25 Years Orange Factory @Leuven

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      Only one week to go! Thought it would be nice to separate pre-discussions from the “Live 2022” thread, and the yet to create setlist thread itself. Also as a reminder: this is THE chance to see mp live outside of Norway with some new tracks I guess … excitement is rising 😀


        Psychonauts coming from or passing the Düsseldorf area – I am intending to go by car and have up to 3 seats left and share the ride. (Would also be happy to join other coaches to avoid driving alone). Will go back on Saturday though due to family obligations, but one way is fine as well … Space is the place!

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Tomcat.
        • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Tomcat.
        Punj Lizard

          Very excited to see the band again. It’s going to be a great week for me as I’ll be seeing Jaga Jazzist in London on Monday, then MP on Friday, and Elephant9 etc. on Saturday.

          I’m also looking forward to catching up with some Psychonauts! :cheers:

          • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Punj Lizard.

            Woohoo, count me in as well! :mp: Just say hi, I’ll be the dude with the black T-shirt and beard ;-)

            Punj Lizard

              @nicoot – so that’s you! If I had known, I would have said hi earlier.


                @ Punj Lizard: Three in a row – lucky guy ;-)

                Sadly I can’t make it to Leuven – enjoy the concerts. Hopefully a decent recording will materialize in the near future.


                  I’ll guess/hope Reine will join both MP on Friday as Elephant9 on Saturday.

                  And…. How cool it would be if Stale would goin MP also for some TDDU songs?

                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by UPS.
                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by UPS.
                  Punj Lizard

                    @UPS When E9 played with MP in Drammen a few years ago I hoped SS would join MP for a couple of numbers, but it didn’t happen. However, Benny of Orange Factory told me last spring that he was hoping to talk SS into joining MP on stage in Leuven. I’m not expecting it to happen but am still hopeful.

                    Rats Nest

                      MP on Friday: 21h00 – ….

                      open end? :yahoo:


                        @ Tomcat: Könnte eventuell doch noch spontan mitfahren – müsste ebenfalls spätestens Samstag zurück sein. Auch wenn Köln definitiv nicht “Düsseldorf Area” ist ;-).

                        Bräuchte allerdings schnell ne Antwort wg. last minute ticketkauf:
                        christof.koehler [at] gmx.de


                          You got Mehl ;-)


                            I’m coming, too. Anyone up for some pre-show-beers? Does any local from Leuven have a recommendation for a pub close to het depot? :cheers:


                              The bars and restaurants on the Martelarenplein next to the venue all have a lot of different lighter and stronger beers! We’re in Belgium after all ;-)


                                I am familiar with belgian beers, but going to a pub is also about “gezelligheid”, isn’t it?

                                Punj Lizard

                                  Damn! Fuck! Shit! Bollocks!

                                  Looks like I have to cancel my trip to Leuven. I’m absolutely gutted. I will know for sure in a few hours, but if anyone is interested in a free ticket (pay it forward if you’re able), email me at jyotipunj at hotmail dot com

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                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994