- This topic has 42 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by kjellepelle.
October 13, 2015 at 10:05 #9127
MP will compose and play for the local Theatre:
October 13, 2015 at 16:57 #28406The families are over happy. The guys will stay at home to play 40 shows at the theatre
October 14, 2015 at 00:41 #28407great news
October 14, 2015 at 05:36 #28408October 14, 2015 at 09:34 #28409Is there any more info? Could someone give us non-Norwegian-speakers a short summary of what this is all about? Like, what's the context of this? What kind of music – if known – will it be? And so on …?
Thanks in advance.
October 14, 2015 at 09:54 #28410Apparently they've composed music for a play being written by Carl Frode Tiller. The more detailed article is behind a paywall I don't have access to, but the teaser say they'll play 38 performances and "we'll be living dangerously every night and be on our toes to get something new out of each performance". (if someone has access behind the paywall, please add more details!)
So now we need to figure out how to record each and every performance! I suggest a "Taper's Ticket" – access to all performances for a reasonable price!
October 14, 2015 at 10:29 #28411BTW: snah has created music for plays before, Ranja Røverdatter at Trøndelag Teater was great. The real news here is taht MP will play at every 40 shows, they promise to do some impro stuff each night.
October 14, 2015 at 10:32 #28412Quote:Motorpsycho «live» i 38 teaterforestillinger– Vi skal leve farlig hver eneste kveld og stÃ¥ pÃ¥ tÃ¥ hev for Ã¥ dra noe nytt ut i hver forestilling, sier Motorpsycho Hans Magnus «Snah» Ryan som legger opp til musikalsk improvisasjon ved Trøndelag Teater.
Forfatteren Carl Frode Tiller, teaterkompaniet «De Utvalgte», og rockegruppa Motorpsycho er nå så smått i gang med å utvikle en teaterforestilling som skal ha urpremiere ved Gamle Scene andre september neste år.
Motorpsycho skal både lage musikken, og selv stå på scenen for å fremføre musikken hver eneste kveld til forestillingen som de foreløpig kaller «Begynnelser».
Samarbeider tett
– For øyeblikket er det veldig vanskelig Ã¥ si hva dette blir, men vi har begynt Ã¥ «skyte» oss inn i materialet. Vi mÃ¥ inn i dramatikken Ã¥ lese og fordøye det, og sÃ¥ hoster vi opp saker og ting, og da skal man ikke sensurere. Da skal alt opp. Og sÃ¥ møtes vi med masse muligheter, sier Ryan som tror det er en klar sammenheng mellom hvordan de opplever dramatikken i det de leser, og det musikalske bidraget de kommer med. At det er en forbindelse der.
– Vi pÃ¥virkes jo av alt rundt oss, men nÃ¥ mÃ¥ vi isolere omverdenen og gÃ¥ inn i det universet Carl Frode lager for sÃ¥ Ã¥ komme opp med den lydverdenen som stÃ¥r til det. Det høres litt ko-ko ut dette, men det er faktisk sÃ¥nn jeg pleier Ã¥ gjøre det. Og her skal jo Motorpsycho fremføre musikken 38 ganger.
– Hvordan blir det, Ã¥ spille «live» pÃ¥ teateret hver kveld i to mÃ¥neder?
– Jeg har jobbet mye med teatermusikk, og da har det gjerne vært soundtrackbasert der vi jobber med musikken frem til premieren. Og da er det bare Ã¥ «ta pængan og spring». Dette blir noe helt annet, med helt andre forpliktelser. NÃ¥ skal vi leve farlig hver kveld, nærmest i en høyrisiko-setting for at dette skal bli godt og riktig Ã¥ gjøre, sier Ryan som har som mÃ¥l Ã¥ gjøre det sÃ¥ vanskelig som mulig for seg selv. Tanken er Ã¥ tyne Motorpsycho til Ã¥ lage musikk fra scenen basert pÃ¥ de forskjellige settingene hver kveld.
Litt nytt hver kveld
– Blir det som Ã¥ spille 38 forskjellige konserter?
– Musikken vil ha et felles fundament i dramatikken, men tanken er at det skal bli sÃ¥ levende som overhodet mulig. Det blir en voldsom utfordring og vi hÃ¥per det kan bli en fin match. Vi skal ikke reprodusere noe, men skape noe i hver eneste forestilling, sier Ryan.
Responderer på hverandres arbeid
– Det som gjør dette til et spennende prosjekt er at vi er tre ulike grupperinger som samarbeider. Og nÃ¥ har jeg begynt, forteller Tiller som allerede har skrevet mye prosa han nÃ¥ skal leveres til bÃ¥de Motorpsycho og teatergruppa.
– Til nÃ¥ har jeg vært mest opptatt av Ã¥ gÃ¥ dypt inn i den hovedkarakteren jeg skriver om for Ã¥ fÃ¥ innsikt i hans liv. Men hva vi velger Ã¥ spille av dette livet, det vet vi ikke ennÃ¥, sier Tiller som ogsÃ¥ tidligere har jobbet sammen med Hans Magnus «Snah» Ryan, der Ryan har komponert musikk til et teaterstykke han har skrevet.
– Det er jo spesielt artig at «Motorpsycho» skal spille teatermusikken live hver kveld. Og med den uforutsigbarheten og improvisasjonen de er kjent for, vil jo det selvsagt pÃ¥virke stykket. Det vil bli mye rom for improvisasjon og endring, noe som vil bidra til en dynamikk i forestillingene, sier Tiller som ogsÃ¥ kan avsløre at han er gammel Motorpsycho-fan.
– Ja, dette er musikk jeg liker veldig godt.
Gamle Scene ved Trøndelag Teater fyller 200 år neste år, og er nord-europas eldste teaterscene som har vært i kontinuerlig drift, i følge teatersjef Kristian Seltun som ønsker å markere dette med en rekke urpremierer.
– Vi starter med en jubileumsforestilling pÃ¥ Gamle Scene der vi setter opp «Armod og edelt sinn». Vi forsøker Ã¥ gjenskape et teater slik det sÃ¥ ut for 200 Ã¥r siden der bÃ¥de scenografien og spillemÃ¥te har en retrostil. Vi setter opp «Doppler» av Erlend Loe som fÃ¥r urpremiere pÃ¥ hovedscenen 30.januar. Og vÃ¥rmusikalen blir virkelig «vÃ¥r» der vi skal lage en visuell, fysisk forestilling basert pÃ¥ kjente musikalnummer.
For de minste stÃ¥r «Karlsson pÃ¥ taket» med Marianne Meløy i hovedrollen pÃ¥ programmet neste høst. Mot jul er det klart for trioen Mads Bones, Olve Løseth og Kyrre Havdals satire som har fÃ¥tt tittelen «Juleevangeliet – The Smash hit musical (alle snakker norsk).
– Vi skal kose oss med historiske rammer pÃ¥ en teatralsk, Monthy Pytonsk mÃ¥te, forteller Bones og røper at de skal trekke det langt, og tulle og fjase som aldri før.
October 14, 2015 at 10:34 #28413An the google translate version in english
Quote:Motor Psycho "live" in 38 theater– We must live dangerously every night and stand on your toes to pull something new out of each performance, says MP Hans Magnus "Snah» Ryan that adds up to musical improvisation at Trøndelag Teater.
Author Carl Frode Tiller, the theater company "The Chosen" and rock group Motorpsycho is now slowly started to develop a theater that will have world premiere at the Old Stage 2 September next year.
Motor Psycho will both make music, and even stand on stage to perform music every night of the show as they currently call "Beginnings".
Work closely
– At the moment it is very difficult to say what this is, but we have started to "shoot" us into the material. We need to go into drama to read and digest it, and then we cough up issues and things, and then one should not censor. Then everything up. And so we meet with lots of possibilities, says Ryan who believe there is a clear connection between how they experience the drama of what they read, and the musical contribution they come with. That there is a connection there.
– We influenced the of everything around us, but now we have to isolate the outside world and go into the universe Carl Frode stock and then to come up with the sound world that stands for it. It sounds a little ko-ko this out, but it's actually the way I usually do it. And here's supposed Motorpsycho perform music 38 times.
– How is it to play "live" at the theater every night for two months?
– I have worked extensively with theater music, and then it has usually been based soundtrack where we work with the music until the premiere. And then it's just "take pængan and spring." This is something completely different, with completely different obligations. Now we live dangerously every night, almost in a high-risk setting for this to be good and right thing to do, says Ryan that aims to make it as difficult as possible for themselves. The idea is to squeeze MP to make music from the stage based on the different settings each evening.
Some news every night
– Will it be like to play 38 different concerts?
– The music will have a common foundation in the drama, but the idea is that it should be as vivid as possible. It will be a great challenge and we hope it can be a nice match. We will not reproduce anything, but create something in every performance, says Ryan.
Responding to each other's work
– What makes this an exciting project is that we have three different groups working together. And now I have begun, says Tiller who have already written much prose he now be delivered to both the MP and the theater.
– Until now, I have been most keen to go deep into the main character I write about in order to gain insight into his life. But what we choose to play this life, we do not know yet, says Tiller who also previously worked together with Hans Magnus "Snah» Ryan, where Ryan has composed music for a play he has written.
– It is particularly amusing that "MP" shall play theater music live every night. And with the unpredictability and improvisation they are known, will the obviously affect the play. There will be a lot of room for improvisation and change, which will contribute to a dynamic in the performances, says Tiller that also may reveal that he is old Motorpsycho fan.
– Yes, this is music I like very much.
Anniversary year
Old Scene by Trøndelag Theatre fills 200 years next year, and is Northern Europe's oldest theater that has been in continuous operation, according to theater director Kristian Seltun wishing to mark this with a number of world premieres.
– We start with an anniversary show at the Old Stage where we set up "Poverty and noble-minded." We are trying to recreate a theater as it looked 200 years ago where both scenography and play manner has a retro style. We set up the "Doppler" by Erlend Loe who gets premiered on the main stage 30 th January. And vÃ¥rmusikalen is really "our" where we will create a visual, physical performance based on famous musical numbers.
For the smallest are "Karlsson on the Roof" with Marianne Meløy starring on the program next fall. Christmas, it is clear for the trio Mads Bones, Olve Løseth and Kyrre Havdal satire titled "Christmas Gospel – The Smash hit musical (everyone speaks Norwegian).
– We will enjoy ourselves with historical frames of a theatrical, Monthy Pythonic way, telling Bones and betrays them to pull the bell, and tulle and nonsense like never before.
October 14, 2015 at 10:46 #28414Actually, they say that the show, the music, and even the title of it all is yet to be written.
But yes, A 38 shows ticket package would be something
October 14, 2015 at 19:10 #28415This is exciting. It looks as if I have to travel to Trondheim next fall as well. What makes it doubly exciting is that Carl Frode Tiller is an excellent author.
October 14, 2015 at 19:29 #28416Thanks! Sounds very fascinating. Most certainly and sadly I won't be able to attend a play though.
Interesting to see, btw, that google's translator comes up with a fairly legible product these days.
August 17, 2016 at 19:14 #28417Tickets are available for the show in September – trondelag-teater.no
August 19, 2016 at 07:20 #28418Is it just the dynamic duo who´s playing? Anybody knows?
August 19, 2016 at 08:13 #28419yes, would be very interesting.
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