A new Motorpsycho fan?

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    Just have to share this,,

    I have a 3.5 year old daughter, the other day while listening to Starhammer in the car

    she told me she thought the song was funny. Then she wanted it louder, when I turned around to look at her, she was all smiles.

    This morning while listening to Close Your Eyes, she said that the singer is really good at singing. Go Bent , Go!

    Can it last?

    It would really make me glad if she continues to like my favourite band of all time.

    Anyone got something similar to share?


      Heh, kids these days! They have no standards for decent singing ;)


      That’s a funny story!

      From personal experience I know, that if the parents have a distinct love of music, it will almost certainly be passed on to the kids. Most of the bands/artists I love today originate from going through my parents’ record collection; The Stones, Jimi Hendrix, King Crimson, Gustav Mahler, John Coltrane, etc.

      When my daughter was not even a year, she cried all day one day. We had heard that classical music allegedly makes babies peaceful, so we put on Mozart. She kept crying. Then Vivaldi. She cried even louder. After some time of this not working, I said “F*ck this!” and put on Led Zeppelin… loud. To my utter amazement she stopped crying immediately, looked at the speakers curiously, and then, smiling, started rocking her rocking chair in time to the music!

      Later on, when she was close to three, she was subjected to Smashing Pumpkins a lot, them being my favourite band at the time. She always liked them. One time, I was playing “Mellon Collie…” and “Porcelina of the Oceans” came on. I was in the bedroom when it started. When I came into the living room, she was standing at the window, apparently looking outside at the rushing clouds, but with a far-away look in her eyes. She had her favourite doll clutched to her mouth and just rocked back and forth to the music. I scared the hell out of her when she found out I was in the room at all, she was so engrossed.

      Now she’s almost seventeen and apparently into The Clash and The Sex Pistols, but she still likes some of her former music, P.J. Harvey especially.

      My son – now thirteen – was a big Tom Petty fan at age five, but also likes strange music, like The Residents.

      What they listen to now, is a bit of a mystery to me however, as I haven’t spoken to them in five years. But that’s another story.



      P.S. In case you’re wondering: yes, I was a young dad, my daughter was born when I had just turned twenty.


      Hehe that is funny, both the Zeppelin and the Pumpkins parts, maybe I should try some Pumpkins, haven’t listened to them for a long time myself either. She also likes Blitzen Trapper a lot, and The Cure. Sad to hear u have lost contact with them.

      Red Mosquito

        Sounds nice, good to see the next generation is growing (someone needs to drive the bus, eh?!) :P


        child of the future :-)



          When my daughter was not even a year, she cried all day one day. We had heard that classical music allegedly makes babies peaceful, so we put on Mozart. She kept crying. Then Vivaldi. She cried even louder. After some time of this not working, I said “F*ck this!” and put on Led Zeppelin… loud. To my utter amazement she stopped crying immediately, looked at the speakers curiously, and then, smiling, started rocking her rocking chair in time to the music!

          that’s a great one.


          I’ve got the reversed version. I’m 19 now, and I guess I can thank my dad for all the music he has shared with me (in particular Neil Young- I went to my first concert at the age of three!). However, he has never been into Motorpsycho. I showed him a couple of classic albums, and he really digs it. Also, being at a international school, many friends from all over the world has been convinced that Norwegian music is actually awesome. Yesterday I shared a bottle of wine (or two?) with a friend from Malaysia whilst listening through Blissard, analysing every sound. Got at least ten international friends here that really like MP, but are not fully developed Psychonauts yet. Time will tell :) I’ve been a fan myself since the age of 13, it was actually my music teacher in secondary school that showed it to me. ‘Guess you got to “teach your children well”! I can not wait to hear Timothy’s Monster live this summer, remember that I was three years old myself when it was released!

          Enjoyed reading your stories guys, cheers!


            hey, i also try to spread the word! i introduced a friend of mine (he’s from peru) to motorpsycho and he brought to his brothers and friends at home…so i guess in the near future motorpsycho have to do a south american tour…:-D


              oh and TvdR’s story reminds me:


              the zeppelin album is awwwwwesome.


              @ everyone: Thanks for all your kind responses.

              @ supernaut: Hahahahaaaa! That’s a great site! I’m at work and can’t hear the sound, but I will definitely be checking it out from home. Thanks again!

              We are getting very cute here now. Let’s go make a thread just to shout at people and be generally annoying. I know, we can call it “OT”! :wink:




              Thanks supernaut!

              A great way to introduce these great (heavy) bands to the baby’s subliminal mind when it’s asleep!

              Nine Inch Nails, Metallica, AC/DC, Ramones etc.

              This song is made for this:


              Didn’t need much tinkering.

              Although this depressant version of Smells Like Teen Spirit uncovers the depressed foundation of the song:


              But I would try the real thing first if I had a baby :wink:


              I don’t think of The Residents as strange,

              they just smell funny!


              @ Now Its Time 2 Skate: Sounds like you’re teaching her well! The Cure was always a good one too for my daughter. Oh and she loved “Firestarter” by The Prodigy! Anything that is dreamy, but not too abstract seems to work well for babies. Even though we may think “Selected Ambient Works pt. 2” by Aphex Twin is really soothing, while for them it can be scary. But then again, my kids were never really creeped out by The Residents, whereas they still scare the sh*t out of me sometimes!

              And no, Crackpot Idea, The Residents don’t smell funny, only at the end of a performance, when the sweat starts pouring out from under their disguises. :mrgreen:




                If your daughter thinks Bent is a good singer she obviously has no taste….. :wink:


                Hehe, well I always liked Bent’s vocals alot myself, it stands out and is unique, perfect for Motorpsycho if u ask me, and my daughter ;P

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