new album “Neigh!!”

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    As an avid golfer it’s funny that they upped Albatross and made Condor :-)


      It seems like the album is out on streaming services aswell. Didn’t Bent say that this wouldn’t happen with Neigh?


        GBD: He wrote that the digital release will not be before vinyls are being shipped.

        It’s a nice collector piece….actually i had hoped for the songs to be much more off the rails. Most songs are not far away from what they did recently. I’ll have it spinning and see where it goes and grows

        • This reply was modified 5 days, 16 hours ago by marc.

          I would love to see how the crowd (tries) to sing along to “This Is Your Captain”!

          Listened through it once this morning, and the rest of the day I’ve had songs from “Yay!” stuck in my brain. Guess Im one record behind, mentally.


            I like what I hear – pleasently surprised :)

            A very nice “addition to YAY!, luxury having two albums in such short time span and a “profound” release already in sight :-) (A bit like King Gizzard putting out whatever whenever they feel like … )
            Makes me hungry for live shows :stg:

            Krist Rampage

              I did not really have expectations except that I really liked Psycholab and All My life a lot. The not edit version of Psycholab is so amazing! Almost a third album Velvet Underground nod. Also: Crownee Says! Love the song, love the Lou VU reference (after Sterling Says.)

              I am very surprised. After the anouncents and first reactions I was not prepared for and album as amazing as this.

              To me it sounds fresh, groovy, interesting and nice.

              (disclaimer: I have listened to it three times now and am not entirely sober)


                @Krist: Hehe, same here ;-) “Ail” vibes from the moondog, massive waves when Levees break, lots of VU and intimit till bombastic mp moments: Time for the second round (only digital so far :-/ )

                Emily Grimes

                  Love it!!!


                    I’m starting to really adore this 5 spins in..! :mp:

                    • This reply was modified 5 days, 2 hours ago by GBD.

                      <As much as I love Snah, there’s not a chance in hell he hits those high notes live. A tad studio augmentation there, I reckon>

                      It’s falsetto. No trickery, and much easier to do live than regular high notes.

                      Pretty sure it won’t ever happen, though :)


                        I’ve given it a few spins (well, streams) now. Maybe I shouldn’t scrutinize it too much since everything surrounding its releases tells us it’s not a “proper” Motorpsycho album but more of an odds and sods type of collection from the last few years, so it’s not that strange that it’s stylistically a bit all over the place.

                        The fact is, though, that in the 90s pretty much all of this would have been considered EP/B-side material and released as such. There’s a couple of exceptions – the single Psycholab I suppose could have been in contention for a proper album release given the right setting, maybe Return to Sanity as well. The latter is a nice little ditty with some CSN vibes but perhaps a bit too similar in vibe to the superior Lady May from Kingdom of Oblivion, and not that much happens beyond a lovely mood.
                        This Is Your Captain is an entertaining excursion with some cool space-kraut riffage, but more entertaining than profound, and very much an EP-worthy oddity.
                        All My Life is sort of cool in its lo-fi stop-start way…but a cover is a cover and this belongs on an EP IMHO.
                        Revenants is kind of meh in a Yay sort of way.
                        The closing two are really hitting the bottom of the barrel with scraping sounds…Crownee Says is barely EP filler material and The Condor is a lovely but very derivative instrumental (the name gives away its already obvious inspiration and roots….).

                        However, there is one shiny jewel that hovers above all the rest. Elysium, Soon is a terrific 8-minute track with heavy Zeppelin vibes and barely contained excitement. This would have made any of the Tomas-era albums proud. Lots of Trust Us vibes in this one (reminds me of Evernine) and one that I would love to hear live. I really wonder when this was recorded. It’s one of two tracks to feature Tomas Järmyr on drums (unleashing his inner Bonham in fine fashion) but sorely serves to remind me how much I miss him. There were some similar Zeppelin hints in a couple of tracks on The All Is One so I wonder if it was recorded around that time? In any case, this track alone is enough to redeem and justify the album as a whole.


                          Elysium, Soon: Ok, this one has really grown on me and I’m not skipping it after all. Love the zep-ishness of it. I’m still pretty sure it was intended for The All Is One – it just has that feeling all over it, sonically and melodically. Maybe lyrically, too, I wouldn’t know as I haven’t paid any attention to the lyrics yet. I think it would have probably made the non-N.O.X. portion of that album sound too samey – on the other hand, I’d happily switch it with, say, the title track.

                          Anyway: I see what you mean, @shakti. Sadly, that 5 songs EP formula went overboard with Geb more than twenty years ago(!). Personally, I’d take a full album of non-album oddballs like Space Cadet Boogie, KR-3, Nature’s Way, Star Dancer vs. Car Cancer and Sterling Says in between the more conventional and/or concepty ones any day! Agree with you on Revenants, totally disagree on Crownee Says. 🙃

                          Btw, does anyone else hear a vague resemblance with Pink Floyd’s Paintbox on Return to Sanity? Nothing more than the opening chord, really, but that was my first thought.


                            The paintbox reference was mentioned in one of the reviews also.

                            “When I think of ‘Return to Sanity’ I think of the early Floyd-era during the time they were in the middle of recording their second album, and their last to feature Syd Barrett on A Saucerful of Secrets in 1968. It brings to mind of the song of Rick Wright’s ‘Paintbox’ that comes to mind, as if they’re continuing where they’d left off with Rick’s composition, giving him the recognition he deserves.”

                            • This reply was modified 3 days, 3 hours ago by GBD.

                              “There were some similar Zeppelin hints in a couple of tracks on The All Is One”

                              Aaah, thank you, shakti! Haven’t thought of it myself, but that might explain why I have problems with “The all is one” (except for the amazing NOX), as I really don’t like Led Zep :/ Makes perfect sense! And it always scares me when reading about Zeppelin references/hints concerning a new album I’m waiting to receive, haha!

                              Expecting my copy to be delivered today or tomorrow.


                                Had my copy in the mail today…..vinyl looks marvellous and i like the uniform subpop-y label as well.

                                The record itself might not be life altering, but i enjoy it a lot. Mainly because, like Yay, there’s a lightness and joy to it i missed on the previous albums. The less-is-more drumming is great, bass sound is fantastic and in general the production leaves air to breathe. The Scheps approach definitely fits the records made with Tomas, but i like that side more. Glad I bought it and it will be a good companion until the new chapter starts in february! :mp: all the way!

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