Tagged: Schlachthof 2010
- This topic has 35 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 10 months ago by
Red Mosquito.
November 16, 2009 at 00:10 #253
Who gave you love
Riding the tiger
Kill some day
Wishing well
In the family
Back to source
Upstairs downstairs
Bedroom eyes
Ocean in her eye
Suite: Little lucid moments ->
The Alchemyst (?)
Young man blues
Vortex surfer
From Thomas v.d. Reydt via SMS. Thanks!
November 16, 2009 at 00:23 #15232very nice set!!!
young man blues is another prove they are in 97-98 mood in these days
the sequence:
Kill some day
Wishing well
In the family
Back to source
in incredible…how nice!!
November 16, 2009 at 01:32 #15233Just back from Burgerweeshuis which is a small but very nice venue. Also, it’s in the town centre of Deventer, sorrounded by shops, houses & flats which seemed rather strange to me. But apparently the place is really well isolated so you don’t hear much outside.
They started with another song before Cornucopia:
Who gave you love (no idea if it’s a cover or maybe one first heavy metal fruit…?)
The setlist I got from the PA-guy is a little bit different from what they actually played. It reads as follows:
Who gave you love
-see above-
The Alchemyst (part of the “Suite:…” in Thomas’ setlist? Can’t remember…)
No evil (not played)
Mr. Victim (not played)
All in all, a mind-blowing show! I guess the best I’ve seen this tour. The only thing that pissed me off was the incredibly chatty audience, at least in the back.
The guys were absolutely on fire, though, and didn’t even seem to be bothered by the talking. Wishing well and BTS were absolutely fantastic, and so were the encores. Bit of a shame they omitted Mr.Victim, would have loved to hear that one. But YMB and Manmower were bloody awesome! The guys had so much fun playing the blues, it was a pleasure just to watch them. VS was a killer, too! I’d thought I’d heard that one often enough (so I was really happy they played TGC earlier this tour), but man! That was one hell of a way to finish this concert! The second bang was the most massive and energetic outburst I’ve ever witnessed! It’s still in my ears…
Can’t wait for their return next spring now. And they’re gonna play Schlachthof/HB again, so get your tickets! :MPD:
November 16, 2009 at 01:33 #15234Just got back from Deventer. What an amazing gig! The sound from the beginning was great, bearing in mind that I was right in front of the stage and could hear the sound directly from the source.
They started the show (before Cornucopia) with a song I had not heard before, maybe a new song, maybe a cover (anybody?) The three from COTF blasted past. The versions of Wishing Well and Manmower were shattering, great jam in LLM. They changed the setlist a lot; they were supposed to play Mr. Victim and No Evil, amongst others. And Diana wasn’t planned at all, before ending with a massive VS.
The mood in the venue was great, amongst the fans and the band; smiles all around. Some fans brought a huge, professionally made banner with “Motorpsycho thanks for 20 years” written on it, which Bent gleefully took with him after the end.
In all those years of seeing them I have grown a bit weary of saying “Best gig ever”, but this one is easily in my top three. Thank you Motorpsycho, thank you thank you thank you!
November 16, 2009 at 07:40 #15235First of all, the concert was great, yes!
I did remember the first song from Dusseldorf last year ….
Groove song with a nice guitar riff and cowbell.
Re: 2008-10-12: Duesseldorf – Zakk
October 13, 2008 09:09AM IP/Host: 80.156.11.—
Who gave you lovin (?)
November 16, 2009 at 08:41 #15236Thomas, that’s why I keep going every time I have the chance – every gig feels like it has to be the best ever!
Two more days for me now, and I thoroughly expect it to be better than Bielefeld, which was one of the best EVER!
November 16, 2009 at 09:51 #15237Updated the setlist – is it now correct?
November 16, 2009 at 09:58 #15238Nee, they played Diana before Vortex
November 16, 2009 at 10:33 #15239Who gave you love
Riding the tiger
Kill some day
Wishing well
In the family
Back to source
Upstairs downstairs
Bedroom eyes
Ocean in her eye
Suite: Little lucid moments
The Alchemyst (on setlist, not played)
No evil (on setlist, not played)
Mr. Victim (on setlist, not played)
Young Man Blues
Whole Lotta Diana (not on setlist, added during second break after group discussion)
Vortex surfer
This should be correct. Maybe they quoted from Alchemyst (though I didn’t recogise it) but they didn’t play the whole song. I think they stretched LLM a lot, which left them pressed for time. In Young Man Blues Kenneth started the second break too soon, Bent shook his head at him, but it was too late and they modified the song accordingly. Snah accidentaly kicked over his wah and Bent nearly lost his footing whilst playing the Roland PK-5 with two feet at the same time. The whole crew – and even Kenneth for two songs – wearing the new “Bent is loud” T-shirts. Great, funny moments.
I love this band. Does it show?
November 16, 2009 at 11:51 #15240Indeed great gig! Wishing Well, first time seeing ’em playing it live. Vocals… well wished them to have been better, but hey, Bent’s frustration of that one came out through In The Family and Back to Source. Back on track from that, the rest of the show was a mammoth crushing every ice-plate.
Any recording made during this show?
PS: I want that ‘BentIsLoud’ shirt.
November 16, 2009 at 12:16 #15241Coolest and best gig of Motorpsycho I’ve seen in years!
November 16, 2009 at 12:18 #15242For me it was one of those shows that may look good on paper but in reality didn’t quite work–lots of energy, definitely, but missing a certain motormagic that makes the difference between a good show and a great show.
The show started out so promising, really a punchy, thundering ‘let’s rawk!’ vibe. But it’s interesting, what Ricky pointed out as an ‘incredible’ sequence (Kill some day/Wishing well/In the family/Back to source) derailed things for me.
The vox on KSD, WW and B2S were so bad! Not quirky Bent style bad, or signature/ charming bad, but just plain bad. In the Family, normally not exactly a standout song, was suddenly the star of this foursome; it sounded amazing, perhaps mainly by comparison?
While sometimes the tension and electricity is beautifully sustained throughout a gig, including during mellower songs (such as Brussels on this tour), in Deventer the duo of Up/Down & Bedroom Eyes brought things down to a confusing drag. The crowd was *way* too spirited to downshift accordingly. I was three-four rows away from the stage, between Snah & Kenneth, and the people around me were going mad, which wasn’t distracting during the loud and rocking songs, but during the quieter passages–forget about it. They took that opportunity to holler into each other’s faces, triumphantly stack their empty cups and raise them in the air, push off to the bar, reappear sloshing drinks everywhere, etc. Regaining momentum with Ocean seemed like a good plan, but it didn’t really work–loud parts muddy (huge problem during B2S) and vox once again very strained.
LLM was superfast and messy, in a good way, and it would have been brilliant to stick to the original setlist & come back with No Evil and Mr Victim because YMBlues was chaotic, and Manmower–YMB was a choice I could understand given the crowd’s spastic energy, but Manmower? No. The way it builds and swirls and fades out makes it feel weird as an encore after a rawk show, especially when paired with something like YMBlues.
Vortex sounded…dated. Very average rendition. Maybe it needs a bigger, aerier, venue, preferably with a big high ceiling, so it can really soar and flow; the hot & sweaty low-ceilined little Burgerweeshuis seemed to compress it. At least that’s how it felt to me. Plus, the highlights were absolutely the newer Kenneth-era material, and thus there was something kind of playbacky about it–we all know how it was a favorite send-off song years ago. That was then, this is now!
I would have loved to have had Diana as the final song last night. That was yet another fantastic, roaring rendition. Oh well, it was still a great time in Deventer, lovely town, brilliant b&b, yummy Cuban dinner, and of course the fabulous Burgerweeshuis, with its friendly staff, free coatcheck, and cool architecture.
Plus, it was really sweet when the fans unveiled their banner celebrating the 20th anniversary of a band that may not always successfully pull off their experiments and ambitions but at least they have them :MPD:
til next time,
November 16, 2009 at 12:23 #15243For me In the Family is one of the finest songs they haver ever done, upstairs/downstairs on the other hand is one boring piece of music.
November 16, 2009 at 12:57 #15244Just a short note: Love the town of Deventer, like the club a lot, audience was a bit rough but the sound middlish in front of the mixer pretty good. The set was like a “wishlist come true” for me after stepping off the tour in Bielefeld already; got more than expected and I literally fell apart during Vortex: due to serious grief me and a friend (both of us from Hannover) experienced complete katharsis. helll!! a personal thingh…
though the setlists and soloing seemed more “fluent” in the earlier shows, I felt from the beginning that they were bringing up some very fine chosen set last night, first cover-tune and then the heartpiece of COTF – “this is motorpsycho and we’re already taking the tour to a new direction”. Man, the final of YMB, Kenneth playing Keith – greeeeeeeeeaaaat! technically some mistakes but it didn’t matter since this was kind of “homeplay” – great idea from the (german) guys to create that banner: are you here?!
Would have loved to get the “Bent is Loud”-shirt, but after the show it was gone (apperently there were only 15 made for the crew + only *1* for sale – stoopid me that I didn’t check that before!)
Now back to work… and mp-live on the road in 2010.
Wish you guys (Anders) a nice smoothe final in Copenhagen tonight
November 16, 2009 at 20:16 #15245I thought it was a fantastic gig. Last time I saw them was last year in Tivoli, Utrecht, and the sound in that venue sucks so much that it spoiled the gig for me. This was the first time I could actually hear how much of a virtuoso Kapstad is. This was probably the tightest show I’ve ever seen of them, they were all in absolute top form. It couldn’t go wrong to begin with, one of my favourite bands playing just around the corner from where I live, having a 20 year oeuvre to select my favourite songs from, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I even met Bent in my local supermarket before the gig started, that was pretty bizarre.
I made a lot of pics, put them online here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13760265@N07/
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