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    I just noticed that the Wikipedia article featuring MP isn’t really up to par. The first part of the description is fairly ok, however the second part consists mostly of bits and snippets added over the course of the years. In addition, information about International Tussler Society and In the Fishtank is lacking. Seems like most people here are pretty knowledgable, why don’t take 5 minutes to see if there’s room for your contribution. (Just remember those references)

    Take care


      Well, I contributed quite a lot to those Motorpsycho articles – the German one ( ) is pretty much all by me and the album articles on the english one too – and I try to keep the english main article updated (not alone of course) but well yeah, I’m not that motivated anymore. ;)

      magnus, there IS an ITS article ( ) and a Fishtank article too ( )

      But yeah, please do contribute.

      As I’m not a fan of the newer albums (Kenneth-era) I cant really say a lot about them. If you do decide to write, please try to stay objective. I know we all love Motorpsycho but a “This is a fantasic record” and the like dont belong in an encylclopedia.


        In an ideal world, there would be a (too bad Pony The Pirate “stole” that word). With the vast amount of information that was put into and by the hardcore fans back in the days, the potential was there.

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