Inerview with Bent in Dagsavisen
One rehearsal and off we go.
And congrats to Snah with his newborn child!
Dear non-norwegian psychonauts, allow me to point out one interesting thing with this article. I'm not sure if its been brought up elsewhere already, nevertheless I'll mention it. When asked wheter they'll release a TDDU part two, Bent says this is more or less plausible; however, they are currently buisy with other plans, as they've already been in the studio (!) and recorded some "regular songs without any conceptual masterplan". New album anyone?
thanks for that information. sounds really promoising that a new album could appear in the near future. :STG:
Napoleon: Yeah, it was mentioned earlier in some other article that they were going into studio in October to lay down some tracks. My personal guess is that they've recorded some of the rocking new stuff they've played live lately, like On A Plate, Dog Parade and Whiskey & Rock N' Roll.
As far as TDDU Part 2: I really hope the material from the concerts in Nidarosdomen and Oslo Domkirke are part of that. They really deserve to to be released.
They talked about having a lot of material left from the TDDU-making, and that they planned to make a record of that, but without Ståle, Trondheimsolistene and Trondheim Jazzorkester. Not like a TDDU2, but more like using the material an adapt it to the trio MP.
Another article on the rehearsals from Adressa – paper edition.
And an interview with light wiz Pekka Stokke.
Spoiler alert! Contains some details on the visuals planned for the opera show.
Last minute update from Adressa
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