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  • in reply to: Intrepid Explorer silk-screen prints #37714

      Thanks, otherdemon! :cheers: I just remembered that Bob originally posted it on motorpsycho.no, so it’s probably somewhere in that news archive, too.

      in reply to: Intrepid Explorer silk-screen prints #37712
        NOK 2577,-

        I see what you did there! :STG:

        Fantastic stuff, Flu! I sure wish I wasn’t broke. Btw, I seem to rember it being possible to rewatch the animated short somewhere. Is it still out there?

        in reply to: The All Is One #37436

          I will, as always. Come to think of it: to me, just about every single and the majority of the albums MP ever released have been slightly disappointing at first listen since … hmm, Another Ugly EP? :lol:

          in reply to: The All Is One #37433

            The bassline is kind of similar, apart from that I don’t hear much of it.

            And now for my two cents: I know it’s just a single and I have no idea of what the album will be like. And yeah, the single is nice. BUT: I’m already waiting impatiently for whatever will follow the «GullvÃ¥g trilogy». This song is, to me, no surprise in any way, and sonically – if not thematically, lyricwise – could have easily been from any album of the trilogy. Which of course is part of what makes it a trilogy in the first place, along with the themes and the cover art (being no big fan of HÃ¥kon GullvÃ¥g doesn’t help me). The song is fine and I like the shifts and blabla, but … I don’t know, is it the production that bores me a bit? Or that Snah over the last years seems to be happy with playing guitar almost exclusively? I miss his occasional pling-plong on Rhodes, mandolin, fiddle and whatnot. Also, I definitely miss the unpredictability Geb brought to the table. Throwing in a banjo towards the end of Heartattack Mac? Sure, why not? You just made a bunch of oddballs on some instruments we can’t even spell? Cool, let’s work on this this one and this one a bit and use the rest for another 5-track EP.

            Oh well, I’m sure The All is One will be good and might even take me by surprise in some way or another, but the single sure didn’t. But that’s ok, now I’ll give Begynnelser a spin and (im)patiently wait for their next musical detour or shift of focus.

            in reply to: RIP Torsten Walker #37596

              Oh man, that’s sad news. :( Beside his co-work with Vegard & co on these pages he should also be remembered for maintaining the fabulous (now long defunct) mpfamily.net, keeping track of ongoings in the extended Motorpsycho family – side projects, associates and whatnot for a few years. Sorely missed, but those years of archival work are still available via the Wayback Machine. RIP, Torsten. :MPD:

              (Edit: I do of course remember that certain people from the good, ol’ community have carried on that «family torch» for quite a while in various forms, but they’re fortunately still with us. :wink: )

              in reply to: The All Is One #37394


                in reply to: The All Is One #37392

                  A strange loop, indeed.

                  in reply to: Death Defying Unicorn #37248

                    Haha! I guess it’s just one of those albums. Probably top 3 here.

                    in reply to: Death Defying Unicorn #37244

                      Ah, DDU in the Opera. Johnny Heartfield’s notes on the cheap stage props and «costumes» reminds me what a shame it was they didn’t take the Spinal Tap potential to the max by having a miniature model ship lowered onto the stage. That alone would have made the show worthy of a DVD release in my book.

                      in reply to: Tussler Society – She #37262

                        It is. The song was made famous by Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons, but I think someone else wrote it.

                        Edit: Apparently (quick google search) it’s written by Parsons and Chris Ethridge.

                        in reply to: Pestilence: Warning (demo) #37006


                          in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37157

                            Consider me waiting in line, then.

                            My two cents about this release: it's a bootleg. In all forms. Cheap, limited, rough production, only a part of the whole show, etc.

                            To me this is part of the appeal, even though it’s sort of a bootleg pastiche. We wants it. :wink:

                            in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37154

                              I’m cool with that. In my opinion you’ve already proven you’re not being an asshole, so my second (and last) piece of advice is simple: Do what thou wilt. Good luck!

                              in reply to: Cloudwalkers Live LP Freak Valley Festival 2014 #37152

                                You can’t. So my suggestion would be a trade with the first and best just to get it over with. That would be me, I guess :wink:

                                You’re welcome to drop me an e-mail at antikristoffer(a)gmail.com

                                in reply to: Drums – Barracuda #37187

                                  The one with Geb going nuts on the guitar and Bent behind the giant marching bass drum? Please post it, I’m giggling just thinking about it. Priceless!

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                                …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994