Your MP collections in pictures

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    Impressed by so much devotion and motorpsychedelic knowledge in this forum, I´m eveb more anxious to see these collections of motorpsychedelic madness of yours!

    Here are my MP vinyls so far, except for Lobotomizer all original pressings…

    Let´s see your pics!


      Nice collection!

      Here`s a picture of a smelly laundrybag, a crappy laptop and some fantastic music (exept Roadworks vol.2. sorry, but that one stinks more than the laundrybag)

      My collection


      That collection looks very complete…is there something you´re missing? 3 to go for me in the vinyl area, Fragments, Strings and Maiden Voyage…


      @Pitje007: I don't think that a Maiden Voyage vinyl exists, it's just a cassette. Or am I wrong?


      No, tape only.


        Yes, I feel I have a sort of complete collection, as in, I have a copy of all the records. Missing some versions of them, like a steel Soothe, but for me, the most important thing is that I have access to all the music made by my favorite band.

        As for the Maiden Voyage, its cassette only (I dont have it), but somebody digitized it and made theyr own 7" of it.


          There is a 10" lathe cut version of Maiden Voyage but its a DIY release and not many copies. The band have expressed a wish to re-release it but still the original tapes are missing.


            yeah, I thought of the 10", was always wondering how many were out there…would go for the tape, too, but very unlikely to find one here in germany…

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          …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994