12.10.2023 – NL, Tilburg, 013 (Next Stage)

Home Forums General 12.10.2023 – NL, Tilburg, 013 (Next Stage)

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  • #41998

      Real Again
      Can’t Find My Way Home
      Now It’s Time To Skate

      The Alchemyst
      Arne H
      At Empire‘s End
      Hotel Daedalus
      Lady May
      Inside Looking Out

      Rock Bottom

      • This topic was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Wulf.

        Wow, what a main set!


          Best main set of EU-tour yet?

          boomer former helm

            Wow, what an impressive setlist. Great that “At empires end” and “Cornucopia” are played again.


              Cool setlist ! I hope something similar this evening in Utrecht.


                Not so cool setlist imo… It was better in Norway.


                  A bit too much midtempo songs in the main set IMO, but the songs that where played were great tho! Lacuna/Sunrise especially with that crazy jam.


                    I wouldn’t have been 100% happy either with this setlist (but still 96% haha), so seriously hoping for a couple of heavy prog beasts in Kortrijk this Sunday (Gullible’s Travails, A Pacific Sonata, The Tower, Mountain, Starhammer, Chariot of the Sun, Psychotzar, Lacuna/Sunrise). Although one of my 3 friends joining would prefer more song-based stuff, so a mix of it all would probably fit us all well :)

                    I initially had a ticket for the Tilburg show, but sold it to user crosskip, hope you had a great time!

                    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by nicoot.

                      Edit: Inside Looking Out footage posted here looks like it was Dusseldorf – so relocated!

                      And that setlist gets my vote. Patterns, The Alchemyst, Lacuna/Sunrise, Lady May, Cornucopia, ASFE… What’s not to like?!

                      • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by suntripper.

                        I liked the funky lacuna a lot. It was also nice to watch them having much fun playing. the lacuna jam and in general the whole show. :-)


                          I initially had a ticket for the Tilburg show, but sold it to user crosskip, hope you had a great time!

                          Luckily you didn’t miss out on a Gullible’s Travails ; ) But the show was great, had a lot of fun with the last three songs as well!!


                            The jam in Lacuna/Sunrise really went into Grateful Dead/Dark Star territory, and I always felt Lady May has a GD vibe to it, too. Brilliant sequence and highlight of the show for me.

                            Such joy on stage yesterday, it was a pleasure to see them having so much fun. Ingvald killed it, spectacular drummer to watch.

                            The Other Anders

                              This tour is already one of the best documented tours of the last 20 years, and I have already listened to most of the concerts through Wulf’s recordings since he was so kind and dropped his raw files within hours after each concert he recorded. That made for a very special tour in almost realtime for me not being able to go to as many concerts as I would have loved to.

                              Now Francesco’s recordings are being torrented on Motortrades, as well as more recorders of Hamburg, Oldenburg and Düsseldorf, among others. Working my way through the Ingvald leg of the tour again, I arrived in Tilburg last night. This tour started out good, and is getting better every night, and now we also have high quality video thanks to Bernie, something that takes the experience to a whole other level. Yes indeed, how lucky can a fan be?

                              Bernie’s videos have superior sound to the audience recordings, so where possible I watch the videos, while adding the missing songs from the best audience recordings available. That way Tilburg became a combination of Bernie’s videos and Francesco’s recording from first row center:

                              Real Again (sound)
                              Patterns (sound)
                              Can’t Find My Way Home (sound)
                              Maypole (video)
                              Now It’s Time To Skate (video)

                              The Alchemyst (video)
                              Arne H (video)
                              At Empire‘s End (sound)
                              Sentinels (video)
                              Hotel Daedalus (video)
                              Lacuna/Sunrise (video)
                              Lady May (video)
                              Cornucopia (sound)
                              Psychotzar (video)
                              Inside Looking Out (video)

                              ASFE (video)
                              Rock Bottom (video)

                              Arne H this time has a mellow spaceout and continues into the tour debut of At Empire’s End from Kingdom Of Oblivion leaving no room for applause between the songs.

                              Singing has been shaky so far this night, but the setlist is killer! I have grown to love Sentinels. The LP version does not live up to the live version. Just like My Best Friend, this song could develop into a jamming gem during the next tour after the summer festivals.

                              Absolute highligt of the night to these ears yet again a jazzy and skronky Lacuna/Sunrise. It’s remarkable how many ways they can play this song.

                              All in all a very good setlist, with a fair amount of special moments. In terms of rarities it includes the only Cornucopia of the tour as well as one of only four At Empire’s Ends and one of six Can’t Find My Way Homes. Videos have excellent sound and vision, seems to be a three (four?) camera job. Francesco’s recording is better or at least as good as my own recordings of Trondheim/Malmö/Copenhagen, the vocals drowning out a little bit, like they tend to in first row, but sound otherwise well defined and never overpowered or compressed during the loudest parts. Which is fantastic since he recorded almost the whole tour!

                              Special mention to Bernie for his efforts! I can see that the cymbal right in front of Ingvald was a challenge to you as well as it was to most of us! Yet you, or the person with the handheld, managed to catch his face every now and then. I love the camera work, and that the editing isn’t too fast. You give the watcher the possibilty to actually watch and take in what is happening on stage. I love it. How big is your team? The overview cam, the handheld and one or two fixed?

                              Anyway, I am already in Utrecht writing this. See you there after the concert!


                                hey there. thanks for the kind words. Of course hand held camera from the crowd is always the best way to make you feel you are there in the moment. Unfortunately I dont have the nerve anymore to bother people and get out there (ive done it enough over the years). Sometimes my friend Sam comes along and has no problem doing it. So it’s definitely an bonus when i can get that extra crowd cam in there. But people dont always like having a camera block their view which i respect. one has to find a balance. From my point of view the videos can always be better but Im not alone in the room. And…I never have control over how to sound will turn out so its really hard to gauge when to go “all out” on the visual front because the sound might turn out crap. Remember these videos are not officially sanctioned (although appreciated by the band) Anyway Im repeating myself I think. Your viewing pleasure is my and Sam’s enjoyment. Keep it up x bernie


                                  Anders, many thanks for the review! Fantastic read and very valuable to seek out highlights in these recordings. The good documentation allows for a a very balanced assessment of the various shows, without the attendance bias that always happens when we review shows the day after the gig. Please keep them coming, I would love to reexpereince this tour that way. Happy couch-touring :stg:

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