This is not about your top 5, top 10, top whatever. I am just curious if there is a specific song which randomly keeps popping up in your head – whether you like it or not. For me it is "Drug thing". I frequently catch myself humming the riffs, the melodies, ending up realizing it is said song…."ok, there it is again". A pleasant earworm of course. What about you?
It changes a lot but at this precise moment it's Plan #1
For me there isn't a day without "Saihaihail on, psychonaut, dream your dream for me..etc" Also "…hands held high, dive into the sky, I'm in fact getting closer to the target…etc". It seems that for me, blackholewhitecanvas, although I don't play it too often, has some typical earworm-hitsingle melodies that keep happily running around my brain!
Pills, powder and passion plays.
This bass riff – constantly
Elvin! It drives me nuts, what's that riff? Picked up my bass, played it but didn't get it.
In Our Tree spins a lot in my head.
@Elvin – Don't spoil the fun
haha, i wont – its very catchy, i can tell you that much
Ah got it! Played it way too slowly… :lol:
Into the Gyre, the section from the middle and the bass break. Also the two Proteus-es. And La Lethe: the chanting and sax (?) breakdown. Many of those TDDU themes never let go. Not my favorites (though up there), but a sonic deja vu nonetheless. And a deja vu in the way that I’m never sure what music it is, before I start rewinding it in my head.
Bass riff from Into The Mystic and guitar loop from The Alchemyst second part.
Actually Into The Mystic always reminds me of trips to Thailand. Made a video "amateur-style" back then with the song playing in the background:
password: th
very nice video!
speaking of TDDU, the long instrumental 7/4beats middle section of Through The Veil is also my contender. Just the groove by itself, ignoring the whole whoopla solos flying above it, gets me through some whole days.
It changes from time to time:
Flick of the wrist (the riff, not the lyrics)
In the Family
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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994