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  • in reply to: Going to Trondheim — what to see? ISO MP-related places #41732

      Go to EC Dahls Bryggeri & Pub and grab a few S.T.Gs :)

      in reply to: YAY! – Album reviews #41538

        I don’t get why there’s not more love for Kingdom of Oblivion. It’s a great album!

        Hard second!

        in reply to: New Motorpsycho Album 16.06.23 #41535

          Here’s my personal song ranking based on countless listenings:

          01: Sentinels
          02: Daedalus
          03: Patterns
          04: W.C.A
          05: Cold and Bored
          06: Dank State
          07: The Rapture
          08: Real again
          09: scaredcrow
          10: Loch

          Anybody else?

          in reply to: New Motorpsycho Album 16.06.23 #41523

            They crafted a summer breeze with this one! :mp:

            in reply to: New Motorpsycho Album 16.06.23 #41509

              It’s out! :stg:

              in reply to: New Motorpsycho Album 16.06.23 #41423

                Here’s the tracklist with song lenghts

                Track listing
                01 – Cold & Bored 4:01
                02 – Sentinels 4:22
                03 – Patterns 5:11
                04 – Dank State 3:18
                05 – W.C.A. 4:15
                06 – Real Again (Norway Shrugs and Stays at
                Home) 3:03
                07 – Loch Meaninglessness & the Mull of
                Dull 2:54
                08 – Hotel Daedalus 7:46
                09 – Scaredcrow 1:50
                10 – The Rapture 5:28

                in reply to: New Motorpsycho Album 16.06.23 #41307

                  It’s now out on streaming platforms :yahoo:

                  in reply to: Tomas off? #40972

                    Here’s a long interview with Tomas in adressa from yesterday (Translated)

                    – I am broke, cheerful and homeless

                    In his 14 years in Trondheim, Tomas Järmyr has left a strong mark on the city as a musician and received a number of cultural awards. Now the ex-drummer in Motorpsycho stands on bare ground.

                    Last week it was announced that drummer Tomas Järmyr and Motorpsycho are parting ways after six years.

                    – Have you registered with Nav?

                    – No, but I will do that tomorrow.

                    Tomas Järmyr is not exuberant as he stands in his office at Musikkbyen at Brattøra in Trondheim.

                    – I am broke, homeless and cheerful, he says, but we can see that the latter is not entirely true.

                    For 14 years he has lived and left a strong mark on Trondheim’s musical life, in addition to making a name for himself nationally and internationally. For the past six years, he has been a permanent fixture in Motorpsycho, until he and the rest found that it was best to go their separate ways. They broke up.

                    For some, Swedish Tomas Järmyr is “your favorite drummer’s favorite drummer”. For Järmyr himself, he is a wage earner who has not earned much more than those who can be found at the bottom of the salary statistics, and the consequence he has taken himself is to give up his apartment in Møllenberg.

                    Kristoffer Loe was decisive

                    Motor psycho. Yodok. Doff’s Poi. The MaXx. Year break. Sunswitch. Zu. Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. Pantha Du Prince and The Bell Laboratory. Vinny Villbass. The list is so long of projects and musician colleagues Järmyr has released with, that he has stopped counting. Järmyr believes everything can be traced back to Yodok, the band project he has with his friend Kristoffer Lo.

                    – That is what has been most important to me. Much of what I have done would not have happened without Yodok. That’s where I found my center, he says.

                    It was from there that Järmyr got the idea to take a master’s degree in cymbals and make music with that as a starting point, which in turn led to him becoming a drummer in Zu.

                    In 2012, Järmyr lived in the occupied “hundrehuset”, i.e. Innherredsveien 100, but was evicted and ran away to Oslo for a few months. In May 2013, he was exhausted and was brought home to Sweden by his mother. He got a call from Martin Langlie, who asked if he could go to Barcelona and play drums with minimal techno producer Pantha Du Prince. Then the trip went to Canada, Mexico and Australia. There he met house producer Vinny Villbass, with whom he is releasing a record this year. Now Martin Langlie is in India as drummer for Motorpsycho. The ring is closed.

                    – It’s amazing, I think. Norway is a small country, he says, smiling broadly.

                    – I just wanted to play drums, and I still do, he says.

                    Applied to Trondheim after hearing Kenneth Kapstad
                    But what is his impression of Trondheim as a music scene? There is little point in asking about Trøndelag, because according to the Swede, Trøndelag stops at Værnes.

                    – When I went to folk high school at home in Sweden, I was introduced to music that made me go to the ground, and it was Monolitic, the band of Kenneth Kapstad and Stian Westerhus, says Järmyr, who would later succeed Kapstad as Motorpsycho’s drummer.

                    Then he just got in Shining and The Thing. Jazz and metal. He thought “what on earth are they doing up there?”, and applied to Trondheim and NTNU together with Oscar Grönberg, instead of Stockholm, which was the original plan. Both got in, and Järmyr eventually took a master’s degree in cymbals at the Trondheim Music Conservatory.

                    – Has it exceeded all expectations?

                    – I don’t know what I expected. I just wanted to play drums and I still do. I noticed that the genre boundaries were not so hard in Trondheim, that they floated, and that suited me very well.

                    In addition, Järmyr experienced that Trondheim is so small that the audience has time to run between three concerts in one evening.

                    – The best thing about Trondheim was Blæst, he says, and reminds us of the concert and nightclub that was on Solsiden. He was there “all the time”.

                    – The politicians push musicians out of Trondheim
                    – I understand that other musicians leave here – you have to have a job, after all. And then it is natural to look for bigger cities. Trondheim is primarily a “band city”, with fixed constellations and few individual artists.

                    – Are you familiar with Trondheim?

                    – I’ve been trying to move from here for ten years, but it doesn’t work. I don’t know whether it is I who am most happy in Trondheim, or whether it is Trondheim who is most happy in me. I have never stayed in one place for so long. But now I don’t know, that is.

                    Järmyr is also disappointed by the lack of rehearsal space in Trondheim, and mentions Nyhavna, where he rehearses with The Black Moon Circle. Nyhavna has been discussed in several rounds in Adresseavisen over the past year and a half. He fears that the building they practice in will be demolished

                    – The politicians push musicians out of Trondheim. If we want to see artists grow in Trondheim, they must have good places where the music can be experienced, but above all they must have places where the music can be created and practiced.

                    And he believes this must happen in a room where no one else sees or hears what is happening.

                    – You have to make damn music for a while, practice and bang your head against the wall, says Järmyr.

                    – An honor to play in Motorpsycho
                    The biggest thing that has happened to him was when he got to join the Italian Zu, which fuses avant garde metal and ambient, and which has “the world’s most brutal bass sound”, according to Järmyr.

                    – I had been a blood fan for ten years, and they have influenced me extremely much.

                    Suddenly the request came if he wanted to become a drummer, and he was not difficult to ask.

                    – It was also an honor to play in Motorpsycho. In 2017, when I got to play in both Zu and Motorspycho, I was in heaven, literally, he says.

                    Because he was hardly at home that year. He was mostly on a plane when he wasn’t playing.

                    Now he wants to find his comfort zone. It’s about the music, life – and finances. Järmyr has earned less than social welfare recipients for many years; until he joined Motorpsycho he had a taxable income of between 100,000 and 200,000 a year. He points to a Pearl Master Custom three-drum jazz kit standing next to him:

                    – The mother is struggling to afford the rent.

                    And, it also costs to turn on percussion, when you constantly break cymbals to pieces at between NOK 4,000 and 8,000.

                    – It’s expensive, and life becomes cramped.

                    – Musicians are also working people
                    He has been in this situation before. But now he’s older, and it’s scary, he thinks. The pandemic also took a toll on what little savings he had.

                    – If I’m going to continue to do what I can, I must be decently paid. We musicians are working people too. The consequence is that I will have to sell my instruments and then I can’t take a job when the call comes, says Järmyr.

                    In addition, he has wear and tear on his body after many years as a professional musician – he is going to the orthopedist with a work-related wear and tear on his foot this week.

                    – What am I supposed to contribute, if I don’t even have my body in order, he asks rhetorically and adds that he often works 16 hours a day.

                    – I love what I do, and I haven’t done anything else since I was two years old.

                    He adds that it is not just about throwing this profession overboard either.

                    – We’ll see where I end up. I’m going on tour with Black Moon Circle in Europe from March and after that I don’t know. And it’s absolutely fantastic. In a way, concludes Tomas Järmyr.

                    Here’s the link to the article in norwegian


                    in reply to: OT but not really: Spotify #40960

                      Any chance you guys can take your petty little bickerings elsewhere, so that the rest of us can enjoy this forum to be about Motorpsycho and their music, and not have to be forced into this little ego massaging feud of yours? Personally i find it rather uninteresting and annoying, and i feel a little resentment about you guys thinking so highly of yourselves that you are able to rationalize making this public forum into your own seemingly personal playground to host this bullshit pissing contest of yours! Please…just stop! 😑

                      in reply to: Tomas off? #40913


                        Motorpsycho går fra tre til to: – Kanskje den beste vi har hatt

                        I et Instagram-innlegg publisert søndag kveld annonserer Motorpsycho at de skiller lag med Tomas Järmyr etter seks år.

                        I 2022 slapp Motorpsycho «Ancient Astronauts». Nå blir tre til to.

                        Svensken tok over trommene etter at Kenneth Kapstad forlot bandet i 2017. I tillegg til sin fartstid i Motorpsycho har han spilt med blant annet Årabrot, Black Moon Circle og Yodok. Sammen med Motorpsycho har han seks utgivelser. Den ferskeste av dem «Ancient Astronauts», høstet gode anmeldelser da det ble sluppet i fjor

                        – Lykke til i fremtidige eskapader
                        Innlegget som er signert Bent Sæter og Hans Magnus Ryan, er et bilde av Järmyr. Under takker de trommeslager Tomas Järmyr for samarbeidet.

                        «Vi sier takk til TJ for seks års tjenestetid om bord på moderskipet, og ønsker han lykke til i fremtidige eskapader som alles favoritt frilans-trommis. Vi ønsker deg lykke til, Tomas – håper du finner mer mening, glede, kreativ tilfredsstillelse og lykke der ut enn det vi var i stand til å tilby.»

                        Forbereder seg til turne
                        Til Adresseavisen sier Bent Sæther at Järmyr «er kanskje den beste trommisen vi har hatt».


                        – Etter hvert viste det seg at vi både i metode, interesser, engasjement og ambisjoner ble for forskjellige til at vi kunne fortsette sammen. Vi ønsker ham lykke til videre og er sikre på at han kommer til å finne masse annet og mange andre som passer ham bedre

                        Hvem som eventuelt vil erstatte Järmyr er foreløpig ikke kjent.

                        – Vi er nå på vei til India på en to ukers turne og fortsetter med vårt, sier Sæther.

                        Tomas Järmyr ønsker foreløpig ikke å kommentere saken

                        in reply to: Union scene, Drammen 14.10.22 #40724

                          @kjesso: Could be. Wasn’t by the soundboard, but was wearing a dark blue hoodie. Then again i suspect i wasn’t the only one writing the setlist down. AMAZiNG show. Think it’s one of my top 3 shows so far (nr 18 im total). For a band to sound this good 33 years in is simply stunning 🤩🍾🤩

                          • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by GBD.
                          in reply to: Union scene, Drammen 14.10.22 #40711

                            Indeed a trio gig. Bent presented all 3 as Reine Fiske 🤣

                            in reply to: Motorpsycho live 2022 #40703


                              • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by GBD.
                              • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by GBD.
                              in reply to: Ancient Astronauts #40204
                                Aren't that last beautiful build-up in Chariot a reworked Gutan I Skogen?

                                It sure is. One of the interviews mentioned some material from the Begynnelser sessions.

                                Is it just me, or is the vocal line in The Ladder very similar to the vocal line from the last half of Psychotzar?

                                in reply to: Ancient Astronauts – reviews #40317
                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 584 total)

                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994