TheOne FormerlyKnownAsDaniel

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  • in reply to: Snah on tour with Bol #18762

    Gonna be in Munich, Unterfahrt is not far from me. Gonna tell you how it was!

    in reply to: 50 Jahre Sportschau #18786

    The sound editor seems to be a rock fan…. There's some Sonic Youth and Smashing Pumpkins in there too. :)

    in reply to: Spring tour 2011? #18467

    "Why have I never been to this gorgeous country before?"

    Then it hit me, "Oh…I guess because Motorpsycho never played here…"


    in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12777

    The new Helmet may need more listens, the last two songs do more to me too.

    But it can't stand away from the fact that it's hard for me to like the way how Page sings sometimes in some songs. It's just like he would've put a pot of honey into his throat before recording. Really weird. Not that I don't like the melodic singing itself, it's just the voice that sounds so not Helmet fitting to me.

    And on the other hand it's just standard drums there. Someone who's hitting them hard but it has no character to it. For me that was part of the Helmet sound. Drummers in bands like Deftones, Limp Bizkit, RATM, Korn etc have a leading role and that's what I'm missing here as well.

    And yeah, that may be me but I hate it when people show off themselves even if they'd rule the world. It's an unlikable behaviour especially when you're "just" the lead singer of a damn rock n'roll band.

    in reply to: (OT) Roger Waters: The Wall Live #18679

    I think I'll take the VIP Dinner package… ;)

    in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12773

    I haven't seen the "new" Helmet live yet, but the last album and the two songs you posted here I pretty much don't like. To me it's just unsinspired. It sounds like "I want to sing less agressive and with more melody to it above the known Helmet riffing." And it just sounds like this. There's no power or might behind the riffs and the melody is on the edge or sometimes even falls into being corny.

    Don't get me wrong, I was and still am a huge Helmet fan, that's why I'm arguing here.

    And I'm the least retro romantic. There's alot of bands that are still on and still sound good, like Sonic Youth, the Melvins or even Rolling Stones if you want. And I really love Phanerothyme…. ;)

    But I'm sorry to say that the new Helmet stuff is just kinda weak and for me has not much soul. Probably that's also why I so much love their old drummer John Stanier who is now in Battles. He just added so much to the style and the sound of the band. Without him the riffs would have been much more loose.

    I read an interview with him where he said that after Helmet there was a long time he had no band because he didn't find anything that really inspired and interested him. Then Battles came… That speaks for playing music because of the sake of playing music.

    I also watched an interview with Chris Cornell where he swaggered about how pround he was to be in Soundgarden and that they were one of the best bands at that time and influenced so many other bands. Maybe people become like that when they get old but they really can keep these statements to themselves…

    Nothing against Page Hamilton. He probably does his music with love and for the sake of playing music but it sounds just weird to me.

    in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12770

    New Helmet never as good as the old stuff… What the f*** is Page doing there?! That's almost as worse as what Soundgarden / RATM did with Audioslave. Sorry…

    in reply to: Gear talk part III (or IV?) #16255


    Pimped Fender Toronado with String Through Body Construction

    Soon get: Warmoth custom made Fender Jazzmaster, gonna look like this:

    Jazzmaster (the one in Lake Placid Blue)

    Amp: Orange AD30

    Cab: Marshall 1960BX


    Crybaby WahWah

    Ibanez TubeScreamer

    Boss DD7 Delay with Foot Controller for Tap Tempo

    Boss PH 2 Phaser

    EH Big Muff

    Ibanez DE-7 Delay

    Danelelectro DD1 Fab Tone Distortion

    Wants: Fender Hot Rod Deville 4×10 to switch A/B with the Orange :)

    in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12751

    @ Un.Chien.d.Espace: Have not seen HalloGallo2010 yet, but there's some clips on the net and it sounds pretty interesting!

    in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12750

    Earl Greyhound:

    new album

    old album

    Current band of former Helmet-drummer "Battles" (insane drumming and guitar fx & looping):

    new album, 1st song, studio version

    their most "poppy" song live

    in reply to: is there any more music out there? #12740

    I must say that even dancing at a club with good house music can create a psychedelic atmosphere. Music can be different but the feeling it creates can often be similar.

    This is one hard rocking hip hop song as well:

    Public Enemy – Harder Thank You Think

    Ok, a quick off topic comment here too concerning MP3 players:

    I don’t have one and for listening with little ear plugs saving music as MP3s on them would be just ok for me qualitywise.

    But probably I’d check if you could save music in an uncompressed format on the player, so I have perfect quality whereever I take it or connect it to of course with the disadvantage to have less space then.

    Yep, you can’t blame anyone to listen to mainstream music.

    In Heidelberg I had a friend with me who’s always been listening to music but not in such an extreme way as I and probably the most MP concert goers do. He listens to different styles of music, always had a favour for house music but you’d probably consider him as a mainstream guy.

    But man, he liked what MP did! I always told him he gotta see them live and here was the chance. He won’t become a hardcore fan but he liked the concert.

    So I think it’s cool when people give things a try even though it’s not 100% their cup of tea. On the other hand I go with him dancing our asses off the whole night to some groovy house music, and I really like it! :)

    I don’t have anything against ipods either, I just read there’s better sounding devices that are even cheaper and you don’t have to use itunes… ;) So I’d rather choose one of that and be less cool… kidding! ;)

    I also think that if MP would have a more business orientated focus they could be better known but that never seemed to be their goal. This way they can keep their freedom to do whatever they want to do and that’s pretty cool. Keep themselves fresh and exciting, not getting bored of their own music and instruments.

    On the other hand they have to buy their bread and milk everyday so I wouldn’t mind if they got a little more famous, that wouldn’t be a bad thing.

    Underestimated? That’s hard to tell as a fan but they DO make music that’s not always compatible with the mass. They have their niche and that’s good like that. I remember showing it to people (no underground hippie-psychedlic-freaks :) ) and it was hard to tell but I think alot of people just need that sort of pale, sober, straight production with a save singer up front. MP is some kind of freaky thing. You have to occupy yourself with music maybe to understand what it’s all about.

    in reply to: Leizpig, Conne Island 07-06-2010 #17548
    misplaced whistling and egotrip yealling a la “smart comment shouted out loud so that everyone can hear how cool I am, and maybe that sexy lady behind me will walk me home and fuck my brains out. Oh, look at her breasts. I think I’ll just add a “UUUUAAAHHAHAHAAAUI” to seal the deal, right here in the most quiet part of Gullible, so that she can hear me, and everyone else too – that is the hole point, don’t you get it? – and it might be my last chance.

    Will I spoil the moment for everyone else? I haven’t even concidered it. I am drunk, horny and happy, so I am allowed to be selfish, egocentric and asocial”.


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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994