A freaking awsome beaded picture of Motorpsycho

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    A friend of mine has put together this fantastically awsome picture of our beloved Motorpsycho, using nothing but beads.

    Check it out:

    View post on imgur.com

    It took her about 58,000 beads and a whole heap of working hours.

    Therefore I think you should do her the honour of voting for her and her work so she can win a gift certificate from the very shop where she bought the beads in question.

    Vote here:


    Obviously you need Facebook to vote, but help her to increase her lead against contestants consisting of children and undoubtedly hysterical middle aged mothers with a knack for flowers and babies. Motorpsycho trumps flowers and babies any day, don't you agree?


      I've already voted. All that work put into that beaded picture deserves payoff :MPD:


      LOL snah bea(r)d!!!


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    …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994