Snah's Big Muff pedal circa 1998

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      Does anyone know which type of Big Muff Snah used on the spring 1998 tour? Love the sound he had around that time, but there are endless variations on the Big Muff theme, so that would help me narrow down my choices.


      't was a v4, with an additional 220 uF 35v cap across the v+ and v- inputs to the circuit board. Due to the nature of the beast it would boost about 4 dB's when in bypass,which sounded very nice on the amps, especially the hiwatt's, since they would now distort at lower volumes.

      How do I know this? well,she was and is mine, still in use a lot, albeit in the studio these days.




        Still remember the big Big Muff hunt across europe tour :wink: .



        mmm, yes, and of course the Ampeg svt from the seventies hunt.

        Oh, and the roland tape for tape echo machine hunt. And the everlasting hunt for awesome,playable guitars and bass guitars. And keyboards….pedals.. microphones..speaker cabinets. hmmm euh everything built to make music.

        Some people were even hunting rare punk 7" and 12" vinyl, I seem to remember,isn't it Kjellepelle? :cheers:



          Wow, Pidah, thanks for the fast and extremely informative reply. I was hoping for some clues, and it doesn't get more accurate than that! An op-amp Big Muff wasn't even on my radar, never tried one of those, but now I'll have to look into it. I've owned a number of different BMs and clones, but always end up selling them as I find them too compressed for my liking. Perhaps the op-amp version is a different beast? Compressed is not what I think about when I think about Snah's 1998 tone…but big, loud and hairy without being too gainy.


          Yeah, the op-amp version.Mind you they sound quite a bit different,Loud,yes,big,well of course, hairy… eh,oui,pourquoi pas… If I recall a certain B.Corgan is also a fan.

          Hmm, there is a chance that you are referring to another pedal, the Ibanez Tk999. (not the tk999us…) That one was used quite a bit too, in those days. It ranges from tubescreamer-esque to "almost" the -infernal BossHeavyMetal,(old version..:-)), HMR borrowed that one so often the knobs started flying off when you looked at them.

          Always there in those days was some sort of booster, Boss graphic basseq(level up, cut at untidy lows),Boss graphic git eq(same sort of setting) or the scary Mxr booster. (will it work today?..we had 4/5 or so, in 3 years time).

          That after the Muff or TubeKing would make a very effective sustain machine.




            I love this sort of info! Pretty sure I can hear when the Muff is in use though. I've never tried a Tubeking, but love the Zendrive 2 I currently have, so I doubt I'll be searching for something else.

            The sound on that '98 tour was something else though…loved when he added reverb to great effect, presumably from a Space Echo?


              I stand corrected mighty P :oops: …………………. :cheers: :STG:


              I remember you had some awesome finds Kjellepelle! Fantastisk! Skol, fi faen!


              Yeah, you would prolly hear a Muff.. :-)

              btw Zendrive is cool too, I likey.

              Roland 301 was always in the chain, but it went to a separate amp. In such a way that there where 3 amps,two "dry" and one with the 301.

              Normally it was the middle one, and it would be euhm, silent… when the 301 had no output signal.

              Reverb is not switchable on the 301 , so it was either on, more on, moron, or occasionally off. Snah would have to reach down for any of those.(I think he could "foot" it too, after a while, if so inclined)

              Echo on/off, tape speed (volume pedal!)and sound on sound where all foot(switch) controllable. Sometimes the echo on/off,or s.o.s., (as there where only two switches) was substituted for echo send on/off.

              That gave nicer tails, no clutter.

              The 301 has a very nice compressed sort of overdrive when you hit the input too hard. Great on the dry signal,but quite abrasive and spikey on the reverb and echo. That never stopped Snah, of course! And righteously so.

              The inherent distortion of the amp(often one of the Oranges) would lengthen/alter the reverb and echo sounds, and if the 301 was pushed hard, new fields of harmonics and skies of overtone would occur.

              Slap a long 301 echo on that from FOH (yes we had more)… dreamtime for all.




                And the same to you P. Its that elusive BGK 7" that's keep avoiding me still :?

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