Some tracks missing???

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    Nothing is complete…just like the beatles anthologies leaving out “carnival of light” apparently because George Harrison thought it was too advantgarde…

    Of course you have to compromise when you want to put something on a cd issue even though this is a four cd version of tm…

    Celestine was recorded in the autumn of 1994 and not at the tm sessions according to Hey Jane cover, but in the winter of 1994 according to the tm reissue. In addition According to the Hey, Jane ep cover there are som other still unreleased songs and versions of other songs in the archives…these are also not part of the tm sessions “…but (they were) recorded at the same session as mad sun, 7th dream the very first flick and others still unreleased…

    Maybe this is too far out in time to include it in tm…I just wondered since celestine was recorded a long time after tm sessions, why they chose too include it…

    Nevertheless I favourite of mine and I enjoyed hearing it once more…


      The reason I think they included Celestine was because it was recorded at Brygga studio. While the infamous “lost album” with Mad Sun, 7th Dream, Pat & Put, Flick, When The World Sleeps (early In The Family) and Black W’abbit + others were recorded @ Kunstakademiet.

      Or maybe they just wrote the incorrect date on the Hey Jane EP, and decided to correct it for the TM box release…


        If Blissard gets a similar treatment as TM, as one article hinted at, maybe they’ll include the “lost album” there. The “lost album” seems to me to be closer to Blissard than TM.

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      …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994