Forum Replies Created
Hey, noone’s forcing you to listen to vinyl.
Best thing ever!
I hope there’s some serious fuzzy tractor bass action, mmmmm
Cool, but what is a Motorpsycho motto party?
Yeah, that’s why I started the song of the month threads; to get people discussing the lyrics. I’m interested in hearing what other people get out of the songs! I love it
I’ll keep the threads coming, and hopefully we can have more discussion
‘We’ = humanity.
Sorry, I may have made myself poorly understood. I’m not talking about developed countries. The rest of the world is suffering because of our wealth and abundance of resources. Why is the world in such a sad state? Because of rampant materialist culture, commercialism, the exploitation of third world countries, lack of respect and care for other people and nations.
We need a swift kick in the ass.
And whether that’s possible or not, realistically, is not what the song is about though, is it? Just my two cents
Oh, Slottsfjell! Idyll.
@mark: I get your point, sure.
And no, I don’t think we will live in harmony with each other any time soon. On the other hand, I don’t think any of the religions will help with this either, unfortunately. Because they all speak of peace, respect and tolerance, but too few of them practice this.
I don’t know what we need to do to get it right, either
I do have faith in humanity, but not in society. Society is on the road to nowhere.
“We’re trapped in the belly of this horrible machine. And the machine is bleeding to death.”
Back from a few days travelling here, haven’t had internet access. Good to see that the thread is going strong
Well, to comment on my last post, super and mark, I never meant that the Bible doesn’t contain any wisdom, nor that it tells us to burn down the woods, I merely meant to say that we should take the Bible as any other ancient text. Not put it on some pedestal.
And by the pantheistic religions being closer to nature, I wanted to say that I think we need to get back in touch with nature (not talking about mysticism and shamans), the environment is obviously suffering from our lack of respect for it. That’s all
I’ll have to read through the thread again later if I’m gonna contribute anything of value. Now I need some rest, sorry!
@supernaut: I’m not so sure about the bible being a tome of insight into the human soul. It’s a tome of insight into a jealous deity, and human suffering. There are a lot of debatable morals and ethics in there that I wouldn’t stand by.
I don’t think we should put such importance into a book written several centuries ago, and I absolutely don’t think we should use it as a guide to our modern society. It has changed so much since then.
But of course, the bible and christianitys impact on western society is immeasurable, and a great deal of our cultures (both good and bad) values stem from it. But I think, as science and reason has proven its merits time and time again, we should put the ancient religions behind us and focus on what is proveable and useful for us as a society, and as a species. Move on, so to speak.
If we -should- look to old beliefs I think we should look to the natural religions, the pantheistic ones, and get back in touch with nature and our planet. Restore the balance we once had. Stop abusing it and draining its resources. We will kill ourselves that way.
No, I think we need to unite as a people, put behind us the old superstitions and let free thought, science and reason help us help ourselves.
edit: I’m not looking to offend anyone, I have nothing against your beliefs or your values, I’m merely writing down my thoughts
Ok, so you don’t think we need something to guide us? Just, come what may?
edit: Sorry, I think I misunderstood. You’re saying that we should come together as a whole? Unite?
@mark: While I don’t put much faith in the Bible or other prophecies, it’s an interesting idea. No doubt we need something to guide us in the right direction!
Cool, seems like I might have to go myself. MP and TSOOL, can’t miss out on that!
So where is this festival? It doesn’t say.
@mark: True words. Society is on the totally wrong track. Success today is material goods, 15 minutes on TV. Not understanding, compassion, caring for others and being mindful of your environment. People just sit on their asses all week doing pointless jobs that exist only to keep this wasteful, shallow culture of mass spending afloat.
Suicide rates, depression, cancer, alcohol and hard drug abuse. Riding around in metal boxes, living in concrete boxes, food comes from paper boxes and plastic bags. No wonder you get down in the dumps.
Countless people dying everyday because some greedy, careless fucks are stealing their food and their water, giving them nothing in return. Creationism on the rise, religion fighting science and reason, telling fairy tales to lull people in. Don’t break out, conform, conform, conform. Cut your hair short and buy those Levi’s. Wear a shirt to work. Conformity is absolute if it were up to some.
We have a pretty wild communications network with both stationary and mobile devices capable of sharing information at low costs around the globe, and what do we use it for? Ring tones and pornography. Yeah. Go humanity.
It’s true, we do need someone to kick our asses into place.
‘The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.’ ~Isaac Asimov
We’ll kill ourselves with our technology.
Looks like I’ll be attending this one
Anyone else?