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February 2, 2018 at 08:37 #31964
It's unfuckingbelievable expensive. The simple 2CD / BluRay variant should cost over 80, – €, vinyl editions over 140,-€. I see resentment rising in me, disappointment, pain. As much as I would like that, I'm out of it. 😠😢
I hope for a very simple, affordable edition for underprivileged Psychonauts.
February 2, 2018 at 08:40 #31965It's still itching. Of course.
But is seems that this might end up being the first MP-special-thingy that I won't buy.
146€ plus shipping and customs is insane.
Really bummed to miss the Bluray of the concert though, but there's lots of other cool stuff that can be done with that money.
Listen to me – am I actually saying that? Skipping a cool MP-release?
Well – there's a first for everything.
February 2, 2018 at 08:44 #31966It's not only the 2CD/Bluray. The Price with the books is okay for a limeted edition, i think. But i'am from Germany and i don't speak norwegian. And shipping are international 40 Euro (!). So, thats my Problem. I wish i was norwegian. :mrgreen:
February 2, 2018 at 08:48 #31967Quote:I hope for a very simple, affordable edition for underprivileged PsychonautsUnderprivileged?
I'd call that: reasonable!
Would definitely love to see that Bluray happen on it's own. But that would on the other hand be kind of against the special-limited-crowd-funding-thought in it, wouldn't it?
February 2, 2018 at 08:56 #31968Quote:It's not only the 2CD/Bluray. The Price with the books is okay for a limeted edition, i think. But i'am from Germany and i don't speak norwegian. And shipping are international 40 Euro (!). So, thats my Problem. I wish i was norwegian. [:mrgreen:]Does anybody have a clue why it is three books?
And: true!
If I knew that I'd get three cool books that I could read on my own. Without google translate. Then it would make it seem less costly.
Actually the time I bought the Blissard book (in norwegian) it was my choice: do I want that thing for collecting reasons. But here, as it is linked to the release of an awesome historically relevant concert on both audio and video – it's really a shame that you can only get it together with three books where I know nothing about the contents. And will have a hard time finding out once I have them.
February 2, 2018 at 09:34 #31969It's not traditional books but pamphlets.
From the press release:
The opportunity to bash their literary and musical minds together came about in relation to the Demon Box-perfomance at The Slottsfjell festival. As Lars and Morgenbladet-journalist (Norwegian weekly paper) Marius Lien ended up in eager discussion about beat poets, Motorpsycho and Ken Kesey (the author of the Demon Box-essay collection from 1986) psychodelikks and what-have-you-not after the show: According to legend Ken Kesey marched into the offices of his publishers demanding his next book to be presented as â€pamphlets in a boxâ€, instead of the traditional hardbound page-to-page format. Viking Press didn’t approve much of the idea, but Falck Forlag, Motorpsycho and Lars Ramslie did. So we just nicked it, added a bunch of records and a film, so here you have it, the most naked lunch ever: A Boxful of Demons
February 2, 2018 at 10:18 #31970Maby we got a simple version without the book later..I dont know….. But Some of us REeeEALY want this LIMITED-SUPER-DELUXE-MADNESS!
February 2, 2018 at 11:15 #31971'But is seems that this might end up being the first MP-special-thingy that I won't buy.'
Same here. I'm repeating others here, but:
– why no version without books when it's in Norwegian only?
– why 40 euros shipping?
– why blu ray and not regular DVD?
Without the book, a CD/DVD package could cost €40, including LP's €75. I would go for one of those definitely. If shipping would be around €15 that is.
And this signed certificate that apparantly is worth €30,-. What the heck? We are psychonauts, not groupies. This is stuff mainly interesting for traders. Dissapointing..
February 2, 2018 at 11:35 #31972Shipping from Norway IS expensive.
According to posten.no a parcel to EU (1 Kg) costs €37. And the box is probably heavier.
February 2, 2018 at 11:37 #31973Yep. This seems overpriced. But they made the funding in quick time so congratulations. Hopefully they'll make enough from the funding to consider releasing the CDs and BluRay as standard releases for those of us who are neither collectors/completists, nor Norwegian-speaking.
February 2, 2018 at 11:56 #31974Quote:And this signed certificate that apparantly is worth €30,-. What the heck? We are psychonauts, not groupies.About the "prices": Yes, they are extremely high and it is a pity that they are way too expensive for many of the psychonauts.
Then again, this is crowdfunding, not a usual purchase. They are collecting money so they can realize this project, even if it is a very limited edition. So by participating in this crowdfunding one can support this project. And the stuff you get in the end is a kind of reward for doing this. In this way, you don't pay 30 € to get a signed certificate but you give them some more money and get the certificate as an extra "thank you". It is some kind of a teaser to give more money, not a "price". Otherwise it would be totally irrational to pay NOK 10.000 for the Deluxe-package.
It is still a pity that you can't get a bookless version, but the books are the reason for the whole project, the rest is addons. Complicated…
February 2, 2018 at 12:00 #31975I think it is a nice gift when you are norwegian. And it's a norwegian band and a norwegian writer. That's the way it is. :wink:
February 2, 2018 at 12:35 #31976A interview with Bent, in – ehh – Norwegian, where he even mentions VOW. Time has past.
February 2, 2018 at 13:08 #31977Let me think mean for just a second – just to heat things up a little more… :twisted:
(and to get that darkness out of my soul)
If the books are the main reason for the whole funding (and it is hard to doubt, since the text says that pretty clearly) – then let's see which reward will be the last to go:
the ones with audio/video or the one with just the books.
February 2, 2018 at 13:18 #31978Yeah!
I agree with those who say that the various versions look a tad expensive, but at least there are several versions for each price level.
Not sure which version I'll go for yet, but I have 32 days to decide :lol:
EDIT: I'll probably also skip the postage and pick it up @ the Deichmanske release-party.
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