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I can help out til a certain point
And the same to you P. Its that elusive BGK 7" that's keep avoiding me still
I stand corrected mighty P :oops: …………………. :STG:
Still remember the big Big Muff hunt across europe tour :wink: .
Sorry but couldn't be bothered to scan the whole picture :oops:
In todays adressa there is a interview with Trond Frønes about hes new bands record that includes one Kenneth Kapstad. Its not on the net but I can see if I can scan it later
Mine came in the post a few days ago, so its read. Need to re-read it again as there was a couple of things that didnt sound right for my experienxce but then my memory is fading fast at the moment :twisted:
Irriterer meg litt at boka er lagt ut for salg i ordinær og luksus utgave mens vi som har betalt boka har ikke fått den enda
Heavy Metal Ryan or Hans Magnus Ryan…. take your pick :lol:
From the Stickfrau twitter account: "Aaaaaaand Trust Us vinyl is here – MUCH sooner than we expected!"
There were a article in todays Adressa but its not on the net yet
Regarding the singel version of Nerve Tattoo, the record company (Sony) wanted them to make a single edit of that song for the single, so they added a gong instead
This was up on Platekomapiets facebook page just now!! :MPD: