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  • in reply to: Child of the Future on NRK P2 #13551

    Nice one!


    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13436

    @basstraktor: Wtf? You are a real piece of work did you know that? Were you drunk last night? I’m not twisting your words around, just trying to make sense of this chaos of opinions, self-justification and contradictions you’ve got yourself tangled up in. Am I “strawmanning” again? I hope not!

    Let’s put your personal views on my intellectual poverty and “eating babies” (?) aside, and focus on the matter at hand. I’ve put across two very simple opinions that should be easy enough for you to grasp:

    1. I don’t think this forum should be used to share or encouage sharing/distribution of original MP music that can be bought. Trying to illustrate this I used you as an example, since you did this very thing. Little did I know that I thereby stumbled upon a rare breed that doesn’t even accept CD-Rs from friends. My luck I guess. But nontheless, I do understand that you thought only people who has bought the record reads this forum, and this is where we differ, because I think you’re wrong. And does it matter, does it affect the proliferation of COTF Mp3s by not advertising where to download them from on this forum? No I don’t think so. But can we say it’s a shitty thing as a matter of principle? I guess we can. Did you participate? Yes! I’m I “strawmanning”? Nope.

    2. The vinyl thing which is explained and discussed to death already.

    And by the way, MP the next Bach? WTF? No, I agree, thankfully they’re not, in any aspect. And do I think a band can be bigger than their compositions? Yes. And you obviously don’t, so we disagree. Fine. (Though I wouldn’t be so absolute in my beliefs as you are, what if things are more complicated than you’ve made them out to be..)

    And here all along I thought I was talking to you, not the “fan base as a whole”. Well, you don’t fool me, I still think it was you.

    Nuff said, let’s agree to disagree. Please don’t dissect this comment as well, I can’t stand it. I’m outta here! Phew!

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13426

    Jeez, thanks for taking the time.

    And sorry for stepping on your toes, they must be quiet sore by now if you are this touchy.

    If it “pains you” to know that this forum can be used for sharing free copies, why do you then post detailed descriptions of how to download it from Soulseek? You must be in alot of pain these days, by your own admission. And you’re right, I don’t know about other peoples situation. But I apparently know that you can afford to buy a dozen of their records to ship out to friends around the world (which is great, really), so assuming you can afford a record player isn’t such a stretch.

    You obviously feel that MP owes you something, having spent so much time and money on them, dramatically saying they have stabbed you in the back. I bet you haven’t liked reading all the interviews where they say that they do this (MP) first and foremost for themselves. Still I bet you like their stubborness and unexpected musical turns. Tricky one!

    Imagine the fans back in 90 91 when Lobitomizer and Soothe was first released on vinyl only. Vinyl was oldschool even back then and they didn’t even have Pirate Bay. Or imagine your poor friend back in the AADAP days who felt cheated because they released the album as three eps, and then the same eps compiled in a nice box straight afterwards, and then finally as a single longplayer! Ouch! They have never made it easy, and I’m glad, because alot of fun and nice products would not have been made had someone of your opinions run the show. The needs of the lowest common denominator isn’t what you should always try to cater to, it only creates blandness.

    So – if you haven’t caught my drift: No, I don’t think the band need to be “decent” to their fans by releasing this limited edition anniversary thingy (5000 copies?) on all formats. And no, them doing so doesn’t justify you posting details of how to get it for free on the internet, no matter how many copies you have bought yourself.

    I must arrest you once again though, it’s just so amusing how you say you’re against sharing, though you find it acceptable in just this instance, as it was shared by “caring fans”. Nice that you are the one to decide. Hell, do you think it’s only us 5-6 people writing here who reads this forum? Do you have any principles or are they all thrown over board “just this one time”? Thi-hi.

    And thanks for calling me smart, you make it so easy!

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13418

    Just because one of you justifies sharing the week old record on MPs own forum by being a “fanatical fan buying a dozen of their records” dosent mean everyone else do, get it? This forum is not a password protected secret blog. Funny if you buy so many of their records you are not able to invest in a usb vinylplayer, they cost next to nothing I’ve heard.

    Can’t one of you just email this kaoss guy his mp3s and get it over with, he seems to be cracking up. I don’t think there is any smugness in not wanting people to turn this forum into a free MP mp3 market, just common decency. Should MP blame themselves, is that your belief? Or whatever, I can’t be bothered to have this discussion. The record will find it’s way to the net anyway, which is okay I guess, just annoying that this forum is used to distribute.

    Strange how all the reviews I have read seem to catch the vinyl only thing, while so many fans seem to have missed the whole idea.

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13385

    @ Stooka: Ive downloaded my share of music untill I got Spotify. As for niche stuff not found on Spotify I try to purchase it, knowing that the money goes to the right hands as it’s all on DIY record-companies. I guess this was some sort of guideline before as well: Roughly put – stuff released on Warner Brothers/Sony – who cares, Rune Grammofon etc -why not buy. As mentioned, I just think people should not use MPs own forum for sharing their original work. Concerts on the other hand, lets bring them on!

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13384

    @ Rune: I agree, though I think this comes from practical reasons compared to ethical ones. As well as the fact that this record doesn’t appeal as much to the general iPod listening John Doe who liked Hyena, because they can’t be bothered with the vinyl. So I guess you’re right in some way. But give it some months and it will find it’s way around the net I’m sure. Though I think mp were well aware that this record would not sell a lot on account of it’s shape. But come the mp3s and it will be spread alot. The way forward for bands to fight downloading is not by only releasing 100 copies on vinyl. And I don’t think crimefighting was on MPs mind when releasing vinyl only, rather that it’s a cool thing. People shoudnt forget that Rune Grammofon recently started The Last Record Company as a sideline, releasing only on vinyl, with beautiful pamphlets accompanying each release. Also you should read Gerts long post over in the “post your vinyl comments here”-thread. Vinyl is the future, everyone predicts the death of the cd, so why not mark the occasion and buy your first recordplayer for MP instead of waiting two years?

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13370

    Regarding my first post, maybe I read through the previous posts a bit hastily, we all seem to be on the same page. But I don’t think this forum should be used for sharing any of MPs original records, no matter the format.

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13369

    @ TraktorBass: My thoughts exactly

    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13368
    in reply to: Child of the future – Mp3 #13366

    To all of you saying that this record should never be shared, can you explain the difference between sharing this and LLM?

    I don’t really see the problem of converting COTF for personal use, I guess even Bent copied his Kiss records to cassettes back in the day. Sharing it though I would say is principally out of order, esp on this website, as it also would be with AADAP or any other of their records. I doubt very much the concept of MP releasing this record only on vinyl believing that it will appeal to some moral code among their fans that we should “only listen to it on our record players” because that’s what they want. Come on. If things were that easy. I do like the idea though that all future mp3s of COTF has derived from a vinyl, hearing the cracks and the pick up. Quiet clever if you ask me.

    in reply to: Child of the future #13272
    in reply to: Child of the future #13271

    I concur, although it is interesting to read peoples comments regarding the record, we knew that it would be studio jams turned into songs, so no surprises there. What surprises me is the beautiful songs they managed to squeeze out through this allegedly spontaneous process. I agree that some of them will find their finished form live, so it should be a nice autumn coming our way.

    This beautiful record being an aniversary gift and all, I don’t see what there is to complain about. Vinyl is great! The artwork is astounding in my eyes. When was the last time you got a poster with your vinyl? TM? Exactly.

    I will not review the album, but so far my favourites are the whole of side A, and the last two on side B. Ozzylot especially stands out, with the vocals, harmonies, changes and all. Sweet lyrics (“hidden in a girl” LOL) and even sweeter melody – like Beautiful Sisters noisy little twin.

    Anyway, I recently read the Aftenbladet article concerning the “space opera” and I recalled having read something similar before (elephants memory), so a google search later I struck gold:

    It’s the last paragraph, and Bent was talking about what was to become Trust Us. I guess we have something to look forward to.

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