25.10.2023 Zürich CH – Rote Fabrik

Home Forums General 25.10.2023 Zürich CH – Rote Fabrik

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      • This topic was modified 8 months ago by ringo.
      • This topic was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by ringo.
      mirai no maboroshi


        Dank State
        Cold & Bored
        Chariot Of The Sun
        Bombproof Roll
        The Tower
        Mona Lisa/Azrael
        Year Zero
        Hogwash *
        Plan #1

        * Not on the setlist, where in its place there was 577.

        Approx 2h40m



          Thank you Francesco – this setlist is very good looking 👌


            this setlist makes me even more looking forward to joining the final shows tomorrow. WOW!


              Very intense this one. No shorts, just epics, sprawling jams. Very soft, very loud, very slow, very fast. Many WTF and those good ol’ goosebumps moments. One for the books. The Tower middle section was especially fantastic. Also I really liked the choice of songs for the opening section. And Ingvald… damn he’s good!!! It felt to me he’s already been in the band for years.

              Chariot was mindblowing. Jesus… And those dynamics overall, the looseness and tightness. When they flew, they flew, when they hit hard, they hit hard. While the Biel show a week ago felt more “round” and flowing, this one was more “extreme”, going all places with surprising moments scattered throughout the songs.

              Ah yes and Snah went all Keith Emerson on amphetamines on the mellotron in Hogwash. No need for guitars to burn down the stage.

              • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by supernaut.
              • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by supernaut.
              • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by supernaut.
              • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by supernaut.
              Punj Lizard

                Wow! Serious setlist. Love it!


                  A lot of real monsters in there! That’s even with Gullible rested. Lucky audience! I suppose that setlist would be less to the liking of those who preferred the selections when Olaf was behind the kit. Personally, I just like them to keep mixing it up. I can’t wait for what they create in terms of new material with Ingvald – at least, I hope that is going to happen; it looks as though it absolutely must!


                    Damn that looks like the most jam-heavy set of the tour so far. Except the acoustic set, nearly all 10min+ freakouts :yahoo:

                    Punj Lizard

                      @suntripper – the news (via an interview in Italy) is that they’ll be heading into the studio in November with Olaf and January with Ingvald. Add to that another trip to India in January, and I think it’s fair to say they’re not slowing down at all! Apparently, the drummer situation, as I understand it based on what Bent said in the interview, is that there is no permanent drummer – only hired guns. Sadly, I can’t find the interview now. Maybe someone else can post it.


                        The interview was posted on facebook by Radio Città Aperta.


                        Punj Lizard

                          @ThorEgil – thanks!


                            @ThorEgil: Thank you for providing the link.

                            @Punj: They have to be pragmatic I suppose, and just use drummers this way. Tomas was impoverished, and it seems that played a big part in his departure. Unless a drummer is an equal creative partner, he (or she!) might be better advised to be a gun for hire. It’s just a bit of a shame to think that there is no longer a permanent ‘band’, as such, and one wonders whether something will be lost if the third leg is not present at the daily shifts these hard-working boys (or should that be dads?) put in.

                            Also, with different drummers being used, might there be some loss of identity? Still, these guys have always known what they are doing, so I trust them, and I’m sure there is some great stuff to come. Maybe they have concluded that this is the only way.

                            I just can’t help wishing it could be Ingvald and only Ingvald, for all sorts of reasons. But if he wants to continue with Kanaan, maybe it all gets a bit tricky.

                            Mind you, Gabriel and Crimson managed to figure out a way of sharing Tony Levin, but then we’re talking about economics on a different level there – a massive tour each every few years, and even rarer albums!

                            I am probably being stupid, cloth-eared or both, but is that Olaf they are talking about at 7:51, “going into the studio in November with Reine and [?].” Does Olaf have another name? If it’s not Olaf, who is it?


                              “We’re going in the studio in November with Reine and Olaf”. Clearly Olaf. Then Bent adds that a later recording date with Ingvald is planned.


                                Ah, I can hear it now. Earlier, my ears were deceiving me.

                                The main thing is: new music is on its way! And I’ve got a good feeling about it!


                                  another possibility: their REAL new drummer was introduced this tour within Chariot Of The Sun, he/she’s all digital, and can be activated via mellotron and probably EVEN MORE pedals. In the future Bent will play it’s bassdrum and snare, while Snah, amidst playing guitar and keyboard at the same time will provide cymbals and toms, lol

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