wife, kids, steady income etc.. so there`s no problem with buying this box, its just the feeling that Im being cheated. Why do I have to pay so much? and why fill it with with shit I dont want? A tripple vinyl box would be enough.

                I just want a record to play, not a stupid displaybox that will take up way to much space on my already cramped vinylshelfs.

                -"Its not like MP are out to hustle their fans"

                Sorry, but this time, I think that, if not MP, then Christer Falk are making a huge profit on this box.


                  If you don't like it, don't buy it.


                    I wonder if there is a chance to have those books translated to English (and printed) now that nearly 200% of the money is funded already on day two. Would be a great investment for everyone :-)

                    Punj Lizard

                      I wrote above that I think it's a bit overpriced. Then again, so is Konsert For Folk Flest but I bought that because the music is awesome and so is the whole package. I'm not such a fan of Demon Box but any time the band make a good profit on something I won't complain because it seems to me they put way more of that back into the music than most bands would. So if a bit of extra cash leads to another album and another tour then I'm happy.

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                    …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994