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  • in reply to: THE DEATH DEFYING UNICORN #21284

      @Grimr: "Part way through part two. Not so sure about 'La Lethe'. Bit over long and serves no real purpose as an audio exercise – perhaps would work as the soundtrack to something visual. The tenor solo is nice."

      Funny you should say that, because "La Lethe" is, so far, my stand out track. Haven't had the chance to really dig in to the album just yet, but I have listened to it two times on the bus.

      Love it so far, though I have some problems with the 70-s prog melodies. They have always seemed boring to me, and they aren't more interesting when Motorpsycho try to recreate them.. But the music in between is A-Ok.. I'll give it a few more spins on the old Iphone, and I bet I'll love it!

      in reply to: MOTORPSYCHO – SPRING 2012 #20939

        All well and good.. But the masses are all waiting for the Tromsø-date?


          I hope someone records this..

          in reply to: Steinkjerfestivalen #19826

            Greener81: Reg. the MP+Primus gig, I seriously doubt any more collaboration between the two than that one plays after the other.. But I am, of course, not 100% sure. Just figures it's highly unlikely. But it would have been pretty cool!

            in reply to: what will this sound like? #19783

              I'm really looking forward to this! Primus was one of the first rockbands I got into when I was a kid. "Suck on this!" "Pork Soda" and "Sailing the seas of cheese" are great albums, but I lost interest in the band after "Pork Soda" and stopped following their releases after that.

              But after I heard they were playing this show, I've been listening to them again, and I think we're in for one hell of a night! Check out their live-dvd "Hallucino-genetics" from their 2004-tour if you haven't seen it. They have a tendency to go a bit jammy too it seems..

              in reply to: RW III #19479

                I would love this on my iPod too!! Can someone be so kind? johannespanser ætt hetpost dått komm

                in reply to: 11.03.2011 – Landmark, Bergen, Norway #19432

                  The Bomb-proof Roll-jam is sick! And fillmore, I do remember seeing a 3 hour rockefeller show once, but I might be wrong. Could be the one from 2002 that is 2 h 45 min.

                  in reply to: rw4 #19125

                    Hmm.. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost…?

                    in reply to: rw4 #19115

                      otherdemon: Your nitpicking lead me on a path of first regretting that I stored my recordcollection in the attic, then I felt sad for only needing my old CD's only for reference, not listening.. Damn you, computertechnology and all the sloppiness you bring forth!

                      in reply to: rw4 #19113

                        My two cents:

                        The "setlist":

                        `Nuff is said about the bomb-proof; it's bulletproof. Listened alot to the Leipzig-boot and absolutely loved it then, great opener for rw4 now!

                        When I saw the tracklist for the first time I thought it was a waste of space to put All is Loneliness on. Don't know why, because I love the song, both on DB and live, but it's the kinda MP-song that has a "You get what you expect"-kinda vibe from, i guess. Well, turns out I'm wrong, as this track is one of the strongest on this disc; very atmospheric, even darker than the original and with those slight variations in performance, (the way Bent draws out the second verse before the explosion.)

                        I love that they included Wishing Well. Like Rolf, this has been a favorite of mine since the nerve tattoo-ep, and what a great version they pulled out here! Makes a good powerpopsong out of a little melancholic diddy, kinda what they did with Come on in (in Leipzig as well?), hope they keep pulling those old goodones out of their bag. They're to good to keep rusting on some old CD-singles!

                        I have to agree with the ones who have already said that the first half is the best one..

                        While Landslide is OK, I have problems believing this is a good representation of the best material since Kenneth came onboard? Maybe it's just me. I like the song on Phanerothyme, and expected them to do some crazy shit with this song when I saw it on the tracklist (since they chose to include the it in the first place), but after listening to it, I still wonder why it's here. Should have put Wharf Rat from Bergen instead.

                        KDH and The Alchemyst are great to, but kindof anticlimatic in view of the opening.. The Alchemyst is one of those songs that seems to me to never work as good live because of it's (tight?) structure, and KDH is just an OK Motorpsycho song. The whole US-point of view in the lyrics bothers me, and it always has. MP lyrics aren't supposed to oppose the american establishment from within. Let Bruce Springsteen or Marilyn Manson do that. They are born there, they can't help it. You can. Your views are global, or rather cosmic…!

                        But all in all, I'm quite pleased. The only negativity stems from the selection, which could have been sorted out by making it a double or a tripple. Too few Roadworks leads to more gripes with the ones who are released. Therefore: More Roadworks! It's not like there is a lack of material (though they make it seem that way by what they print on the back of the cover..)

                        P.S: The notes from Bob Le Bad are hilarious. I think he should write the authorized biography of the band. He seems to have the a good ballance between firsthand inside-info about the band's history and goings-about, mixed with the distance-inducing comical genious that would be perfect for that book we all know is bound to happen sometime in the future. Food for thought, Bob!

                        in reply to: Snah touring with Susanna Wallumrød #19543

                          I read that review in Morgenbladet last week and it gave me a good laugh.. The years are flying by guys, Motorpsycho is the new gubberock!

                          in reply to: Trio Søt MP in nynorsk live set #19523

                            Have listened the hell out of that old recording since it surfaced a few years back. Really nice interpretations of the songs and the lyrics in nynorsk are impressive.

                            Album and extensive touring next, girls!

                            in reply to: rw4 #18955

                              or rather, live from we-don't-give-a-shit-about-our-covers-anymoreistan.

                              in reply to: Spring tour 2011? #18520

                                Ha! wanted to go just for some Primus-nostalgia, and now mp are playing before them? Freaky combo indeed!

                                in reply to: rw4 #18932

                                  Well, I agree, to a certain degree. I also listen more to unofficial liverecordings. But that's mainly because there are more of them than Roadworks, I guess. And I don't think the RW's are "castrated".

                                  The Roadworks are live ALBUMS as opposed to various unofficial recordings of shows.

                                  When I wanna listen to a Motorpsycho-show, I put on a recording of a Motorpsycho-show (or go see them live if they are in the neighbourhood).

                                  If on the other hand I wanna listen to a great live-album, I put on Roadworks 1 or 2.

                                  My point being: They are two different things.

                                  Btw. Rob, "encore break" rocks. Seen a lot of bands play it, don't know who wrote it. Trad. arr., probably..

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                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994