Live Club – Trezzo d'Adda, Milano (I) 28-5-2019

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    Start announced at 21.00

    The band came on stage at 20.59

    I enjoyed every second. Some old hard-core-fans friends of mine had some critics. One of them even called it the worst MP concert he saw (and he saw a lot in the last 25 years!). As I said, I enjoyed it very much, even though there were no great surprises or particular highlights!

    The tower (13 min)

    Ship of fools (14 min) –>

    Feel (4 min)

    Lacuna / Sunrise (19 min) (very Darkstar-ish middle section)

    Psychotzar (9 min)

    The Other Fool (7 min)

    The Cuckoo (10 min)

    Lux Aeterna (11 min)

    Coventry Boy (4 min) (acoustic)

    The Crucible (22 min) (most people agree this being the highlight)

    Mountain (16 min)


    You Lied (6 min) (with a minute drum solo by Tomas) (Played instead of Hogwash which was reported on setlist)

    577 (14 min)

    Exactly 2h 30m

    Not the best sound for Live Club standard, but it's possibly due to my position.

    Long and hard debate between friends at the end of the show, I was the "defender" of the band. But everyone agrees about one thing: no one really likes Reine. Feels useless most of the times. Kristoffer Lo is very missed!

    Unfortunately I can't go to Bologna tomorrow, or Genova saturday. I got a family to care about!

    I just discovered that, in Genova, they'll play in a theater! Probably in Avellino too… should be very interesting!




        Reine being useless??? :o

        Oh, the blasphemy!!!

        Anyway, thanks for the report. I was at said venue in 2014. No brilliant sound/atmosphere either, but a great set and show back then.

        The Other Anders

          I think the reason people think they don't like Reine or think they don't hear him is that they have no clue what he is playing. He plays lead in at least half of the songs, freeing Snah up for experimenting and playing rhythm. Then they switch, and Reine often plays fairly far out and creative while Snah takes the lead. This also changes the dynamics for Bent, who in many songs on this tour plays actual bass where he otherwise would have played barytone guitar or just guitar.

          It's a pity people continue to complain about Reine. I agree Kristoffer Lo was great, but Reine is contributing no less than Lo did, and the band is so in sync when Reine is on board the ship.

          Check out videos for evidence. Start with Dream Home, Heartattack Mac, Mountain and The Crucible to catch some Reine magic! Then continue with Ãœberpilgrim, August, and 577!


            Hi, after years of read-only creeping, I’ve finally registered. Not sure why here and why now, but here goes my first post.

            I can’t say much about the overall sound, as I was standing almost at the front/center, but what I can say is that, from time to time, Bent stepped on some supercompressing, all-swallowing fuzz pedal that completely blotted out the rest of the band, Tomas included. It sure sounded glorious to be fair, but it was probably a bit too frequent for my taste.

            Reine is amazing and will always be a welcome 4th member in my books, for those reasons The Other Anders mentioned.

            The set was full of highs but there were also some lows (by MP standards of course, boy are we spoiled!). The second part of Ship Of Fools was very slow. I wasn’t the biggest fan of this song when I first heard it on The Tower, but after seeing it a few times live and hearing it on RW5, it totally won me over as a set highlight, especially the break parts with Taurus in the second half. Last nights version felt tired.

            I didn’t really like the jam in Lacuna/Sunrise either: it felt like aimless noodling for the most part. It had little to do with the incredible, fat out crescendo on RW5 or the other times I saw it on The Tower tour. But that’s the beauty of improvisation: sometimes it’s magic, other times not so much. I’m not the biggest fan of The Crucible material but I really enjoyed Lux Aeterna (those choruses are massive live in concert!) and the noisy part of the title track.

            The Tower was a hell of a bold start! I was hoping for a Hell pt7 digression, but not this time unfortunately. I was also hoping for Hogwash, which I’ve never seen live somehow… so it stings a bit to learn that it was replaced by You Lied.

            Mountain ruled. Reine’s lead work really shines here! Oh and on 577 too.

            On The Other Fool Bent sang: “Let’s get some weed and chill out to PFM”

            I didn’t see the NO! Mag boxes at the merch stand, but I didn’t ask for them either as I was in a hurry.


            Anders, I'm quite a veteran, and also a musician, I can clearly detect what Reine does. I was in front of him by the way. My english is not so good to elaborate properly, so I probably exaggerated defining Reine "useless". His contribution is solid, but goes in a direction that is almost pointless to me, compared to the contribution from other people, Kristoffer, Storlokke or Baard, just to say.

            Consider that, in my opinion, the worst albums in the "after-Geb" era are Still Life and Behind the Sun, the two with Reine. There's probably a link :)


            Did they played "Hell, Part 7: Victim of Rock" in the middle section of The Tower?


            No, there haven't been any "merge" of songs. No Gong, no Hell, no War Pigs or LA Woman :)


              Been there. Actually I really liked the show, the band was in very good shape and Thomas was really on fire, great dinamic playng, great taste. Even if I am a big Kenneth fan I think he fits the band perfectly. The only song I didn't like is "The Cuckoo"…but that is just my taste!

              I had the chance to meet a very nice member of this forum too: mirai no maboroshi, a hardcore Psychonaut that really deserves to be called like that. See you in Genova!

              I was in front row and audio wasn't THAT bad, but not so good either.

              But I must say that:

              1-unfortunately some random guys arriving later pushed me from my spot (in front of a small crowd PA speaker cabinet on the front of the stage) so vocals were hardto hear in a few parts.

              2-since I'm losing my hearing at quite a young age I wore earplugs, so opinions might be different.

              A few friends from some rows behind said that drums (drims!) were hard to hear at the beginning of the concert, others had nothing to complain about the sound…as usual, the right spot is the key!

              I strongly defend Reine by the way, his playing is brilliant and well blended with Snah's one.

              Funny fact: at the beginning of the Crucible Bent said "I have the feeling we're not in Kansas anymore…we must be over the rainbow!", A quote from The Wizard of Oz and opening line of all Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow concerts.

              Not so funny fact: the guy that pushed me away from the PA is the same one that ruined the end ofVortex Surfer the last time they played here, pushing his stinky armpit against my face and shouting a loud, out of tune and out of sync "ABOUT THE PAAAAAAIN!" in my ear.


              [/quote]Anders, I'm quite a veteran, and also a musician, I can clearly detect what Reine does. I was in front of him by the way. My english is not so good to elaborate properly, so I probably exaggerated defining Reine "useless". His contribution is solid, but goes in a direction that is almost pointless to me, compared to the contribution from other people, Kristoffer, Storlokke or Baard, just to say.

              Consider that, in my opinion, the worst albums in the "after-Geb" era are Still Life and Behind the Sun, the two with Reine. There's probably a link


              Thx, BronYAur for making the point so well! Agreed on all counts.


                I've attended the show with Marco and met Teo and the legenday Øystein Winsnes after the show (one of the best things of the night). I enjoied the concert even if a little too much on the heavy-prog-jamming side for my taste (I prefer the 90's noise era).

                I was particularly impressed by The Crucible, the noisy part in the middle of the song was the absolute highlight for me.

                We discussed a lot about Reine's contribution to the band. Marco summerized it perfectly.

                It is not our intent to be offensive, often joking at the end of the concert there is a tendency to exaggerate opinions. I don't discuss the technical part, I am much more instinctive in the judgment and probably also weighs the way of being on Reine's stage, which often gives the impression of being there by chance and never "inside" the band and inside the concert. A negative example in this sense is the first part of the Lacuna-Sunrise jam where you could clearly see Snah completely in his own world and Bent who seemed to guide Reine step by step on the right tones. The resulting feeling is that of attending a test in the garage rather than a performance where everyone provides their contribution at 100%. From this point of view the attitude on the stage of Lo in the last tour was of a completely different level.

                All in all, considering the concerts in Milano in the last, to say, 10 years, In my opinion the two weakest have been this and the 2014 one (both with Reine).

                The best one was probably the 2016 at Magnolia club where they palyed as a trio pushing out this incredibile setlist with a great performance

                Big Black Dog (19') —>

                Un Chien d'Espace (22')

                Sleepwalking / Lacuna Sunrise (12')

                12' of "The Rock Hits": Forget it / On the Plate / Vanishing Point

                Feel (5')

                Blueberry Daydream (7')

                Running with Scissors –> I.M.S. –> Spin Spin Spin (25')

                Arne H. (18')

                WEARING YOUR SMELL


                Junior –>


                Here Be Monsters (22')

                …perhaps they do not have an absolute need for a fourth element



                  Oh well, I must say that the Magnolia concert was the most epic concert I've ever been to.

                  Still, it's interensting how opinions are different for everybody. Me and a few other friends really think that Reine is a super nice fourth member, while Lo (which is GREAT, don't get me wrong) didn't fit that nicely.

                  We really loved his horn (flicorn? Can't remember the exact name) playing and the drone-y keyboard things he did in Un Chien, we thought that his guitar playing was ok, simple and effective to support Snah's, but didn't like his keyboard playing a lot, and felt his stage presence was a little "too much", compared to the rest of the band. Reine has a tasty guitar work, simple yet effective keyboard ideas and fits well even from a visual point of wiew.

                  Still, I want to clarify, Lo is amazing and the 2017 (or 2018?) tour was superb, thanks to him too


                  Wait, did they played War Pigs or LA Woman on The Crucible tour? If yes, where?

                  Punj Lizard

                    @doomdragon – They did not play either of those songs on this tour. I think you'll find BronYAur was just having a bit of fun.


                    @Punj Lizard – "@doomdragon – They did not play either of those songs on this tour. I think you'll find BronYAur was just having a bit of fun.":

                    No, I'm serious! They definitely teased both during Hogwash in Tivoli! Check

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                  …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994