- This topic has 27 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 7 months ago by
May 12, 2010 at 15:18 #16065
I think I have seen the Psychobird in concert during “Suite: LLM”. But, as this thread again proves, my memory might be at fault here!
May 12, 2010 at 20:34 #16066You sure that’s not the blue four string Stavem one?
May 13, 2010 at 00:04 #16067Not really an effect, but does anyone know what kind of 4-track Bent is using?
May 13, 2010 at 13:07 #16068Haha, no I’m not their tech, but I have worked with them once in Trondheim, and I am way above average interested in vintage musical equipment. I actually witnessed the modding of the crying tone, it has a mxr noise gate circuit and a buffer built in, if my memory serves me right. I’ve doodled around with some of their gear from time to time, but don’t tell them. Haha. To take the geekiness to another level, my hiwatt custom 100 has the same mods as Snah and Bents. Or should I say, their hiwatts are modded to my amps specs :p
May 14, 2010 at 13:43 #16069@ Traktorbass: Nope, not sure at all!
@ Elco: Wouldn’t know, sorry!
@ Jan Tore: Aaahh, that explains it! What mods are in their Hiwatts? I love those things, I want to have one when (if?) I grow up!
October 16, 2011 at 00:25 #16070Snah's Pedalboard
Effenaar, Eindhoven (NL) 15-10-2011
Snah's pedalboard 2011 by CB67, on Flickr
Top left to right:
– Boss – FS 5L, Foot switch
– Boss – DD 3, Digital Delay
– Strymon – El Capistan, Tape Echo
– Boss – RC 20XL, Loopstation Phraserecorder
– Korg – DT 10, Chromatic Digital FloorTuner (on top of a Flatliner – Powersupply)
– Fulltone – Full-Drive 2, Overdrive
– Lehle – Little Lehle, Looper Switcher
– Strymon – Lex, Rotary
– Electro Harmonix – Micro Pog, Polyphonic Octave Generator
– Ampeg – SCPOD Scrambler, Distortion/Octave
– Goodrich, AC-?, Model ?, Volume Pedal
October 16, 2011 at 15:04 #16071ha I've seen two original Ampeg Scramblers on ebay for 1500$!!! There's been a reissue though a few years back.
My guitarist will bring her new POG to practice tomorrow. :curious:
October 16, 2011 at 16:31 #16072So Snah found some new toys to play with, the effect was noticed, he also improved his guitarplay itself… again.
Intressting topic this one.
Would be nice if Snah himself, gave some comment on the equipment he uses today.
October 17, 2011 at 18:00 #16073Two of Snah's new pedals are from Strymon, this company make top notch pedals of which the Lex Rotary is one of my favorites.
The Lex is one of the/if not THE best Rotary/Leslie-speaker simulator pedals around at the moment!
The pedal produces an awesome sound and is very tweakable, you can adjust the rotar speed, preamp drive, mic distance & horn level.
Expression pedal input with selectable control over any knob parameter.
Only downside is the high price! Around €300,- (excl. expression pedal & Strymon Favorite switch).
El Capistan – Tape Echo Simulator:
August 26, 2012 at 00:39 #16074Any update on Snah's current gear?
June 19, 2014 at 10:22 #16081Bump!
June 19, 2014 at 11:06 #16082Snah was playing a Ibanez Tubescreamer on this tour, which is pretty much THE overdrive pedal. I play a EHX East River Drive, which is a good yet affordable alternative.
June 30, 2014 at 18:49 #16083I saw them in Trezzo, IT. Unfortunately the stage was too high and there were some bars to keep the public away from it, but I I noticed for sure he still uses his Scrambler a lot, he still has the Strymon ElCapistan (with a Moog expression pedal to controll the delay time) and the Strymon Lexi, the Moog Taurus II and the Korg tuner. Also, I think I saw the RC Boost.
Too many hollow body guitars, I can't remember them.
Two Fender combos, one tilted back to be better heared.
According to this video, he also uses the Loop Station and another pedal which, seeing its knobs and colour, looks like a Carlin Compressor Fuzz or a clone of it http://youtu.be/BfLgEMHTuxw?t=7m58s
Reine uses a vintage Red Fuzz Face, a Carlin Compressor Fuzz, a Roger Mayer Octavia, a Echolette Tape echo (the unit above his amp head) and a Wah Wah (don't know which one), Strymon Flint, Boss Tuner and a pedal that I didn't recognize.
White Fender Stratocaster.
Hiwatt Custom 100 Head with unmarked 4×12 cabinet.
Mellotron with a Boss Roland RE-20 on the top of it (also used by Kenneth)
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