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      Even the video gives me goosebumps! Although rythmic clapping during The Golden Core should be severely punished!


        Well, at least there were no opera-singing! :lol:


          Finally a proper internetconnection.. Back from Oslo now, and wow. what to say.. I think a few of you’ve pointed out my main thoughts about the show already. The opening hour was fun, not bad at all, but still there was something missing (but that is because of the nature of the songs I think..) The opening was nice, and when they started Feel I went in to a mindset of hapiness and nostalgia and total peace of mind that lasted throughout the show. A state only added to by what was missing from the first hour: the total mindfuck that came along from Now it’s time to skate and onwards.

          Kenneth & Geb on drums together sounded great. The wheel was probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard. Snah screaming on grindstone. And a beautiful GC too. Thank you, Hanne! That song really needs the female harmony.

          To sum up, magical evening. Both musically and emotionally (Great to see Geb, Helge and Lars together with them again, the birds, the fireworks, the monster discoball etc. etc.)

          Nice to meet some of you guys too, even if it was only in the passing.

          I also got my hands on one of the limited shirts, I was fortunate enough to be by the merch-table when the boxes arrived. I guess they were torn away pretty fast..

          (Nice vids by the way, Traktor! Gotta get me an Iphone..)

          Only thing I have to complain about is that I wish they could have played an hour or two into Demon Box before they realized the “wrong record”-error :D


          I got one of Gebhardt’s drumsticks! :D It was a great concert! Amazing.


            Apparently they’re hoping to do a Heavy Metal Fruit gig in Trondheim this fall. Yes please, take us into outer space!

            Files re-upped, inluding a Bootwork-cover (I shamelessly stole the pic from earlier in the thread, sorry!): The Monster


              Maybe no DVD, but we can still hope they recorded the show.


                hey, even one photo of snah at pitchfork.cim…




                  No DVD… [:(]

                  translation please?

                  Vegard B. Havdal

                    A Shrug and a Fistful + Wearing Yr Smell



                    @ Gusse: “One of my friends commented “this must have been like what people felt like witnessing PF live at Pompeii”” There was no one witnessing Live at Pompeii, it was just the band, the film crew and Mademoiselle Knobs, the singing dog. Authorities wouldn’t allow an audience to be present: they were already afraid that the sound waves would disturb the ruins, let alone waves of flying Floyd fans.

                    Ironically: they didn’t damage Pompeii in the slightest, but years later, when they did a huge (televised) concert in the laguna of Venice, the fans damaged buildings on the outside and the sound damaged the buildings from the inside.

                    As always: greetings,



                      thank you supermuch Vegard.


                        Here’s the opening of the concert, including Bent’s very, very short version of The one that went away:




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