It´s time for the epic final in the motorpsycho albumcup 2010!
These two giants will finally meet face to fece.
It´s Taifun vs Watersound, Hey Jane vs Kill Some Day!
Can Giftland tackle The Ocean In Her Eye, will Radiance freq. outsmart The Wheel?
Behold as Vortex Surfer gets in the ring with The Golden Core!!
Final: Trust Us Vs Timothys Monster!!!
577, Superstooge and The Ocean In Her Eye is a dangerous trio. The heavy bass guitar alone is enough to make the Monster hide in the closet.
Trust Us, hands down.
:”577, Superstooge and The Ocean In Her Eye is a dangerous trio. The heavy bass guitar alone is enough to make the Monster hide in the closet.”
Epic final. Both teams throw everything they got into attack, and the game is rolling back and forth with loads of delicious textbook goals. Both teams got extraordinary players capable of true magic with the ball. However, even though FC Trust Us got players at at least the same level, if not better, as Timothy’s Monster FC (577 is one the best centreforwards in the history of the game, the innovative feints of left winger Rad Freq and so on), the balance of the team is better in TMFC. I mean, the flow of that album! That makes the difference for me. It’s a team sport, after all.
right now, trust us is in the lead with 52-46
Seems like someone have been woting more than once..
Yeah, that’s the problem with these polls: If you have a laptop, and switch IP-adresses quite frequently, one is able to vote quite a few times.
But hey, a poll like this is all lotsa fun!
jesus, why bother to cheat in a poll like this. It´s not THAT serious…
I must vote for Timothy. Trust Us is my second fave album though. And Taifun probably my favourite song overall. But it’s Timothy’s Monster that brought me into Motorpsychedelism and its every song is stuck in my system.
Arne Scheie! And TM it is. But oh, it pains me to see the infamous Vortex Surfer in this condition. A bit like Zidane in his last game…
I voted for TM first….. but then I went home and listened to TU and then I voted again for it. So my vote cancels out, lol. Can’t decide.
it’s a match like lviv vs. dortmund yesterday…. 
btw what happend to trondheim?
rbk 4-0, lol
anyways, TU is in teh lead with 66-63.
Polls close monday morning, and then we´ll have an official mp forum cup champion.
cool: 82:82 at the moment :lol:
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