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  • in reply to: California EP #30723

    Ercarnar sez

    "Before the hate flood begins let me clear out that:

    1-I OWN THE EP

    2-I wouldn't share the files with anybody

    3-I don't have the required equipment to do this conversion by myself

    4-Yes, I do love taking my time to properly listen to vinyls, but unfortunately I work 10 hours a day and I'm far from my stereo for 12, the only time during the week to listen to some music is in my car.

    Please, be kind"

    1. Nope, you don't.

    2. Yes, you would.

    3. pass

    4. But of course. Why only 10? How about 16? 7,3 days a week. 5 weeks a month. 19 months a year.

    Whaddya mean I'm not kind? Just not your kind.

    P.S. I have the files on my pc, just like you have by this point because some old hippie felt sorry for you. Sounds really good too, don't they. Take care.

    in reply to: Poll: How many shows have you attended? #31385

    Hehe. Score! :D

    I'm sure there are at least 25 shows on your list that blows any of 'em away, The Other Anders. That in mind, the FFF one was really incredible.

    in reply to: Poll: How many shows have you attended? #31383

    Only 10 or so. Way too few.

    Then again, this includes Teknisk Museum, the For Folk Flest gig and Demon Box at Rockheim, so I'll probably not die from jealousy just yet. You hear me, you crazy guys with 100+ notches on the old bedpost!? 8)

    in reply to: California EP #30694

    Complaints, complaint, complaints…

    The guy that only downloads music do not like the format, so he shan't be buying this one either, other people think that æposhfvæiofvæuvb and 'poawhv'oieioehv'ohi'opbjæp'hiæobøp'ihæoøihvp'ouøihl

    Get a grip, fellas.

    in reply to: The Tower #30561

    @Rolf: not to mention that the riff found 1:20 into "A.S.F.E." is 'rather' similar to the opening one from in AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds" :D Not too bad for a song that sounds like the MC5 on MDMA.

    in reply to: 2017-09-16 Verkstedhallen, Trondheim, NO #30745

    @mikke: how could Snah on fire be considered a con? Unless there were actual flames or some kind of swindle involved, that is :lol:

    in reply to: The Tower #30511

    Holy mother of, well, Snah.

    This is just fucking great. Nothing more to say about it, really. The vitality of EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THIS ALBUM is staggering.

    Cannot even argue or write sarcastic bull, must instead listen more. So much more.


    in reply to: First song online: "A.S.F.E." #30651

    Hilarious to read the reactions of some people here. 'It is boring because it is too long but then it gets going and wow it is great after all'. Seriously, are you guys new to Motorpsycho or something? :lol:

    The songs is fucking fantastic even if the drumming isn't on a Kapstadian level and bodes more than well enuff for me to be really excited about the new album.

    On a side note: how truly sad it is be to be made queasy and bored by parts of the band's music instead of just going along for the ride like a true Psychonaut. They are explorers in sound, why are you guys so scared by this??? If the 'lame cockrock' or the endless blueswailing scares you/turns you off be sure there will be a 70+ minutes choral work or some free jazz coming right up to reward your hipster sensibilities. And vice versa. The problem is that you cannot and should not expect to have oe without the other. This isn't Bieber or Mtallica, goddamnit.

    Why not just go outside your comfort zones for a moment and stop analyzing the crap out of what goes into your earholes. Stop the bitching and just enjoy. This music is not tailormade to suit your tastes. But it sure is spectacular anyway.


    in reply to: Tromso 2017-07-21 #30399

    @pfnuesel: no, the 'reviewer' said that he just found out that the band should get a 'real' singer. And this is a guy that claimed to have seen our fearless heroes live around 40 times. What a jerk… Anyone that comes to a MP gig for the vocals must be dumber than a bag of hammers.

    in reply to: Eight sides mastered? New album. #30383

    I would agree with @supernaut on this one. Another tour only and then we'll sell the rest via the webshop after the gigs are done-deal. I quite liked the HBM-ep. In fact I bought both versions. Not because I collect everything they release but rather that the one I got from the merch booth had a rather nasty spilt seam.

    So I will (of course) buy this one as well and just as probably enjoy it.

    Anybody got any thoughts on the music? I suppose someone besides @anotherdemon went to the gig in Trondheim. He wrote that he was disappointed at the time being, but when it comes to MP those things can and will change. I remember being less than enthralled by the gig at the Teknisk Museum but really blow away by the event in Nidarosdommen. On records I find it is the other way around.

    Some specifics on what is going on at least musically in their pointy little heads would be nice.

    in reply to: Eight sides mastered? New album. #30380

    @mandonotbitedownsohardwhenicum: I see. You are indeed a very special little boy. Is this a trustable beard or is he of the mundane "boasting hipster drinks IPA while talking out of his ass" garden variety? :finger:

    Bcuz many claim to be in the know on ze interwebziez and even more of those guys turn out to be a bunch of liars. Secret group, eh. Do you guys collect Snah's beard droppings and discuss the unbearable lightness of being?

    Best regard,

    ur fren

    in reply to: Eight sides mastered? New album. #30378

    @manbitescat: funny nickname, dawg :roll: What is 'Runir'? Rune gone viking jazz?

    Typical nonsense from our boys, in other words. Special secret limited editions for the people fortunate enough to be close enough to a merch stand, eh. Hipster elitism BS of the lowest form. But how do you know this, pal? And don't they know that their fans want the songs free on Spotify by now anyway? After all they went thru the enormous sacrifice of actually paying to see the gig :lol:

    @otherdemon: sounds good to me. Except for the part about the new songs not being up to scratch of course. I find myself cautiously optimistic about this release but also more than a bit sceptical. The packaging of Begynnelser is very nice and looks very good on my self. But that is where it will stay.

    in reply to: Does somebody know…? #30316

    @mybestfriendintheworld: I am totally calm, 'dude'.

    On the other hand it is very rewarding for me to see that I got your personality pegged without even trying. You really are one of these wankers that want something/anything for free? Refreshing to see that kind of honesty.

    The 'music industry' does not exist anymore and anyway Motorpsycho was never a part of it in the traditional sense so that point is null and void. Sorry for bursting that bubble. And you just spew all these inanities to rationalize why it is ok for you to want a piece of art for free (or as close to free as possible). In fact you want the artist to pay you for listening to their music, doncha. What a simply wonderful attitude. Life is your playground and everybody on the planet owes you something, right?

    I'm glad we got that sorted then. You are not much of a fan but you are even less of a person. Now go away, you entitled little brat. The other hippies around these parts would never give you a straight answer because they are too nice and civil, me on the other hand have seen enough of your sort to last five lifetimes. So I'll spell it out in a way even someone of your limited capacities should be able to comprehend:

    My answer to you may not be short enough for your attention span, but the message should be: get bent (hah!).

    Best regards,

    the dog that bites

    in reply to: Does somebody know…? #30314

    OMFG. What is up with people these days? Greedy, needy and spoilt rotten.

    It is not bad enough that the band is on its last legs (probably) because of that Swedish percussionist, but now their so-called fans want them to give away the music for free. Wonder how many times I've heard that 'I am too broke to buy music and pay my bills' from people in expensive footwear drinking wildly overpriced and supposedly handcrafted beer and playing around with their latest iPhone-thingie. Parasites the lot of them.

    What the hell do you think will happen to music in general and our favorite bands in particular if everyone thought like your ilk, @mybestfriend69? But the thing with your sort is that you expect the rest of us to pick up the tab for your entertainment while you spend what you get from the government or from selling coke cut with dangerous amounts of MDMA on stuff you think will get you laid. Well, if it works you hopefully will get some sort of exotic disease.

    Please FOAD, my friend. Thank you in advance.

    in reply to: Begynnelser at Nationaltheatret #30128

    @otherdemon: I am Kathy's clown. Happy to make you laugh, son.

    @fnupesel: say what? Trolling? Being slightly racist/prejudiced againt pretentious lay-about Swedes not even remotely interested in joining or staying but still pretty soon in a position of likely spoiling one of the best bands still in excistence?

    Järnmyr is the Trump of this tale. HE is the troll. You guys think that he will make everything great again and drain the swamp. I think he will let that very inflated ego get the better of him in a very short time and that he will stand up our fair n fairly naïve heroes and leave them for dead in a ditch with daggers in their backs at the least opportune moment. Or he will build a wall making your tacos cost 25% more overnite (sensation). Or maybe just play percussive bullcrap for what seems like three eternities stacked a top of each other like a really big burger. Starting just about …now and going on 'till the Apocalypse finally is upon us.

    That would be August this year BTW.

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…hanging on to the trip you're on since 1994