Still live with eggplant

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    On first listen, I definitely like the new album.

    'Ratcatcher', though, I'm really unsure on. It's interesting that they cover an Arthur Lee song on the album, because while I was listening to 'Ratcatcher' and that guitar duet, all I could think of was this burn Lee made on Brian MacLean during the Forever Changes sessions (you can hear it on the Tracking Highlights version of 'Your Mind And We Belong Together' on the re-release):

    "I don't understand your trip, man.

    You stay in one range of the guitar throughout the whole thing, man.

    'Cos you know, you the one who says you can blow in the studio, man.

    Nobody to bug you.

    You gotta blow, man."



    Have fun


      Yet another interview


        Hmm, I think my "relationship" with MP finally ended. This kind of music just means nothing to me any more. I mean, it's not as bad as the Unicorn (which would have been impossible anyway), but all the Kenneth era albums don't reach me in any way (set aside some songs). Maybe I'll go see a gig, just to hear the Blissard stuff, but I am not sure yet.

        Danced to "Like always" at a party last week. Still the perfect Indie-Pop-Rock-Song for me. I just miss the mix of short, catchy songs with brilliant melodies and the epicness of The Wheel and the like. Maybe it's just me turning 40 this week… :-)

        To sum it up in the words of the german band Tocotronic: "Ich mag dich einfach nicht mehr so!"


          Don't give up just yet! ;-) I was so disappointed by the unicorn tour, but so impressed with the last two shows, so there is still hope… :D


          Can some friendly mod please change the title of this thread to the correct spelling of Still Life With Eggplant?

          Thanks in advance.

          Now listening for the first time (finally received my album and cd, thanks postman), so it's a bit early to judge but I dig what I've heard so far. Indeed it sounds like a live-in-the-studio-thing, and I like this one far more than TDDU at first listen.


            I love it! Plain and simple! :MPD:

              Indeed it sounds like a live-in-the-studio-thing

              Especially on Ratcatcher! What a beast!


                i like the more detailed compositions a lot (barleycorn, august,afterglow). there is a lot to discover. hell i think is a rather conventional grooverock blueprint, but i expect it will work pretty good live. ratcatcher however is absolutely horrible. it's a mess on record, and i am afraid it will be a mess live. it's harmonically boring and it is just too much sound piled up. anyway, two guitars live and the fantastic setlists are some great prospects! :-)


                  Be: I dont get why this album made your decision to "end your relationship" to Motorpsycho. Listening to Barleycorn (Best song on the album) and Afterglow really takes me back to LTEC and Trust Us…

                  I agree with marc on "Hell" being a blueprint. I feel it misses something.

                  Ratcatcher I really havent started to like yet. But I believe its one of those songs that need a lot of time to grow on you. Like LLM, Gullibles Travails and TDDU as a whole.

                  I also dont understand why some people dont like TDDU. Its a masterpiece as a whole, and it REALLY takes time to love, but when you get there, its magic!!

                  For me, the Kenneth-era was the perfect way to go!

                  My musical taste grew from BH/BC through Blissard, Demon Box and AADAP and through all the other albums.

                  When I then started liking "weirder" music from other bands, Motorpsycho came with LLM, which was perfect at that time! Then Heavy Metal Fruit did the same thing, before TDDU took the whole thing to a new level!

                  Sorry for a bit of off-topicness!


                      From Klassekampen April 15th. Review done by well known journalist and White Lord Jesus vocalist Arvid Schanke-Knutsen



                      Hi Guys, really really nice to know you, it's always amazing find so many motorpsycho supporters!

                      Here an italian review of still life with eggplant


                      Amazing work!


                      In my opinion, the new album is fantastic! It seems like the band has progressed while also taking a look into the rear view mirror. The results are stunning. The general lay out of the album is in keeping with the form that was established with LLM and HMF. The total playing time is relatively short, and one of the tunes has a considerable running time. Melodically, some of the songs, at least in parts, seem to reflect back on those poppy 2000s. At the same time, the progressive caracteristics of the later releases are further elaborated. The end result is an album that is well-balanced, challenging and engaging.

                      I wonder…those poppy 2000s consisted of three reltively "commmercial" albums. LLM, HMF and SLWE seems like a trilogy of more progressive material. Will the next release be yet another change? The beginning of a new trilogy, if you like? After all, It's been mentioned that another 10 songs were recorded during the SLWE sessions.


                      I've heard this trilogy theory before, and I think it has some substance but there are albums which don't fit with the sequence, such as SLWE (surely this recent "prog trilogy" would be LLM, HMF and TDDU)…but where do COTF and BH/BC fit in?

                      Not to blow my own trumpet or anything but I wrote some words about the record for the shop I work for:—still-life

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                    …hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994