Per & Bent on David

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      David Bowie var helt enestående, og en artist som var like vital på sin siste plate som for 45 år siden. Macca glimter til i ny og ne, men ingen andre har holdt det nivået Bowie holdt over så enormt lang tid. Han var helt enestående, og det er veldig trist at han aldri vil kunne overraske og inspirere oss på nytt, skriver Sæther i en tekstmelding.


      – Jeg har hørt pÃ¥ hans hits gjennom hele livet, men nÃ¥ er samlingen komplett. For meg er den siste skiva «Let's Dance», men jeg er veldig fan av sÃ¥ Ã¥ si alt han har gjort fram til da, sier Borten, som ikke forsto musikken Bowie ga ut pÃ¥ 90-tallet.

      – Men jeg skjønner at det han gjorde pÃ¥ 90-tallet kanskje var det beste som skjedde pÃ¥ den tida, 90-tallet er jo et helvetet. Men 60-, 70- og 80-tallet var Bowies nÃ¥r det kommer til kul poprock, sier Borten.

      I love his 90s stuff as any, though. I find Outside, Earthling and Hours to be amazing records. But anyway, so sad, so very sad. I was just preparing a broadcast and a written article to celebrate Blackstar and the mans return to big form since and with 2013s The Next Day. And then this. Who'd known that he knew? That it was to be his goodbye gift as an artistic big stunt? A great man to the last breath.


        Yeah, sad news. :(

        I do agree with Per though that the 90's wasn't his strongest period.But he made some

        of his strongest ever albums this millennium (Heathen and The Next Day), so he did

        remain vital and relevant until his last breath.

        A bit too early to tell how Blackstar will rate in his discography, but the few listens

        I've had shows a lot of promise…


          I think Blackstar is brilliant. It's constantly surprising and daring but always accessible. And its backstory that became obvious in hindsight: the lyrics, the videos, what they really were about… The Lazarus video is now almost unbearable to watch. He was so bold to do this.

          I don't find all his 70s music impeccably superb. There's some stuff on Young Americans, Lodger and Scary Monsters that don't do so much for me, but everything else from that period surely is classic. Ziggy, Hunky Dory, Low, Heroes and Station To Station especially. Let's not talk about his 80s :) Then Tin Machine were great, too and the later records I mentioned above I've been listening to mostly recently. And yes Heathen and The Next Day ! The Stars Are Out Tonight, what a song!

          Just found this, never seen it before:

          First Low, then Heathen both in their entirety (entireties?), and some selected nuggets as encore: From VU to 2 of his greatest 90s songs at the end.

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        …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994