Seattle Psychonaut

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  • in reply to: I am new here #17952

    I would be happy to set up a send to anyone looking. If you have a specific show I would be happy to send it along. I’ve just come out of a rather bad year-and-a-half but I’m up and about again. I owe some people for their kindness and care and passing on the sounds is one way to payback. Again, if I owe you plaese let me know so I can make good.


    Jeff C. (Seattle Psychonaut)

    np: TM 0 (AWESOME)

    in reply to: The Psychonauts MOTORPYCHO ALBUMCUP 2010 #18109

    Oooh, one more. In the Fishtank vs MP Presents… would you rather hear MP do Jazz or Americana. (Love ’em both)

    in reply to: The Psychonauts MOTORPYCHO ALBUMCUP 2010 #18108

    See, here I’m toast. I thinkthey’re all valid. But I gotta put Roadwork up there with AADAP Heavy Metal Fruit. It was the first MP that really got me and still gets lots of spin. Truth is, this-or-that elimination rounds just don’t pan out even. (We go through this every year with “The Final Four” College Baskeball playoffs. It’s just a mess.)But fun nonetheless. I think there are comporables. Demon Box vs TM / LTEC vs Phanareoethyme / LLM vs Heavt Metal / Trust Us vs AADAP. But the random generation is pretty interesting. (sorry for my atrocious typing)

    in reply to: Timothy’s Moster 4CD-Box (2010 Re-Release) #17893

    Just got the box today! What a treasure trove this is. see, stuck here on the other coast, I know absolutlely nothing about MP’s history. I have everything they’ve relesed and the bits I picked up from Wiki and “Motorfix” But finally; “…copious liner notes”. My realationship with TM has been my discovery of the band. The more Timothy’s Monster I got, the bigger MP became a part of my listening. I first heard the US version and listened to it for a long gtime. Imagine my joy when I first heard Giftland from the Norwegian version. Still one of my favorites. Then I picked up a vinyl box set when I went to Europe in 2008 to see them live. Now the box. Gotta tell you, I love the original. Wierd without the Wheel, but TM 0 is amazing. Innersfree was a revalation with it’s awesome Crimson middle section. Mostly I guess it was the removal of the Hardcore that changed the direction. MP’s diversity it what makes them so amazing to me and they have no more diverse release than Timothy’s Monster. And now, it’s even more so!

    My deepest gratitude to MP. This is what makes music all worth-while. Thank you.

    Jeff C. (Seattle Psychonaut)

    in reply to: Live shows and good friends #18091

    I have friends in Austria who were into them. They sent Barracuda (which I love) and Trust Us (I like alot of the songs but it didn’t grab me. Then they sent me Roadworks and I fell in love. I love live music and that disc was like discovering buried treasure. Imagine my joy as I discovered Timothy’s Monster, AADAP and other, new to me, records. I came on board just in time for the release of Phanaerothyme, one of my all time favorite records. And then the cornucopia of amazing live recordings from the 2002 Sprind tour and Summer Festivals. I turned on a ton of friends here in Seattle. Got to see some of the LLM tour and tried to make it for this Spring. I am so bummed that I missed out. But they seem to want to play so maybe next spring. (Or even this fall?)

    in reply to: Øyafestivalen #16632

    Seattle Psychonaut stuck on the far side of the land beyond the pond. I have always had problems getting on Dime. Would anyone be up for an old fashioned Seed-and weed. Send me the Oya show on disc (Wave ,flac or SHN) and maybe another great show or 2 from the tour and I will copy and send on to othe non-Dimers. Also, anyone I owe recordings to please let me know. I am getting things in the post next week. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Very cool, thanks. We’ll see.

    in reply to: Moldejazz #17413

    Man, this sounds sooo good. And on top of MP and associates, Nils Peter Monlvaer. Very great. What a festival. I wi8sh I could spend my summers in Europe catching festivals. We have 2 great ones here (Folklife and the infamous Bumbershoot) and some killer smal but pro loevel Jazz Festivals (Bellevue Jazz, BC Canada) but nothing comparted to Europe. And for Rune to be tagged like that; AWESOME!

    in reply to: GRONINGEN @ Vera — 27.05.2010 #17207

    After the bulk of the tour I find myself very jealous. Those of you who saw them this your I think were very lucky. My favorite set lists since 2002. Hopw the vocals were good. I don’t see a single dissappointing set. They all have great songs, excellent vehicles for explorations and all show have many gems. But this set list really blows me away.


    ->Mountain (13 mins)

    ->Giftland (12)

    The Visitant

    Bomb-Proof Arnie H.

    ->The Alchemyst

    Un Chien d´Espace (27)

    ->Timothy’s Monster

    Whole Lotta Diana



    Like Always

    ->A Shrug & A Fistful


    ->Come On In

    Gullible’s Travails (21)

    Any show with Giftland is a treat. But add to that K9, Mountain and Gullibles Travails and it becomes a monster set. Then so many many great pieces. gotta hear this one. Thanks For making great sounds. Seattle Psychonut

    OK. So is this something I could watch? How would I catch it? Do I have to “subscribe” to a station or can I get access? Any help would begreat. I get to see them so little. (BTW, super thanks to the Brussells recordings.) Anyway, I assume most of you will be watching. So where would I tune in?


    (Seattle Psychonaut)

    Be Well!!!

    in reply to: New release before the Øya-gig! #17721

    This is SOOO cool!. Music nerds like me love this stuff. Especially with Motorpsycho. Their EP’s are often as good and better than some of the standard releases. This set should be great.

    And sorry, the Starless version I have is the same one as on the link.

    Finally, I would be happy to put together a Grateful Dead mix. I will get together with you on it.

    I’m out of the hospital, home and getting better. Rock on all. I’ll be in the forums more later.


    Seattle Psychonaut

    in reply to: Heavy Metal Fruit lyrics #16048

    Cygnus X-3 must be slightly farther than “Cygnus X-1” (“Invisible to telescopic eye, the star that would not die”)heh, heh

    in reply to: New release before the Øya-gig! #17711

    Hey folks. Wayward son, Seattle Psychonut, here. Stuck on the other side of the pond. Would have loved to have seen some of the recent shows. LOVE the lists! They must have been great shows. I am currently holed up in the hospital. Had some work done on my leg. I am a left leg below knee amputee ande had to have some “touch-ups” done. Prognosis is good.

    Gotta say. I love Starless. I am a huge fan of live recordings but my favorite Starless is the version on Red. Also one of my favorite studio recordings. Totally defined by Bill Bruford’s outstanding drum work. One More Red Nightmare is another great example from that. Sad news to relay, Bill Bruford has “oficialy retired” from active work.

    Would love to hear a great version from MP. I do have a live version of Starless. Don’t know date or location though I can dig it up when I get home. (Alex, Anders et al. MP Live Show Companion?)Anyway, MP is SOOOO good at covering tracks yet still owning them. One More Saturday Night. Heaven and Hell. And possibly the heaviest Motorpsycho track ever (and that’s saying something) Up Our Sleeves. Love Humble Pie.

    Some great covers for MP

    As Safe as Yesterday – Humble Pie

    it’s time to bite the bullet and just play it That’s it for the Other One – Grateful Dead.

    So many more.

    in reply to: Motorpsycho’s favourite album list! #11399

    Someone forgot “Head”-The Monkees (As We Go Along)there other bits that can be heard as well.

    in reply to: If You Have To Name Only ONE MP Song… #12657

    From the moment I heard it, coming across the I-90 bridge shrowded in fog, alone on a Seattle freeway at 2:00 in the morning, nothing surpasses GIFTLAND

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