Stord, Arena 12.03.2011

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      Close Your Eyes


      Kill Devil Hills

      Hallucifuge (incl. intense jamming)

      Upstairs/Downstairs (acoustic guitars)

      Landslide (Snah acoustic guitar, Bent electric bass)

      No Evil

      Hey Jane


      Nothing To Say

      Gullible's Travails


      Whole Lotta Diana

      Walking On The Water

      Time – from 22:15 – 00:25 approx.

      Strange looking venue (like a mix of a "chinese restaurant and danskebåten").

      Audience: around 300, becoming less after a while….party people with some irritating blah blah blahers among MP fans. Not the best audience…

      Some sounds problems the first hour, this seemed to be solved around Mountain, and from then on the gig was really good!

        Landslide (Snah acoustic guitar, Bent electric bass)

        oh nice, they haven't done this in ages.


        Close Your eyes was again brilliant!

        Better yesterday then thursday I think…

        The jam – part after the quiet bit in GT was fantastic too. What ever Snah was doing there, blew me away!

        Snahs set list said B to C,(Black to Comm I guess) after Walking On the Water, but wasn't played.


          I have to say I feel a bit shortchanged by the Tønsberg gig…not that the guys didn't give their best, but my main complaint was that there were too many similar songs, not showing off their diversity well enough. These last few gigs seem to have a much better balance between light and shade, hard and soft, loud and quiet. Not that I'm dying to hear You Lied again, but some of those "pop songs" are nice now and then.

          When was the last time they did Hey Jane, anyway?

          Still, it's a long way from fulfilling my wet dream of hearing them play Radiance Freq. 38.9 again…when, oh when will that happen? They've never been in better shape since '98 to play it either…


            I can totally see your point, Shakti. Although for my taste Tønsberg would have been just right. Not that I don't love an acoustic "Mad sun" or "Landslide" but I think they are in a great space-rock place right now and I think that it would be worth exploring that vibe a bit more (before they will probably head towards jazz and horns again with the new album). Therefore I would have totally prefered to see Tønsberg compared to Stord.

            "Hey, Jane" was played 10 times in 2008, once in 2009 (Milano 12.11.2009) and once in 2010 (Aalborg 10.06.2010), which was the song's last performance before Stord.

              Landslide (Snah acoustic guitar, Bent electric bass)

              oh nice, they haven't done this in ages.

              ooops I misread. I remember Snah and Bent switching bass and guitar once for this one and somehow read it that way due to wishful thinking. Or was it for Upstairs/Downstairs? Anway it's even nicer to hear both songs back to back. If I was at these shows I'd like to hear quite a few songs from that period out of curiosity with Kenneth's playing and also to lighten up a bit the massiveness of all the other boomy monster psychedelic jams.


                Supernaut: It's probably Big Surprise you're thinking of, that one used to have Bent on acoustic guitar and Snah on bass.

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