Short interview with Bent for

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    It's obvious for anyone here. There are folks here who try to communicate and there is the ideologically blinded side that cannot see individual perspectives anymore.

    I, for example, never told you my political view here in the forum. But you already know. Prejudice seems to be a strong part of your liberal attitude.

    Go on "discussing" with yourself.


      Did I refer to you somewhere?


        Ehm, Norman, instead of calling people cowards in here while you’re hiding behind your computer, you might want to send your insults towards Bent directly to him properly so he can answer? Or if that‘s too complicated, be even more of a man and tell him to his face in front of everyone on the next possible show.


          I was determined to not jump into this, since I don't have the time, energy, intellect or language to express what I feel and think. With that said, I probably won't return with further comments if someone replies or reflects on this – sorry!

          I just want to point out that while some people go on here as if Bent was the one making governments' decisions, I don't even see him saying there SHOULD be vaccination certificates or regulations like that. He only said it would be "reasonable", and that he "would not have any problem with such a regulation". To me, there's actually a difference.

          the conscience

            @ grindlove: please look at the date.

            Maybe you can understand better, when you read again an even older post in the thread „Romaniac‘s Monster“. Here Is a copy:


            In the USA, the world's largest event organizer (it is worth researching what kind of business this company earns money with, with whom it is still connected) offered a letter to the president to organize and set up vaccination centers To take care of. After all, clubs and halls are usually easily accessible to everyone and you could fall back on a staff who is already experienced in dealing with large crowds.

            Europe's largest ticket distributor, in turn, has for some time been adapting its software, which has been tried and tested a million or billions of times. First to use them to assign vaccination appointments, as is already happening in a German federal state and they were / are in discussion with other countries such as Italy and Switzerland.

            Said ticket distributor announced today that the prerequisites had been created on their portal to be able to read vaccination cards. This gives organizers the opportunity to provide proof of vaccination as an entry requirement if they so wish.

            But they don't have to. Organizers, artists and audiences still have a choice: they can go along with any damn shit, or they can rebel against it. You can have some barely tested broth injected into your arm, or you can boycott certain events in the future, or tickets linked to vaccination certificates, and go to the barricades now.

            POSTED 1 YEAR AGO #


              @ supernaut: Nice try. But it's obvious that my statements are not exclusively directed against one single guy.

              And while Bent might be an admired demigod for you and other boygroup-alike followers, be sure that I have no reservation to confront anyone with my beliefs (preferably those who don't want to hear it) at every opportunity that arises.

              the conscience

                @ Norman, I try to understand your opinion and your emotions as well as any other.

                But I want to know, are you still a psychonaut? Of cause you are right. Compared to the 60/70 nearly all rock-musicians in present pandemic time act like prostitutes from some kind of a view. (a (old) punk view, a rebel view…) You have good reasons to feel disappointed and raged. But does it help? Maybe we should not care how small or big the balls of the members of our favourite bands (plural) are.

                I hope, you are still able to enjoy the MUSIC of Mopsy. If not, what are you doing here? Maybe your opinion is important, too to understand all emotions in these days, but personally I prefer the ways of the ones who try to enlighten instead denouncing.

                And because of the left-right thing: You can put this in a garbage can. Who cares in 2022?! It‘s only about right or wrong. Or better said, good or bad.


                  First and again: What I'm writing here isn't aimed exclusively at Bent or MP, but just as much at opportunistic goody-goodies, striving to belong to the bubble (some of them, under cover of the pack, attack anyone who doesn't strictly follow the Gleichdenk.) And basically I don't chose acts according my socio-political attitudes. Which however doesn't prevent me from maintaining and proclaiming a critical position.

                  So, the question if I'm still a psychonaut ist odd. But to answer your question anyway: I have never been a hardcore devotee to any band. As a result I can't "feel disappointed and raged". Sorry to disappoint you.

                  The conformity behavior, the cowardly adaptation to the left zeitgeist of artists – and their fans as followers – is not a phenomenon of the "pandemic time"; as a bloc formation, it has accentuated already in the mid-1990s. Who dares to deviate from the pack today? Eric Clapton, Roger Daltrey, Johnny Rotten, King Buzzo – most of them are at the end of their career. Nick Cave has also been critical of the woke movement. We'll see how «The Guardian» and «NYT» will treat him in the future. Maybe these fanboys will adapt to him?

                  I prefer the ways of the ones who try to enlighten instead denouncing.

                  Go and say this first to those who wish to exclude from the discourse anyone with a dissenting stance! Yes, there are such here, we've had these issues. Yes, leftists are like that. As soon as they run out of arguments (usually this happens pretty soon), with the facts against them, the only method left to them is trying to cancel the other.

                  And because of the left-right thing: You can put this in a garbage can. Who cares in 2022?! It‘s only about right or wrong. Or better said, good or bad.

                  You are funny! Who to decide what gets labelled "right", "wrong", "good", "bad"? You? A panel of philosophers and intellectuals on their high chairs? With which mindset, which preferences, which backgrounds? So, please! Since 1791, everything comes down to the left-right scheme eventually:

                  – Left (socialistic-progressive): centralism, collectivism, equality. Everyone is responsible for everything – so no one is responsible for anything. With an almighty central state that controls, aligns and regulates everything

                  – Right (liberal-conservative): federalism, individualism. Liberty, personal responsibility. With a small but fit state, limited to its core tasks

                  Relativizations, e.g. the urge for the abolition of the biological gender, the political coordinate system or our political-democratic system are invented and promoted by those who strive to derive maximum benefit from the resulting chaos. Better look closely, as these are the most malicious, militant ideologists out there.

                  the conscience

                    @ Norman: And now? Are you left or right, if it‘s so easy? And is there a place in your head to understand music in stereo (spatial sound) or is it full with straight left-right politically stuff? And what about your heart? Is it able to love music? Are your feelings only between two poles? Maybe you hear less music than me. I hear stuff from nearly every direction, all styles, all times and all over the planet, all languages… I have no time to waste my life, with having principle discussions about politics. If there were no pandemic, no restrictions, no war, no great reset, no apocalypse to fear, I wouldn‘t talk a minute about stupid things like politics.

                    the conscience

                      @Norman „Go and say this first to those who wish to exclude from the discourse anyone with a dissenting stance! Yes, there are such here, we've had these issues. Yes, leftists are like that. As soon as they run out of arguments (usually this happens pretty soon), and the facts are against them, then the only method left to them is trying to cancel the other.“

                      I am not able to chat with you about all the topics you are interessed in. I am only a poor old psychonaut and would like to live in a better world

                      the conscience

                        The Great Resist

                        They will own no one

                        and we will be free!


                          @ the conscience: It seems you've calmed down a bit in the meantime. Thanks god. Because your last posts worried me a bit.

                          Basically, if you can't seem to stand my answers, then you should stop asking questions. But I think you're one of those people who isn't particularly interested in answers anyway.

                          the conscience


                            Sorry, but I don’t have an own Internet access and writing with a borrowed mobile is stressful…

                            I only wanted to explain, that my interrest is more in other things than politics. And when politics, then: if there is a Connection between restrictions, The Great Reset and war. In which world are we living now and in the Future?

                            the conscience

                              Comedian JP Sears about The Great Reset:



                                If what Yuval Noah Harari has to say, commencing 3:38, doesn't spell it out for people, I don't know what will. As I said before, we must take these people at their word.

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                              …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994